잡초 (2009)
장르 : 드라마, 로맨스
상영시간 : 1시간 44분
연출 : Alain Resnais
일정한 직업이 없는 50대 후반의 유부남으로, 쉽게 흥분하는 성격의 조르주. 그는 우연히 빨간 지갑을 줍게 된다. 지갑의 주인인 마르게리트는 비행기 조종면허를 가진, 종잡을 수 없는 성격의 치과의사. 신분증을 확인하던 조르주는 만난 적도 없는 여인에게 반해 로맨틱한 조우를 꿈꾸는데, 우연이 만들어낸 기이한 러브스토리가 시작된다. 당시 아흔을 바라보았던 백전노장의 기량이 여전히 최정상에 있음을 각인시켰으며, 그해 「카이에 뒤 시네마」 10베스트에서 1위로 선정되었다. (2015 영화의 전당 - 알랭 레네 특별전) 2009년 칸느 영화제 경쟁부문 진출작으로 87세의 알랭 레네 감독이 만든 영화.
Begone Dull Care shines with his masterful use of scratching and painting on film stock. In Begone Dull Care, McLaren adds complexity to Lye’s compositions, emphasising sound/visual synchronisation and generating depth on his mobile canvas. The film gives warmth and movement to compositions resembling a constantly morphing Jackson Pollock painting, yet never fails to remind us of its very calculated aesthetics when it suddenly adapts to the score’s slower movements and shifts from expressionistic and oversaturated explosions to minimalist vertical lines that vibrate accordingly to Oscar Peterson’s piano.
Impressive sound design, non-linear editing, great ‘expressionistic’ locations and b&w cinematography, this is an experimental piece for Pialat, a psychological/gothic thriller of sorts...
Pialat's first film was the 8-minute short Isabelle aux Dombes, shot in 1951 when the director was 26 years old. The film is an entirely silent montage of documentary footage, ragged experimental techniques — mainly some negative-image inserts — and symbolic psychodrama that's surprisingly not too different from the work that Stan Brakhage would begin making just a year or two later. Images of death proliferate throughout the film, and what started as a loose documentary soon becomes an eerie psuedo-horror piece that's obsessed with death and decay. (FilmAffinity)
A static camera records, in one single continuous shot, a woman's face before, during and after orgasm. The act of looking and the limits of the film frame are highlighted in this intimate sexual episode with Tina Fraser. Artist Stephen Dwoskin presents a powerful, personal moment while maintaining a distance and resisting the viewer being subsumed into the action on screen.
Clouds roll by in a static haze in this Hollis Frampton short film.
New York City's various bridges transform into an urban jungle (jazz version) or an alien landscape (electro-acoustic version).
Bruce Conner's landmark experimental film consisting entirely of found footage edited to a new score.
An experimental short featuring people and nails.
Essay on the influence of arts at the end of the 20th century produced by the Museum of Modern Art.
Shot over a period of three years. Marie Menken photographed New York window displays during the Christmas holiday. In order to avoid foot and street traffic interrupting the shots, Menken filmed from midnight to 1:00 in the morning, but had to keep the camera under her coat to keep it from freezing.
A triptych of short stereoscopic films by Peter Greenaway, Jean-Luc Godard and Edgar Pêra. Includes "The Three Disasters" by Godard, "Cinesapiens" by Pêra and "Just in Time" by Greenaway.
Special effects film with a train double exposed on the negative, creating a ghostly image.
"Presenting, for the first time, a selection of the cathodic experimental works from the seminal Italo-American artist Aldo Tambellini; a selection of classic documents of one of the first pioneers of video art and audiovisual experimentation from New York east side scene of the 60s and 70s. Unreleased and classic works available for the first time. Curated by Pia Bolognesi e Giulio Bursi." -Black Video 1 -Black Video 2 -Black Spiral -Black Video 1 Projections -6673 -Minus One -Clone -Interview at the Black Gate Theatre
An experimental film in which both sound and visuals were created entirely by McLaren drawing directly upon the film with ordinary pen and ink. The titles are in eight languages. Rereleased with multilingual titles in 1949.
Through the uses of kinescope, video, multimedia, and direct painting on film, an impression is gained of the frantic action of protoplasm under a microscope where an imaginative viewer may see the genesis of it all. – Grove Press Film Catalog
In a surreal meeting filled with countless individuals from a variety of backgrounds, nine people recount how sex and sexuality have been used to exert control over their lives. Regardless of race, sexual orientation, nationality, social class, religion, or gender, all are equally shattered and all are equally victims. Those that recount their experiences show that the power / sex dynamic can come in many forms. Whether the power is taken away by physical or psychological means, and regardless of whether it is perpetrated by an individual, institution, or society, the results are equally devastating.
A short avant-garde film from Finnish director Eino Ruutsalo.
(In a dark basement) Norma hears the faint voice of Everio and her own, from an Ampex vintage tape recorder. They have been talking incessantly, and *oftentimes the taped conversations coincide with their *chats. The only thing troubling Norma is that until that day, she and Everio had never met and the last she heard was Everio strangling her.
The "Hamlet" in this well-mounted Italian spoof is the Danish prince, not a small town or village. The movie irreverently draws on both the Shakespeare play and the 1877 story by Jules Laforgue. In the story, Hamlet (Carmelo Bene) is a would-be playwright. He suffers from inept Freudian analysis by Polonius (Pippo Tuminelli), and Ophelia and Gertrude (Isabella Russo & Luciana Cante) are women conjured up in his erotic imagination.
Inside the claustrophobic scenery of a fancy apartment in the city of Frankfurt three men and a woman lock themselves in for ten days. Oskar and Julia are a couple. They have sex and let themselves be filmed. Benjamin and Bastian are behind the camera, trying to get pictures of absolute intimacy. Closeness as it can only be found among lovers.
자유로운 아티스트를 꿈꾸는 폴에게 아빠와 엄마, 형은 너무 엄격하기만 하다. 꿈 이야기를 진지하게 들어주는 사람은 할아버지뿐. 학교에서는 단짝 친구 죠니만이 마음을 알아주는데, 어른들은 죠니가 흑인이라는 이유로 거리를 두라고 말한다. 폴은 죠니와 답답한 뉴욕을 떠나 플로리다행을 계획하는데...
February 1927. The funeral of Marcel Péricourt, the most powerful banker in Paris. His daughter Madeleine must take the helm of the financial empire of which she is the heiress. But she has a son, Paul, who with an unexpected and tragic gesture will place her on the path to ruin.
A general making-of piece featuring principal members of the cast and crew. A brief history of the demon barber is provided, as well as the actors' preparation for their singing roles and glimpses of the set design and general production.
호탕한 설리와 재치만점 마이크는 몬스터 주식회사 겁주기 팀의 최우수 콤비다. 매일 밤 투철한 직업정신으로 인간 세계로 통하는 벽장 문을 열던 설리와 마이크 콤비는 어느 날 일생일대의 실수를 저지른다. 덜 닫힌 벽장 문 사이로 인간아이 부가 몬스터 세계에 침입한 것. 설리와 마이크는 부를 인간세계로 돌려보내고 사건을 조용히 수습하려 하지만 부는 설리를 무서워하기는커녕 애완 야옹이쯤으로 생각하고 쫄래쫄래 따라다닌다. 부의 침입이 발각되자 몬스터 주식회사는 발칵 뒤집히고 마는데...
불편한 다리, 남들보다 조금 떨어지는 지능을 가진 포레스트 검프는 헌신적인 어머니의 보살핌과 첫사랑 제니와의 만남으로 편견과 괴롭힘 속에서도 따뜻한 마음을 지니고 성장한다. 또래들의 괴롭힘을 피해 도망치던 포레스트는 누구보다 빠르게 달릴 수 있는 자신의 재능을 깨닫는다. 그의 재능을 알아 본 대학에서 그를 미식축구 선수로 발탁하고, 졸업 후에도 뛰어난 신체능력으로 군에 들어가 무공훈장을 수여받는 등 탄탄한 인생 가도에 오르게 된 포레스트. 하지만 어머니가 병에 걸려 죽음을 맞이하고, 첫사랑 제니 역시 그의 곁을 떠나가며 다시 한 번 인생의 전환점을 맞이하게 되는데...