World Aid’s boss
Jeanne lives on a military base with an abrasive father, forced to care for their younger siblings while dreaming of breaking out of the family’s milieu by becoming a high-powered financial analyst.
Chris Roy Jacker (voice)
사설탐정 ‘알린 루비’는 안드로이드 파트너 ‘카를로스 리베라’와 함께 부유한 사업가의 의뢰로 유명한 해커를 쫓아 화성을 가로지른다.
Henri Tomasi
Compulsive spenders Albert and Bruno are in debt up to their necks. While seeking help from community workers to get their lives back on track, they run into a group of young green activists. Lured by the free beer and snacks rather than by the ideals of eco-activists, Albert and Bruno find themselves joining the movement without much conviction.
Freud (voice)
An account of the life and work of the influential Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), an iconic figure and a godless demigod who dared to enter the darkest depths of the human mind; through his correspondence and his own voice, and that of his family and friends.
For 12 years now, Mathieu Amalric has been filming the stupendous New York saxophonist and composer John Zorn. Whirligig films that Zorn likes to programme during his concerts, like a musical set. They are screened here for the first time out of a concert setting. Music in the making, constellations of energies, an ever-expanding universe of sound…
From this "inexorable disease", Hervé Guibert did not recover. The miracle he had so much hoped for did not happen. But, before his death in 1991, three years after learning of his HIV-positive status, he engraved in his literary and photographic work "the places of [his] suffering", "the stations of [his] way of the cross". With his thin body and sunken cheeks, the handsome man with curly hair that he was, the one whose clear gaze radiated from the seaside photos, fought a fierce battle against AIDS. A fight of every moment against the decay of the body, observed and commented with a methodical care in his autobiographical novels, in particular "To the Friend Who Did Not Save My Life" (1990) and "The Compassionate Protocol" (1991), and of which he testified on television on the set of "Apostrophes"...
Like Reger – the character Thomas Bernhard placed on a museum bench in front of a painting by Tintoretto, an ‘old master’ if ever there was one – an actor finds himself alone and stranded after a notorious virus closes theatres indefinitely. Here he is, wandering through an empty theatre, walking through pointless backstage areas and stumbling onto a street haunted by masked passers-by. Having convinced a fireman to look after him and his explosives, he tells him and the silence around him of his disgust with, amongst other things, the Heideggerians, the lack of punctuality, people who admire as opposed to respect and the State’s appropriation of children. In the overlapping of film and theatre, despair and survival, 1980s Austria and 2020s France, Bernhard’s text gains fresh resonance, “…and as far as culture is concerned, in this country your stomach is only there to churn.”
Le Commissaire
프랑스 앙뉘에서 발간되는 미국 잡지 프렌치 디스패치의 편집장 아서 하위처 주니어(빌 머리)가 갑자기 사망한다. 발행인의 부고는 곧잡지의 부고이기도 해서, 프렌디 디스패치의 최정예 저널리스트들은 마지막 발행본에 실을 특종 기사를 고민한다. 허브세인트 새저랙 (오언 윌슨), J. K. L. 베렌슨(틸다 스윈튼), 루신다 크레멘츠(프랜시스 맥도먼드), 로벅 라이트(제프리 라이트)는 각자 도시와 예술, 정치와 푸드 섹션을 맡아 피날레를 장식할 호의 기사를 쓴다. 살인죄로 수감된 천재 화가의 작품은 영악한 미술상에 의해 그 가치가 엄청나게 뛰게 되고, 기성세대에 저항하는 프랑스 청년들의 변혁 운동은 기성세대가 선언문을 고쳐준다는 아이러니를 마주하고, 해외파 기자는 프랑스의 외국인 노동자 셰프의 감정을 이해한다.
Le père
자불롱과 이사카르는 형제다. 20대 성인들인데, 하는 짓이 영 ‘병맛’이다. 스테이크 요리를 한다면서 개똥을 굽고 있다. 그러던 중 반려견 ‘일월이’가 실종된다. 잃어버린 강아지를 찾아 나서는 과정에서 이 형제들이 벌이는 기상천외한 모험이 압권이다.
At dawn, Clarisse takes a last look at her husband and two sleeping children, hesitates to leave a note, and hits the road. A desperate escape that gradually reveals its layers as Clarisse — who seems to have an extra-sensory connection to the family she has left behind — loses herself in the world.
At dawn, Clarisse takes a last look at her husband and two sleeping children, hesitates to leave a note, and hits the road. A desperate escape that gradually reveals its layers as Clarisse — who seems to have an extra-sensory connection to the family she has left behind — loses herself in the world.
Family Roland lives in Etretat. Jeanne, the youngest, inherits Mr Marechal's fortune, a friend of the parents. Pierre the elder brother, bogged down in questions, questions the sacredness of the family. Is this money hiding a heavy secret?
Self (archive footage)
Daniel Craig candidly reflects on his 15 year adventure as James Bond. Including never-before-seen archival footage from Casino Royale to the upcoming 25th film No Time To Die, Craig shares his personal memories in conversation with 007 producers, Michael G Wilson and Barbara Broccoli.
Tralala, a 48-year-old singer-composer, is an homeless in Paris. One evening, he believes he's meeting the Blessed Virgin who says to him before disappearing : "Above all, do not be yourself".
한 젊은 여성이 냉동 수면 장치에서 눈을 뜬다. 사라진 기억과 폐쇄된 공간, 그리고 급속도로 고갈되어 가는 산소. 살아남으려면 자신이 누군지부터 기억해내야 한다. 누운 자리가 그대로 관이 되기 전에.
Adolphe Thiers (voice)
The Black Book, drafted during World War II, gathers numerous unique historical testimonies, in an effort to document Nazi abuses against Jews in the USSR . Initially supported by the regime and aimed at providing evidence during the executioners’ trials in the post-war era, the Black Book was eventually banned and most of its authors executed on Stalin’s order. Told through the voices of its most famous instigators, soviet intellectuals Vassilli Grossman, Ilya Ehrenburg and Solomon Mikhoels, the documentary, provides a detailed account of the tragic destiny of this cursed book and puts the Holocaust and Stalinism in a new light.
Richard Berger
메탈 드러머 루빈은 청력을 잃는다. 의사가 상태가 더 나빠질 것이라 말하자, 루빈은 음악 활동과 인생이 끝났다고 생각한다. 여자 친구 루는 한때 중독자였던 루빈을 청각장애인들을 위한 재활 시설에 입원시키며 재발을 막고 새로운 삶에 적응하는 데 도움을 줄 거라 희망한다. 모두가 루빈을 있는 그대로 환영하고 받아들여주자, 루빈은 자신의 새로운 현실과 전에 살던 삶 사이에서 선택해야 한다.
The whole world knows him. Burlesque comedy genius, popular actor, author, director, producer, composer, choreographer, Charlie Chaplin (1899-1977) used his talent to serve an ideal of justice and freedom. But his best scenario was his own destiny, a story written into the political and artistic history of the 20th century.
On a faraway planet, home to Bobtors, an astronaut-doctor suffers from a lack of oxygen. To survive she has to pay the highest price as both a human and as a medic.
Famous educator Fernand Deligny tries to find ways to communicate beyond language with troubled and autistic children in his care.
The story revolves around Joëlle and Kamel Mrabti, key members of staff for Montfermeil's new mayor, Emmanuelle Joly—but the couple is also in the process of divorcing. The whole staff is working together on the implementation of a wacky new policy that features the creation of the Montfermeil Intensive School of Languages, where seven of the 62 languages spoken in this town on the outskirts of Paris will be taught. The policy is a great success and effectively revitalises the town, but life is no less complicated for the mayor's staff. Joëlle and Kamel are at war with each other and are each in love with mysterious blind dates. Shadowy traitors in the administration are seeking to sabotage Ms Joly's good work. Suspicions fall on Kamel.
Benoit Survenant
The story revolves around Joëlle and Kamel Mrabti, key members of staff for Montfermeil's new mayor, Emmanuelle Joly—but the couple is also in the process of divorcing. The whole staff is working together on the implementation of a wacky new policy that features the creation of the Montfermeil Intensive School of Languages, where seven of the 62 languages spoken in this town on the outskirts of Paris will be taught. The policy is a great success and effectively revitalises the town, but life is no less complicated for the mayor's staff. Joëlle and Kamel are at war with each other and are each in love with mysterious blind dates. Shadowy traitors in the administration are seeking to sabotage Ms Joly's good work. Suspicions fall on Kamel.
African immigrants start working on a farm in Normandy and hope to open their own restaurant someday.
1894년 12월, 프랑스의 알프레드 드레퓌스 대위는 독일 대사관에 군사정보를 팔아넘겼다는 혐의로 체포되어 반역죄를 선고받는다. 사건의 증거는 단 하나, 정보를 빼돌린 서류의 필적이 드레퓌스의 것과 비슷하다는 것뿐. 드레퓌스는 굴욕적인 군적 박탈식을 거쳐 '악마의 섬'으로 영원히 유배된다. 하지만 새로 부임한 피카르 중령은 드레퓌스 사건의 필적과 매우 유사한 서신을 발견하고, 은밀히 사건을 재조사하게 된다. 피카르가 진실에 다가설수록 군의 수뇌부는 은폐와 조작에 급급해하며 그를 궁지에 몰아넣기 시작하는데…
A Tramway in Jerusalem is a situation comedy that juxtaposes stories and human situations in the context of the current Israeli Palestinian society in 2018. In Jerusalem the tramway connects several neighbourhoods, from East to West, recording their variety and differences.
Marcelo Novais Teles, a young Brazilian, arrives in Paris to become an actor. But he is caught up in a very intense love as well as professional life; that's when he choses to film everything as time progresses. Dinner, parties, rehearsals, friendly and family meetings, falsely profound conversations, trips to Europe, etc. THE EXILED is the magnificently happy montage of these sequences, home movie of an obvious and chronic happiness, where the insolence of youth and its beauty are displayed. There are many well-known faces of actors who have become famous since then, which adds to the charm continuously lavished by these innocent images. Self-portrait in the form of a generational portrait, where the love of art crosses the art of living, the exile here is in the land of happiness.
Dr. Paul Gachet
빈센트 반 고흐는 생전 단 한 작품 밖에 그림을 팔지 못했으나, 지금은 전 세계에서 가장 유명하고 사랑받는 화가로 꼽힌다. 광기의 예술가, 비운의 천재 등 수많은 수식어와 함께 그의 굴곡진 삶은 신화 그 자체가 되었다. 가난과 외로움 속에 살던 화가 빈센트 반 고흐는 운명의 친구 폴 고갱을 만난다. 그마저도 자신을 떠나자 깊은 슬픔에 빠지지만 신이 준 선물, 자연의 아름다움을 담기 위해 몰두한다. 불멸의 걸작이 탄생한 프랑스 아를에서부터 오베르 쉬르 우아즈까지, 빈센트 반 고흐의 눈부신 마지막 나날을 담은 기록.
2년차 백수 베르트랑, 예민미 폭발 로랑, 파산 직전의 사장님 마퀴스, 히트곡 전무한 로커 시몽… 가정, 직장, 미래 등 각양각색의 걱정을 안고 수영장에 모인 벼랑 끝의 중년 남자들이 인생의 마지막 금메달을 꿈꾸며 마지막 도전을 시작한다. 오합지졸 수중발레 군단은 수영장의 어벤져스로 거듭날 수 있을까? 이젠 정말 죽기 아니면 까무러치기다!
In 1877 a Swiss aristocrat, Alfred von Rodt, became the governor of the remote Chilean island that gave birth to the legend of Robinson Crusoe. Exiled from his country and family, Von Rodt strived to build a utopian “little kingdom” until his death, but failed and lost his entire fortune. The film tells the story of this outcast through the lives of his descendants, who today seek political autonomy and a preservation of their indigenous identity.
On the shooting or when talking about it, Mathieu Amalric is preparing Barbara, his film about the iconic singer, starring the incredible Jeanne Balibar.
An immersive film essay on tennis legend John McEnroe at the height of his career as the world champion, documenting his strive for perfection, frustrations, and the hardest loss of his career at the 1984 Roland-Garros French Open.
For 12 years now, Mathieu Amalric has been filming the stupendous New York saxophonist and composer John Zorn. Whirligig films that Zorn likes to programme during his concerts, like a musical set. They are screened here for the first time out of a concert setting. Music in the making, constellations of energies, an ever-expanding universe of sound…
In a poetic composition of song, narration, and images, this film follows Canadian soprano and orchestra conductor Barbara Hannigan, accompanied by the Ludwig Orchestra, as she records her album Crazy Girl Crazy. Why did she choose these three pieces, in essence so different, but which intimately resonate with her: Berio’s Sequenza III, Berg’s Lulu Suite, and Gershwin’s Girl Crazy? With this musical voyage peering into a world of precision and sharing, where a passionate woman brings forth a vocal tour de force, Mathieu Amalric, César winner for Best Actor in 2005 and 2008, shows us once more his talent behind the camera with this new opus that goes beyond a mere artist’s portrait.
Mathieu Amalric’s film with John Zorn began as a European TV commission that was quickly abandoned in favor of something more intimate: an ongoing dialogue between two friends that will always be a work-in-progress.
Le père
모녀간의 끈끈한 유대와 사랑을 다룬 동화적 감성의 수작. 사춘기 직전의 마틸드는 정신적으로 불안정한 상태의 홀어머니를 정성껏 돌보지만, 이별의 위협은 늘 가까이 있다. 현실에 뿌리를 둔 아홉 살 소녀와 엄마의 복잡하고도 감동적인 관계가 강렬한 미장센으로 전개된다.
Yves Zand
When a director sets out to make a film about popular French singer Barbara, both he and the actress who is to play her are overwhelmed by the project.
When a director sets out to make a film about popular French singer Barbara, both he and the actress who is to play her are overwhelmed by the project.
When a director sets out to make a film about popular French singer Barbara, both he and the actress who is to play her are overwhelmed by the project.
Ismael Vuillard
이스마엘은 20년 전 사망한 부인 카를로타를 애도하고 있지만, 이제 연인 실비아와 살아가는 중이다. 어느 날 죽었다고 믿었던 카를로타가 다시 살아 돌아왔다. 스파이, 멜로드라마, 괴담을 오가며 복합적 테마를 다룬다.
A chronicle of the personal life and public career of the celebrated artist and filmmaker Julian Schnabel.
Gérard Illinski, le précepteur
In the kingdom of Letonia, the young prince Égon spends his nights playing the drums. During the day, he only has one thing on his mind: finding Sleeping Beauty in the kingdom of Kentz and breaking the spell over her. But his father, the king, doesn’t believe in fairy tales, and is completely opposed to Égon’s dream. It’s Maggie Jerkins, an archeologist from Unesco, who will provide Egon with the opportunity to follow his heart.
Jacques Rey
Laura is living on a lonely coast, in a rambling rented house, where she encounters a strange, ageless man, a man with uncanny knowledge of her own life. Together they begin a journey into the wilderness of time, love and human perception.
옛 방식을 고집하는 사진작가 ‘스테판’, 스텐판의 하나밖에 없는 딸이자 뮤즈 ‘마리’, 스테판의 어시스턴트 청년 ‘장’. 세 사람이 그려내는 비밀스럽고 미스터리한 호러 로맨스
Laurent is seeking a path in life after living his childhood and teenage years in laziness. He has a conflictual relationship with Rodolphe, his father, and both are too emotional to express their mutual affection. Despite the women of his life hanging around him , Rodolphe has but one obsession: meeting Marguerite again, the first love of his life.
Marc Châtaigne, an intern at the Ministry of Standards, is sent to French Guiana to implement European construction standards at Guyaneige: the first Amazonian ski slope, intended to boost tourism in French Guiana. There, he meets Tarzan, an attractive intern at the National Forestry Office, with whom he’ll get lost on a journey through the jungle that will take him far, far away…
An inquiry into two of the most influencial French filmakers friendship and feud.
Seances, co-created with the National Film Board of Canada, presents a wholly new way of experiencing film narrative. By dynamically generating a series of film sequences in unique configurations, potentially hundreds of thousands of new stories are conjured by code. Each will exist only in the moment—no pausing, scrubbing, or sharing—offering the audience one chance to see the generated film. This project, co-created by the ever imaginative Guy Maddin, is a visual discourse on the impact of loss within film. All the sequences pay homage to lost silent films from the early day of cinema. Seances is nostalgic but it is also frequently hilarious. Part of the joy and sadness of Seances is that many possible narratives are created but they can be only viewed once before they disappear forever.
Oscar Pormenor
A young man who lives with his mother and has never known his father, heads off to look for him. He finds a cynical and Machiavellian man who works as a publisher in Paris. After he attempts to kill him, he finds filial love thanks to his uncle.
Laurent Achard set up his camera on the set of Paul Vecchiali’s film Le Cancre to capture the director’s creative power. Although Vecchiali’s precision is impressive, Achard also shows moments where his collaborators’ input is essential. Under the director’s eye, the stars are becoming actors again, and Achard revives the heritage of Vecchiali’s '70s and '80s production studio Diagonale.
François Sim considers himself worthless and he may have good reasons for that. Hasn't he lost his job as well as his wife Caroline? Isn't he unable to relate to Lucy, his teenage daughter? Didn't he, when he was eighteen miss out on passion whereas the sexy, gorgeous Luigia opened her arms to him?
악한이 등장하는 절제된 버디 코미디. 사형당한 프랑스 귀족의 두개골과 막연하게 연관된 두 오래된 친구가 겪는 도시 모험담을 그리는 는 전형적으로 불손한 이오셀리아니식의 짧은 여행으로, 클래식한 파리 아파트촌을 배경으로 하여 과거와 현재 그리고 미래를 응시한다. (2015년 제20회 부산국제영화제)
Jérôme Varenne
Jérôme Varenne, a French financier, lives and works in Shanghai with Chen-Li, his life and business partner. One day, during a short stay in Paris, while paying a call to his mother, he is very displeased to learn from her and his hated brother, that the family house in Ambray is going to be sold. Jerome decides to go to the town where he grew up to see what is going on. Little does he know how eventful his escapade will be. Little does he know that it will change his life from soup to nuts...
Thadeusz M___ / Ostler
무정부주의적인 스토리, 테크니컬러에 기초한 색채 미학, 장르의 혼성으로 점철된 완전히 새로운 미학을 시도하는 영화. 낡은 카메라와 필름 조각들에 대한 페티시즘을 전면화하면서 유령과 환영으로 이어지는 미로의 체험을 선사한다. (2015년 제16회 전주국제영화제) 리뷰 캐나다의 아방가르드 감독 가이 매딘이 쓰고 연출한 은 끝없는 상상력의 절경을 체험하게 한다. 꿈의 미로를 헤매는 것 같은 분위기로 좌중을 압도하는 이 영화는 종잡을 수 없는 방향으로 꼬리를 물고 이어지는 이야기의 연속이다. 간단한 시놉시스로 영화를 요약한다는 것조차 불가능하다. 가이 매딘은 2009년 이후 줄곧 협력해온 젊은 예술가 에반 존슨과 공동으로 이 영화를 연출했다. 무정부주의적인 스토리, 테크니컬러에 기초한 색채 미학, 장르의 혼성으로 점철된 이 영화는 시효가 끝나버린 영화형식으로 창조해낸 완전히 새로운 미학의 결정체이다. 무성영화 시대의 캐릭터와 영화, 스타일로부터 받은 영감을 현란하게 펼쳐놓으면서 매딘은 거대한 노스탤지어의 시간을 연출한다. 낡은 카메라와 필름 조각들에 대한 페티시즘을 전면화하면서 영화는 유령과 환영의 시간으로 안내하는 미로의 체험을 선사한다. 샬롯 램플링, 제랄딘 채플린, 마티유 아말릭, 마리아 드 메데이로스 등의 익숙한 배우들이 예상치 못한 순간에 튀어나오는 의외성도 일관되어 있다. (2015년 제16회 전주국제영화제/장병원)
In “C’est presque au bout du monde”, I explore a mystery which fascinates me : where do these inhuman voices come from ? Where in the body is the source of this unsettling anomaly of singing ? - Mathieu Amalric
In a society where the greatest concern is the size and power of one’s wings, nihilist Ciobeck tries to protect Moann. But how can one survive in a barren land populated by imprisoned-mind people?
Paul Dédalus (adult)
Paul is preparing to leave Tajikistan, while thinking back on his adolescent years. His childhood, his mother's madness, the parties, the trip to the USSR where he lost his virginity, the friend who betrayed him and the love of his life.
Through the course of several accidents and chance encounters, Hanoch and Ruben will meet and each of them will have to face a page of his personal history, a page that they both need to turn for good.
Le narrateur (voice)
파리 공항 인근 호텔, 미국인 엔지니어 게리와 객실 청소부 오드리는 우연히 스친다. 별안간 존재론적인 질문에 부딪힌 게리는 모든 일을 멈추고, 오드리는 정체된 삶으로부터 벗어나 새가 되어 활강하는 신비한 경험을 하게 된다.
(2015년 제16회 전주국제영화제)
학창시절 알고 지낸 한 고교 동창 쥴리앙과 에스더는 각기 다른 가정을 꾸리며 살아가던 중 평온한 일상을 뒤흔드는 위험한 재회를 하게 된다. 그들은 짙고 푸른 비밀의 방에서 밀애를 통해 육체적 사랑의 탐닉에 빠져 들지만 격정의 뜨거움이 달아오를수록 서로는 사랑에 대한 두려움에 갇히게 되는데…
Julien Gahyde
학창시절 알고 지낸 한 고교 동창 쥴리앙과 에스더는 각기 다른 가정을 꾸리며 살아가던 중 평온한 일상을 뒤흔드는 위험한 재회를 하게 된다. 그들은 짙고 푸른 비밀의 방에서 밀애를 통해 육체적 사랑의 탐닉에 빠져 들지만 격정의 뜨거움이 달아오를수록 서로는 사랑에 대한 두려움에 갇히게 되는데…
학창시절 알고 지낸 한 고교 동창 쥴리앙과 에스더는 각기 다른 가정을 꾸리며 살아가던 중 평온한 일상을 뒤흔드는 위험한 재회를 하게 된다. 그들은 짙고 푸른 비밀의 방에서 밀애를 통해 육체적 사랑의 탐닉에 빠져 들지만 격정의 뜨거움이 달아오를수록 서로는 사랑에 대한 두려움에 갇히게 되는데…
A couple goes on a hike in the woods, and the woman refuses to return.
Serge X.
1927년 세계대전이 한창이던 어느 날, 세계 최고 부호 마담 D가 그랜드 부다페스트 호텔에 다녀간 지 얼마 지나지 않아 의문의 살인을 당한다. 그녀는 유언을 통해 가문 대대로 내려오던 명화 사과를 든 소년을 전설적인 호텔 지배인이자 연인 구스타브 앞으로 남긴다. 마담 D의 유산을 노리고 있던 그의 아들 드미트리는 구스타브를 졸지에 유력한 용의자로 지목하게 되고, 구스타브는 충실한 호텔 로비보이 제로와 함께 누명을 벗기기 위한 기상천외한 모험을 시작한다.
It is the revelation, by a letter to Jacques Tourneur, of the face which crosses all his work and gives herself as a feminine, timeless icon.
Beautiful, sad story told from multiple perspectives. A man picks a dahlia before entering his home. His dog senses something is wrong. The housekeeper makes tea before seeing the tragedy. Slowly the elements slot into place.
여대생들과 가벼운 잠자리를 즐기는 매력적인 문학교수 마크. 어느 날, 마크의 강의를 듣던 여대생 중 하나가 실종되는 사건이 발생한다. 경찰수사가 진행되는 가운데 노골적으로 마크를 유혹하는 여대생 아니, 그의 유일한 가족이자 연인 같은 미묘한 사이인 누나 마리안, 그를 찾아 온 실종 여대생의 젊고 아름다운 의붓어머니 안나. 마크는 뒤섞인 관계 속에서 거부할 수 없는 유혹과 사랑에 빠져 드는데…
Georges Devereux
The story of Picard, a Plains Indian of the Blackfeet nation, as he returns from WWII and begins experiencing unexplainable symptoms shortly thereafter. He travels to the famous Winter Hospital in Topeka, Kansas, where he meets Devereux, thus beginning a professional and personal friendship guided by compassion and understanding of Native American culture.
Documentary about the the film critic and filmmaker Jean-Claude Biette.
In a private collection in Arlington, French actor and director Mathieu Amalric, who won the Best director award in Cannes) takes his camera to one of Hopper's latest masterpiece, one of the most mysterious as well. As we hear the four last Lieder of Strauss or extracts from a Kennedy speech, that Hopper listened to while working, Amalric keeps pursuing the hidden meanings of his painting in its darkest corners. (With American documentarist Frederick Wiseman doing Edward Hopper's voice).
In a private collection in Arlington, French actor and director Mathieu Amalric, who won the Best director award in Cannes) takes his camera to one of Hopper's latest masterpiece, one of the most mysterious as well. As we hear the four last Lieder of Strauss or extracts from a Kennedy speech, that Hopper listened to while working, Amalric keeps pursuing the hidden meanings of his painting in its darkest corners. (With American documentarist Frederick Wiseman doing Edward Hopper's voice).
In a private collection in Arlington, French actor and director Mathieu Amalric, who won the Best director award in Cannes) takes his camera to one of Hopper's latest masterpiece, one of the most mysterious as well. As we hear the four last Lieder of Strauss or extracts from a Kennedy speech, that Hopper listened to while working, Amalric keeps pursuing the hidden meanings of his painting in its darkest corners. (With American documentarist Frederick Wiseman doing Edward Hopper's voice).
자신의 연극에 출연할 여배우를 찾지 못하던 주인공이 배역에 적합한 여자를 만나게 되면서 벌어지는 이야기를 그린 영화
Roger Marion
A counterterrorism task force investigates the 1998 Ajaccio assassination of Claude Érignac, the prefect of Corsica. Based on true events.
A family drama. A deceased mother and a father with a new wife. Three sisters; the middle one has lost her lover by whom she is pregnant. During a family dinner an old secret emerges. A search for identity and primarily a story about human relationships.
Barão Marbot
난공불락의 요새 토레스! 나폴레옹의 대규모 침공에 대한 포르투갈과 영국의 저항. 각자 다른 사연과 경로로 토레스에 모인 그들. 토레스의 마지막 전투는 그들의 운명을 결정한다!
Behind the scenes of shooting in various notoriously difficult locations, including interviews with producers and lead actors.
An in-depth documentary about the making of David Cronenberg's feature film, Cosmopolis (2012), an adaptation of Don DeLillo's novel of the same name.
Le professeur de français
16살의 까밀은 첫사랑 에릭을 만나 미친 듯이 사랑했고, 이후 가정을 꾸려 행복하게 살아간다. 25년 후… 까밀은 여전히 무명배우이고 알코올 중독, 설상가상으로 남편 에릭은 다른 여자가 생겼다며 까밀을 떠나고 만다. 삶이 지루하다 못해 지쳐버린 까밀. 어디서부터 잘못된 걸까? 그런 까밀에게 도무지 믿기지 않는 마법 같은 일이 일어난다. 새해가 되기 하루 전날, 그녀는 지금 모습 그대로 16살의 시절로 돌아가게 된 것. 이미 돌아가신 부모님과의 재회, 다시 만난 단짝 친구들, 그리고 열정적인 첫사랑으로 남아있는 남편 에릭까지. 미래를 알고 있는 16살 까밀은 이 상황이 행복하지만 두렵기도 하다. 까밀은 과연 이대로 다시 행복을 찾을 수 있을까? 그를 다시 사랑할 수 있을까?
M. Henri
저명한 극작가 앙뜨완이 죽고 그의 성에 초대받은 13명의 배우들!! 그들은 과거 앙뜨완의 연극 ‘에우리디스’에 출연했던 배우들이었다. 모두가 모인 자리에서 그들은 앙뜨완이 남긴 영상메세지와 함께 젊은 배우들이 연기하는 새로운 ‘에우리디스’를 보게 되는데..
Perplexed at the sudden disappearance of her husband, a wife watches hours of videotape that he’s recorded over the previous seven years to piece together some clues.
André Petrescu
천문학적인 돈을 주무르는 뉴욕의 최연소 거물 투자가 에릭 패커. 그의 하루는 뉴욕 도심의 초호화 리무진에서 시작 된다. 때는 뉴욕 세계 공황이 극에 달하는 시점, 에릭 패커는 자신의 능력을 과신하며 위안화에 배팅한다. 성공 강박증에 시달리는 그는 절대 사무실로 들어가지 않고, 리무진에서만 관계자들을 만난다. 하루 동안 리무진을 찾아오는 회계전문가, 투자전문가, 경제전문가, 큐레이터, 보디가드, 그리고 그의 부인까지 에릭 패커가 가진 고민의 어떤 것도 해결해 주지 못한다. 결국 위안화 폭락으로 인해 그는 파산 위기에 처하게 되고 이혼까지 당한다. 이미 세계 공황 속에 뒤죽박죽이 되어버린 뉴욕. 시민들은 쥐를 잡아서 화폐와 비교하는 시위를 하고, 에릭 패커를 문제의 근원이라 지목하는데…
Five gigantic sinkholes have recently been discovered on a remote plateau on the other side of the world. A team of experts has made the trip to descend into the depths. Among them is professor Georges Lebrun, who has come with his wife.
Nasser Ali
이루지 못한 첫사랑을 바이올린 연주에 녹인 순정 아티스트 나세르알리 칸, 자신이 아끼는 바이올린이 부서지자 슬픔을 주체하지 못하고 죽기로 결심한다. 아내의 눈물 어린 호소도, 마당을 뛰노는 아이들의 웃음소리도 그의 마음을 결코 바꾸지 못하고 시간은 하루하루 흘러간다. 첫사랑의 추억에 젖어 며칠 밤을 보낸 그는 여섯 번째 날, 저승사자의 방문을 받게 되는데...
한 예술가의 비애를 독특하고 환상적인 아라비안 나이트 풍의 화면에 담아 샹송과 탱고 등 다양한 장르의 음악으로 녹여낸 기발한 작품!
The Prince (voice)
The story of a rabbi and his talking cat, a sharp-tongued feline philosopher brimming with scathing humor and a less than pure love for the rabbi's teenage daughter.
In 1430, Joan of Arc, the prisoner of a powerful lord of the north of France is sold to the English. As a captive awaiting her death, she is approached by different men for whom she is believed to be the embodiment of the infinite.
In this contemporary adaptation of Pierre Corneille’s brilliant, eponymous 17th century play, the enigmatic Alcandre is now a hotel concierge who uses the myriad in-house high-tech security cameras to show worried father Pridamant the whereabouts and travails of his son, Clindor. As Pridamant witnesses the conflicting romances involving his estranged son, Corneille’s modernist meta-narrative is transposed to contemporary Paris, underscoring the ambiguous nature of love, wealth and desire in an age of consumerism. (Chicago International Film Festival)
Formerly successful television producer Joachim Zand returns from America to his native France, where he previously has left everything behind, including friends, enemies and his own children. In his company is a burlesque striptease troupe whom he has promised a grand performance in Paris. Together they tour the French port cities, staying at cheap hotels and making success along the way. Old conflicts are however reignated upon the return to the French capital. Joachim is betrayed by people from his past, making him lose the venue where they were to perform, and the Paris finale comes to nothing.
Joachim Zand
Formerly successful television producer Joachim Zand returns from America to his native France, where he previously has left everything behind, including friends, enemies and his own children. In his company is a burlesque striptease troupe whom he has promised a grand performance in Paris. Together they tour the French port cities, staying at cheap hotels and making success along the way. Old conflicts are however reignated upon the return to the French capital. Joachim is betrayed by people from his past, making him lose the venue where they were to perform, and the Paris finale comes to nothing.
Formerly successful television producer Joachim Zand returns from America to his native France, where he previously has left everything behind, including friends, enemies and his own children. In his company is a burlesque striptease troupe whom he has promised a grand performance in Paris. Together they tour the French port cities, staying at cheap hotels and making success along the way. Old conflicts are however reignated upon the return to the French capital. Joachim is betrayed by people from his past, making him lose the venue where they were to perform, and the Paris finale comes to nothing.
용맹한 여류 탐험가이자 작가인 '아델'은 자신의 실수로 뇌사상태에 빠진 쌍둥이 동생 '아가사'를 살리기 위해 극지방으로 가라는 출판사의 주문을 저버리고 이집트로 떠난 그녀는 그 곳에서 파라오의 무덤을 파헤친다. 파라오 무덤에서 그녀가 찾는 건 당시 의사의 미이라. 결국 미이라를 손에 넣는데 성공한 '아델'은 사후 세계의 생명을 살려내는 능력을 지닌 '에스페란듀' 교수를 만나야만 한다. 그러나 신통한 능력을 지닌 '아스페란도'교수는 박물관에 있는 100만년도 훨씬 더 익룡의 알을 부화시키고, 알을 깨고 나온 거대한 '익룡'이 파리를 혼란에 빠뜨렸다는 이유로 '에스페란도'교수는 사형 선고를 받는다. 동생을 살리기 위해선' 에스페란도'교수가 꼭 필요한 상황. '아델'은 익룡과 함께 '에스페란도'교수를 감옥에서 꺼내기 위한 위험한 모험을 시작하는데 ...
Call for the regularization by the French government of all undocumented workers living in the country, a short film co-directed by 320 filmmakers and directors, producers, distributors and cinema owners.
Documentary about Joann Sfar (born August 28, 1971) is a French comics artist, comic book creator and film director. He is considered one of the most important artists of the new wave of Franco-Belgian comics. His main influences are Fred and André Franquin as well as Marc Chagall, Chaim Soutine, Will Eisner, Hugo Pratt and John Buscema. From 2009 to 2010, Sfar wrote and directed Gainsbourg: Une Vie Heroique, a biopic of the illustrious French songwriter and singer, of whom Sfar is a self-confessed fanatic. The film, which draws substantially on Sfar's abilities as a comic book artist through its extensive use of fantasy artwork, animation and puppetry, was released in 2010 to general critical acclaim.
Documentary about Joann Sfar (born August 28, 1971) is a French comics artist, comic book creator and film director. He is considered one of the most important artists of the new wave of Franco-Belgian comics. His main influences are Fred and André Franquin as well as Marc Chagall, Chaim Soutine, Will Eisner, Hugo Pratt and John Buscema. From 2009 to 2010, Sfar wrote and directed Gainsbourg: Une Vie Heroique, a biopic of the illustrious French songwriter and singer, of whom Sfar is a self-confessed fanatic. The film, which draws substantially on Sfar's abilities as a comic book artist through its extensive use of fantasy artwork, animation and puppetry, was released in 2010 to general critical acclaim.
Man in Bushes
타이완의 한 영화감독이 살로메의 신화를 바탕으로 한 영화를 만들려고 한다. 그러나 영화제작이 시작되자마자 감독의 모친이 죽게 되고, 그는 이승을 떠나기 싫어하는 엄마의 혼령이 깃든 아파트에서 깊은 잠에 빠진다.
Robinson, appropriately named as we will soon discover, is on vacation in Biarritz with his wife. What follows is the story behind the loss of his arm, a story that becomes increasingly bizarre and eventually apocalyptic, leading us down a narrative path of labyrinthine complexity. The resulting film is an extraordinary feat of imagination and daring, set against the backdrop of a world on the verge of destruction.
Father with pram
As she does every morning, Lucie takes advantage of her journey to work to lose herself for a while in the pages of a good book. And as she does every morning, she joins her colleagues at the office with a smile. It's a working day just like any other. Then suddenly all activity in the office stops. All attention is turned towards the window of the opposite building opposite and abanner reading: Man Alone. Is it a hoax? A cry for help? Everyone has his own interpretation, and will try, by any means possible, to discover what lies behind this mysterious message.
Bernard de Bordeaux
일정한 직업이 없는 50대 후반의 유부남으로, 쉽게 흥분하는 성격의 조르주. 그는 우연히 빨간 지갑을 줍게 된다. 지갑의 주인인 마르게리트는 비행기 조종면허를 가진, 종잡을 수 없는 성격의 치과의사. 신분증을 확인하던 조르주는 만난 적도 없는 여인에게 반해 로맨틱한 조우를 꿈꾸는데, 우연이 만들어낸 기이한 러브스토리가 시작된다. 당시 아흔을 바라보았던 백전노장의 기량이 여전히 최정상에 있음을 각인시켰으며, 그해 「카이에 뒤 시네마」 10베스트에서 1위로 선정되었다. (2015 영화의 전당 - 알랭 레네 특별전) 2009년 칸느 영화제 경쟁부문 진출작으로 87세의 알랭 레네 감독이 만든 영화.
The short piece gives us info from Forster, Craig, Arterton, Almaric, Kurylenko, and Wilson. All involved tell us of Forster's greatness.
Récitant / Narrator (voice)
Alexander Calder revolutionized the art of sculpture with his distinctive modernism, freeing sculpture from its stand and adding movement to the art itself. He rose to fame in the 1930s with his renowned Miniature Circus but his modernist creativity skyrocketed with his wire sculptures, an invention he dubbed "drawing in space."
François Besse
쟈크 메슬린은 경찰에 잡혀 법정에 서게 되면서도 미리 화장실에 권총을 숨겨놓았다가 판사를 인질로 삼아 탈출에 성공하는 등 프랑스 정부로부터 공공의 적으로 지목을 받게 된다. 은행이나 카지노를 털고 국가 권력에 맞서는 데에도 서슴치 않았던 그는 시대 분위기에 편승해 로빈훗과 같은 인물로 묘사됐고, 거액을 받고 잡지사와 비밀 인터뷰까지 하며 이러한 상황을 즐긴다.
Dominic Greene
카지노 로얄에서 최초의 임무를 성공적으로 완수한 007 제임스 본드. 하지만 첫사랑 베스퍼의 배신과 비극적인 죽음으로 강렬한 복수심에 휩싸인다. 한편 진실을 밝히기 위해 M과 함께 수수께끼의 인물 미스터 화이트를 심문하던 중, 베스퍼를 죽음으로 몰고간 배후 세력이 생각보다 훨신 거대하고 위험한 조직임을 알게 된다. 게다가 MI6 내부에까지 세력이 침투해 있어 제임스 본드가 믿을 수 있는 사람은 아무도 없다는 게 밝혀진다. 단서를 쫓던 007은 MI6 내의 누군가가 테러 조직의 돈 세탁을 위해 아이티에 은행 계좌를 만들었다는 정보를 입수하고 곧바로 아이티로 향하는데...
세상과 단절한 채 살아가는 마흔 살의 영화감독 베르트랑은 어떤 ‘특별한’ 상황을 겪는다. 그날 밤 그는 관 속에 누워있는 자신을 발견하고, 다음 날 아침 전혀 다른 사람이 된다. 자신의 인생에 대해 다시 생각하는 베르트랑, 결국 낯선 사람을 따라 세상과 완전히 고립된 ‘왕국’이라는 곳으로 가기로 결심한다. 그 곳에서 신비롭고 카리스마 넘치는 지도자인 우마라는 여성과 전사(戰士) 계급제도와 전제정치 속에서 행복하게 살아가는 사람들을 만나게 되는데... 클라우제비츠의 병서(兵書) 『전쟁론』의 내용과 구성을 빌려와 재해석한 흥미로운 작품.
Henri, their middle child
주농, 아벨 부부는 유전병으로 골수이식이 필요한 아들을 살리고자 아이를 낳았지만 실패했다. 세월이 흘러, 맏딸 엘리자베스는 빚을 갚아주는 조건하에 집안의 악동 앙리를 추방시키지만 주농이 유전병에 걸리면서 모두 한자리에 모인다. 데플레생의 떠들썩한 세계가 한여름 밤의 꿈처럼 펼쳐진다.
A teenager searches for meaningful connections with others while trying to build a steady relationship with her transsexual father and a stepdad who posts everything about their family online.
마르셀린은 투르게네프의 희곡을 토대로 한 연극에서 딸의 가정교사와 사랑에 빠지는 역을 맡는다. 아이에 대한 갈망과 배우로서의 갈등으로 갈팡질팡하는 그녀
François Grimbert at 37 years old
In 1953, a sensitive French boy finds out from a neighbor that his family's Jewish. François Grimbert becomes a physician, and gradually peels the layers of his buried family history which resulted in his difficult upbringing, raised as Catholic by his "Aryan" appearing parents. His athletic father labored to stamp out stereotypical Jewish characteristics he perceived in his son, to keep the family's many secrets, as most relatives fought in World War II, and later were hauled off to labor and death camps by the Gestapo.
Prey to his desire for women, Richard O. explores the sinuous mysteries of eroticism in a Paris full of summer inhabitants in the torrid month of August.
Simon Kessler
A psychologist discovers troubling links between Nazism and modern-day big business.
Jean-Dominique Bauby
최고의 권위를 자랑하는 세계적인 프랑스 패션전문지 엘르의 최고 편집장인 쟝 도미니크 보비. 잘나가던 그는 어느 날 갑자기 뇌졸중으로 쓰러진다. 그리고 20일 후, 의식을 찾은 쟝은 오로지 왼쪽 눈꺼풀만으로 의사소통을 하게 된다. 좌절의 순간에서도 쟝은 희망을 가지며 자신의 상상력에 의존한 삶을 살아가기 시작한다. 눈을 깜빡이는 횟수로 스펠링을 설명하여 자신의 일과 사랑, 그리고 인생에 대한 이야기들을 상상하며 담담하게 책으로 써내려 간다. 쟝은 자신의 책 속에서 영원히 갇혀버린 잠수종을 벗어나 자유로이 날아다니는 한 마리 나비로써 또 한번의 화려한 비상을 꿈꾼다.
Set in France during the struggle for Algerian independence, Messaoud's mother is terminally ill and his father, needing to work long hours in the factory, can't look after him, so decides to put him and his older brother Abdel in foster care. Sent to the countryside, Abdel has to work on a farm, but Messaoud is taken in by a childless woman, who conceals his Arab origins from her fiercely Gaullist ex-army husband. Re-named Michel/Michou, and with his hair comically dyed blond, the young boy quickly steals the hearts of both foster-parents, and eventually is instrumental in saving their troubled marriage.
A journalist must portray a sociologist.
Thanks to the law of 1948 and to her grandmother, the nominal tenant who is always absent, Francesca Cigalone and all her tribe (thoughtless husband, orphan sister, self-centered film maker and his mistress of the day, eccentric granny, friends, friends of the friends, daughter...) live on a shoestring in a very big apartment. Which is not to the liking of supercilious bitchy owner Charlotte Falingard, who has been intent for some time on having them evicted for obvious speculative reasons. But suing Francesca is no bed of roses. The lady is tenacious. Moreover she once studied law... Written by Guy Bellinger
A filmmaker and his crew try to enter the passionate world of Port-Royal and of Jansenism. Another Age of Louis XIV comes to life, the age of Pascal, Racine and of the “Friends of Truth”. The film itself comes up against the unanswerable question of grace.
Serge fight against sleep. He keeps sinking. He finds it increasingly difficult to distinguish between what he dreams and what he really saw .
Alain Moreau sings for one of the few remaining dance-bands in Clermont-Ferrand. Though something of an idol amongst his female audience he has a melancholic awareness of the slow disappearance of that audience and of his advancing years. He is completely knocked off balance when he meets strikingly attractive and much younger businesswoman Marion. She seems distant and apparently otherwise involved but soon shows quiet signs of reciprocating his interest.
파리, 브루노는 친구 피에르와 자신의 아파트에서 여자친구인 로제트를 기다리고 있다. 브루노와 8개월을 사귀는 동안 단 한 번도 제 시간에 나온 적이 없는 그녀를 기다리며 브루노는 오늘 그녀가 45분 이상 늦는다면 결별을 선언하겠다며 독하게 마음 먹는다. 시간에 철저한 브루노에게 지금까지 구렁이 담 넘어가듯 능청스럽게 대응해 온 로제트는 과연 어떤 반응을 보일까?
Man at Masked Ball
오스트리아의 공주 마리 앙투아네트는 동맹을 위해 프랑스의 황태자 루이 16세와 정략결혼을 하고 베르사유에 입궐한다. 완전히 다른 세상에 들어선 그녀는 새로운 생활에 대한 기대로 설레지만, 무관심한 남편과 프랑스 귀족들의 시기심으로 점차 프랑스에서의 생활에 외로움을 느끼고 지쳐만 가는데...
The man
A mother and her two sons have waited for ten years for her husband and their father to return. One day a stranger arrives and approaches them.
전 세계의 이목이 집중된 1972년 뮌헨올림픽. 모두가 스포츠의 환희와 감동에 열광하는 가운데 끔찍한 인질 사건이 발생한다. 이 사건은 전 세계에 TV로 생중계가 되고, 팔레스타인 무장 조직 ‘검은 9월단’은 인질로 잡았던 이스라엘 선수단 11명을 살해한다. 전 세계는 엄청난 충격과 혼란에 휩싸이고, 팔레스타인은 이제 세계가 그들의 목소리로 귀기울이게 되었다고 자축한다. 하지만, 팔레스타인에 대한 보복을 결심한 이스라엘은 ‘검은 9월단’이 했던 것처럼 세계인의 이목을 끌 수 있는 비밀 공작을 준비하게 되고…. 이스라엘 정보기관 ‘모사드’는 최정예 요원들을 소집, 기록조차 없는 비밀 조직을 만들고 ‘검은 9월단’에 대한 복수를 명령한다. 조국애가 깊은 ‘모사드’ 출신 비밀 요원 ‘애브너(에릭 바나)’를 리더로 도주, 폭발물, 문서위조, 뒷처리를 담당하는 전문가들로 암살팀을 구성한다. 뮌헨 사건의 배후 인물로 지목된 팔레스타인인은 모두 11명. 이스라엘 비밀 요원들은 이들을 한 명씩 찾아내 치밀한 복수를 시작한다. 하지만 그들은 목표물을 제거할수록 조국의 임무와 복수의 정당성 사이에서 고민하기 시작하고, 살인에 대한 죄책감을 느낀다. 동시에 자신들 또한 누군지 모르는 암살팀의 표적으로 쫓기게 되는 아이러니한 상황에 빠져든다. 애브너와 비밀 요원들은 점점 더 큰 두려움과 죄책감에 사로잡혀가는데….
Philippe Bernier
January 1966. In a Paris apartment, police discovered the corpse of Georges Figon, the man who broke the scandal of the Ben Barka affair and undermined Gaullist power.
A year earlier, Figon, tired of dubious deals and petty scams, is looking for a juicy blow. Close to the "middle" since his years in prison, he was given a large mission: to produce a documentary about decolonization, written by Marguerite Duras and directed by Georges Franju, with the help of the famous Moroccan opponent Mehdi Ben Barka, hired as a historical consultant.
This film project is a trap ...
Serge Schaeffer
아내를 놀래 주려는 심산으로 남편은 10년 넘게 기른 콧수염을 깎는다. 하지만 아내는 아무리 시간이 지나도 그에 대해 언급하지 않고, 초조해진 남편에게 콧수염은 처음부터 없었다고 말하는데...
Documentary about the making of Louis Malle's 1963 film "The Fire Within".
Un spectateur du Nô
The film is a love story which tells the impossible tale of two youths who have never before met. The action unrolls in Paris between 1979 and 1980.
Alex, a professional tourist guide, is asked to welcome Sacha,a young woman of Russian extraction. She has participated in a contest and, consequently, won a one-week stay in Geneva. From the outset, the young woman shakes up Alex's plans and drags him along with her through a risky and hazardous treasure-hunt at the confines of Eastern Switzerland. Wanted by the police and hunted down by the mafia, Alex and Sacha decide to shake off their pursuers by moving about more slowly than the others: they then advance through lakes and other roundabout ways. While Alex and Sacha sink deeply into an ever stranger Switzerland, they will observe, discover, oppose and finally love each other to the vanishing point.
Ismaël Vuillard
Shortly before her wedding, art gallery director Nora travels from Paris to Grenoble to visit her preteen son, Elias, who is spending time with her aging professor father, Louis, recently diagnosed with terminal cancer. During her stay, she reaches out to her former lover, Ismael, a viola player and father figure to Elias who has been committed against his will to a mental hospital. Ismael, however, has his own problems to sort out.
Paris, today. A corrupt businessman, Duchey, returns to France to confront the justice of his country. But his return to his homeland will cause the turmoil of three individuals.
The art teacher
When she was seven, Elise Gardet witnessed her mother’s brutal murder. Ever since, she has tried to forget this unsolved crime. Now she’s 18 and beautiful, but her bourgeois family and her stepmother’s anxiety are suffocating her.
A classical musician demands that his beautiful daughter and his young son follow in his footsteps despite their personal wishes.
During a party somewhere in Paris, an apprentice filmmaker, Boris, and a young executive, Marilyne, play at being a loving couple when they've only just met. They end up really falling in love. Five years later, Marilyne, accompanied by Boris and their two kids, goes to Ibiza on a business trip. Just as Boris, tired of being a househusband, is about to leave her, Marilyne takes off on a lover's spree. Five years later,; Marilyne reappears in the depths of the Pyrenees as the leader of a group of American women on a "personal growth" tour. She learns that the man who is to introduce them to the mysteries of coqs de Bruyère mating rituals is none other than Boris. In the same way that, five years earlier, they played at being intimate when they'd only just met, Marilyne and Boris will now play at being strangers when they know each other, For the very best.
French actor Mathieu Amalric directs the made-for-TV comedy La Chose Publique (Public Affairs). Shot on digital video, the film is a satire of French politics and media personalities. Television director Philippe Roberts (Jean-Quentin Chatelain) has been assigned to make a film series, so he decides to use his own life and marriage as an inspiration. Public Affairs was shown at the 2003 Cannes Film Festival.
A post-script to his "Le Stade De Wimbledon"
An unexpected phone call from a certain Kirsch sets off a crisis between Catherine and Raphaël that will affect all those around them, be they close friends or casual acquaintances.
The Heroic Cinematographer discusses the relationship between war and cinema beginning in the Civil War.
During the Gulf War, the paths of several groups of characters cross in France’s most desert-like region. The cast is as follows: An astrophysician who works alone with Geraldine in an observatory high in the mountains. He’d like to seduce Geraldine, but she seems to prefer the shepherd who’s been relegated to a shabby hut nearby. A group of filmmakers stuck in the middle of the countryside after their crew went on strike because lunch never turned up. A squadron of stupid soldiers who consider even the most minor incident to be proof of Saddam Hussein’s invasion of France. A maniacal geologist, oblivious of everything, who continues to search for the traces of a tectonic Big Bang in the most inaccessible places.
1시간 30분의 답답한 출근길과 단조로운 공장 업무, 그리고 집으로의 퇴근. 뱅상에게 매주 월요일 아침은 지리한 일상이 시작되는 고달픈 시간이다. 화가가 되고 싶은 그의 꿈은 가족에 대한 책임감으로 짓눌린다. 그가 사는 동네 역시 지루하기는 마찬가지다. 마을 사람들은 그저 세월이 흘러가기만 바랄 뿐이다. 다가오는 월요일 아침을 감당할 수 없는 뱅상은 새로운 세상을 꿈꾸며 베니스로 향한다. 그는 과연 자신이 잊고 있었던 무언가를 찾을 수 있을까? ▶ 52회 베를린영화제 감독상▶ 7회 부산국제영화제 월드 시네마
This feature length entry from shorts director Caumon deals with a turbulent mother and son relationship in a rural setting.
The story is about a woman who is going to Trieste (a city in Italy) to search for informations about a writer who has never written.
The story is about a woman who is going to Trieste (a city in Italy) to search for informations about a writer who has never written.
Haunted by the mysterious death of her son, found drowned, Anna K. returns years later to the town where he lived.
Roland's Pass is a short French comedy about the internal power struggles within a bickering family of mountain climbers.
François Marcorelle, an investigation magistrate in Chambéry, finds himself in the room of a young Polish girl that he met in a restaurant
A young woman disguises herself as a knight to expose a gold-digging man divided between her and a Countess.
a drinker at bar
Nicholas is the eldest son of a wealthy suburban family, whose businesswoman mother makes deals from a helicopter and has an affair with her business partner. His cheerful, alcoholic father, on the other hand, is reduced to a prisoner in his room with his devoted dog and electric train set. Unbeknownst to his parents, Nicholas works as a window cleaner and dish washer in a Parisian cafe. He is also in love with the daughter of another cafe's owner, who, however, has an abusive boyfriend. One night, Nicholas sneaks a few drunken drifters into his family wine cellar and his father unexpectedly takes a liking to the stranger.
Arthur Echéant
Arthur is a history teacher who lives alone in Paris after having broken up with Claire. He is a sensitive man, full of existential doubts and questions. He has to go to Lisbon to meet an eminent historian whose work is the subject of his thesis. Having just made up with Claire, he decides to take her along. She's an ideal travel companion and it seems their relationship has not yet exhausted its potential. But moving from Lisbon to Oporto, their fantasy of a second honeymoon clashes with the reality of a world on the verge of a nightmare.
A story about the transition from late youth to early maturity, the film follows several friends and lovers as they come to make decisions on how to live their lives--getting a job more in harmony with ones ideals, committing to a lover, giving up a lover that no longer loves you: a film about grown-ups growing up.
Benjamin Sauvagnac
프랑스의 작은 시골 마을. 홀어머니 밑에서 자란 마틴은 10살이 되던 해에 아버지 빅터를 처음으로 만난다. 그가 만난 아버지 빅터는 마틴 모자를 버리고 이미 다른 여자와 세 명의 아들을 낳아 가정을 꾸리고 있는 상태. 마틴에게는 갑자기 반갑지 않은 세명의 이복 형제들이 생겼다. 12년이 지난 후 마틴은 그의 고향을 떠나 파리로 간다. 운 좋게도 우연히 모델일을 제안 받은 그는 일을 위해 파리로 떠난 것이다. 그리고 그 곳에서 그의 이복형인 벤자민의 여자 친구 앨리스를 만나게 된다. 폐쇄적인 성격의 바이올리니스트인 앨리스에게 마틴은 본능적으로 이끌린다. 서로에게 강렬하게 매혹된 두 사람은 사랑에 빠지지만 그들이 함께 할 미래에는 앨리스가 극복해야 하는 마틴의 어두운 그림자가 놓여 있다. 마틴은 그의 과거와 가족들을 떠난 이유에 대해 앨리스에게 한마디도 말하지 않지만 그들은 서로의 과거에 대해 더 이상 묻지 않는다. 그러나 앨리스가 마틴에게 임신한 사실을 알리자 그는 과거의 기억을 떠올리며 갑자기 심각한 발작증세를 보인다. 앨리스는 마틴을 도울 수 있는 유일한 길인 그의 숨겨진 과거를 찾아 나서기로 한다.
Ivan's and Serge's occupation is to enter dance competitions where they meet each time new female partners; a wounded gangster who's just burglarized a bank ,forces them to drive him at gunpoint.
In the late 1980s, a young journalist obtains an exclusive interview in London with one of the last mythical figures of Hollywood. He makes the trip but nothing goes as planned. The trouble is, he has an article to hand in.
A young man returns to the family home to face a childhood trauma: his brother's suicide, but nobody in the family is willing to help him.
A young man returns to the family home to face a childhood trauma: his brother's suicide, but nobody in the family is willing to help him.
At her son's funeral, Solange, a lawyer famous for losing hopeless cases, agrees to defend René, her son's age, accused of murdering his wealthy aunt, Jeanne, who's part of the Franco-Belgian Psychoanalytic Society, known for odd views and methods. She reads Jeanne's journal, documenting René's criminal tendencies. Solange believes him innocent, manipulated into the murder or framed. Odd psychiatrists turn up, including Georges Didier, who runs FBPS, and his rival, Christian, who believes crime originates in a story's taking hold of a person. After the verdict, René and Solange's relationship changes, Georges and his society commit a bizarre act, and the police record Solange's story.
Paul Dedalus
대학강사 폴 데달루스는 인생의 갈림길에 서 있다. 박사과정을 끝내지도 않았고, 교직에는 흥미가 없지만 그만두는 것은 무섭다. 게다가 10년 동안 만난 에스테르와의 관계를 끝낼 때라고 확신한다. 그의 결정은 반성과 로맨스 그리고 변화의 소용돌이를 가져온다.
A few stories are mixed, but all starts with Claire who one day brings back to Gregoire one of his books found at the university. Gregoire is the tenebrous romantic king, and Claire falls in love with him. But there is also Gregoire's circle, his disturbing neighbour, his maybe crazy grandmother Diane, his former teacher Hugo. And this is mixed up with Sebastien's attempts to seduce Claire then her mother Anne. And also Claire's psychiatrist.
Assistant Director
After his fiancee leaves him, Tom finds himself alone and helpless. He has to wash his clothes himself and so goes to the laundromat. There, he meets a quaint tribe and opens up to a new world and incredible horizons.
Un copain de Tom (non crédité)
After his fiancee leaves him, Tom finds himself alone and helpless. He has to wash his clothes himself and so goes to the laundromat. There, he meets a quaint tribe and opens up to a new world and incredible horizons.
Assistant Director
Assistant Director
She's a beautiful gifted performer, but her work is not the sort that invites popular acclaim. Despite the fact that she is unlikely to become famous, she enjoys her life as a performer who lives just outside the mainstream. Awaiting her backstage one evening is a Spanish painter who has seen her show and wants to make her acquaintance. They walk around Paris getting to know one another, and then the painter returns to Spain. Something about the man has moved Lady M to passion: she flies to meet him in Barcelona and he shows her his beloved Catalonia. This time, however, their relationship is as much about passionate lovemaking as it is about compatibility. So smitten is Lady M with her new man that when she discovers that the painter has a black wife and child, she is only a little bit taken aback and she invites his whole family to join her in Paris. Surprisingly, they do, and the number of people sharing their love and sexual appetites changes from two to three.
Assistant Director
She was 18. They were in love and lived together for ten years. 20 years later, he receives a letter from her. L is very ill. He grabs hold of his camera and films while trying to make her talk about other things, about cinema and what’s become of those political struggles…
A young man who has just experienced a breakup makes a variety of encounters throughout a day.
A young man who has just experienced a breakup makes a variety of encounters throughout a day.
A young man who has just experienced a breakup makes a variety of encounters throughout a day.
Châtelaine Marie-Agnès de Bayonnette lives in her family home with her cousin Solange. The lives of the two old ladies are governed by the traditional codes of aristocracy. When Marie-Agnès died, the heirs from Russia had to fight over the estate with a Japanese company that wanted to buy the property.
Assistant Director
Four nameless people -- the old man, the woman, the soldier, and the gambler -- journey to a desolate wasteland beyond the limits of an unnamed city.
Un étudiant en médecine
A medical intern finds himself drawn into a world of international intrigue after discovering a shrunken human head in his luggage.
Second Assistant Director
On a whim, the long-married Hélène decides to look up a former lover of hers. At his apartment, she is met by the man's grown son, Julien, who tells her that his father died just a few days before. Before long, she has become Julien's lover, but she is also increasingly becoming attached to the rather unlikely idea that Julien and she are genetically related. Meanwhile, her cardiologist husband cannot fathom her increasingly bizarre behavior. It is one thing to have an affair, even with a much younger man, but she seems to be edging ever-closer to the borderline between sanity and madness.
Assistant Editor
To say that the renowned Impressionist artist, Vincent Van Gogh (1853-90) had a dysfunctional family is likely to do a disservice to ordinary dysfunctional families everywhere. In this unusual drama, the family (and one friend) of the troubled artist gather together to participate in the customary ceremonies that are performed when a close relative, in this case, Vincent, dies. While Vincent's brother Theo (Jean-Pierre Lorit) and his three sisters are genuinely grief-stricken, his mother (Maria Meriko) seems to be a truly stony character, and her cold contempt and disregard for her sensitive son appears to be just as great in death as it was in life. Fans of Vincent's art will be particularly appalled by the woman's attitude to her son's vocation, and more so by at her actions.
Assistant Director
To say that the renowned Impressionist artist, Vincent Van Gogh (1853-90) had a dysfunctional family is likely to do a disservice to ordinary dysfunctional families everywhere. In this unusual drama, the family (and one friend) of the troubled artist gather together to participate in the customary ceremonies that are performed when a close relative, in this case, Vincent, dies. While Vincent's brother Theo (Jean-Pierre Lorit) and his three sisters are genuinely grief-stricken, his mother (Maria Meriko) seems to be a truly stony character, and her cold contempt and disregard for her sensitive son appears to be just as great in death as it was in life. Fans of Vincent's art will be particularly appalled by the woman's attitude to her son's vocation, and more so by at her actions.
An old man, former clown, comes back in the neighborhood where he used to lived for the funeral of his ex-wife, and finds old friends with whom he had lost contact.
Assistant Director Trainee
2차 세계대전 중 파리 근교의 중학교에 새 학기가 시작된다. 12살의 줄리앙은 엄마와 눈물로 헤어지고 기숙사에 들어와 새로 전학 온 장 보네와 침대를 나란히 쓰게 된다. 보네는 영리하며 피아노 연주를 무척 잘했지만 말이 적고 비밀스러워 보여 친구들에게 괴롭힘을 당한다. 그러던 어느 날 산 속에서 보물 찾기를 하다가 둘만 무리와 떨어져 함께 산 속을 방황한 사건 이후 둘은 절친한 사이가 된다. 하지만 시간이 지나면서 줄리앙은 보네가 유태인이고 학교에 숨어 있는 것이라는 사실을 알게 되는데, 어느 날 학교로 게슈타포가 찾아와 검문을 시작한다.
The story revolves around two objects, a rare set of 18th-century Limoges china, and a 19th century aristocratic portrait. As these items are passed, sold, or stolen from one character to another, a giddy round dance of excess begins to take shape, one which suggests that if history doesn't repeat itself, it certainly rhymes. Together with co-writer Gérard Brach, whose other co-writing credits include Repulsion and Tess, Otar Iosseliani uses a feather-light touch to expose the futility of class and social order, making a bagatelle of the concerns of rich and poor alike.
Maurice Faugère
Late 1950s in France. One woman, two men. She, Ève Faugère, a glamorous diva at the peak of her career. The man, her husband, Maurice Faugère, an immense author who made her and propelled her for years to the firmament of the song. And finally the lover, Jean Leprat, her pianist who adores her and burns with passion for her. The atrocious poison of jealousy will consume them to the point of tragedy, the trap of a Machiavellian plot will take them all three. And she, the other one, the so pretty Florence, so fresh. This ambitious young singer, ready to do anything to overthrow the one she admires, is she not also caught in the trap of a diabolical game that is beyond her? Where does the danger come from? Who is orchestrating this fatal merry-go-round engraved in the vinyl of the brand new singles that brings its poisonous message every day? Who will die? Who will survive?