Pablo Isola


Pablo Ísola is an Argentine sound designer, re-recording mixer and ADR editor for film and television productions.


Deus Irae
When, at the beginning of Deus Irae, Father Javier stares at a crucifix, his expressions and his hands suggest that the nerves are consuming him. A flashback reveals that this priest devotes his life to visiting families that claim to have seen things that do not belong to this world and cleansing their homes from the demons that try to possess them. But, upon returning to those houses, he notices that the evidence is always destroyed. This way, he discovers that a clan is after him, and must decide whether to hide from them or join them. In times when horror cinema tends to fall into the hands of directors that seek to build narratives that are introspective and close to reality, Pedro Cristiani goes back to old-school horror, where gore and the physical experience are above any other kind of feeling. A cinema that places the camera in front of the faces of the bloodiest demons and, instead of giving logic to them, chooses to face them whatever the cost.
Deus Irae
When, at the beginning of Deus Irae, Father Javier stares at a crucifix, his expressions and his hands suggest that the nerves are consuming him. A flashback reveals that this priest devotes his life to visiting families that claim to have seen things that do not belong to this world and cleansing their homes from the demons that try to possess them. But, upon returning to those houses, he notices that the evidence is always destroyed. This way, he discovers that a clan is after him, and must decide whether to hide from them or join them. In times when horror cinema tends to fall into the hands of directors that seek to build narratives that are introspective and close to reality, Pedro Cristiani goes back to old-school horror, where gore and the physical experience are above any other kind of feeling. A cinema that places the camera in front of the faces of the bloodiest demons and, instead of giving logic to them, chooses to face them whatever the cost.
When Evil Lurks
Sound Designer
In a remote village, two brothers find a demon-infected man just about to give birth to evil itself. They decide to get rid of the man but merely succeed in helping him to deliver the inferno.
Juana Banana
After three years behind bars, Búfalo has decided to change his life: resume his relationship with his son, get organized, get a normal job, not make any more mistakes. His past, however, does not intend to let him go and convinces him to take one last hit, but things go very wrong and the debt is now not with society, but with Tano, a complicated guy that he does not plan to wait for.
A man steals his wife's diamond ring and sells it to buy a pinball. Three friends travel to the coast to buy a pinball but are scammed and receive unexpected help. A woman accidentally kills her lover, disposes of his body, and later learns that he might have diamonds on top of him. Three absurd stories of love and crime around the popular machines.
The Rumba Kings
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Nos anos 50, quando a futura República Democrática do Congo ainda era uma colônia belga, uma geração inteira de músicos fundiu as músicas tradicionais africanas com a música afro-cubana para criar a eletrizante rumba congolesa, um estilo que conquistou todo o continente graças a um ritmo contagiante, sons de guitarra cativantes e vocais suaves.
The Funeral Home
Bernardo é coveiro. Ele dirige seu negócio mortuário na mesma casa onde reside. Na frente ele tem seus clientes. E nos fundos, sua família disfuncional vive entre caixões, coroas de flores e entidades sobrenaturais travessas que o visitam diariamente. Eles atribuem as manifestações paranormais aos cadáveres de seu trabalho mortuário. Encontrar a verdadeira fonte de toda essa loucura será a busca deles, mas eles podem encontrar uma verdade aterrorizante.
Ecosistemas de la Costanera Sur
A documentary about the Costanera Sur (south boardwalk) of Buenos Aires, Argentina, including Super 8 filmmakers, conspiracies, choripanes and myths.
El gran combo
Sound Mixer
Yolanda hires Nicki Nicole and Rocío Ro-Ro for a robbery. They furtively get their hands on a drug load. The Princesita will go on a hunt to get back what belongs to her.
El gran combo
Sound Designer
Yolanda hires Nicki Nicole and Rocío Ro-Ro for a robbery. They furtively get their hands on a drug load. The Princesita will go on a hunt to get back what belongs to her.
Sound Designer
Pessoas que desaparecem sem deixar rastros, mortos que voltam de seus túmulos, vozes nos canos d`água. Um policial tentará encontrar uma explicação para desvendar estes mistérios, com a ajuda de pesquisadores especializados no paranormal, antes que o mal destrua a sociedade que conhecemos. Mas a tarefa não será tão fácil quanto parece.
Estrelas de Cinema Nunca Morrem
ADR Editor
Baseado nas memórias de Peter Turner, o filme gira em torno da lúdica, porém apaixonante relação entre Turner (Bell) e a vencedora do Oscar Gloria Grahame (Bening) na cidade de Liverpool em 1978. O que se inicia como um caso vibrante entre a lendária femme fatale e seu jovem amante rapidamente se aprofunda de maneira imprevisível. Sua paixão e seu desejo pela visa são levados ao limite por eventos que vão além do controle dos dois.
O Vingador da Iugoslávia
ADR Editor
Depois de um tiroteio, Philip (Jean-Claude Van Damme), um homem misterioso, chega a um hospital a beira da morte. Logo depois a gangue estrangeira vai até lá para caçá-lo, com o objetivo de acabar com sua vida. A única testemunha é a enfermeira, que vai encarar uma investigação do FBI, abrindo assim muitos caminhos de intrigas e vinganças internacionais.
O Mistério de Hailey Dean: A Casa da Morte
ADR Editor
Quando Hailey decide ajudar sua amiga Pam a vender a casa de seus pais, Pam desaparece sem deixar vestígios. Para piorar a situação, o namorado de Pam sofre um terrível acidente e o namorado de Hailey contrai uma doença grave. Agora Hailey tem que usar suas habilidades para descobrir se todos esses eventos são coincidência.
Viaje a Tombuctú
Sound Editor
Trip to Timbuktu is the story of Ana and Lucho, two teenagers who live in Peru. Their story of love, which starts in childhood, reveals the changes which took place in this country during the 80's. For them, the only way to survive in the middle of violence, poverty and lack of opportunities is through their love, a sort of refuge which has as its homeland an imaginary country called Timbuktu. Nevertheless, the reality will stand in their way and collapse their utopia.
Man in a Bag
Sound Designer
Late at night, a brother and his sister ride in an elevator with their father. Suddenly, the lights go off, and the lift gets stuck between two floors. In the dark and unable to get any help, the father pushes his son through the narrow space between the shaft and the hallway. Alone in the claustrophobic box, the father and daughter stay silent, until a childish whining is heard from the shadows. Someone is inside the elevator... breathing by their side.
Deus Irae
Sound Designer
A fragile border separates our world from the realm of darkness, where nightmarish creatures await in the shadows. Only one thing is standing in their way: a secret order of priests, who devote their souls to protect this border. They are the 'Deus Irae'.
December 2001, Pablo lives in Buenos Aires in the middle of the worst economic crisis in Argentina. It is not easy for him to find a job and if he does, he is fired almost immediately. He lives alone in a small apartment and his main objective is to find a woman.
The Last Gateway
Sound Designer
Michael and Marianne recently married and moved into their new home, however they have come to discover that their peaceful lives are about to be turned upside down when Michael starts suffering from severe stomach pains. They will soon discover that the pain comes from a miscalculation made by Victor, a demonologist who has just opened a portal to hell in Michael's stomach. Now both Michael and Marianne have to run from dangerous people who are after this gate while facing horrific creatures that are escaping from the portal that Michael carries in his body. They will soon arrive to a deserted town, which will be plagued with monsters and death. Will Michael find a way out before it is too late?
Juego de brujas