A Journey to the Fumigated Towns is the final episode made by Fernando Solanas in a series of 8 films dedicated to the Argentinian’s crisis in the 21st century. Based on testimonies, re-creations, archives and photos, this investigative documentary reveals not only the after-effects of the soya’s model and other GMO’s grain productions with agrochemicals, on the health of the Argentinian people, but also the global and environmental consequences.
Three teenage girls from a Santiago shanty town set in motion a plan to climb buildings and break into the apartments of the wealthy side of the town.
Three interconnected stories explore the complicated relationships of young, attractive Argentinian adults searching for true love
"Impure Gold" is a tour around some of the open pit mining with cyanide that corporations have settled in the Argentine northwest San Juan, La Rioja, Catamarca, Tucuman Salta - and the reaction of the surrounding populations from the contamination.
Mystery film from Juan José Jusid
The closed community of a private neighborhood of high-priced houses, is moved by the discovery of three corpses that appear floating in a pool and rushes to frame it as an accident.
В очень неоднозначной криминальной драме мексиканского режиссёра Поля Ледюка Питер Фонда играет роль миллионера-социопата по имени мистер Икс, живущего в Майами и получающего странное удовольствие, преследуя гуляющих женщин на своём огромном внедорожнике. Тем временем Кобрадор, бразильский шахтёр, направляется в Нью-Йорк, убивая попутно всех, кого встречает на пути.
The documentary directed by Estela Bravo collects the story of girls, boys and young people who were able to recover their true identity thanks to the struggle of the Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo. The documentary gives an account of the tireless task undertaken by Estela de Carlotto in the search for the stolen granddaughters and grandsons, as well as to reveal the true story of the horror perpetuated by the last civic-military dictatorship in Argentina.
Could a brilliant composer's music actually be killing his loved ones? Eliseo can't help but believe it when his younger sister dies tragically and then his pianist Georgina suddenly dies on the piano. Completely traumatized, Eliseo is taken to a mental hospital where he can find escape only through music.
The degraded socio-economic condition of Argentina leading to the December 2001 rebellions, and its consequent social chaos analyzed by focusing on real people from Buenos Aires poorest shantytowns, crumbling hospitals, and women middle class farmers fighting multi national banks that are shamelessly appropriating their farmlands. Written by Gonz30
Документальная лента «Социальный геноцид» Фернандо Соланаса демонстрирует на примере Аргентины, что происходит с государством, когда его верхушка запускает механизм реформ Международного Валютного Фонда, разработанный и рекомендуемый для стран третьего мира. Каждый в этом фильме увидит близкие аналогии с тем, что началось на постсоветском пространстве после уничтожения СССР.
A cartoonist and painter who can not stand out and make a living, among other things, as a photographer of news magazines and a beautiful young woman who comes to Buenos Aires from inside the country to try to make it as a model and actress, living a love as passionate as fraught with disagreements.
Viri is a trendy bar waitress, Lissa works in a supermarket and sings hip-hop, Valeria veterinary studies, Yvonne tries to find a place in the world of music and Lourdes does tattoos on the premises of his brother Pogo. The idea of forming a pop group. When the group finally consolidates, an internal problem threatens to dissolve before the debut. But girls are not the same: the time spent together taught them that despite the differences there is none can separate because they are united by something that goes beyond the simple desire to sing.
По мотивам одноименного романа аргентинца Марсело Фигейраса. История о трудных и жестоких временах аргентинской военной диктатуры 70-х годов XX века… Десятилетний мальчик с родителями и младшим братом спешно покидают Буэнос-Айрес и скрываются в загородном доме друзей. Десять лет — самый подходящий возраст, чтобы жить в двух параллельных мирах: в мире, где они с отцом играют в настольную игру «Стратегия», смотрят фильмы про пришельцев и комиксы про Супермена, где есть книга о великом эскейписте Гарри Гудини, и в мире, в котором судьба семьи висит на волоске и требует каждодневной строгой конспирации…
Благодаря вмешательству деревянной нимфы и мудрого ученого, очаровательная Белен может на выбор жить в любой сказке, которую она выбирает. Но вместо этого она хочет оставить свой невинный мир и противостоять вызовам действительности. Таким образом, она волшебно перемещается на виллу Золотая Рыба и становится кухаркой в сиротском приюте, которым управляет Полковник. Горожане полагают, что Полковник будет вне упрека, но Белен лучше знает состояние дел в приюте. Она видит плохое обращение, что выносят сироты, которое заставляет этих шутников быть подозрительными и недружелюбными.
Проходит 10 лет. Наш знакомец Оливейро, постаревший, поистрепанный жизнью и полысевший поэт, уже не так пылок в постели, но все также не прощающий женщине единственный недостаток - если она не умеет летать, Поэт отправляет ее в тартарары как и прежде. Кризис возраста после 40, Оливейро решается на последнюю попытку изменить жизнь и уезжает в Европу, в Барселону, где встречает женщину, которая умеет летать, красивую и сексуальную циркачку Александру. Однако у него есть соперник, печальный юноша в черном, неотступно следующий за Александрой на всех ее выступлениях и тайно влюбленный в нее, у Поэта старые соглядатаи - Время, пристально наблюдающий за происходящим и дама в черном, безнадежно влюбленная в Оливейро, Смерть Поэта.
Кто победит в этом неравном поединке, Время, Смерть или Любовь, мы узнаем в конце фильма.
Описание мое собственное, буду рада за развернутые рецензии на фильмы режиссера. Пока таковых не нашла.
After the May Revolution, Juan José Castelli has instructions to order the execution of ex-viceroy Santiago de Liniers. That put you at a crossroads with respect to your convictions.
Действие происходит в Аргентине с 1928 по 1936 год. История заключённых, бежавших из тюрьмы. В фильме прослеживается судьба каждого героя, начиная с момента, который привёл его в тюрьму. Как сложится их судьба и смогут ли они жить дальше после того, что пережили?
A love between an admirer of Rodrigo and a young man who is shocked by his fanaticism with real images of recitals of Rodrigo
События фильма разворачиваются в 1965 году, это реальная история, когда три главных героя, Куэрво, Анхель и Нене, устраивают ограбление в Буэнос-Айресе. Теперь их разыскивает полиция, и они вынуждены скрываться на явочной квартире, в мире дешевого секса, наркотиков и насилия. Их отношения неизбежно движутся к трагической развязке…
Botín de guerra focuses on the history of the birth and growth of the Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo association, along with the frightening socio-political phenomenon that gave them raison d'être: the systematic appropriation of the children of detainees disappeared by the Argentine dictatorship between the years 1976/1983, which after kidnapping, torturing, and murdering the parents, gave their babies for adoption.
A 16-year-old young man, is fond of weapons and the manufacture of explosives. He participates in robberies and is persecuted by the Police, so his group of friends dissolves and he goes to live in another neighborhood and starts working in a bookstore. Dissatisfied, without expectations and full of resentment, Silvio tries to set the place on fire and flees through the city
The evil Nasty comes to our world with two objectives -- kidnap Buji, and carry as much candy as possible back to his world. He has the ability to 'shape-shift', and using the appearance of Dibu, he holds up a bank so that he can get enough money to buy the candy. The police wrongly imprison Dibu, who manages to escape and confront Nasty.
Told by gauchos from Brazil, Argentina and Uruguai, the legend says that Anahy de las Missiones wandered around the Plata Basin during the time of Cisplatina War (1825-1828), stealing the dead.
A judge falls from the roof of the Federal Courthouse. A woman is murdered. Between them and the three sons of the judge there is a connection that will be investigated by a woman judge who is determined to discover the truth.
This drama is based on a novel and incomplete screenplay by the late Maria Luis Bemberg. In 1930s Argentina, wealthy Sebastian (Antonio Birabent) leaves his Buenos Aires home for the family estate on the pampas. His family, concerned for his physical and mental health, arranges for Sebastian's childhood friend Juan (Walter Quiroz) to check on Sebastian's situation. Juan finds the highly erratic Sebastian caught in a doomed relationship with the Danish daughter of religious sect members. Unfortunately, Juan also becomes obsessed with the young woman, and Sebastian's suspicions increase.
Clara Goldstein is a lovely, middle-aged Jewish woman who, because of an impending visit from her American brother, is forced to create a contrived relationship with a man of her own faith. She places an ad in a personals column and meets Raul, a well-spoken, handsome and charming man whom she soon discovers is a Gentile and does not fulfill her reason for placing the ad. Having no alternative, Clara proceeds to instruct Raul with an intensive course in Judaism. Their journey is both humorous and captivating, but not without pitfalls. These two mature people risk a last chance at a meaningful relationship in their lives.
A woman would rather forget her husband's forced disappearance at the hands of the government.
Leonor, a widow in a small South American town, gives birth to Charlotte, a dwarf. The mother not only provides a rich childhood for her daughter, she erases any clues her daughter might see that would lead her to think she is different (mother burns books such as "Snow White" and destroys lawn statues of gnomes). In short, she doesn't want to talk about it. The mother succeeds in creating a modern-day Rapunzel: Charlotte becomes an accomplished young woman who captures the heart of Ludovico. But then, the circus comes to town.
In a city in South America an outbreak of bubonic plague occurs. While people try to flee and the military close the city, an idealistic doctor decides to stay and help the sick. In the ever-changing circumstances, he puts up a brave fight, being helped by others but also involving them without being able to control the situation.
"El Pollo," a 13-year-old child in reform school, witnesses and experiences the brutalization of the guards and the other inmates.
A viceroy and an archbishop take their posts in Mexico. A local nun, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (1651-1695), intrigues them. The viceroy and his wife find her brilliant and fascinating. The prelate finds her a symbol of European laxity. He engineers the election of a new abbess, severe and ascetic. The virreina visits Sor Juana often and inspires her to write passionate poetry that the archbishop finds scandalous. The viceroy protects her. After he is replaced and returns to Spain with his wife, Sor Juana faces envy and retribution. A bishop betrays her, her confessor humbles her. Plague, a tribunal, and her confession as "the worst of all" end the great poet's life.
A history of Argentine football, from its origins in the nineteenth century to the victory of the Argentine national team in the 1986 World Cup. The film uses valuable archival footage.
По роману Карлоса Фуэнтеса. Американская учительница и стареющий американский журналист соединяются судьбой во время мексиканской революции 10-х годов нашего века. Они оказываются в армии Панчо Вильи в компании молодого революционного генерала. Напряженна драма живо воссоздает атмосферу времени, батальные эпизоды сняты масштабно, а мастерство звезд - на самом высоком уровне...
Dreams and reality mix-up in the life of a middle class woman in his 20s who is depressed and distressed.
After the end of the military dictatorship in Argentina in 1983, Floreal is released from prison. Instead of returning to his wife, he wanders through the night of Buenos Aires. He meets some people from his past–most of which are only imaginary–and remembers the events of his imprisonment.
Драма об обеспеченной аргентинке — женщине, далекой от политики, — которая узнает, что ее приемная дочь является ребенком политического узника, а муж причастен к преступлениям диктатуры… Она хочет узнать правду и вплотную сталкивается с реалиями диктаторского режима.
It's about three women, three stories, or perhaps a single story in different projections of time and space. The Mistress wishes to unravel the meaning of being a woman is the victim of Hollywood. Ana is the product of a society ruled or dominated by men.
A journalist begins to receive envelopes containing erotic pictures, which he connects to a relationship he once had with an actress.
The life and work of Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges, a long interview, fragments of some of his most significant verses and dramatizations of some of his stories. Borges for everyone.
"The Surprises" is an episode film. In the episode Five Years of Life an unknown man and woman spend a night locked in a subway station. In Corazonada, a domestic employee takes revenge on her employer by making her son fall in love and in The Wells there is a love triangle in which the deceived husband is blind.
Documentary with staged events about a poor rural family in Argentina.
The life of an advertising model, since she is discovered by a producer, until she decides to move away from the advertising environment.
An impassioned three-part documentary of the liberation struggle waged throughout Latin America, using Argentina as a historical example of the imperialist exploitation of the continent. Part I: Neo-Colonialism and Violence is a historical, geographic, and economic analysis of Argentina. Part II: An Act For Liberation examines the ten-year reign of Juan Perón (1945-55) and the activities of the Peronist movement after his fall from power. Part III: Violence and Liberation studies the role of violence in the national liberation process and constitutes a call for action.
Three colleagues must decide which one of them will be fired when the company they work for starts a downsizing process.
Assistant Editor
Three boys from very different backgrounds who have just finished their military service must face the complex social reality of Argentina.
Editorial Production Assistant
With the expansion of television in Argentina people changed their customs and schedules. This is the story of a family father who refuses to change his own, but who suffers after having acquired a television set.
Assistant Editor
For good behavior, four prisoners are released for 24 hours.