Shinichi Fushima


My Small Land
Sarya lives between three worlds: Having fled from Turkey to Japan, her small family tries to maintain their Kurdish traditions. On the other hand, Sarya, who arrived when she was five, feels at home in Japan. But then, the family loses its refugee-status. Life becomes unpredictable and their days in Japan seem numbered. A haunting story about the balancing act of finding your place in the world.
Riverside Mukolitta
A lonely young man moves in a 50-year-old apartment building. When he meets the cheerful residents, he finds himself surrounded by small happiness.
A 5th grade elementary school student meets a transfer student who has a mysterious charm about her. He then learns her big secret.
Another World
Ko, a man in his late 30s, lives in the countryside with his wife and teenage son. Mitsuhiko, who runs a local car dealership, also stayed in his hometown. One day, their mutual friend Eisuke returns from a long military operation and their reunification brings back both pleasant and painful memories.
After being neglected by her mother, a little girl is taken in by her uncle and his transgender girlfriend, who create a loving home for her.
The Tokyo Night Sky Is Always the Densest Shade of Blue
Mika works as a nurse by day; by night she entertains covetous men at a girls’ bar. Shinji is blind in one eye and ekes out a living as a construction worker. Young and grown-up at the same time, they both lead a lonely existence, but somehow their paths keep miraculously crossing under the Tokyo sky. Can loneliness be experienced together?
Lingering Memories
One summer day, Tokiko (Kinoshita Misaki), whose life in Tokyo is going nowhere fast, gets on an overnight bus to the countryside. When she arrives, she meets Yohei (Izumisawa Yuki), a high school student struggling to deal with the sudden death of a young man who was like a big brother to him.
Our Family
The emotional journey of a four-member family that fails to recognize that it is rapidly growing apart until the mother is diagnosed with terminal cancer.
Сакура в цвету
Жизнь в семействе Осаки наполнена заботами, ссорами и разногласиями. Ко всем неприятностям добавляется неожиданно возникшая болезнь дедушки, который теряет память и становится беспомощным. Семья в растерянности. Все пытаются помочь дедушке, и постепенно появляется надежда на то, что им это удастся.
Великое путешествие
Мадзимэ - талантливый лингвист. Он входит в команду чудаков, которые задумали создать самый современный словарь японского языка. Мадзимэ все знает о словах, но ему трудно общаться с людьми: он дружит только с хозяйкой дома, у которой уже 10 лет снимает комнату. Все становится еще сложнее, когда к ней приезжает дочь, и Мадзимэ в нее влюбляется.
Ключ жизни
Безработный актер Сакурай от бесконечных разочарований в жизни и карьере пытался повеситься. Но верёвка оборвалась, и, свалившись на пол, наш герой видит купон на посещение сауны. А в общественной бане Сакурай становится свидетелем того, как упал богатый человек по имени Кондо, который в итоге теряет память. Предприимчивый Сакурай не теряется, крадет ключ у беспамятного Кондо и становится им. Однако, вскоре у него начинаются серьёзные проблемы.
Кошка напрокат
Ходит по набережной одного японского города немного странная девушка с тележкой, полной разномастного кошачьего народца, и трубит в рупор: «Прока-ат кошек». Мальчишки зовут ее «кошачьей ведьмой» и драпают со всех ног — едва завидев. Соседка достает придирками… Родных и друзей нет — только кошки. Неужто она способна заработать себе на жизнь таким вот образом — и как это вообще возможно — сдавать и брать кошек в аренду?
Tokyo Oasis
In Tokyo, actress Touko leaves the filming set of her latest project and comes across three people by random chance: she gives a ride to a man named Nagano, whom she has never met before; at a small theater, runs into Kikuchi, a former screenwriter; lastly, meets Yasuko at the zoo.
Tada's Do-It-All House
In Mahoro, the fictional suburb of Tokyo, Tada works as a general problem solver for hire. One day, former classmate Gyoten appears unannounced. Both men are over 30 years old and divorced. With no explanation, Gyoten suddenly asks to spend the night at Tada's home. Eventually, Tada accepts Gyoten as his assistant and together they become involved in various cases concerning an assortment of people from different walks of life.
Вода матушка
Blessed with several large rivers, interconnected streams and springs, Japan's ancient capital, Kyoto, anoints the land with a bountiful source of water. In this tranquil setting, three women join the flow of a small community with the subtle presence of a spring breeze. Setsuko , the proprietor of a whiskey-only bar; Takako, the owner of a coffee shop along the waterway; Hatsumi, a maker of tofu so delicious it seems to spring forth from the clear water. Under their subtle influence, other townspeople gradually begin their own streams too: Yamanoha, a local worker for a furniture workshop; Otome, the owner of a neighborhood public bath; Jin, a young man who assists him at the bath; Makoto, a wayfarer about the town. Among their daily lives, there is Poplar, a small child with a perpetually friendly smile.
Tokyo Island
Men and one woman have drifted to an uninhabited island. The only woman will try to survive by taking advantage of her own sexual attractiveness.
A story of 6 days with 5 people gathered around a small sparkling pool at Chiang Mai in Thailand. 4 years ago, Kyoko started to live in Thailand and has been working in a Guest house outside in Chiang Mai, leaving her mother and her daughter Sayo, in Japan. Just before the graduation of University, Sayo sets foot on Thailand to visit her mother with mixed feelings. However, emotional experiences with the people living there changes such feelings toward her mother.
Bare Essence of Life
Youjin is a quirky young man living in Aomori Prefecture, Japan. Yojin has a difficult time sitting still and can't focus on extended conversations. His life revolves around farming his grandmother's vegetable garden. Yojin experiences a new kind of feeling when he meets a pretty young lady named Machiko. The feelings are strong enough that he feels the need to be with her and gain her affection.
Asyl: Park and Love Hotel
There is an old love hotel in Tokyo's Shinjuku district where couples can rent a room by the hour for romantic assignations. However, few of its regular customers seem to come there for sexual encounters; the hotel has become a hangout for rootless teenagers, senior citizens looking for a place to relax, and kids that play under the watchful eye of its owner...
Tokyo Tower: Mom and Me, and Sometimes Dad
Adapted from the bestselling Japanese autobiography of the same title, this gentle coming-of-age drama concerns an adolescent boy, Boku - Masaya, torn between the inherited recklessness of his father Oton and the inherited responsibility, wisdom and emotional strength of his mother Okan. Following a period of intensely rebellious behavior, Boku learns that his mom has contracted cancer; suddenly, his mother comes to live with him in Tokyo the entire emotional landscape of his life is altered.
Ресторанчик Камомэ
Японка Сатиэ открывает в Хельсинки свой ресторанчик под названием "Чайка". Фирменным блюдом уютного заведения становятся онигири (рисовые шарики с начинкой). Однако, единственный завсегдатай этого места - ярый поклонник Японии, Томми, финский парень, помешанный на аниме "Gatchaman". Однажды Сатиэ встречается с еще двумя японскими женщинами, которые, каждая по своей причине, начинают помогать ей в ресторанчике и не только.
Water Flower
Minako is at the age where her father is more like an alien to her than a person. The situation is exacerbated when he comes home drunk one night and tries to climb on top of her. Minako's mother deserted them for another man when Minako was a child. Now working as a hostess, she has little time for her own six year-old daughter, Yu, Minako's half sister. Both girls are yearning for their mother's love. Minako runs into Yu at a game center in the mall and proposes they take a trip. She changes out of her school uniform and into adult clothes and the pair hops on an overnight bus out of the city.
Yuichiro is a college student whose sister went missing 15 years ago. That traumatic event hangs over him like a pall as he wanders Japan's S&M clubs. But his younger brother claims to be able to sense their sister with his "antenna".
Yoshino's Barber Shop
In a small town on the countryside, where everyone knows everyone, all the children pay their respect to the middle-aged woman who runs "Barber Yoshino". An old tradition is rooted in this town. Every young boy is forced to have the same ridiculous hairstyle to have their bangs cut straight, known as the "Yoshino-gari" hairstyle. Of course they all get their hair done at the only barbershop in town, "Barber Yoshino". Then one day, a drastic change occurs when a transfer student with bleached hair comes from Tokyo....
Годзилла, Мотра, Мехагодзилла: Спасите Токио
Прошел год после битвы Годзиллы с Механической Годзиллой. И вот новое предупреждение: японцы должны вернуть океану все, что они сохранили от первого нашествия Годзиллы. И кости, и органические ткани, — абсолютно все, вплоть до молекул ДНК, необходимо отправить в бездну вод, чтобы получить шанс на спокойную жизнь. Предупреждение это исходит от другого легендарного монстра — от Мотры, которая всегда была лютым врагом Годзиллы. И Годзилла не заставляет себя долго ждать: чудовище выходит из моря, чтобы сразиться с Мотрой и с Меха-Годзиллой…
The family of 20-year-old Ohta is celebrating his birthday in a restaurant. What was supposed to be a happy familiar reunion turns into a big mess.
The Battling Angel
Police struggle to uncover Klein, a powerful criminal organization. Asuka, a young detective, is assigned to contact and escort Hatsumi, a mistress of the drug lord Kimikuni, but they are ambushed, leaving Hatsumi brain-dead and Asuka near to death. However, the police concoct a top-secret plan to infiltrate Klein by transplanting Asuka's brain into Hatsumi's body.
Годзилла против Мехагодзиллы 3
Чтобы защитить страну от Годзиллы, если она вдруг опять нападет на Японию, ученые сконструировали Механическую Годзиллу — гигантского управляемого робота, наделенного всеми функциями, имеющимися у живого монстра. В процессе создания робота были использованы полностью органические ткани организма монстра, выращенные искусственным образом из молекул ДНК Годзиллы, которые были сохранены с 1954 года, со времени первого нападения чудовища на Японию. Настоящий монстр Годзилла, конечно, просыпается и идет крушить японцев. Те выставляют на бой Меха-Годзиллу.
Go Heat Man!
17 year old Tokyo pizza delivery boy Kosuke crashes his bike into photographer Reiko and breaks her expensive camera. He promises to deliver homemade pizza to make up for her broken camera. After discovering that Reiko has moved 1,200 km away to her hometown of Nagasaki things become trickier, but Kosuke decides to fulfill his promise anyways by borrowing a moped from his workplace.
Hakata Movie: Chinchiromai
A musical- style comedy movie set in Hakata.
Moon Over Tao: Makaraga
A retired warrior comes to see his former lord and learns that someone is making indestructible swords from some unknown metal. He is sent together with a swordsman to investigate the source. Along the way they meet a young girl working as a beekeeper. She is later witness to the appearance of three strange females from another dimension. They are searching for a lost weapon that has landed on earth and as one of them lay dying she enlists the girl to help them control the strange beast/weapon. Meanwhile the warrior and the swordsman learn that an old nemesis has created the swords from the shell that surrounded the alien weapon. Soon the alien beast/weapon is awakened and battle for control ensues.
Гамера 2: Нападение космического легиона
Visual Effects Editor
Ближайший родственник легендарного Годзиллы гигантская огнедышащая суперчерепаха Гамора защищает человечество от ужасных тварей, особей и чудовищ из космоса.
Гамера: Защитник Вселенной
Visual Effects Editor
Гигантская огнедышащая суперчерепаха Гамера - мускулистая боевая машина с семидесятиметровым панцирем, защищающая человечество от ужасных тварей, особей и чудовищ из космоса. Гамера – ближайший родственник легендарного Годзиллы и один из самых впечатляющих монстров мирового кино.
Based on the story of the same name by Shizuka Ijûin. Ran as a double feature with Chibusa (1993).