Barbara Albert

Barbara Albert

Nascimento : 1970-09-22, Vienna, Austria


Barbara Albert


Quo Vadis, Aida?
Aida é tradutora da ONU na pequena cidade de Srebrenica. Quando o exército sérvio assume o controle da cidade, sua família está entre os milhares de cidadãos que procuram abrigo no acampamento da ONU.
Cinema Austria, the first 112 Years
This historical and analytical documentary draws attention to the background of the roots of "New Austrian Cinema" and presents Austria as a film country to be taken seriously. The audience gets to see rare early works by well-known filmmakers as well as shots of landscapes that served as a source of inspiration and locations that have produced important Austrian films since the end of the 19th century.
Mademoiselle Paradis
Viena, 1777. Maria Theresia Paradis (Maria-Victoria Dragus) é uma jovem cega extremamente habilidosa no piano. Na esperança de conseguir curar sua cegueira, seus pais a levam até o dr. Mesmer (Devid Striesow), um médico que explora métodos alternativos. Após bastante dedicação, ele descobre que Maria na verdade tem gota e consegue fazer com que ela volte a enxergar. É quando a jovem precisa redescobrir o mundo, já que desde a infância apenas ouvia os sons do que estava ao redor de si.
Exploração cautelosa de uma longa relação de amor que termina na separação. Ao longo de 15 anos, enquanto o filho Max cresce, Andreas (Mike Hoffmann) e Martin (Mathis Reinhardt) têm seus altos e baixos na vida diária juntos. Filmado como um documentário, com uma equipe pequena e orçamento em locais reais, Ein Weg desenvolve com grande intensidade e flexibilidade - e através do processo de edição encontra sua forma especial de contar uma história ao longo do tempo.
Os Mortos E Os Vivos
The personal journey of young Sita is not only an expedition into her family's burdened past during World War 2. It is also a journey to the abyss of modern European society, a trip which takes her from Berlin to Romania via Vienna and Warsaw - about losing one's homeland and discovering oneself, about hope and responsibility.
Os Mortos E Os Vivos
The personal journey of young Sita is not only an expedition into her family's burdened past during World War 2. It is also a journey to the abyss of modern European society, a trip which takes her from Berlin to Romania via Vienna and Warsaw - about losing one's homeland and discovering oneself, about hope and responsibility.
Os Mortos E Os Vivos
The personal journey of young Sita is not only an expedition into her family's burdened past during World War 2. It is also a journey to the abyss of modern European society, a trip which takes her from Berlin to Romania via Vienna and Warsaw - about losing one's homeland and discovering oneself, about hope and responsibility.
Um Outro Caminho
Um jovem casal tenta superar obstáculos que ameaçam a sua relação. Quando Amar é demitido por beber no trabalho, aceita um emprego bem remunerado numa comunidade muçulmana fundamentalista afastada da cidade. Luna teme que o afastamento do marido interfira em seus planos de engravidar. Depois de ser proibida de se comunicar com Amar, ela é finalmente autorizada a visitá-lo na comunidade. Luna descobre um ambiente cheio de rituais – um mundo onde a vida diária de homens e mulheres é separada sob vigilância constante. Quando Amar volta pra casa semanas depois, ela nota que sua visão sobre religião mudou. Ela começa a questionar tudo em que antes acreditava, incluindo o desejo de ter um filho.
Reclaim Your Brain
Frustrated, because he is forced to produce bad TV-shows, a manager of a TV-station, enters the station and manipulates the ratings, to initiate a TV-revolution.
Forever Never Anywhere
Never at the sea.
Five former high school friends reunite for an evening of fun, remembrance and sadness in this Altmanesque portrait of female friendship. A look at how youthful idealism turns into adult pragmatism, and how one can fight such changes, from the director of Free Radicals.
Five former high school friends reunite for an evening of fun, remembrance and sadness in this Altmanesque portrait of female friendship. A look at how youthful idealism turns into adult pragmatism, and how one can fight such changes, from the director of Free Radicals.
Ruža deixou a Sérvia, o seu país, há mais de 30 anos e vive em Zurique. O seu dia-a-dia é uma sucessão de momentos repetitivos até que, um dia, Ana chega ao lugar e perturba o mundo meticulosamente organizado de Ruža. Uma subtil amizade cresce entre estas duas mulheres determinadas.
Em Segredo
Em Sarajevo vivem uma mãe e sua filha adolescente. A garota pensa ser filha de um herói de guerra desaparecido no conflito dos Balcãs, mas na verdade a mãe esconde dela o fato de ter sofrido abusos sexuais durante a guerra, época em que ela foi gerada.
Em Segredo
Em Sarajevo vivem uma mãe e sua filha adolescente. A garota pensa ser filha de um herói de guerra desaparecido no conflito dos Balcãs, mas na verdade a mãe esconde dela o fato de ter sofrido abusos sexuais durante a guerra, época em que ela foi gerada.
Crash Test Dummies
Ana and Nicolae, a young Romanian couple, travel by bus from Bucharest to Vienna with the prospect of making quick money by handing over a stolen car. As soon as they arrive, however, they are reassured that the car is not yet ready for them. Ana then wants to go back to Romania, Nicolae would rather travel further west. They are stuck penniless in Vienna.
O Pesadelo de Darwin
Na Tanzânia, nos anos 60, a Perca do Nilo, um predador voraz, foi introduzida no lago Vitória, como experiência científica. Depois, praticamente todas as populações de peixes indígenas foram dizimadas. Desta catástrofe ecológica nasceu uma indústria frutuosa, pois a carne branca do enorme peixe é exportada com sucesso em todo o hemisfério norte.
Visions of Europe
Twenty-five films from twenty-five European countries by twenty-five European directors.
Visions of Europe
Twenty-five films from twenty-five European countries by twenty-five European directors.
Free Radicals
Following the death of Manu (Resetarits) in a car accident, the film relates the interwoven stories of several people who become indirectly connected by the events and aftermath of the crash.
Free Radicals
Following the death of Manu (Resetarits) in a car accident, the film relates the interwoven stories of several people who become indirectly connected by the events and aftermath of the crash.
State of the Nation
Four film-makers embark on a cinematic survey of Austria, documenting the political and social state of the nation and its people. An eye-opening experience. In the wake of the 1999 elections, four filmmakers decided to go out with cameras in hand and gauge the mood of their countrymen, who had made Jörg Haider's FPO party the second most powerful in Austria. What they found was a country apparently "like any other" , filled with nice ordinary people. Who feel perfectly comfortable dreaming of a possible future without foreigners, or speaking with equanimity about the old days of the Third Reich.
Northern Skirts
Vienna, 1995. Jasmin, Tamara, Valentin, Senad and Roman live near the northern border of Austria. Their lives repeatedly intersect and drift apart. The characters involved are young migrants from the former Yugoslavia, Romania, Poland and Austria itself. Strangers in a strange land, they feel a sense of loss in their new, temporary environment. The five-some meet and get close to each other, hopelessly clinging to friendships and relationships with no future. They frequent cafés and train stations dreaming of a better tomorrow. Often, they just fall back on the prospect of short-term affection in yet another doomed romantic or sexual encounter. Trying hard to suppress the memories of war and alienation, they try to find moral strength and warmth through one another.
Northern Skirts
Vienna, 1995. Jasmin, Tamara, Valentin, Senad and Roman live near the northern border of Austria. Their lives repeatedly intersect and drift apart. The characters involved are young migrants from the former Yugoslavia, Romania, Poland and Austria itself. Strangers in a strange land, they feel a sense of loss in their new, temporary environment. The five-some meet and get close to each other, hopelessly clinging to friendships and relationships with no future. They frequent cafés and train stations dreaming of a better tomorrow. Often, they just fall back on the prospect of short-term affection in yet another doomed romantic or sexual encounter. Trying hard to suppress the memories of war and alienation, they try to find moral strength and warmth through one another.
Shrill, Bright World
Three stories by three directors, three journeys into the world of teenagers and countercultures. The stories are interlaced with each other. Characters with a small performance in one story will play a major part in one of the other two stories so we will learn more about them, on the other hand central characters appear again in the periphery of one of the other stories. It is done in a casual way, comparable with the situation in daily life when two friends are running into each other by chance. Petra and Nicole in their shrill world of brightness. Loafing around, bumming and teasing guys.
Shrill, Bright World
Three stories by three directors, three journeys into the world of teenagers and countercultures. The stories are interlaced with each other. Characters with a small performance in one story will play a major part in one of the other two stories so we will learn more about them, on the other hand central characters appear again in the periphery of one of the other stories. It is done in a casual way, comparable with the situation in daily life when two friends are running into each other by chance. Petra and Nicole in their shrill world of brightness. Loafing around, bumming and teasing guys.
Short film about a woman and a little girl.
Short film about a woman and a little girl.
The Fruit of thy Womb
To evade the incomprehensible world of adults seven-year-old Natascha creates her own world, influenced by her impressions of sexuality and religion. It is a world of mainly catholic imaginations and symbols - a world between frightening bogey men and flying Christ children.
The Fruit of thy Womb
To evade the incomprehensible world of adults seven-year-old Natascha creates her own world, influenced by her impressions of sexuality and religion. It is a world of mainly catholic imaginations and symbols - a world between frightening bogey men and flying Christ children.
The Fruit of thy Womb
To evade the incomprehensible world of adults seven-year-old Natascha creates her own world, influenced by her impressions of sexuality and religion. It is a world of mainly catholic imaginations and symbols - a world between frightening bogey men and flying Christ children.
Somewhere Else
Four months after the end of the war, four young people from Sarajevo share their experience, their thoughts and their hopes for the future, walking around the city in ruin.
Two girls in the disco give free rein to anger, nobody stops them.
Two girls in the disco give free rein to anger, nobody stops them.
Two girls in the disco give free rein to anger, nobody stops them.
So I Sleepwalk in Broad Daylight
In Garcia Lorca's mother tongue, death is a woman: "la muerte". Daniel slips into the role of "death as a female" and speaks before a video camera on the life and death of the famous Spanish poet. Then the story begins.
Die Mittagsfrau
Based on Julia Franck's novel which retraces the journey of a woman who, after the WWII, is ready to do anything to start a new life. Helene, a central character with many faces, shares life between two men, two worlds far from being alike