
I Am Not Alone (2019)

The revolution is now streaming

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 30М

Директор : Garin Hovannisian
Писатель : Garin Hovannisian

Краткое содержание

On Easter 2018, a man put on a backpack and began to walk across Armenia. His mission: to inspire a velvet revolution and topple the corrupt regime that enjoys absolute power in his post-soviet nation. With total access to all key players, this documentary tells the story of what happened in the next 40 days.


Nikol Pashinyan
Nikol Pashinyan
Serzh Sargsyan
Serzh Sargsyan
Valeriy Osipyan
Valeriy Osipyan


Garin Hovannisian
Garin Hovannisian
Serj Tankian
Serj Tankian
Original Music Composer
Vahe Terteryan
Vahe Terteryan
Director of Photography
Barry Poltermann
Barry Poltermann
Garin Hovannisian
Garin Hovannisian
Jeremy Grody
Jeremy Grody
Garin Hovannisian
Garin Hovannisian
Alec Mouhibian
Alec Mouhibian
Eric Esrailian
Eric Esrailian
Tatevik Manoukyan
Tatevik Manoukyan
Suren Ambarchyan
Suren Ambarchyan
Executive Producer
Alen Petrosyan
Alen Petrosyan
Executive Producer
Dan Braun
Dan Braun
Executive Producer
Joe Berlinger
Joe Berlinger
Executive Producer
Raffi Hovannisian
Raffi Hovannisian
Executive Producer
Serj Tankian
Serj Tankian
Executive Producer


7 декабря 1988 года в Армении произошло землетрясение, охватившее почти половину территории республики. Были разрушены города Спитак, Ленинакан, Кировакан, Степанаван и ещё более 300 населённых пунктов. 25 тысяч человек погибли, 19 тысяч стали инвалидами, больше полумиллиона остались без крыши над головой. На фоне природной катастрофы разворачивается история двух героев — 45-летнего Константина Бережного и 20-летнего Роберта Мелконяна. Судьба сталкивает их не впервые — много лет назад в автокатастрофе по вине Бережного погибли родители Роберта. Константин провел несколько лет в тюрьме, а маленького Роберта приютили родственники. По странному стечению обстоятельств Бережной возвращается к своей семье в день страшного землетрясения: его ждут жена, дочь, сын… и Роберт, который так и не простил ему гибели своих родителей. По иронии судьбы, герои оказываются в одном спасательном отряде, но узнают друг друга не сразу.
The Lark Farm
The Lark Farm is set in a small Turkish town in 1915. It deals with the genocide of Armenians, looking closely at the fortunes, or rather, misfortunes of one wealthy Armenian family.
Времена года
The last collaboration of Artavazd Peleshian and cinematographer Mikhail Vartanov is a film-essay about Armenia's shepherds, about the contradiction and the harmony between man and nature, scored to Vivaldi's Four Seasons.
Songs of Solomon
Inspired by true events, this is a film about a childhood friendship, torn apart by the horrific Hamidian massacres infiltrated by the Ottoman Empire under the rule of Sultan Abdul Hamid II (1894-1896).
From Two Worlds as a Keepsake
In Soviet Azerbaijan, a divorced Armenian couple fights over the custody of their daughter, Ashen. Stolen from one parent to another, Ashen's guardians are tragically killed in the bloody war surrounding them. Will the arrival of a new savior finally bring Ashen freedom? Official selection of the Global Lens Collection presented by the Global Film Initiative.
1921 год. Изгнанные восставшим народом из Еревана дашнаки под руководством Спарапета укрепляют свои позиции среди неприступных скал Зангезура, и, получив поддержку у иностранных интервентов, собирают силы для борьбы с разрозненными партизанскими отрядами большевиков. С целью положить конец налетам дашнаков и убрать из Армении сочувствующих им английских «наблюдателей» сюда, опережая приход Красной Армии, едет профессиональный революционер Акопян...
Наш век
Человек прокладывает свой путь своей душе через интеллектуальные поиски, трагедии наций и персональную драму. Дорога, проходящая через космические расстояния, - это полет во внутренний мир. Этот полет и эта драма раскрыты в этом философском фильме-поэме.
Yeva is a young woman who escapes her influential in-laws with her daughter Nareh, after her husband’s tragic death and takes refuge in one of the villages of Karabakh, Armenia… Yeva is a complete stranger in this village and is obliged to live her daily life in disguise.
I Am Not Alone
On Easter 2018, a man put on a backpack and began to walk across Armenia. His mission: to inspire a velvet revolution and topple the corrupt regime that enjoys absolute power in his post-soviet nation. With total access to all key players, this documentary tells the story of what happened in the next 40 days.
Truth to Power
The Grammy-winning lead singer of System of a Down, Serj Tankian helps to awaken a political revolution on the other side of the world, inspiring Armenia's struggle for democracy through his music and message.
Врата в рай
2016 год. Известный немецкий журналист Роберт возвращается в Арцах, чтобы осветить события вновь разразившегося военного конфликта. Во время журналистского расследования он знакомится с молодой оперной певицей Софией, они влюбляются друг в друга. Однако вскоре Роберт узнает, что София является дочерью пропавшего без вести фотожурналиста Эдгара Мартиросяна, попавшего в плен во время захвата деревни Талиш в 1992 году. Которого 24 года назад Роберт не спас из плена и чьи фотографии, сделанные на поле боя, он впоследствии выдал за свои.
Joanna Lumley: The Search for Noah's Ark
In search of the truth behind the story of Noah's Flood, Joanna Lumley and her team examine the theory that Noah's Ark was preserved on Mount Ararat, in Turkish Armenia.
Hovering between the realms of poetry and history, this stunningly photographed, elegiac work – shot mostly in long takes – mixes cryptic metaphor and fantastic symbolism to tell the story of Avetik, an Armenian filmmaker exiled in Berlin. In sensuous, lyric styling, Askarian employs dreamlike images to reflect the history of his homeland, tranquil childhood memories, images inspired by erotic medieval poetry, and autobiographical shades of his own exile in Germany.
Звезда надежды
По мотивам исторического романа Серо Хандзадяна «Мхитар Спарапет». Масштабная историко-романтическая дилогия о предводителях национально-освободительной борьбы армянского народа против турецких захватчиков Давид-Беке и Мхитаре Спарапете (XVIII век).
В 1943 году, в годину тяжелых испытаний для нашей Родины на Ереванской киностудии был создан историко-биографический фильм «Давид-Бек» о героической борьбе армянского народа под руководством выдающегося полководца XVIII века Давида-Бека против персидских завоевателей.
This is a story about returning to ones ancestral homeland. Anna is a cardiologist who discovers her father has fled to his native Armenia after being diagnosed with a heart problem. Despite their contentious relationship, she sets out to bring her father back for this operation. Anna is a tough-minded, headstrong woman with little feeling for her fathers homeland or patience with its politics and socially intrusive culture, yet she finds this journey not only a reunion of sorts, but one of reconciliation as well.
Stone Time Touch
Stone, Time, Touch is a documentary made by Gariné Torossian about the relationship of three Armenian women from the diaspora with the land of Armenia. The young woman (played by Kamee Abrahamian) is visiting Armenia for the first time. The older woman, Arsinée Khanjian has a more conflicted and analytical perspective of her identity and her relationship with the fledgling democracy, one of the former Soviet Union republics. She has been to landlocked Armenia many times and comments on photos taken by French photographer Marc Baguelin. The third trajectory is more subtle and is represented by Gariné Torossian herself whose face is super imposed from time to time in this stylistically-layered documentary.
Saroyan Brothers
1920. Last days of the first Armenian Republic. Armenian Army fights on two fronts: war with Turkish army in the west, and Red Army incursion and Bolshevik mutiny in the northeast. Hayk Saroyan returns to his native provincial town from Russia to assume a minor post at Dashnak Army command center. His brother Gevorg, captain at the same command center, is a real patriot prefering death to "eternal exile", army power to relegious mercifullness. Very soon a suspicion creeps inside him: his beloved brother is Bolshevik spy.
Welcome Papa
Man arrives in America to see his son.
The film consists of three parts. The first one is about a harmonious family that will be separated because of the existing situation. Little Aram carries the tragedy of the separated family. In a day, his entire childhood ends. The reason is one thing only… In the second part of the film a feminine touch is evident by Astghik’s character. One step and peace turn to war in a day, that’s when she loses her friendship, her love, and the idol. The third film tells about a 14-year old Tevanik who becomes part of the war activities. During the fights and as a result of his inability to put an end to a beauty, moments become decisive for Tevanik