Pablo Krögh

Pablo Krögh

Рождение : 1963-02-21, Santiago, Chile

Смерть : 2013-09-02


Pablo Willy Krögh Baraona (born Santiago, February 21, 1963) was a Chilean voice actor for film, theater and television. After 23 years of career, he rose to fame in 2009 for his work in the film Dawson. Island 10 and in the play The Red Plane Description above from the Wikipedia article Pablo Krögh, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Pablo Krögh


Two prisoners escape execution by the police and become successful circus clowns in Pinochet's Chile.
Ana, wants her brother Andres to forgive her father, after years of distance. She must deal over and over again with all the situations that affect her dysfunctional family, while in silence, her own children coexist with abortion, drugs and indifference. Three conflicts over lack of communication and an unexpected end.
Patagonia of Dreams
Lazlo Rabber
Based on the real story of a French family, during 1878, this film is an adaptation based on the diary written by their daughter Chantal, on their ordeal as the first European colonizers who came to the wild lands of Patagonia, to enact their dreams and conflicts, through adventures and intense emotions.
Kite Adrift
Paulina's Father
Paulina, a trainee social worker doing her internship in a reintegration center, meets Manuel, with whom she starts a friendship that promps her to question her vocation and begin a 'second adolescence', this time free from the tyranny of conventions and routine. Spending time in a world that does not belong to her.
Глория — 58-летняя разведенная женщина. Ее дети уже давно покинули дом, но у нее нет никакого желания проводить дни и ночи в одиночестве. Она преисполнена решимости бросить вызов старости. В итоге Глория начинает отрываться на мальчишниках, с головой окунаясь в водоворот вечеринок, в поисках сиюминутного удовольствия, что приводит ее лишь к разочарованию и ощущению пустоты. Но вскоре она встречает Родольфо…
Campaign Director
«Нет» — это один из двух вариантов ответа на вопрос «Должен ли Аугусто Пиночет остаться у власти?». Уверенный в поддержке большинства населения, диктатор назначает дату референдума на 5 октября 1988 года. Но международное давление вынуждает отдать хотя бы какое-то эфирное время оппозиции. 15 минут ночного эфира — за это время сразу нескольким политическим партиям нужно консолидированно объяснить населению, почему нужно проголосовать против. Для этого они приглашают Рене Савейду — успешного рекламщика, много времени прожившего за границей и понимающего современные рекламные технологии.
Night Across the Street
Gural Piriña
A drama centered on an office worker on the verge of retirement who begins to relive both real and imagined memories.
Roman's Circuit
When a prominent researcher in the field of human memory returns home, he stumbles upon the fact that a man's past, as he remembers and tells it, is often nothing but fiction.
Дикая киска
Josué (TV Network Owner)
Даниэле — 17. Воспитываясь в строгой религиозной семье, она одержима сексом. Ее школьные будни украшает небольшой скандал: накануне выпускных экзаменов Даниэла совращает одноклассника, и с баптистcкой школой приходится попрощаться раньше срока. У Даниэлы красивый бойфренд, она влюблена в девушку, с которой работает на телевидении. О своих сексуальных переживаниях Даниэла исправно рассказывает всему миру через блог, аккуратно посещает церковь по воскресеньям и молится, чтобы мать случайно не выследила ее в интернете. Бунтарка по природе, Даниэла, отказываясь сдерживать хоть какие-то желания, пытается найти свой «праведный» путь.
Детский душ
Четыре бывшие одноклассницы собираются в загородном доме, что бы отпраздновать беременность одной из них…
Raymond Monvoisin
Focuses on the intense life of the French painter Raymond Monvosin and his relationship with his devoted assistant Clara Filleul, and his associations with political and high-society figures of the mid-nineteenth century.
Dawson Isla 10
José Tohá
After the 1973 coup that deposed Allende and brought Pinochet to power in Chile, the former members of his cabinet are imprisoned on Dawson Island, the world's southernmost concentration camp. Here these men are determined to survive and provide history with their testimony.
A Stop Away from You
Sebastian and Paula meet each other in a subway. A friendship develops that forces them to examine their lives.
The Sky, the Earth and the Rain
Ana, Verónica, Marta, and Toro are four lonely people who live an unadventurous and quiet existence in southern Chile. They are with each other without the need of using words, trying to save themselves in a stealthy and extreme way. In order not only of getting away of the loneliness that constitutes their innermost core, but also of finding themselves, they reach for each other to get brotherly and sexual love, affection, and a space and time of their own.
El brindis
In Chile, Mexican photographer Emilia falls in love with a rabbi and gets the news that her father is terminally ill.
Rojo: La película
Ernesto (Jimena's Father)
A Chilean talent show in the mold of "American Idol," "Rojo" became a huge hit the moment it hit the airwaves. This comic series puts a fictional spin on all the backstage drama: the backstabbing, the ruthless competition and the passionate abandon. Further blurring the line between fantasy and reality, several of the show's big stars -- including Monserrat Bustamante, Mario Guerrero and Yamna Lobos -- appear as pseudo versions of themselves.
Las bicicletas
Mr. Judge
Nicolás is furious. Once again they broke into his house and took his bicycle. Outside, in the streets, the city is half destroyed by an earthquake. There is a curfew and Pinochet is asked if he is going to declare a state of catastrophe. Nicolás accompanies his mother to court to recognize the thief.
Colonel Sotomayor
1973 год, конец эпохи Альенде. Страна — на грани гражданской войны, генералы готовят путч. Трагические события чилийской истории увидены глазами подростков. Сын обеспеченных родителей, 11-летний Гонсало Инфанте, живет в элитном пригороде Сантьяго. Он посещает престижную английскую школу, директор которой Отец МакЕнрой, открыл дорогу к образованию детям из бедноты. Так в классе Гонсало появляется Педро Мачука — голодранец из столичных трущоб. Ребят разделяют социальные, имущественные и культурные барьеры, но вопреки всему они становятся неразлучными друзьями…
BTS Photographer
The elderly heir of a formerly wealthy and respected Chilean family, Andres, suffers from decadence and solitude. He hires young Estela in order to look after his tiranic and almost crazy grandmother. The differences in class and age don't stop Andres from courting Estela, whose fiancé Mario tries to make some money with the passions of his well-off rival. The suffocating atmosphere of the run-down mansion in the outskirts of Santiago represents the deterioration of the bourgeoisie, and sets the scene for the total collapse of Andres.
Still Photographer
The elderly heir of a formerly wealthy and respected Chilean family, Andres, suffers from decadence and solitude. He hires young Estela in order to look after his tiranic and almost crazy grandmother. The differences in class and age don't stop Andres from courting Estela, whose fiancé Mario tries to make some money with the passions of his well-off rival. The suffocating atmosphere of the run-down mansion in the outskirts of Santiago represents the deterioration of the bourgeoisie, and sets the scene for the total collapse of Andres.
Young Carlos
The elderly heir of a formerly wealthy and respected Chilean family, Andres, suffers from decadence and solitude. He hires young Estela in order to look after his tiranic and almost crazy grandmother. The differences in class and age don't stop Andres from courting Estela, whose fiancé Mario tries to make some money with the passions of his well-off rival. The suffocating atmosphere of the run-down mansion in the outskirts of Santiago represents the deterioration of the bourgeoisie, and sets the scene for the total collapse of Andres.
María Luisa en la niebla
Communist Poet
The life-story of Chilean author Maria Luisa Bombal, intertwined with the plot of her own novel "La última niebla".
Hasta en las mejores familias
Dramatic comedy that raise questions through satire about the moral tradition of Chilean society, its dogmatism and sexual intolerance and the repressive nature of the country's traditional family.