On a barren island, a mother and son confront years of silence and misunderstandings in writer-director Hanna Slak’s formidable fourth feature film starring Maren Eggert, scored by Amélie Legrand, and shot by Claire Mathon.
A hot, dry summer, like so many in recent years. Forest fires are uncontrollable. Four young people meet in a holiday home on the Baltic Sea not far from Ahrenshoop. Slowly and imperceptibly they are enclosed by the walls of flame. A red sky arches over them. They doubt, they are afraid – not because of the fires, it is love that scares them.
Anna is 60 and her acting heyday is now behind her. She lives on her own but has a friend and confidant in her downstairs neighbour Michel, who is also single. Reluctantly, Anna accepts a job as a language coach for 17-year-old Adrian who has a speech impediment and is something of a misfit. She recognises him as the boy who recently snatched her handbag in the street.
Perhaps they should never have met, but fate wanted otherwise. Monika and Joseph. She is a curator, he is an immigrant from Congo, a businessman with an unclear past and present. They meet during a police raid at a bar, when the first of many sparks flies between them. An understated love story, a melodrama without pathos, a fragile story about the ambiguous nature of love and the impossibility of overcoming it through reason.
Using unpublished and newly digitalised archive footage and film material, Bettina Böhler has brilliantly assembled this film about the life and work of the exceptional artist Christoph Schlingensief, who died in 2010.
Using unpublished and newly digitalised archive footage and film material, Bettina Böhler has brilliantly assembled this film about the life and work of the exceptional artist Christoph Schlingensief, who died in 2010.
Using unpublished and newly digitalised archive footage and film material, Bettina Böhler has brilliantly assembled this film about the life and work of the exceptional artist Christoph Schlingensief, who died in 2010.
Undine trabalha em Berlim como historiadora e guia para o desenvolvimento da cidade. Mas sob a aparência de sua vida pacata esconde-se um velho mito: se o homem que Undine ama a trai, ela tem que matá-lo e voltar para a água de onde ela veio.
Sound Designer
Undine trabalha em Berlim como historiadora e guia para o desenvolvimento da cidade. Mas sob a aparência de sua vida pacata esconde-se um velho mito: se o homem que Undine ama a trai, ela tem que matá-lo e voltar para a água de onde ela veio.
Undine trabalha em Berlim como historiadora e guia para o desenvolvimento da cidade. Mas sob a aparência de sua vida pacata esconde-se um velho mito: se o homem que Undine ama a trai, ela tem que matá-lo e voltar para a água de onde ela veio.
Em 1998, Khatun Syuryuchi, de 16 anos, foi forçado a se casar com um primo e enviado para a Turquia. Um ano depois, a garota voltou a Berlim e pediu aos pais que a levassem de volta. Eles concordaram, mas, sob as rígidas leis muçulmanas, obrigavam a filha a não sair sozinha de casa, a ajudar a mãe e, como sempre, obedecer implicitamente ao pai e aos irmãos. Incapaz de suportar a pressão, ela fugiu para o centro de ajuda de jovens mães, começou a estudar como eletricista, foi a bailes e fez sexo por amor. Seis anos depois, o irmão mais novo disparou três balas na cabeça de Hatun, que ela havia deixado de cobrir com um lenço.
Ele é considerado o cineasta mais importante de todos os tempos. Em 2018, Ingmar Bergman teria completado 100 anos de idade. Nesta ocasião, a diretora alemã internacionalmente conhecida e respeitada Margarethe von Trotta aborda o trabalho e a pessoa de Ingmar Bergman, sob cuja herança cinematográfica se fala de uma nova geração de cineastas.
Ele é considerado o cineasta mais importante de todos os tempos. Em 2018, Ingmar Bergman teria completado 100 anos de idade. Nesta ocasião, a diretora alemã internacionalmente conhecida e respeitada Margarethe von Trotta aborda o trabalho e a pessoa de Ingmar Bergman, sob cuja herança cinematográfica se fala de uma nova geração de cineastas.
Georg tenta fugir da França após a invasão nazista e assume a identidade de um escritor falecido, cujos documentos ele possui. Preso em Marselha, Georg conhece Marie, uma jovem que está desesperada para encontrar esse autor, seu marido desaparecido.
Um grupo de trabalhadores alemães da construção civil começa uma obra difícil em um local remoto no interior da Bulgária. A terra estrangeira desperta seu senso de aventura, mas também seu próprio preconceito e desconfiança, devido à barreira da língua e às diferenças culturais.
Mifti is a teenager as beautiful as she is reckless. Mentally unstable, fed up with her dysfunctional family, oblivious to the youthful world, and aware of the sexual magnetism she gives off with her peculiar appearance, she wanders through the dark path of several bohemian adults with questionable lifestyles.
An anarchist young woman breaks the tacit contract with civilization and fearlessly decides on a life without hypocrisy or an obligatory safety net.
Based on explosive investigations, the thriller "Meister des Todes" ("Master of Death") tells of a German arms manufacturer and their questionable weapon exports to Mexiko.
Um homem encontra a foto de uma cantora de ópera americana e reconhece nela sua falecida esposa. Ele convence a filha a viajar para Nova York em busca da sósia e investigar essa estranha semelhança. Um filme de Margarethe von Trotta.
German family Schroeder is spending their Christmas holidays on the Thai island, Phuket. Of all the things, deep within the sleazy tourist bars and alleys of Patong, the youngest son Felix falls in love with a gorgeous Thai girl Fai who in return appears to mutually attracted to him.
Nelly Lenz é uma sobrevivente de um campo de concentração que ficou seriamente desfigurada. Lene Winter, que trabalha para uma agência judaica, leva-a para Berlim. Após a cirurgia de reconstrução, Nelly inicia a procura do seu marido Johnny. Quando finalmente o encontra, este não a reconhece. Ainda assim ele aborda-a com uma proposta: uma vez que ela se parece com a sua mulher, que ele acredita estar morta, pede-lhe que esta o ajude a reclamar a considerável fortuna que ela deixou. Nelly concorda, e torna-se a sua própria doppelgänger — ela precisa de saber se Johnny alguma vez a amou, ou se a traiu.
Lorenz Meran, a successful gay author suffering acute writers' block, has to leave Berlin and return to eastern Switzerland to provide care for his aged mother, Rosie. But it is not only his mother's battle against being dictated to and losing her dignity that he is struggling with. It's also his own midlife crisis.
Canadá, verão de 1898. Um grupo de colonos alemães viaja para o extremo norte, em vagões cobertos, com cavalos de carga e seus poucos pertences no reboque. Os sete viajantes partiram de Ashcroft, a estação ferroviária final. Junto com o seu líder, o extravagante empresário Wilhelm Laser, eles esperam encontrar sua fortuna nos garimpos recentemente descobertos de Dawson, mas não têm idéia das tensões e perigos que estão í frente em sua jornada de 2500 km. Antes da longa incerteza, o tempo frio e o cansaço começam a cobrar seu preço e os conflitos vão aumentando. A viagem leva estes homens e mulheres cada vez mais fundo, rumo a um deserto ameaçador.
A filósofa Hannah Arendt e o marido fogem de campo de concentração nazista e se refugiam na América. Anos mais tarde, ela é convidada para cobrir o julgamento de Adolf Eichmann e escreve reportagens sobre o envolvimento de alemães e judeus na guerra.
Verão de 1980. Barbara é uma pediatra que se viu transferida de Berlim para um hospital de uma cidade remota e isolada da Alemanha Oriental. A nova colocação surgiu depois de se ter candidatado a um visa para emigrar para o lado Ocidental do país. É lá que se encontra o seu namorado que prepara a fuga de Barbara enquanto a médica aguarda pacientemente pelo dia da sua libertação. O novo apartamento, os vizinhos, o Verão e o campo não significam nada para ela. No trabalho, Barbara é atenciosa, mas distante, seguindo as indicações do responsável do Hospital, André. Mas o médico confunde-a: deposita confiança nas suas capacidades profissionais, é carinhoso e o seu sorriso revelam um homem apaixonado. Ou será este médico um espia contratado para seguir os seus passos e revelá-los ao governo?
A biographical study of legendary actress Charlotte Rampling, told through her own conversations with artist friends and collaborators, including Peter Lindbergh, Paul Auster, and Juergen Teller. Intercut with footage from some of Rampling's most famous films, this "self-portrait through others" is a revealing look at one of our most iconic screen stars.
This intricate historical drama tells the story of actor Ferdinand Marian (Tobias Moretti), who is ordered by Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels to star in the 1940 anti-Semitic film Jew Suss. Despite his cooperation, Ferdinand's actions have unexpected costs. Ferdinand's Jewish wife, Anna (Martina Gedeck), is sent to a concentration camp, and as World War II intensifies, he rebels against the Nazis, leading to the destruction of his career.
A few weeks after palliative nurse Hans spends New year's eve completely with new acquaintance Simone, she finds herself pregnant, unplanned. At another surprise meeting, handsome Hannes surprises her by reacting to the news by offering her to move into his fine home. While Hannes devotes himself further to terminal hospital patients, Simone lazily renovates the house, but somehow gets jealous of the neighbors and compromises everything.
Thirteen German directors present short films exploring the state of their country.
About sweeping love, rock & roll and getting rid of all that stale air of the fifties. You've got the good guys - that's Lulu and Jimi - and the bad guys: Lulu's mother Gertrud, her secret lover Schultz, the chauffeur, and a wicked old shrink, Von Oppeln, crouching in his gloomy office like a spider waiting to pounce on his prey Lulu. Light and darkness, bright garish colours, hot rock & roll and wild dance numbers mark this road movie about lovers fleeing from the evil powers of a deeply bigoted society.
A drama about the relationship between a young black man and a rich German girl.
Depois de ser expulso do exército, Thomas volta para a sua terra natal, Jerichow. Logo depois, é contratado como motorista por Ali, um empresário turco-alemão dono de uma cadeia de snack-bar. Ao se apaixonar por Laura, a atraente esposa do patrão, nasce um clássico triângulo amoroso.
Yella decidiu deixar sua pequena cidade na Alemanha Oriental para começar uma nova vida no outro lado do rio Elba. Porém, ela é atormentada por estranhas vozes e sons: verdades do seu passado que voltam para assombrá-la.
On Christmas Eve, Francesca sets out for Rotterdam in order to find her little sister, who has run off with her musician boyfriend. On the way, she picks up Gerlinde, a heartbroken older woman at the end of her rope.
Adaptação da obra de Anton Tchekhov, 'A Gaivota'. Numa bela casa à beira do lago, uma família se entrega ao ócio. Porém, a paz e a confraternização não estão ali. Enquanto Konstantin escreve e Alex espera a morte e a atriz Irene lamenta e Agnes busca a verdade, paira no ar a solidão de cada um e a angústia, em contraponto à beleza do local.
O intenso drama de Angelina Maccarone trata do relacionamento obsessivo entre um confuso adolescente e uma mulher mais velha. Elsa Seifert, tem 49 anos, trabalha como agente de condicial e o relacionamento de longo tempo com seu companheiro está abalado desde que a filha do casal saiu de casa. Então ela conhece Jan, um jovem de 16 anos, que oferece se submeter sexualmente a ela. No começo Elsa sente-se chocada mas com o tempo passa a se atrair cada vez mais pelo jovem.
Um vilarejo no estado de Brandenburgo, nos arredores de Berlim, como cenário de um drama amoroso com a força de uma tragédia grega. O torneiro mecânico Markus, feliz no casamento e membro dos bombeiros voluntários, apaixona-se por uma garçonete durante uma viagem a trabalho e titubeia num trágico conflito de sentimentos. Melodrama grandioso, inserido em uma descrição documental de um ambiente social.
A young teenage single mother (Maggi) struggling to raise her baby daughter (Lucy) finds the weight of responsibility bearing down on her shoulders. Maggy was forced to grow up before her time. Thankfully for Maggi, her mother is always willing to help though Maggy still lives at home with her mother, it's obvious that she longs to gain some independendence. Meeting Gordon at a local club, who is a few years older, makes a living and has his own apartment. One night, after a heated argument with her mother, Maggi makes the decision to move in with Gordon. Though the pair subsequently make a sincere attempt to be good parents.and do what's best for Lucy, they soon find that taking on the responsibilities of adulthood aren't so easy when you've barely moved past childhood yourself.
Survival is not enough. Fariba Tabrizi has made it. Under peril of death she has fled from Iran. In Germany she has no alternative way of avoiding the threat of deportation other than to assume the identity of a deceased co-detainee. So what happens after a few month in which she has tried to come to terms with a situation which is actually an insufferable one for her? How does Fariba live not only in this external state of exile but also in an inner state of exile? The term "in orbit" is officially used by the UN to refer to asylum-seekers who find themselves orbiting around planet Earth because they can actually find legal domicile nowhere at all.
Nina, uma jovem orfã problemática, se apaixona por Toni, quando a conhece desamparada em um parque, e começam um relacionamento conturbado. Paralelamente, Francoise receba alta do hospital psiquiátrico, e ao se deparar com Nina, acredita que ela seja Marie, sua filha sequestrada aos três anos de idade.
Marseille describes an interlude in the life of young Berlin photographer Sophie. Wanting a change, Sophie does an apartment swap, so she can go photograph the city of Marseille, and most of all get away from Berlin.
Axel and Karla are an ill-matched couple in a borderline situation. The two meet in the hospital. Axel is keeping watch at his son′s bedside and Karla is waiting for some sign of life from her sister. None of the doctors can tell them whether the young couple will come out of their comas after their serious accident. As the weeks of uncertainty, fear and tedium pass by, a peculiar relationship develops between Axel and Karla, sustaining both of them.
When 12-year-old Elsi Björkman and her mother Paula return from a week's holiday abroad, Elsi immediately notices that someone has been in her room. She tells her mother about it, but she does not believe her. At the local supermarket Elsi meets Henry, who seems to spend his time returning shopping trolleys. Elsi does not know anything about the boy, who has an irritating habit of appearing from out of nowhere, only to disappear again, as if into thin air. Nevertheless, the children become friends.
German film.
Jost roams through the streets of Berlin. He opposes the world enraged, aggressively and furiously in a self-destructive way. He continuously provokes situations proving to himself that everybody hates him. He is convinced he does not need anybody and does not let anyone get close to him. Anna is walled in by her fear and unable to leave her apartment. She manages to keep this situation from all the others in a system of lies. Her reserves draw to a close. She heads for a catastrophe. One day, Jost shows up at her door.
Philipp Gerber é um vendedor de carros esperto mas abstraído. Num momento de desatenção ao volante, atropela um ciclista e foge. Como tem sentimentos de culpa, tenta descobrir mais sobre a vítima do acidente e fica a saber que o rapaz está gravemente ferido no hospital. Philipp quer dizer à mãe dele, Laura Reiser, a verdade, mas não o faz. Após umas férias descontraídas com a sua namorada Katja, ele tem conhecimento que o rapaz está morto. Laura oscila entre o pesar e o desejo de vingança. Uma noite, não aguenta mais e atira-se de uma ponte, mas Philip salva-a.
Ayesha is a widow with a secret past, living with her beloved son Saleem in a small town in Pakistan close to the Indian border. When the fires of Islamic nationalism invade their tranquil lives, Saleem and a few of the town's other young men are soon gripped by a religious fervour, and they attempt to bring radical Islamic law to their friends and neighbours. After a group of Sikh pilgrims arrive in town, tensions reach boiling point as Ayesha's haunted past comes rushing back.
Middle-aged lawyer Thomas meets Leyla at the pool. After their paths keep crossing, he asks her out on a date. Somewhat to his surprise she agrees. The next morning Thomas awakes to find Leyla and his laptop, which contains vital case files, missing.
Uma mulher enfrenta uma variedade de crises emocionais enquanto passa o verão interagindo de diferentes formas com amigos, familiares e amantes. Valerie é uma escritora de trinta e poucos anos que acabou de se mudar para Berlim, enquanto sua melhor amiga Sophie passará o verão em Roma.
Heidi M. is in her late forties and has a small store in the pulsating center of Berlin. She goes out in the evenings with her friend Jacqui, but when she is unexpectedly confronted with romantic love, old wounds are opened.
Um casal alemão com um passado criminoso vive em fuga em Portugal com a filha de 15 anos. Quando o seu dinheiro é roubado, eles devem voltar secretamente para o seu país de origem. Durante a viagem, o desenvolvimento adolescente da filha Jeanne coincide com a desintegração violenta da sua família.
Mimmi is a very lonely girl, not knowing what to do with her life. On the search for friends and boyfriends, she wanders around alone in different cities.
Beni, de quinze anos, se apaixona por Fögi, cantor de uma banda de rock. Enquanto Fögi o seduz, Beni está disposto a segui-lo onde quer que ele o leve. Mas Fögi é viciado em drogas e puxa Beni cada vez mais fundo para seu vício.
An eccentric homage to the Rainer Werner Fassbinder days of German filmmaking.
Tom is constantly running into problems and gets beaten up time and time again.
In this German political drama, an ex-Stasi agent encounters an old friend whom he may have betrayed after his friend tried to escape East Germany. The former East German agent is Otto Skrodt who after many years is about to be promoted in the highest government ranks. He is anxious to maintain a squeaky clean image. His daughter is Isabelle. The young and friendly Kalle returns after spending many years in jail for his escape attempts. He doesn't know exactly who blew the whistle, but his friend Skrodt is definitely under suspicion. Kalle returns to ostensibly renew the friendship and to see Isabelle whom he loves. The duplicitous friendship between the two men becomes the main focus of the story which features interesting plot twists at the end.
A rehabilitation center for physically handicapped children and youth is the focus of this docudrama. Long corridors, offbeat characters and passions.
Germany, right after the re-unification. The people are out of control, blind hatred towards immigrants is common sense. In this time, a social-worker, with the mission to bring a Polish family to their destination (an immigration camp in a little provincial town called Rassau), gets kidnapped just as the family. Chief inspector Koern and his girl-friend start to investigate in this matter in Rassau, exploring a world of obsessive sex, mislead lust and an over-whelming irrational love to the German nation, infiltrating anyone's mind. Rascism doesn't start with shaved hair and boots but rather in the middle of society itself...
OSTKREUZ tells the episodic story of 15-year-old Elfie, who literally and metaphorically inhabits a no-man’s-land between the two Germanies shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The film deploys a neorealist aesthetic to reinforce the difficulties confronting the girl, and by inference, Germany.
A man migrates from Poland over Germany into the US.
Formas e figuras alegóricas iniciam uma procissão triunfal como símbolo das vaidades humanas, até que, de repente, torna-se um desfile militar.
Julia and Romeo are two disenchanted lovers who want to break up but are unwilling to suffer the pain. After a nasty fight, Romeo storms off and unsuccessfully vents his frustration with a black prostitute. While visiting the ramshackle brothel, he sees a strange man, who may be a government official, handing over a huge wad of money. Later, he and Julia reunite and go to an upscale golden anniversary party. There a handsome American flirts with Julia. After yet another row, Romeo and Julia retire to the balcony for a love scene. Unfortunately, their making up is interrupted by a sudden power outage. When the lights go back on, Romeo finds the knifed corpse of the party's hostess at his feet. Naturally, he's accused of the crime, but before the other partygoers can get him, he and Julia flee into the Berlin summer night. Their strange series ensuing adventures comprise the rest of the film.
Seven Women, Seven Sins (1986) represents a quintessential moment in film history. The women filmmakers invited to direct for the seven sins were amongst the world's most renown: Helke Sander (Gluttony), Bette Gordon (Greed), Maxi Cohen (Anger), Chantal Akerman (Sloth), Valie Export (Lust), Laurence Gavron (Envy), and Ulrike Ottinger (Pride). Each filmmaker had the liberty of choosing a sin to interpret as they wished. The final film reflected this diversity, including traditional narrative fiction, experimental video, a musical, a radical documentary, and was delivered in multiple formats from 16, super 16, video and 35mm.
Assistant Editor
Dilettantishly cruel scenes from the "scene": A skinhead loves a dance girl and dreams of a petty-bourgeois future. When he is deprived of the wages of a robbery by his landlady, an impoverished princess, he kills her. His girlfriend sinks to being a prostitute and is also killed. It all ends in the prison cell with a dream vision of a white wedding in Berlin's Memorial Church. First film shot on Super-8 and blown up to 16mm by Tabea Blumenschein, who became known as a performer in underground films and as a costume designer.