Bernard Alane

Bernard Alane

Nascimento : 1948-12-25, Paris, France


Bernard Alane (born Bernard Noël Vetel 25 December 1948) is a French actor and singer, he is the son of actress Annick Alane. He is best known in France for his roles in two films directed by Edouard Molinaro, Hibernatus and Mon oncle Benjamin, but has achieved better fame as voice actor, practically in dubbing. He is the official French voice of Stanley Tucci and Ray Liotta.


Bernard Alane


Attention Menhir !
Panoramix (voice)
Julius Caesar plans on kidnapping Getafix but Asterix and Obelix save him. Whilst attempting to scatter the attackers, Obelix accidentally strikes Getafix with a menhir, the impact of which causes amnesia and forgets the recipe of the magic potion.
Asterix e o Segredo da Poção Mágica
Panoramix (voice)
Astérix e Obelix embarcam em uma jornada inédita. Dessa vez eles precisam ajudar o velho druída Getafix a encontrar um novo guardião para a poção mágica de Gália. Durante a viagem pela região, eles devem impedir que a receita mágica caia nas mãos erradas, dando início a uma inesperada aventura.
Dofus, Livre 1: Julith
Atcham (Voice)
No ano de 4001, em Bonta, majestosa cidade de paz, o jovem Joris Jurgen vive tranquilamente com seu pai adotivo, Querubin Crespin, um velho Ecaflip. Mas quando ele tenta se aproximar o seu maior ídolo, Khan Karkass, um grande jogador Gobbowl ocorre um evento mal: o ignóbil Julith, uma mulher com grandes poderes mágicos, está de volta e quer vingança por roubar o Dofus Ébano.
Le procès du procès de Jeanne d'Arc
Jean II Jouvenel des Ursins
Le Père Frimas
15 jours ailleurs
Professeur Leonetti
Pincée d'amour
Crabby (voice)
This short tells the story of one crab who became a jilted lover. Even among crustaceans, love stories can end badly.
Paris : Fin du monde
Le chef de la police
A Pequena Loja de Suicídios
Mishima Tuvache (voice)
Mishima e Lucrèce têm uma loja de artigos para suicídio. Quando nasce seu filho Alan, percebem com horror que ele é mais alegre que seus irmãos. Enquanto tentam transformá-lo em uma criança triste, Alan se esforça para fazer todos felizes.
The Sacha Guitry Affair
Me Delzons
On the morning of 23 August 1944 Sacha Guitry was arrested at his Paris appartment, as the French capital was being liberated. Accused of collaboration with the enemy, the author of successful plays ("My Father was Right," "Let's Make a Dream," "Quadrille") and director of the theatre of the Madeleine was to remain captive for sixty days. His detention took from from the depot, to the Vel' d'hiv', then Drancy, and finally Fresnes Prison.
Todos ao Oeste! Uma Aventura de Lucky Luke
Averell Dalton (voice)
Os Daltons fugiram para Nova York, onde seus saques acumulados estão escondidos nos carrinhos do grupo de imigrantes ingénuos e honestos de Monsieur Pierre, que ingenuamente compraram terras na Califórnia de Crook, que inseriram uma cláusula que eles devem reivindicar em 80 dias. Joe emocionalmente chantageie Luke para guiá-los até lá, esperando escapar no caminho. A rota habitual deve encurtada de 6 para 2 meses, portanto, nenhum perigo pode ser evitado. Dada a reputação de Lucky, Crook decide persuadi-los a adicionar sabotagem, só para ter certeza - ou é?
Since her parents passed away, Princess Mona lives by herself in a castle with two hideous, ghastly characters, Goomi and His Lordship. One day her sobs draw the attention of a unicorn, called U, who wants to comfort and protect Mona for as long as she needs. U becomes Mona's companion, her confidant and her inseparable friend. While Mona grows into a beautiful princess, a group of charming, peaceful and fanciful Yeah-Yeah’s settles in the neighboring forest. They have no particular special powers, yet they soon bring about major changes in everyone's lives, especially in Kulka, the dreamy musician.
Asterix e os Vikings
Assuracetourix (voice)
Os bravos guerreiros gauleses Asterix e Obelix recebem uma importante tarefa: transformar o jovem Calhambix, sobrinho do chefe Abracurcix, em um verdadeiro guerreiro. Mas, isto não será nada simples, pois além de medroso, ele só se interessa pelas modernidades urbanas. Para piorar, uma tropa Viking invade a Gália e seqüestra Calhambix. Atravessando as águas geladas do Ártico, Asterix, Obelix e o fiel cãozinho Idéiafix, enfrentarão inúmeros obstáculos para trazê-lo de volta. Mas, nem tudo é guerra entre gauleses e vikings. Entre uma aventura e outra há também espaço para um romance inesperado.
Espace détente
Le président
In the middle of the Veule, imaginary French province, the Geugène Electro Stim, a medium-sized company, which survives thanks to the manufacture and sale of the C14, an old but inexpensive electrical stimulation device.
So the Moon Rises
Struggling with AIDS, Aimée comes out of the hospital. Her friend Francine leads her to the Maison Bleue for her convalescence. But Aimee's state of health does not improve: she falls into mental confusion and must stay at the Blue House until her death.
In My Skin
Esther's life is panning out nicely. She will soon move in with her boyfriend Vincent and she seems set to get a permanent position at the public relations company where she freelances. All would be fine if Esther didn't accidentally discover a piercing curiosity about her own body.
Sobre Meus Lábios
Carla é uma mulher solitária que sofre com a falta de respeito dos colegas de trabalho. Numa sociedade dominada pelos homens, que tipo de esperança existe para uma deficiente auditiva de 35 anos? A solução é o ex-presidiário Paul, que passa a trabalhar com ela.
L'Aîné des Ferchaux
Le ministre
Ferchaux, a rich and powerful businessman, becomes the target of an investigating judge convinced of his involvement in a huge political and financial scandal. To obtain Ferchaux's confession, the judge throws his brother and partner in jail. Very attached to Gilles, whom he has always protected, Ferchaux fights to obtain his release. To get out, the businessman enlists the services of Mike Maudet, an ambitious and determined young man, who becomes his driver and then his private secretary.
The Kiss Under the Bell
The Father Superior
1962. Joseph, 13 years old, a choirboy and a true "light" of religion, set out to become Pope. Not less. Of Spanish origin, Angela and José, her parents, fled their country and misery to settle in a small village around Perpignan. Angela, sensual and beautiful to damn a saint, is an attentive and possessive mother. Joseph, this only son, she feels that she has received him as a gift from heaven. So she puts all her energy and maternal love overflowing to encourage the vocation of her son, unlike José who wishes for him a "normal" life, a life of man, simply.
L'échappée belle
An aviation magnate takes desperate measures to regain custody of his kids after he is granted minimal visitation rights by a harsh female judge. It's true that Manu Barnes is free-spirited and for much of his twelve year marriage to Mathilde that he has been too centered on his career, but he does love his kids and believes he should see them more often than one weekend a month. The judge called him irresponsible and he decides to disprove her words by kidnapping Chloe, the judge's strong-willed adolescent daughter. He takes the girl to a remote, snow-bound mountain cabin. Unfortunately, she thinks Manu is sexually attracted to her. A disaster nearly occurs there, but Chloe manages to get back to Paris. Though he knows a private detective is trailing him, the determined Manu decides to abduct his kids and take them out of the country.
Cherche famille désespérément
After the accidental death of his son on a racetrack, Edward Milan, a wealthy industrialist, asks his nephew to find his grandson, who has been living in an orphanage for eleven years and whose existence he has just learned. But the boy, named Martineau, is suspicious of the police since he has been unjustly accused of shoplifting. He runs away when the two uniforms in charge of taking him back to his grandfather's house appear. He manages to find lodging with an old lady, a kleptomaniac at times, then with a theater prop master who is persecuted by his fiancée and finally with a lonely veterinarian.
My Wife's Girlfriends
A man discovers the qualities of his wife's friends, whom he had always hated.
La Jalousie
Marcelin Lézignan
Le Soulier de Satin
Le vice-roi de Naples
During the century of the Spanish Gold, Doña Prouhèze, wife of a nobleman, deeply loves Don Rodrigo, who is forced to leave Spain and go to America. Meanwhile Prouhèze is sent to Africa to rule the city of Mogador. Ten years later Rodrigo leaves America and travels to Africa in search of Prouhèze to find out that she died and eventually meeting her daughter.
Georges Courteline au travail & Boubouroche
Le curieux - Potasse
Jacques Valois
L'Eté de nos quinze ans
It was during their childhood that François and Malène became friends. Years later, the two teenagers find themselves. Their parents, moved by their reunion, will help them not to spoil this new chance.
Violette Nozière
Paris, 1933. The daughter of a respectable lower middle class couple, Violette Nozière, leads a disreputable double life. Far from being the innocent 18-year-old her parents mistake her for, she spends her nights with dissolute young men in the less salubrious areas of the city.
La Passion de Camille et Lucile Desmoulins
Camille Desmoulins
Drácula, Pai e Filho
With angry villagers driving them away from their castle in Transylvania, Dracula and his son Ferdinand head abroad. Dracula ends up in London, England where he becomes a horror movie star exploiting his vampire status. His son, meanwhile, is ashamed of his roots and ends up a night watchman in Paris, France where he falls for a girl. Naturally, tensions arise when father and son are reunited and both take a liking to the same girl.
A filmed version of Molière's play.
French television adaptation of Moliere's play.
My Uncle Benjamin
Benjamin is in love with Manette, the innkeeper's beautiful daughter, but she has no intention of giving in to the young doctor until she sees the marriage contract, and marriage does not fit in with Benjamin's spirit of independence. For the same reason he resists the efforts of his sister Bettine to marry him off to Arabelle, the daughter of old Dr. Minxit. Benjamin does agree to go and meet the girl. But that evening his sister finds him at the inn together with Manette, who is arrested by her father. So she decides to go with Benjamin herself. But as result of an incident with the fat Marquis puts paid to the expedition. Benjamin is subjected by the Marquis to a humiliating practical joke. Benjamin is determined to got his revenge. He succeeds thanks to the gorgeous Vicomte Hector de Pont-Cassé, who also helps Manette with her problems against her father. But Benjamin is now arrested by the Marquis...
Paul Fournier
The frozen body of Paul Fournier is discovered in Greenland where he had disappeared during a scientific expedition in 1905. Perfectly conserved he is brought back to life in the 1960s. His descendants take care of him: to spare him the cultural shock they behave so to make believe it's 1905 and they are his cousins, uncle...