Reita Serizawa


Ghost Theater
Sara, a young actress, is able to land the leading role in big theater play, but soon learns that somebody or something is trying to end the production at all cost, which puts Sara in deadly danger.
Os Imperdoáveis
Remake do filme Os Imperdoáveis, de Clint Eastwood. E um vilarejo, um grupo de cowboys corta o rosto de uma prostituta e não são punidos. Insatisfeitas com a impunidade do grupo e a postura do Xerife da cidade, as prostitutas colocam um preço pela cabeça dos cowboys responsáveis pelo ocorrido. As ofertas atraem para o local dois personagens que mudaram completamente a vida dos habitantes.
A Boy Called H
Told from the viewpoint of the father Morio, "A Boy Called H" follows a young boy named Hajime Senoh, nicknamed "H". His father, Morio runs a tailor shop. With the onset of World War II, their family must endure difficult times. Nevertheless, H is filled with curiosity and a sense of justice. Based on the autobiographical novel "Shonen H" by Kappa Senoh (published by Kodansha, July 9, 1999).
The Last Ronin
16 years after the fateful "revenge of the Forty-seven Ronin," involving samurais from the Ako domain who avenged their leader and then commited seppuku (ritual suicide), the sole survivor of that incident, Kichiemon Terasaka (Koichi Sato) traverses the country on a mission. His purpose is to find the families of the fallen samurais and spread the truth of the ronin uprising.
Ultraje: Muito Além
Sekiuchi, o presidente do poderoso clã Yakuza Sannokai, arma e instiga a morte entre os pequenos clãs da família e a pequena família Murase, de forma a tomar a região controlada pelo chefe Murase e centralizar em si o poder do grupo Sannokai. O filme discorre sobre traições e vinganças e é composto de cenas fragmentadas, quase sempre revelando as verdadeiras facetas das personagens.
By Player
The film is a series of vignettes from Taiji Tonoyama's life and film clips, interspersed with a dialogue to camera by Nobuko Otowa, addressing the camera as if she is addressing Tonoyama himself, recollecting events in his life. The film focuses on Tonoyama's alcohol dependence and his various sexual relationships, as well as his film work with Shindo.
Boy's Choir
A young teen's father dies, and he is sent to an orphanage. He's teased because he stutters almost runs away, until a beautiful, androgynous boy, Yasuo (Sora Toma), convinces him to join the choir.
Ju-on: A Maldição 2
Lançado diretamente em vídeo antes de Ju-on: The Grudge e Ju-on: The Grudge 2. O que pensaria se alguém morresse vítima da ira mais profunda? Poderia o rancor transformar-se em Maldição? Como se sentiria se suspeitasse que essa terrível maldição o perseguiria amaldiçoando-o a si e a todos os que o rodeiam?
Ju-on: A Maldição
Com ciúmes de que sua esposa esteja apaixonada por outro homem, um professor da escola dela. Um homem mata brutalmente sua esposa e filho. Buscando o filho que tem faltado muito à escola, o professor entra em sua casa, só para encontrar o fantasma de sua mãe morta e consequentemente, tem um ataque de coração e se torna um fantasma. A história passa a contar sobre os novos inquilinos da casa e o que a experiência e uma investigação, por dois policiais, de por que tantas pessoas estão desaparecendo.
O Chamado 2
Okazaki no Dôryô - Sakuma
A estudante Mai Takano tenta encontrar a verdade por trás da morte misteriosa de seu amado Ryuji. Ela começa a procurar o vídeo supostamente possuído pelo espírito de Sadako, o qual, acredita-se, tem o poder de matar qualquer pessoa uma semana depois de tê-lo assistido.
The Revenge: A Scar That Never Disappears
Second half of the violent tale of revenge from actor Sho Aikawa and director Kiyoshi Kurosawa! It's been five years since he left the force, lost his wife, and waged all out revenge, and now our hero is idling his time with a failing yakuza group. When he discovers the secret of one of his superiors, he takes up the gun of vengeance and realizes that his life has only been to serve that purpose.
Don't Look Up
On the set of a dark war time drama at an old movie studio, a young director, Toshio Murai, is trying to complete his debut film. The two starring actresses, Hitomi Kurokawa and Saori Murakami, play sisters in his film. Murai has a crush on Hitomi, the seasoned leading actress, and keeps a photo of her by his bed. The younger and less experienced actress, Saori, is annoying and likes to have recess on the set. The production of the movie is consistently interrupted by strange occurrences and the cast and crew begin to get spooked.
All Under the Moon
A Korean taxi-driver interacts both humorously and tragically with his customers and employers in '90s Tokyo.