"We should start with a correspondence, maybe we will not correspond to one another. Ebrahim can send me a letter this Friday, and I'll answer him next Friday. So, see you Friday, Robinson!" And so, Jean-Luc Godard stages himself in his daily thought, wisely desperate, and sends images and words from Switzerland to the other side of the Channel. In his mansion in Sussex, Ebrahim Golestan tries to decode these UFO-messages and skilfully seeks to bring them back to the appearance of reason. And so on, until the day a veil falls over the two Gods on the run. Does the existence of poets still have any meaning in these times of distress?
"We should start with a correspondence, maybe we will not correspond to one another. Ebrahim can send me a letter this Friday, and I'll answer him next Friday. So, see you Friday, Robinson!" And so, Jean-Luc Godard stages himself in his daily thought, wisely desperate, and sends images and words from Switzerland to the other side of the Channel. In his mansion in Sussex, Ebrahim Golestan tries to decode these UFO-messages and skilfully seeks to bring them back to the appearance of reason. And so on, until the day a veil falls over the two Gods on the run. Does the existence of poets still have any meaning in these times of distress?
"We should start with a correspondence, maybe we will not correspond to one another. Ebrahim can send me a letter this Friday, and I'll answer him next Friday. So, see you Friday, Robinson!" And so, Jean-Luc Godard stages himself in his daily thought, wisely desperate, and sends images and words from Switzerland to the other side of the Channel. In his mansion in Sussex, Ebrahim Golestan tries to decode these UFO-messages and skilfully seeks to bring them back to the appearance of reason. And so on, until the day a veil falls over the two Gods on the run. Does the existence of poets still have any meaning in these times of distress?
"We should start with a correspondence, maybe we will not correspond to one another. Ebrahim can send me a letter this Friday, and I'll answer him next Friday. So, see you Friday, Robinson!" And so, Jean-Luc Godard stages himself in his daily thought, wisely desperate, and sends images and words from Switzerland to the other side of the Channel. In his mansion in Sussex, Ebrahim Golestan tries to decode these UFO-messages and skilfully seeks to bring them back to the appearance of reason. And so on, until the day a veil falls over the two Gods on the run. Does the existence of poets still have any meaning in these times of distress?
Фильм-отражение современного Арабского мира.
Director of Photography
Бахман Мохассесс был знаменитым художником. Пройдя обучение в Италии, он создавал скульптуры и картины на своей родине. Но люди часто обижались на ярко выраженные фаллосы у его в основном голых бронзовых фигур, и потому его работы часто подвергались цензуре. После революции все его работы были утеряны. Митрэ Фарахани, которая начинала свою карьеру в качестве художницы, нашла Мохассесса в отеле в Риме…
Бахман Мохассесс был знаменитым художником. Пройдя обучение в Италии, он создавал скульптуры и картины на своей родине. Но люди часто обижались на ярко выраженные фаллосы у его в основном голых бронзовых фигур, и потому его работы часто подвергались цензуре. После революции все его работы были утеряны. Митрэ Фарахани, которая начинала свою карьеру в качестве художницы, нашла Мохассесса в отеле в Риме…
Бахман Мохассесс был знаменитым художником. Пройдя обучение в Италии, он создавал скульптуры и картины на своей родине. Но люди часто обижались на ярко выраженные фаллосы у его в основном голых бронзовых фигур, и потому его работы часто подвергались цензуре. После революции все его работы были утеряны. Митрэ Фарахани, которая начинала свою карьеру в качестве художницы, нашла Мохассесса в отеле в Риме…
After Saddam Hussein's removal from power, Iranians rushed to cross the unguarded border with Iraq to visit the shrines of Shi'ism in Karbala and Najaf.
Filmmaker Mitra Farahani portrays love and sex in today’s Iran. One part fiction and one part documentary, the film was shot secretly and is banned in its native country.
Filmmaker Mitra Farahani portrays love and sex in today’s Iran. One part fiction and one part documentary, the film was shot secretly and is banned in its native country.
Tehran, October, 2000. One year ago, Morvarid lived as a man. Since her operation, she lives her femininity shielded from glances, between the four walls of her apartment. For the first time, she is covered with a chador and gets ready to go out as a woman: we are to follow her metamorphosis. How, in a country as Iran, can one have the will to be a woman?