
My Small Land (2022)

Can I call this place my home?

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 54М

Директор : Emma Kawawada
Писатель : Emma Kawawada

Краткое содержание

Sarya lives between three worlds: Having fled from Turkey to Japan, her small family tries to maintain their Kurdish traditions. On the other hand, Sarya, who arrived when she was five, feels at home in Japan. But then, the family loses its refugee-status. Life becomes unpredictable and their days in Japan seem numbered. A haunting story about the balancing act of finding your place in the world.


Lina Arashi
Lina Arashi
Daiken Okudaira
Daiken Okudaira
Sota Zakiyama
Arashi Kahafizadeh
Arashi Kahafizadeh
Lilly Kahafizadeh
Lilly Kahafizadeh
Lion Kahafizadeh
Lion Kahafizadeh
Takashi Fujii
Takashi Fujii
Ota Takeshi
Chizuru Ikewaki
Chizuru Ikewaki
Noriko Zakiyama
Hanae Kan
Hanae Kan
Yuko Komukai
Shunya Itabashi
Shunya Itabashi
Hideo Hara
Yuzumi Shintani
Yuzumi Shintani
Manami Nishimori
Shiori Nohara
Sahel Rosa
Sahel Rosa
Sei Hiraizumi
Sei Hiraizumi
Makoto Yamanaka
Oolongta Yoshida
Oolongta Yoshida
Kentaro Tamura
Kentaro Tamura
Ryo Ikeda
Ryo Ikeda


Emma Kawawada
Emma Kawawada
Hirokazu Kore-eda
Hirokazu Kore-eda
Executive Producer
Emma Kawawada
Emma Kawawada
Satoshi Kohno
Satoshi Kohno
Executive Producer
Eitaro Kobayashi
Eitaro Kobayashi
Executive Producer
Hajime Ushioda
Hajime Ushioda
Executive Producer
Tatsumi Yoda
Tatsumi Yoda
Executive Producer
Satoru Matsumoto
Satoru Matsumoto
Executive Producer
Kenji Hamada
Kenji Hamada
Co-Executive Producer
Hiromi Morishige
Hiromi Morishige
Megumi Banse
Megumi Banse
Eiji Kitahara
Eiji Kitahara
Development Producer
Hideki Fujinami
Hideki Fujinami
Yu Shibuya
Yu Shibuya
Antoine Morand
Antoine Morand
Hidetoshi Shinomiya
Hidetoshi Shinomiya
Director of Photography
Keijirô Akiyama
Keijirô Akiyama
Lighting Director
Yuki Yaei
Yuki Yaei
Sound Designer
Seo Hyeon-Seon
Seo Hyeon-Seon
Production Designer
Juntaro Fukuoka
Juntaro Fukuoka
Set Decoration
Shinichi Fushima
Shinichi Fushima
Alexandra Pocquet
Alexandra Pocquet
Xavier Thieulin
Xavier Thieulin
Recording Supervision
Emma Kawawada
Emma Kawawada


A mentally handicapped girl has been raped a few months ago. Her parents, Jalal and Maryam are trying to abort the baby and get rid of it but something worse happens
Добро пожаловать
Билал Каяни, 17-летний беженец из Ирака, стремится попасть в Лондон. Там его ждут возлюбленная Мина и команда Манчестер Юнайтед, за которую он хочет играть. Проделав долгий и трудный путь, он добрался до французского города Кале, и теперь только Дуврский пролив отделяет его от Англии.
My Small Land
Sarya lives between three worlds: Having fled from Turkey to Japan, her small family tries to maintain their Kurdish traditions. On the other hand, Sarya, who arrived when she was five, feels at home in Japan. But then, the family loses its refugee-status. Life becomes unpredictable and their days in Japan seem numbered. A haunting story about the balancing act of finding your place in the world.
Школьные доски
Картина рассказывает о скитаниях по Ирану двух оставшихся без крова после бомбардировки учителей: один из них встречает детей, которые не желают учиться читать и писать, а другой — стариков в поисках родной земли…
A Little Bit of Freedom
In the metropolitan city of Hamburg, illegal immigrant Chernor, an openly gay African youth with blond hair, makes his money by dealing drugs and dreams of one day living in Australia. Baran, meanwhile, is a Kurdish bicycle delivery boy living in constant fear of deportation, who keeps his past in a video camera. The two form a bond when they meet, and their shared struggles to survive soon develop into a relationship that is threatened when Baran loses his job.
Are You Listening Mother?
A Kurdish woman is sentenced to six years of house arrest with an electronic ankle bracelet. The charge: supporting terrorist activities. From now on an invisible border runs through her garden in a Turkish village, which she repeatedly trespasses. Her older son is torn between obedience and rebellion. How far will he go to protect his mother from further punishment?
My War
Hundreds of Western volunteers have joined Kurdish armies in Syria and Iraq in their efforts to fight the Islamic State. What drives some Canadians to put their lives on the line?
Binxet - Under the border
“Binxet – Under the border” is a journey between life and death, dignity and pain, struggle and freedom. It takes place along the 911 km of the turkish-Syrian border. On the one hand the ISIS, in the other Erdogan’s Turkey. In the middle the borders and one hope. This hope is called Rojava, only one point on the chart of a troubled region, a region of resistance and an example of grassroots democracy that speaks about gender equality, self-determination of peoples and peaceful coexistence.
12-year-old Dyab is a Kurdish Yazidi boy living at Arbat refugee camp, after the horrendous attacks by the Islamic States on their villages at Shingal Mountains (Sinjar). However, Dyab’s dream is, to become a filmmaker and actor and tell the stories and sufferings of his people to the outside world.
The Heavy Burden
AVDEL feeds his family with the salary of his old donkey, BOZO, who works in the waste department of the city of Mardin in Turkey. It is also home to his nephew, SALIH, who fled Syria because of the war. After BOZO’s “retirement”, Avdel must find a younger ass to continue to earn his salary. So traumatized by the war Salih returns to Syria to recover his.
Home & Key
The story of this film is an aesthetic narration of the death of a Kurdish Family, along the 20th century.
Traces: People of the Peacock
Filmmaker Binevsa Bêrîvan travels to Armenia to capture the daily life, customs, and history of the country's Yazidi Kurdish community.
In the 1990s, some newspapers were not allowed to enter the Diyarbakir region, under a state of emergency at that time, although they were legal. Children like Bawer and Hebûn, who were part of the distribution group, would secretly collect these newspapers from outside the city at a previously agreed location and take them to the planned meeting place in the city. There, the children changed their clothes and went out to distribute them, under the guise of other work. But they were constantly followed by those who saw the newspaper as dangerous and wanted to prevent its dissemination. Çerx is a testament to the conditions under which these newspapers were distributed to readers and the difficulties encountered.
Wild is the Spring
Through a series of vignettes from the ancient and war-torn Levant, WILD IS THE SPRING captures moments in the lives of diverse ethnic communities who struggle to survive when life descends into chaos.
A village, in the hearts of mountains, is totally empty. Still it is not. The village comes to life back with past voices. There is no people in the village. But their voices exist. There are no animals and no living things. But their voices exist. The past voices, together with scenes happenning right now, create memory about what happened there. It is the story of people, animals, nature and all the living things of a village before it is ruined.
Школьница Вик влюбилась в своего одноклассника. Танцы, вечеринки, первые поцелуи, встречи и расставания, ссоры и примирения… А у родителей жизнь тоже полна приключений, и не только из-за дочери.
Планета Ка-Пэкс
В Манхэттенский психиатрический институт привозят странного человека в черных очках. Он зовет себя Протом и утверждает, что его родина — далекая планета Ка-Пэкс, откуда он мгновенно перенесся на Землю в луче света. Несмотря на все усилия, доктору Пауэллу не удается разгадать загадку таинственного пациента, который весьма убедительно доказывает всем свое внеземное происхождение. Вскоре Пауэлла, так и не сумевшего открыть тайну личности своего пациэнта, начинает тревожить невероятная мысль: может быть, Прот вовсе не сумасшедший...
20000 лье под водой
На календаре 1868 год и весь Сан-Франциско взбудоражен поступающими сообщениями о плавающем под водой огромном чудовище, которое может сожрать любое судно, если оно к нему приближается. Многие плавания отменены, и правительство вынуждено послать военный корабль исследовать и очистить море от «чудищ». Корабль этот был потоплен неизвестным «существом», и только троим чудом удалось спастись: профессональному гарпунисту, профессору из Морского музея в Париже и его помощнику. Их вытаскивают из воды на эту чуду-юду, которое оказывается подводной лодкой Капитана Немо, ученого, изобретателя и радикального борца за мир. Он топит корабли с благородной целью покончить с войной на бескрайних водах мирового океана…
Голубая бездна
Два друга — Энцо Молинари и Жак Майоль — вместе росли на одном из греческих островов. Отец Жака, ныряльщик, погиб при сборе устриц из-за неисправности водолазного оборудования. Проходят годы, мальчики уже выросли и снова встречаются после нескольких лет разлуки. Оба стали ныряльщиками на глубину без воздуха, и соревнование на чемпионатах мира практически ведется только между ними.
Джеки Браун
Фильм поставлен по роману Элмора Леонарда. Героиня по имени Джекки Браун работает стюардессой и подрабатывает контрабандой наличных денег в страну для торговца оружием. Все складывается отлично до того момента, пока ее не арестовывают федеральные агенты. На свободе она может остаться, только «заложив» торговца. Рисковая девушка принимает решение и «пол-лимона зеленых» присвоить, и от торговца оружием избавиться. А вот останется ли она сама в живых?…