World Aid’s boss
Jeanne lives on a military base with an abrasive father, forced to care for their younger siblings while dreaming of breaking out of the family’s milieu by becoming a high-powered financial analyst.
Chris Roy Jacker (voice)
In 2200, private detective Aline Ruby and her android partner Carlos Rivera are hired by a wealthy businessman to track down a notorious hacker. On Mars, they descend deep into the underbelly of the planet's capital city where they uncover a darker story of brain farms, corruption, and a missing girl who holds a secret about the robots that threatens to change the face of the universe.
Henri Tomasi
Compulsive spenders Albert and Bruno are in debt up to their necks. While seeking help from community workers to get their lives back on track, they run into a group of young green activists. Lured by the free beer and snacks rather than by the ideals of eco-activists, Albert and Bruno find themselves joining the movement without much conviction.
Freud (voice)
An account of the life and work of the influential Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), an iconic figure and a godless demigod who dared to enter the darkest depths of the human mind; through his correspondence and his own voice, and that of his family and friends.
For 12 years now, Mathieu Amalric has been filming the stupendous New York saxophonist and composer John Zorn. Whirligig films that Zorn likes to programme during his concerts, like a musical set. They are screened here for the first time out of a concert setting. Music in the making, constellations of energies, an ever-expanding universe of sound…
From this "inexorable disease", Hervé Guibert did not recover. The miracle he had so much hoped for did not happen. But, before his death in 1991, three years after learning of his HIV-positive status, he engraved in his literary and photographic work "the places of [his] suffering", "the stations of [his] way of the cross". With his thin body and sunken cheeks, the handsome man with curly hair that he was, the one whose clear gaze radiated from the seaside photos, fought a fierce battle against AIDS. A fight of every moment against the decay of the body, observed and commented with a methodical care in his autobiographical novels, in particular "To the Friend Who Did Not Save My Life" (1990) and "The Compassionate Protocol" (1991), and of which he testified on television on the set of "Apostrophes"...
Like Reger – the character Thomas Bernhard placed on a museum bench in front of a painting by Tintoretto, an ‘old master’ if ever there was one – an actor finds himself alone and stranded after a notorious virus closes theatres indefinitely. Here he is, wandering through an empty theatre, walking through pointless backstage areas and stumbling onto a street haunted by masked passers-by. Having convinced a fireman to look after him and his explosives, he tells him and the silence around him of his disgust with, amongst other things, the Heideggerians, the lack of punctuality, people who admire as opposed to respect and the State’s appropriation of children. In the overlapping of film and theatre, despair and survival, 1980s Austria and 2020s France, Bernhard’s text gains fresh resonance, “…and as far as culture is concerned, in this country your stomach is only there to churn.”
Le Commissaire
Na França pós-Segunda Guerra Mundial, um jornal americano dá vida a uma coleção de histórias publicadas na revista "The French Dispatch".
Le père
Issachar and Zabulon, two brothers in their twenties, are supremely stupid and never bored, as madness is part of their daily lives. When they lose their mother's beloved dog, they have 24 hours to find it - or she will kick them out.
At dawn, Clarisse takes a last look at her husband and two sleeping children, hesitates to leave a note, and hits the road. A desperate escape that gradually reveals its layers as Clarisse — who seems to have an extra-sensory connection to the family she has left behind — loses herself in the world.
At dawn, Clarisse takes a last look at her husband and two sleeping children, hesitates to leave a note, and hits the road. A desperate escape that gradually reveals its layers as Clarisse — who seems to have an extra-sensory connection to the family she has left behind — loses herself in the world.
Family Roland lives in Etretat. Jeanne, the youngest, inherits Mr Marechal's fortune, a friend of the parents. Pierre the elder brother, bogged down in questions, questions the sacredness of the family. Is this money hiding a heavy secret?
Self (archive footage)
Daniel Craig reflete abertamente sobre sua aventura de 15 anos como James Bond. Incluindo imagens de arquivo nunca antes vistas de Casino Royale ao 25º filme, No Time To Die, Craig compartilha suas memórias pessoais em uma conversa com os produtores de 007, Michael G. Wilson e Barbara Broccoli.
Tralala, a 48-year-old singer-composer, is an homeless in Paris. One evening, he believes he's meeting the Blessed Virgin who says to him before disappearing : "Above all, do not be yourself".
Uma mulher acorda sem memória dentro de uma cápsula de criogenia. O oxigênio está acabando rapidamente, e ela precisa encontrar uma forma de descobrir quem é para conseguir sobreviver.
Adolphe Thiers (voice)
The Black Book, drafted during World War II, gathers numerous unique historical testimonies, in an effort to document Nazi abuses against Jews in the USSR . Initially supported by the regime and aimed at providing evidence during the executioners’ trials in the post-war era, the Black Book was eventually banned and most of its authors executed on Stalin’s order. Told through the voices of its most famous instigators, soviet intellectuals Vassilli Grossman, Ilya Ehrenburg and Solomon Mikhoels, the documentary, provides a detailed account of the tragic destiny of this cursed book and puts the Holocaust and Stalinism in a new light.
Richard Berger
Um jovem baterista teme por seu futuro quando percebe que está gradualmente ficando surdo. Duas paixões estão em jogo: a música e sua namorada, que é integrante da mesma banda de heavy metal. Essa mudança drástica acarreta em muita tensão e angústia na vida do baterista, atormentado lentamente pelo silêncio.
Uma narrativa cronológica e completa da vida, obra e ativismo social de Charlie Chaplin, contada a partir de uma grande variedade de registros e filmagens de arquivo familiares e inéditos.
On a faraway planet, home to Bobtors, an astronaut-doctor suffers from a lack of oxygen. To survive she has to pay the highest price as both a human and as a medic.
Famous educator Fernand Deligny tries to find ways to communicate beyond language with troubled and autistic children in his care.
A Sra. Joly é a nova prefeita de Montfermeil. Seu programa vai às mil maravilhas, mas Joëlle e Kamel, dois membros de sua equipe, começam a discutir com a multiplicação das intrigas.
Benoit Survenant
A Sra. Joly é a nova prefeita de Montfermeil. Seu programa vai às mil maravilhas, mas Joëlle e Kamel, dois membros de sua equipe, começam a discutir com a multiplicação das intrigas.
African immigrants start working on a farm in Normandy and hope to open their own restaurant someday.
Paris, final do século 19. O capitão francês Alfred Dreyfus é um dos poucos judeus que faz parte do exército. No dia 22 de dezembro de 1884, seus inimigos alcançam seu objetivo: conseguem fazer com que Dreyfus seja acusado de alta traição. Pelo crime, julgado à portas fechadas, o capitão é sentenciado à prisão perpétua no exílio. Intrigado com a evolução do caso, o investigador Picquart decide seguir as pistas para desvendar o mistério por trás da condenação de Dreyfus.
A Tramway in Jerusalem is a situation comedy that juxtaposes stories and human situations in the context of the current Israeli Palestinian society in 2018. In Jerusalem the tramway connects several neighbourhoods, from East to West, recording their variety and differences.
Marcelo Novais Teles, a young Brazilian, arrives in Paris to become an actor. But he is caught up in a very intense love as well as professional life; that's when he choses to film everything as time progresses. Dinner, parties, rehearsals, friendly and family meetings, falsely profound conversations, trips to Europe, etc. THE EXILED is the magnificently happy montage of these sequences, home movie of an obvious and chronic happiness, where the insolence of youth and its beauty are displayed. There are many well-known faces of actors who have become famous since then, which adds to the charm continuously lavished by these innocent images. Self-portrait in the form of a generational portrait, where the love of art crosses the art of living, the exile here is in the land of happiness.
Dr. Paul Gachet
1888. Após sofrer com o ostracismo e a rejeição de suas pinturas em galerias de arte, Vincent Van Gogh (Willem Dafoe) decide ouvir o conselho de seu mentor, Paul Gauguin (Oscar Isaac), e se mudar para Arles, no sul da França. Lá, lutando contra os avanços da loucura, da depressão e as pressões sociais, o pintor holandês adentra uma das fases mais conturbadas e prolíficas de sua curta, porém meteórica trajetória.
Bertrand está no "auge" dos seus quarentas anos e sofre de depressão. Depois de usar uma série de medicamentos que não surtiram nenhum efeito, ele começa a frequentar a piscina municipal do bairro em que vive. Lá ele conhece outros homens com histórias semelhantes a sua. O grupo se junta e forma uma equipe de nado sincronizado masculina, algo incomum dentro do esporte. Sob o comando de Delphine, uma ex-atleta vitoriosa, Bertrand e os novos companheiros decidem participar do Campeonato Mundial de Nado Sincronizado, encontrando, enfim, um novo propósito para sua vida.
In 1877 a Swiss aristocrat, Alfred von Rodt, became the governor of the remote Chilean island that gave birth to the legend of Robinson Crusoe. Exiled from his country and family, Von Rodt strived to build a utopian “little kingdom” until his death, but failed and lost his entire fortune. The film tells the story of this outcast through the lives of his descendants, who today seek political autonomy and a preservation of their indigenous identity.
On the shooting or when talking about it, Mathieu Amalric is preparing Barbara, his film about the iconic singer, starring the incredible Jeanne Balibar.
An immersive film essay on tennis legend John McEnroe at the height of his career as the world champion, documenting his strive for perfection, frustrations, and the hardest loss of his career at the 1984 Roland-Garros French Open.
For 12 years now, Mathieu Amalric has been filming the stupendous New York saxophonist and composer John Zorn. Whirligig films that Zorn likes to programme during his concerts, like a musical set. They are screened here for the first time out of a concert setting. Music in the making, constellations of energies, an ever-expanding universe of sound…
In a poetic composition of song, narration, and images, this film follows Canadian soprano and orchestra conductor Barbara Hannigan, accompanied by the Ludwig Orchestra, as she records her album Crazy Girl Crazy. Why did she choose these three pieces, in essence so different, but which intimately resonate with her: Berio’s Sequenza III, Berg’s Lulu Suite, and Gershwin’s Girl Crazy? With this musical voyage peering into a world of precision and sharing, where a passionate woman brings forth a vocal tour de force, Mathieu Amalric, César winner for Best Actor in 2005 and 2008, shows us once more his talent behind the camera with this new opus that goes beyond a mere artist’s portrait.
Mathieu Amalric’s film with John Zorn began as a European TV commission that was quickly abandoned in favor of something more intimate: an ongoing dialogue between two friends that will always be a work-in-progress.
Le père
Mathilde is nine years old. Her parents have separated. She lives with her mother, a fragile person who hovers at the edge of madness. It is a story of a unique love between a daughter and her mother.
Yves Zand
Uma actriz, Brigitte, irá interpretar num filme a icónica cantora Barbara. Brigitte trabalha a personagem de Barbara: a sua voz, as músicas e as canções, a imitação dos gestos, as falas. As coisas prosseguem. A personagem vai crescendo dentro dela. Começa mesmo a invadi-la. Yves, o realizador, também vai trabalhando - através de encontros, imagens de arquivo, a música. Parece inspirado por ela... Mas por quem? Pela actriz ou por Barbara?
Uma actriz, Brigitte, irá interpretar num filme a icónica cantora Barbara. Brigitte trabalha a personagem de Barbara: a sua voz, as músicas e as canções, a imitação dos gestos, as falas. As coisas prosseguem. A personagem vai crescendo dentro dela. Começa mesmo a invadi-la. Yves, o realizador, também vai trabalhando - através de encontros, imagens de arquivo, a música. Parece inspirado por ela... Mas por quem? Pela actriz ou por Barbara?
Uma actriz, Brigitte, irá interpretar num filme a icónica cantora Barbara. Brigitte trabalha a personagem de Barbara: a sua voz, as músicas e as canções, a imitação dos gestos, as falas. As coisas prosseguem. A personagem vai crescendo dentro dela. Começa mesmo a invadi-la. Yves, o realizador, também vai trabalhando - através de encontros, imagens de arquivo, a música. Parece inspirado por ela... Mas por quem? Pela actriz ou por Barbara?
Ismael Vuillard
Ismaël é um cineasta que se prepara para realizar um filme sobre um diplomata atípico inspirado no seu irmão. Apesar de ter conseguido estabelecer um relacionamento duradouro com Sylvia, Ismaël vive ainda traumatizado pelo súbito desaparecimento da mulher, Carlotta, há mais de 20 anos. Entretanto, a reaparição de Carlotta abala não só o relacionamento de Ismaël e Sylvia, como a própria estabilidade.
A chronicle of the personal life and public career of the celebrated artist and filmmaker Julian Schnabel.
Gérard Illinski, le précepteur
In the kingdom of Letonia, the young prince Égon spends his nights playing the drums. During the day, he only has one thing on his mind: finding Sleeping Beauty in the kingdom of Kentz and breaking the spell over her. But his father, the king, doesn’t believe in fairy tales, and is completely opposed to Égon’s dream. It’s Maggie Jerkins, an archeologist from Unesco, who will provide Egon with the opportunity to follow his heart.
Jacques Rey
Jacques Rey (Mathieu Amalric) e Laura (Julia Roy) moram em uma grande casa isolada pelo mar. Ele é um cineasta e ela atua em performances que cria. Rey morre. Sem saber a causa da morte, Laura fica sozinha na casa e, aos poucos vai se perdendo, deixa de ser ela mesma. Porém, alguém está na casa, Rey, seu marido falecido que está lá por e para ela, como um longo sonho que quer que ela sobreviva.
Quando um assistente se apaixona pela filha e modelo de um fotógrafo viúvo, obcecado por um antigo método de fotografia e atormentado pela morte de sua esposa, o relacionamento espelha a forma de arte.
Uma exploração de nove anos das vidas e da convivência de Rodolphe (Paul Vecchiali) e Laurent (Pascal Cervo), pai e filho, dois homens com personalides distintas e com grandes problemas de conexão entre si, apesar do grande carinho que os une.
Marc Châtaigne, an intern at the Ministry of Standards, is sent to French Guiana to implement European construction standards at Guyaneige: the first Amazonian ski slope, intended to boost tourism in French Guiana. There, he meets Tarzan, an attractive intern at the National Forestry Office, with whom he’ll get lost on a journey through the jungle that will take him far, far away…
An inquiry into two of the most influencial French filmakers friendship and feud.
Seances, co-created with the National Film Board of Canada, presents a wholly new way of experiencing film narrative. By dynamically generating a series of film sequences in unique configurations, potentially hundreds of thousands of new stories are conjured by code. Each will exist only in the moment—no pausing, scrubbing, or sharing—offering the audience one chance to see the generated film. This project, co-created by the ever imaginative Guy Maddin, is a visual discourse on the impact of loss within film. All the sequences pay homage to lost silent films from the early day of cinema. Seances is nostalgic but it is also frequently hilarious. Part of the joy and sadness of Seances is that many possible narratives are created but they can be only viewed once before they disappear forever.
Oscar Pormenor
A young man who lives with his mother and has never known his father, heads off to look for him. He finds a cynical and Machiavellian man who works as a publisher in Paris. After he attempts to kill him, he finds filial love thanks to his uncle.
Laurent Achard set up his camera on the set of Paul Vecchiali’s film Le Cancre to capture the director’s creative power. Although Vecchiali’s precision is impressive, Achard also shows moments where his collaborators’ input is essential. Under the director’s eye, the stars are becoming actors again, and Achard revives the heritage of Vecchiali’s '70s and '80s production studio Diagonale.
François Sim considers himself worthless and he may have good reasons for that. Hasn't he lost his job as well as his wife Caroline? Isn't he unable to relate to Lucy, his teenage daughter? Didn't he, when he was eighteen miss out on passion whereas the sexy, gorgeous Luigia opened her arms to him?
Algumas semelhanças são perturbadoras. Como aquelas entre um visconde guilhotinado, um capelão do exército, um vagabundo parisiense e o porteiro do edifício onde se cruzam quase todos esses personagens. E, no entanto, no meio de todo o caos, ainda existe a chance de esperança por um amanhã melhor.
Jérôme Varenne
Há mais de dez anos, Jérôme Varenne deixou a França para viver na China. Quando uma viagem de negócios impõe uma passagem pela Europa, ele aproveita para visitar a mãe e o irmão, e descobre que a casa de sua infância é objeto de uma grande disputa. Jérôme volta à cidadezinha, na esperança de resolver o caso. Chegando lá, faz um reencontro inesperado que muda os rumos de sua vida.
Thadeusz M___ / Ostler
Um submarino em perigo, um lenhador que aparece misteriosamente para a tripulação – não era ele que estava nas florestas escuras de Holstein-Schleswig resgatando a bela Margot das garras dos lobos vermelhos? Um neurocirurgião que perfura profundamente o cérebro de um paciente maníaco; um assassino que finge ser a vítima de suas próprias mortes; uma jovem traumatizada, em algum lugar entre Berlim e Bogotá; esqueletos sedutores, zeppelins colidindo, e um banho quente, que parece ser o princípio de tudo.
Uma série de 8 curtas. Cada filme foi inspirado em uma pintura de Edward Hopper.
In “C’est presque au bout du monde”, I explore a mystery which fascinates me : where do these inhuman voices come from ? Where in the body is the source of this unsettling anomaly of singing ? - Mathieu Amalric
In a society where the greatest concern is the size and power of one’s wings, nihilist Ciobeck tries to protect Moann. But how can one survive in a barren land populated by imprisoned-mind people?
Paul Dédalus (adult)
Paul Dédalus (Mathieu Amalric) recorda sua infância e adolescência. Família, amigos, dores, estudos, a descoberta da antropologia e, principalmente, a paixão por Esther (Lou Roy-Lecollinet). Dirigido pelo mestre francês Arnaud Desplechin ("Um Conto de Natal") e exbido no Festival de Cannes e Mostra de São Paulo, em 2015.
Through the course of several accidents and chance encounters, Hanoch and Ruben will meet and each of them will have to face a page of his personal history, a page that they both need to turn for good.
Le narrateur (voice)
Num hotel próximo a um aeroporto de Paris, dois desconhecidos tentam encontrar algum sentido em suas existências. O norte-americano Gary, engenheiro de informática, submetido a fortes pressões profissionais e afetivas, decide mudar radicalmente sua vida. Algumas horas mais tarde, a realidade de Audrey, uma jovem camareira do hotel, é totalmente transformada depois que ela passa por uma experiência sobrenatural.
A man and a woman, secretly in love, alone in a room. They desire each other, want each other, and even bite each other. In the afterglow, they share a few sweet nothings. At least the man seemed to believe they were nothing. Now under investigation by the police and the courts, what is he accused of?
Julien Gahyde
A man and a woman, secretly in love, alone in a room. They desire each other, want each other, and even bite each other. In the afterglow, they share a few sweet nothings. At least the man seemed to believe they were nothing. Now under investigation by the police and the courts, what is he accused of?
A man and a woman, secretly in love, alone in a room. They desire each other, want each other, and even bite each other. In the afterglow, they share a few sweet nothings. At least the man seemed to believe they were nothing. Now under investigation by the police and the courts, what is he accused of?
A couple goes on a hike in the woods, and the woman refuses to return.
Serge X.
As aventuras de Gustave H, dono de um famoso hotel europeu, e Zero Moustafa, o criado que se torna no seu amigo de confiança. A história envolve o roubo e a recuperação de uma preciosa pintura renascentista e a luta por uma enorme fortuna de família - tudo sob o cenário de um continente que passa por inesperadas e dramáticas mudanças.
It is the revelation, by a letter to Jacques Tourneur, of the face which crosses all his work and gives herself as a feminine, timeless icon.
Beautiful, sad story told from multiple perspectives. A man picks a dahlia before entering his home. His dog senses something is wrong. The housekeeper makes tea before seeing the tragedy. Slowly the elements slot into place.
Marc, in his 40s, is a professor of literature at the University of Lausanne. Still a bachelor — and still living with his sister Marianne in a huge, isolated chalet that they inherited when they were very young — he carries on one love affair after another with his students. Winter has almost ended when one of his most brilliant students, Barbara, suddenly disappears. Two days later, Marc meets Barbara’s mother, Anna, who wants to find out more about her vanished daughter.
Georges Devereux
Após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, o combatente indígena Jimmy Blackfoot é internado em um hospital militar no Kansas, com queixas de perda de audição, vertigem e cegueira temporária. Os médicos não descobrem nenhuma causa fisiológica para os seus distúrbios, e passam a acreditar na tese da esquizofrenia. Mesmo assim, um etnólogo e psicanalista especializado em culturas ameríndias, Georges Devereux, é chamado para conversar com Jimmy e confirmar o diagnóstico. Através das conversas que evocam lembranças e traumas no paciente, nasce uma grande amizade entre esses dois homens.
Documentary about the the film critic and filmmaker Jean-Claude Biette.
In a private collection in Arlington, French actor and director Mathieu Amalric, who won the Best director award in Cannes) takes his camera to one of Hopper's latest masterpiece, one of the most mysterious as well. As we hear the four last Lieder of Strauss or extracts from a Kennedy speech, that Hopper listened to while working, Amalric keeps pursuing the hidden meanings of his painting in its darkest corners. (With American documentarist Frederick Wiseman doing Edward Hopper's voice).
In a private collection in Arlington, French actor and director Mathieu Amalric, who won the Best director award in Cannes) takes his camera to one of Hopper's latest masterpiece, one of the most mysterious as well. As we hear the four last Lieder of Strauss or extracts from a Kennedy speech, that Hopper listened to while working, Amalric keeps pursuing the hidden meanings of his painting in its darkest corners. (With American documentarist Frederick Wiseman doing Edward Hopper's voice).
In a private collection in Arlington, French actor and director Mathieu Amalric, who won the Best director award in Cannes) takes his camera to one of Hopper's latest masterpiece, one of the most mysterious as well. As we hear the four last Lieder of Strauss or extracts from a Kennedy speech, that Hopper listened to while working, Amalric keeps pursuing the hidden meanings of his painting in its darkest corners. (With American documentarist Frederick Wiseman doing Edward Hopper's voice).
Adaptação para o cinema da peça teatral homônima, que apresenta a história de Thomas, um jovem dramaturgo que se desespera para encontrar uma atriz principal para sua nova peça. Uma jovem atriz chamada Vanda atende o chamado no último momento e logo os dois se envolvem em uma relação de dominação e submissão.
Roger Marion
A counterterrorism task force investigates the 1998 Ajaccio assassination of Claude Érignac, the prefect of Corsica. Based on true events.
Eve é uma mulher de vinte e nove anos que vive no sul da França. Uma noite, o homem que ama comete suicídio. Pouco depois, ela percebe que está grávida dele ... Com suas duas irmãs, eles se encontram no lugar de seus pais em um jantar onde sua sogra traz um segredo familiar escondido. Judith, a mais velha, está convencida de que seu pai não é seu verdadeiro pai. Ela decide encontrar seu pai enquanto Eve se pergunta se ela deveria ou não manter a criança.
Barão Marbot
Após a derrota na Batalha do Bussaco, as tropas francesas do Marechal Massena forçam as forças anglo-portuguesas a retirar para Lisboa. Para defender a capital, bem como a eventual retirada dos ingleses, Wellington fez erguer, num ano e meio e no maior segredo, o maior sistema de defesa que Portugal já viu: as Linhas de Torres Vedras. A retirada, acompanhada de uma operação de "terra-queimada", é o pano de fundo para uma história de dramas pessoais, em que as vidas de várias pessoas diferentes são profundamente afectadas pela guerra e pela devastação.
Behind the scenes of shooting in various notoriously difficult locations, including interviews with producers and lead actors.
An in-depth documentary about the making of David Cronenberg's feature film, Cosmopolis (2012), an adaptation of Don DeLillo's novel of the same name.
Le professeur de français
Camille was only sixteen and still in high school when she fell in love with Eric, another student. They later married and a child and were happy for a while. But now twenty-five years have passed and Eric leaves her for a younger woman. Bitter and desperate Camille drinks so much liquor at a New Year Eve's party that she falls into an ethylic coma and she finds herself... propelled into her own past! Camille is sixteen again when she wakes up this morning, her parents are not dead anymore and she must go to school, where she will meet her schoolmates and, of course, Eric. Is she going to fall for him again and... be miserable twenty-five years later? Or will she avoid him with the result never having her beloved daughter? Who ever said that time traveling was fun?
M. Henri
Antoine d’Anthac, célebre dramaturgo, convoca, depois da sua morte, todos os seus amigos que interpretaram a peça Euridíce. Estes actores têm como missão ver uma encenação desta obra por um novo grupo, a Compagnie de la Colombe. O amor, a vida, a morte, o amor depois da morte ainda têm lugar num palco? São eles que têm de decidir. Mas as surpresas ainda agora começaram…
Perplexed at the sudden disappearance of her husband, a wife watches hours of videotape that he’s recorded over the previous seven years to piece together some clues.
André Petrescu
Ao longo de um único dia catastrófico, um gestor de ativos bilionário de 28 anos atravessa a cidade de Nova Iorque na sua limusine para cortar o cabelo. Durante a viagem de carro, os encontros íntimos, o engarrafamento e a morte de uma estrela de rap perturbam a sua realidade.
Five gigantic sinkholes have recently been discovered on a remote plateau on the other side of the world. A team of experts has made the trip to descend into the depths. Among them is professor Georges Lebrun, who has come with his wife.
Nasser Ali
Nasser Ali Khan, o melhor violinista de sua época, desmorona depois que sua mulher, após uma briga, quebrou seu instrumento. Ao não encontrar outro violino digno, decide morrer em sua cama, começando assim uma viagem de lembranças e alucinações.
The Prince (voice)
Argélia, 1920. Um rabino e sua filha têm um gato mimado. Um dia, o animal come um papagaio e começa a falar. Ele acaba se revelando mentiroso, imprudente e reflexivo. Além disso, insistirá em se tornar judeu, com direito a bar-mitzvah.
In 1430, Joan of Arc, the prisoner of a powerful lord of the north of France is sold to the English. As a captive awaiting her death, she is approached by different men for whom she is believed to be the embodiment of the infinite.
In this contemporary adaptation of Pierre Corneille’s brilliant, eponymous 17th century play, the enigmatic Alcandre is now a hotel concierge who uses the myriad in-house high-tech security cameras to show worried father Pridamant the whereabouts and travails of his son, Clindor. As Pridamant witnesses the conflicting romances involving his estranged son, Corneille’s modernist meta-narrative is transposed to contemporary Paris, underscoring the ambiguous nature of love, wealth and desire in an age of consumerism. (Chicago International Film Festival)
Joachim, um destemido produtor, regressa a França com um novo e provocador espetáculo de cabaret. Consigo traz as artistas de New Burlesque, ansiosas pela sua digressão francesa. E pelo seu espectáculo em Paris! Viajando de porto em porto, as voluptuosas raparigas vão criando um extravagante mundo de fantasia, caloroso e hedonista. Mas uma rápida viagem de regresso a Paris vai abrir velhas feridas do passado de Joachim.
Joachim Zand
Joachim, um destemido produtor, regressa a França com um novo e provocador espetáculo de cabaret. Consigo traz as artistas de New Burlesque, ansiosas pela sua digressão francesa. E pelo seu espectáculo em Paris! Viajando de porto em porto, as voluptuosas raparigas vão criando um extravagante mundo de fantasia, caloroso e hedonista. Mas uma rápida viagem de regresso a Paris vai abrir velhas feridas do passado de Joachim.
Joachim, um destemido produtor, regressa a França com um novo e provocador espetáculo de cabaret. Consigo traz as artistas de New Burlesque, ansiosas pela sua digressão francesa. E pelo seu espectáculo em Paris! Viajando de porto em porto, as voluptuosas raparigas vão criando um extravagante mundo de fantasia, caloroso e hedonista. Mas uma rápida viagem de regresso a Paris vai abrir velhas feridas do passado de Joachim.
Adèle é uma jovem e aventureira repórter capaz de qualquer coisa para conseguir o que quer. Ela vai até o Egito em busca da cura da doença de sua irmã, na tumba secreta de um faraó. Ao retornar para Paris, ela percebe que o pânico tomou conta da população. Um ovo de dinossauro de milhões de anos se chocou misteriosamente no museu e a criatura está aterrorizando a cidade. Além disso, coisas estranhas continuam acontecendo no museu. Mas, nem o perigo e nem todo mistério por trás dos curiosos acontecimentos impedirá Adèle de conseguir salvar sua irmã. Prepare-se, a aventura está apenas começando!
Call for the regularization by the French government of all undocumented workers living in the country, a short film co-directed by 320 filmmakers and directors, producers, distributors and cinema owners.
Documentary about Joann Sfar (born August 28, 1971) is a French comics artist, comic book creator and film director. He is considered one of the most important artists of the new wave of Franco-Belgian comics. His main influences are Fred and André Franquin as well as Marc Chagall, Chaim Soutine, Will Eisner, Hugo Pratt and John Buscema. From 2009 to 2010, Sfar wrote and directed Gainsbourg: Une Vie Heroique, a biopic of the illustrious French songwriter and singer, of whom Sfar is a self-confessed fanatic. The film, which draws substantially on Sfar's abilities as a comic book artist through its extensive use of fantasy artwork, animation and puppetry, was released in 2010 to general critical acclaim.
Documentary about Joann Sfar (born August 28, 1971) is a French comics artist, comic book creator and film director. He is considered one of the most important artists of the new wave of Franco-Belgian comics. His main influences are Fred and André Franquin as well as Marc Chagall, Chaim Soutine, Will Eisner, Hugo Pratt and John Buscema. From 2009 to 2010, Sfar wrote and directed Gainsbourg: Une Vie Heroique, a biopic of the illustrious French songwriter and singer, of whom Sfar is a self-confessed fanatic. The film, which draws substantially on Sfar's abilities as a comic book artist through its extensive use of fantasy artwork, animation and puppetry, was released in 2010 to general critical acclaim.
Man in Bushes
Hsaio-Kong é um cineasta de Taiwan, que começa a rodar seu próximo filme, uma visão da mítica Salomé, na França. No set ele começa a lidar com uma série de imprevistos, que se tornam insignificantes ao saber que sua mãe morreu.
Robinson, appropriately named as we will soon discover, is on vacation in Biarritz with his wife. What follows is the story behind the loss of his arm, a story that becomes increasingly bizarre and eventually apocalyptic, leading us down a narrative path of labyrinthine complexity. The resulting film is an extraordinary feat of imagination and daring, set against the backdrop of a world on the verge of destruction.
Father with pram
As she does every morning, Lucie takes advantage of her journey to work to lose herself for a while in the pages of a good book. And as she does every morning, she joins her colleagues at the office with a smile. It's a working day just like any other. Then suddenly all activity in the office stops. All attention is turned towards the window of the opposite building opposite and abanner reading: Man Alone. Is it a hoax? A cry for help? Everyone has his own interpretation, and will try, by any means possible, to discover what lies behind this mysterious message.
Bernard de Bordeaux
Marguerite loses her wallet, and it's found by Georges, a seemingly happy head of family. As he looks through the wallet and examines the photos of Marguerite, he finds he's fascinated with her and her life, and soon his curiosity about her becomes an obsession.
The short piece gives us info from Forster, Craig, Arterton, Almaric, Kurylenko, and Wilson. All involved tell us of Forster's greatness.
Récitant / Narrator (voice)
Alexander Calder revolutionized the art of sculpture with his distinctive modernism, freeing sculpture from its stand and adding movement to the art itself. He rose to fame in the 1930s with his renowned Miniature Circus but his modernist creativity skyrocketed with his wire sculptures, an invention he dubbed "drawing in space."
François Besse
Após voltar para a Europa, o criminoso Jacques Mesrine retoma a vida de assaltos e desafia autoridades. O gângster ganha fama de celebridade, mas subestima a polícia.
Dominic Greene
Após a morte de Vesper Lynd, James Bond faz com que sua próxima missão seja pessoal. A caçada àqueles envolvidos na morte da mulher de sua vida o leva ao encontro do cruel empresário Dominic Greene, que faz parte da organização que coagiu Vesper. Bond descobre que Greene planeja obter o controle total de um recurso natural vital e deve enfrentar perigo e traição para frustrar o plano.
Bertrand (Mathieu Amalric), a film director, is conducting research for his latest film, and asks a funeral director if he can stay back at his funeral parlour after the close of business. Bertrand cannot resist getting into a coffin, and accidentally knocks the lid down, locking himself in the coffin.
Henri, their middle child
Quando sua matriarca régia adoece, a problemática família Vuillard se reúne para uma hesitante reunião de Natal. Entre eles está o rebelde Henri e a nervosa Elizabeth. Juntos sob o mesmo teto pela primeira vez em muitos anos, seus ressentimentos e anseios intrincados e há muito negados emergem novamente.
A teenager searches for meaningful connections with others while trying to build a steady relationship with her transsexual father and a stepdad who posts everything about their family online.
Marcelline (Valeria Bruni Tedeschi), uma atriz quarentona e solteira, inicia os ensaios de uma nova montagem teatral, dirigida por Denis (Mathieu Amalric). Atormentada pela sombra de sua personagem, ela começa a reavaliar sua vida, especialmente com a chegada de Nathalie (Noémie Lvovsky), assistente do diretor. Ao se conhecerem, as duas descobrem o quanto são parecidas...
François Grimbert at 37 years old
In 1953, a sensitive French boy finds out from a neighbor that his family's Jewish. François Grimbert becomes a physician, and gradually peels the layers of his buried family history which resulted in his difficult upbringing, raised as Catholic by his "Aryan" appearing parents. His athletic father labored to stamp out stereotypical Jewish characteristics he perceived in his son, to keep the family's many secrets, as most relatives fought in World War II, and later were hauled off to labor and death camps by the Gestapo.
Prey to his desire for women, Richard O. explores the sinuous mysteries of eroticism in a Paris full of summer inhabitants in the torrid month of August.
Simon Kessler
Simon, um sujeito meticuloso, sóbrio e calculista, é psicólogo e diretor de Recursos Humanos de uma corporação multinacional alemã sediada na França. Após demitir mais de mil trabalhadores, em um processo de "reengenharia" da empresa para melhor "racionalização" das linhas de produção, é solicitado pelo vice-presidente a investigar, em sigilo, o estado mental de um importante diretor-executivo, que apresentaria um comportamento supostamente estranho.
Jean-Dominique Bauby
Jean-Dominique Bauby (Mathieu Amalric) tem 43 anos, é editor da revista Elle e um apaixonado pela vida. Mas, subitamente, tem um derrame cerebral. Vinte dias depois, ele acorda. Ainda está lúcido, mas sofre de uma rara paralisia: o único movimento que lhe resta no corpo é o do olho esquerdo. Bauby se recusa a aceitar seu destino. Aprende a se comunicar piscando letras do alfabeto, e forma palavras, frases e até parágrafos. Cria um mundo próprio, contando com aquilo que não se paralisou: sua imaginação e sua memória.
Set in France during the struggle for Algerian independence, Messaoud's mother is terminally ill and his father, needing to work long hours in the factory, can't look after him, so decides to put him and his older brother Abdel in foster care. Sent to the countryside, Abdel has to work on a farm, but Messaoud is taken in by a childless woman, who conceals his Arab origins from her fiercely Gaullist ex-army husband. Re-named Michel/Michou, and with his hair comically dyed blond, the young boy quickly steals the hearts of both foster-parents, and eventually is instrumental in saving their troubled marriage.
A journalist must portray a sociologist.
Thanks to the law of 1948 and to her grandmother, the nominal tenant who is always absent, Francesca Cigalone and all her tribe (thoughtless husband, orphan sister, self-centered film maker and his mistress of the day, eccentric granny, friends, friends of the friends, daughter...) live on a shoestring in a very big apartment. Which is not to the liking of supercilious bitchy owner Charlotte Falingard, who has been intent for some time on having them evicted for obvious speculative reasons. But suing Francesca is no bed of roses. The lady is tenacious. Moreover she once studied law... Written by Guy Bellinger
A filmmaker and his crew try to enter the passionate world of Port-Royal and of Jansenism. Another Age of Louis XIV comes to life, the age of Pascal, Racine and of the “Friends of Truth”. The film itself comes up against the unanswerable question of grace.
Serge fight against sleep. He keeps sinking. He finds it increasingly difficult to distinguish between what he dreams and what he really saw .
Alain Moreau sings for one of the few remaining dance-bands in Clermont-Ferrand. Though something of an idol amongst his female audience he has a melancholic awareness of the slow disappearance of that audience and of his advancing years. He is completely knocked off balance when he meets strikingly attractive and much younger businesswoman Marion. She seems distant and apparently otherwise involved but soon shows quiet signs of reciprocating his interest.
Bruno, a young Frenchman, is frustrated by his girlfriend's constant lack of punctuality. He decides to end their relationship the next time she is late again.
Man at Masked Ball
A princesa austríaca Maria Antonieta (Kirsten Dunst) é enviada ainda adolescente à França para se casar com o príncipe Luis XVI (Jason Schwartzman), como parte de um acordo entre os países. Na corte de Versalles ela é envolvida em rígidas regras de etiqueta, ferrenhas disputas familiares e fofocas insuportáveis, mundo em que nunca se sentiu confortável. Praticamente exilada, decide criar um universo à parte dentro daquela corte, no qual pode se divertir e aproveitar sua juventude. Só que, fora das paredes do palácio, a revolução não pode mais esperar para explodir.
The man
A mother and her two sons have waited for ten years for her husband and their father to return. One day a stranger arrives and approaches them.
O governo israelense envia uma missão secreta de retaliação para matar onze pessoas ao redor do mundo depois que terroristas palestinos assassinam onze atletas israelenses nas Olimpíadas de Munique em 1972.
Philippe Bernier
January 1966. In a Paris apartment, police discovered the corpse of Georges Figon, the man who broke the scandal of the Ben Barka affair and undermined Gaullist power.
A year earlier, Figon, tired of dubious deals and petty scams, is looking for a juicy blow. Close to the "middle" since his years in prison, he was given a large mission: to produce a documentary about decolonization, written by Marguerite Duras and directed by Georges Franju, with the help of the famous Moroccan opponent Mehdi Ben Barka, hired as a historical consultant.
This film project is a trap ...
Serge Schaeffer
Marc decide raspar o bigode que conservou por tantos anos. Supondo que faria surpresa à mulher, aos amigos, aos colegas de trabalho, recebe surpresa em dobro pois ninguém notou diferença. Revoltado com a situação, fica sabendo que há muitos anos não usa bigode. A partir daí, o filme adentra a paranoia do personagem que busca evidências sólidas de sua vida, e põe um mísero bigode no centro de seu universo, como se ele fosse determinante ou não para a presença de Marc no mundo.
Documentary about the making of Louis Malle's 1963 film "The Fire Within".
Un spectateur du Nô
The film is a love story which tells the impossible tale of two youths who have never before met. The action unrolls in Paris between 1979 and 1980.
Alex, a professional tourist guide, is asked to welcome Sacha,a young woman of Russian extraction. She has participated in a contest and, consequently, won a one-week stay in Geneva. From the outset, the young woman shakes up Alex's plans and drags him along with her through a risky and hazardous treasure-hunt at the confines of Eastern Switzerland. Wanted by the police and hunted down by the mafia, Alex and Sacha decide to shake off their pursuers by moving about more slowly than the others: they then advance through lakes and other roundabout ways. While Alex and Sacha sink deeply into an ever stranger Switzerland, they will observe, discover, oppose and finally love each other to the vanishing point.
Ismaël Vuillard
Diretora de galeria de arte bem-sucedida passa por uma crise no casamento, não consegue se relacionar bem com o filho, tem o pai em estágio avançado de câncer e reencontra o ex-marido, que ainda ama, com sérios problemas mentais.
Paris, today. A corrupt businessman, Duchey, returns to France to confront the justice of his country. But his return to his homeland will cause the turmoil of three individuals.
The art teacher
When she was seven, Elise Gardet witnessed her mother’s brutal murder. Ever since, she has tried to forget this unsolved crime. Now she’s 18 and beautiful, but her bourgeois family and her stepmother’s anxiety are suffocating her.
A classical musician demands that his beautiful daughter and his young son follow in his footsteps despite their personal wishes.
During a party somewhere in Paris, an apprentice filmmaker, Boris, and a young executive, Marilyne, play at being a loving couple when they've only just met. They end up really falling in love. Five years later, Marilyne, accompanied by Boris and their two kids, goes to Ibiza on a business trip. Just as Boris, tired of being a househusband, is about to leave her, Marilyne takes off on a lover's spree. Five years later,; Marilyne reappears in the depths of the Pyrenees as the leader of a group of American women on a "personal growth" tour. She learns that the man who is to introduce them to the mysteries of coqs de Bruyère mating rituals is none other than Boris. In the same way that, five years earlier, they played at being intimate when they'd only just met, Marilyne and Boris will now play at being strangers when they know each other, For the very best.
French actor Mathieu Amalric directs the made-for-TV comedy La Chose Publique (Public Affairs). Shot on digital video, the film is a satire of French politics and media personalities. Television director Philippe Roberts (Jean-Quentin Chatelain) has been assigned to make a film series, so he decides to use his own life and marriage as an inspiration. Public Affairs was shown at the 2003 Cannes Film Festival.
A post-script to his "Le Stade De Wimbledon"
An unexpected phone call from a certain Kirsch sets off a crisis between Catherine and Raphaël that will affect all those around them, be they close friends or casual acquaintances.
The Heroic Cinematographer discusses the relationship between war and cinema beginning in the Civil War.
During the Gulf War, the paths of several groups of characters cross in France’s most desert-like region. The cast is as follows: An astrophysician who works alone with Geraldine in an observatory high in the mountains. He’d like to seduce Geraldine, but she seems to prefer the shepherd who’s been relegated to a shabby hut nearby. A group of filmmakers stuck in the middle of the countryside after their crew went on strike because lunch never turned up. A squadron of stupid soldiers who consider even the most minor incident to be proof of Saddam Hussein’s invasion of France. A maniacal geologist, oblivious of everything, who continues to search for the traces of a tectonic Big Bang in the most inaccessible places.
A story told quietly of Vincent a welder at a large and seemingly toxic plant along the Rhône, living in a village with his sons, wife, and mother, saying little to each other.
This feature length entry from shorts director Caumon deals with a turbulent mother and son relationship in a rural setting.
The story is about a woman who is going to Trieste (a city in Italy) to search for informations about a writer who has never written.
The story is about a woman who is going to Trieste (a city in Italy) to search for informations about a writer who has never written.
Haunted by the mysterious death of her son, found drowned, Anna K. returns years later to the town where he lived.
Roland's Pass is a short French comedy about the internal power struggles within a bickering family of mountain climbers.
François Marcorelle, an investigation magistrate in Chambéry, finds himself in the room of a young Polish girl that he met in a restaurant
A young woman disguises herself as a knight to expose a gold-digging man divided between her and a Countess.
a drinker at bar
Nicholas is the eldest son of a wealthy suburban family, whose businesswoman mother makes deals from a helicopter and has an affair with her business partner. His cheerful, alcoholic father, on the other hand, is reduced to a prisoner in his room with his devoted dog and electric train set. Unbeknownst to his parents, Nicholas works as a window cleaner and dish washer in a Parisian cafe. He is also in love with the daughter of another cafe's owner, who, however, has an abusive boyfriend. One night, Nicholas sneaks a few drunken drifters into his family wine cellar and his father unexpectedly takes a liking to the stranger.
Arthur Echéant
Arthur is a history teacher who lives alone in Paris after having broken up with Claire. He is a sensitive man, full of existential doubts and questions. He has to go to Lisbon to meet an eminent historian whose work is the subject of his thesis. Having just made up with Claire, he decides to take her along. She's an ideal travel companion and it seems their relationship has not yet exhausted its potential. But moving from Lisbon to Oporto, their fantasy of a second honeymoon clashes with the reality of a world on the verge of a nightmare.
Adrien e Gabriel são dois jovens que estão enfrentando dificuldades em sua amizade e em seus respectivos relacionamentos. Gabriel se sente fracassado na presença de Adrien, um escritor que ele admira. Mas a doença de Adrien unirá os dois amigos.
Benjamin Sauvagnac
Twenty-year-old Martin seems to be living the dream. After moving from the French countryside to Paris, he quickly found professional success as a fashion model and romantic fulfillment in dating his half-brother's fiery roommate, Alice. Deep down, however, he is avoiding inner turmoil that stems from his tumultuous upbringing. But when Alice becomes unexpectedly pregnant, the full force of his repression is let loose, wreaking havoc on his life.
Ivan's and Serge's occupation is to enter dance competitions where they meet each time new female partners; a wounded gangster who's just burglarized a bank ,forces them to drive him at gunpoint.
In the late 1980s, a young journalist obtains an exclusive interview in London with one of the last mythical figures of Hollywood. He makes the trip but nothing goes as planned. The trouble is, he has an article to hand in.
A young man returns to the family home to face a childhood trauma: his brother's suicide, but nobody in the family is willing to help him.
A young man returns to the family home to face a childhood trauma: his brother's suicide, but nobody in the family is willing to help him.
René, o criminoso, é defendido por Solange, a advogada, cujo seu objectivo será demonstrar a complicada teia de relações de um jogo subtil entre a vítima e o sobrinho durante mais de dez anos. Pouco a pouco, vai descobrindo uma teoria controversa que irá ter que provar: o jovem não só terá castigado a tia devido ao interesse doentio que aquela demonstrava por ele, mas também devido à sua clara predisposição para matar. Mas, à medida que a investigação prossegue, algo inesperado acontece e vai mudar o rumo da história: o jovem começa a identificar Solange com a falecida tia, enquanto que a advogada reconhece em René a imagem do seu filho, morte num acidente de viação. O fantasma da tia Jeanne encarna Solange, dando ao jovem criminoso uma nova oportunidade. A defesa de Solange conhece um grande sucesso, pese embora a oposição da ordem dos psiquiatras: René é absolvido. Solange e seu cliente apaixonam-se e vão viver juntos.
Paul Dedalus
Paul Dedalus is at a crossroads in his life. He has to make several decisions; should he complete his doctorate, does he want to become a full professor, does he really love his long-standing girlfriend, or should he re-start with one of his other lovers?
A few stories are mixed, but all starts with Claire who one day brings back to Gregoire one of his books found at the university. Gregoire is the tenebrous romantic king, and Claire falls in love with him. But there is also Gregoire's circle, his disturbing neighbour, his maybe crazy grandmother Diane, his former teacher Hugo. And this is mixed up with Sebastien's attempts to seduce Claire then her mother Anne. And also Claire's psychiatrist.
Assistant Director
After his fiancee leaves him, Tom finds himself alone and helpless. He has to wash his clothes himself and so goes to the laundromat. There, he meets a quaint tribe and opens up to a new world and incredible horizons.
Un copain de Tom (non crédité)
After his fiancee leaves him, Tom finds himself alone and helpless. He has to wash his clothes himself and so goes to the laundromat. There, he meets a quaint tribe and opens up to a new world and incredible horizons.
Assistant Director
Assistant Director
She's a beautiful gifted performer, but her work is not the sort that invites popular acclaim. Despite the fact that she is unlikely to become famous, she enjoys her life as a performer who lives just outside the mainstream. Awaiting her backstage one evening is a Spanish painter who has seen her show and wants to make her acquaintance. They walk around Paris getting to know one another, and then the painter returns to Spain. Something about the man has moved Lady M to passion: she flies to meet him in Barcelona and he shows her his beloved Catalonia. This time, however, their relationship is as much about passionate lovemaking as it is about compatibility. So smitten is Lady M with her new man that when she discovers that the painter has a black wife and child, she is only a little bit taken aback and she invites his whole family to join her in Paris. Surprisingly, they do, and the number of people sharing their love and sexual appetites changes from two to three.
Assistant Director
She was 18. They were in love and lived together for ten years. 20 years later, he receives a letter from her. L is very ill. He grabs hold of his camera and films while trying to make her talk about other things, about cinema and what’s become of those political struggles…
A young man who has just experienced a breakup makes a variety of encounters throughout a day.
A young man who has just experienced a breakup makes a variety of encounters throughout a day.
A young man who has just experienced a breakup makes a variety of encounters throughout a day.
Châtelaine Marie-Agnès de Bayonnette lives in her family home with her cousin Solange. The lives of the two old ladies are governed by the traditional codes of aristocracy. When Marie-Agnès died, the heirs from Russia had to fight over the estate with a Japanese company that wanted to buy the property.
Assistant Director
Four nameless people -- the old man, the woman, the soldier, and the gambler -- journey to a desolate wasteland beyond the limits of an unnamed city.
Un étudiant en médecine
A medical intern finds himself drawn into a world of international intrigue after discovering a shrunken human head in his luggage.
Second Assistant Director
On a whim, the long-married Hélène decides to look up a former lover of hers. At his apartment, she is met by the man's grown son, Julien, who tells her that his father died just a few days before. Before long, she has become Julien's lover, but she is also increasingly becoming attached to the rather unlikely idea that Julien and she are genetically related. Meanwhile, her cardiologist husband cannot fathom her increasingly bizarre behavior. It is one thing to have an affair, even with a much younger man, but she seems to be edging ever-closer to the borderline between sanity and madness.
Assistant Editor
To say that the renowned Impressionist artist, Vincent Van Gogh (1853-90) had a dysfunctional family is likely to do a disservice to ordinary dysfunctional families everywhere. In this unusual drama, the family (and one friend) of the troubled artist gather together to participate in the customary ceremonies that are performed when a close relative, in this case, Vincent, dies. While Vincent's brother Theo (Jean-Pierre Lorit) and his three sisters are genuinely grief-stricken, his mother (Maria Meriko) seems to be a truly stony character, and her cold contempt and disregard for her sensitive son appears to be just as great in death as it was in life. Fans of Vincent's art will be particularly appalled by the woman's attitude to her son's vocation, and more so by at her actions.
Assistant Director
To say that the renowned Impressionist artist, Vincent Van Gogh (1853-90) had a dysfunctional family is likely to do a disservice to ordinary dysfunctional families everywhere. In this unusual drama, the family (and one friend) of the troubled artist gather together to participate in the customary ceremonies that are performed when a close relative, in this case, Vincent, dies. While Vincent's brother Theo (Jean-Pierre Lorit) and his three sisters are genuinely grief-stricken, his mother (Maria Meriko) seems to be a truly stony character, and her cold contempt and disregard for her sensitive son appears to be just as great in death as it was in life. Fans of Vincent's art will be particularly appalled by the woman's attitude to her son's vocation, and more so by at her actions.
An old man, former clown, comes back in the neighborhood where he used to lived for the funeral of his ex-wife, and finds old friends with whom he had lost contact.
Assistant Director Trainee
Uma história comovente de amizade e perda devastadora sobre dois meninos que vivem na França ocupada pelos nazistas. Em um internato católico provincial, os jovens precoces conhecem a verdadeira camaradagem – até que um segredo é revelado.
Esta comédia absurda, com seu extenso grupo de vigaristas, ladrões, anarquistas, prostitutas, inspetores-chefes, negociantes de arte e inventores, lembra as vibrantes tapeçarias de Robert Altman. A história gira em torno de dois objetos, um conjunto raro de porcelana de Limoges, do século XVIII, e um retrato aristocrático do século XIX. Quando esses itens são passados, vendidos ou roubados de um personagem para outro, uma vertiginosa dança em volta do excesso começa a tomar forma, o que sugere que, se a história não se repetir, certamente rima. Juntamente com o co-escritor Gérard Brach, cujos outros créditos de co-escrita incluem Repulsão e Tess, Otar Iosseliani usa um leve toque para expor a futilidade da classe e ordem social, transformando em insignificantes as preocupações dos ricos e pobres. Premiada com o Prémio Especial do Júri no 41.º Festival Internacional de Cinema de Veneza.
Maurice Faugère
Late 1950s in France. One woman, two men. She, Ève Faugère, a glamorous diva at the peak of her career. The man, her husband, Maurice Faugère, an immense author who made her and propelled her for years to the firmament of the song. And finally the lover, Jean Leprat, her pianist who adores her and burns with passion for her. The atrocious poison of jealousy will consume them to the point of tragedy, the trap of a Machiavellian plot will take them all three. And she, the other one, the so pretty Florence, so fresh. This ambitious young singer, ready to do anything to overthrow the one she admires, is she not also caught in the trap of a diabolical game that is beyond her? Where does the danger come from? Who is orchestrating this fatal merry-go-round engraved in the vinyl of the brand new singles that brings its poisonous message every day? Who will die? Who will survive?