Petra Goedings


Circus Noël
Confronted with the apparent darkness of the world, three people search for meaning, love and kindness in the capital of Europe.
Подружки устраивают девичник в лесном доме в Арденнах. Но между ними возникает напряжение: всё ли они знают друг о друге?
Открытое море
Трое друзей учатся и прожигают молодость в Амстердаме. Внезапная смерть отца, одного из парней, меняет полностью жизнь всех. В этот неспокойный период они пытаются освободиться от родительской опеки и прошлого, ощутить смысл дружбы и узнать, кто они на самом деле.
Storm - Letter of Fire
The film is set in 1521 Antwerp, in a Europe ravaged by religious wars, and during the early years of the Reformation. It tells the story of the twelve year old, Falko Voeten – a printer’s son. When Falko’s father, Klaas Voeten, a printer of forbidden literature, is caught by the Inquisition for printing a letter written by Maarten Luther; Falko is unwittingly propelled into helping his father and into searching for the letter. Threatened by the Inquisition but aided by Marieke, a Catholic orphan girl from the underground sewers, Falko is faced with a race against time if he is to save his father from being executed for heresy.
The Prosecutor, the Defender, the Father and his Son
The Hague, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia: Two ambitious lawyers face each other in the trial of Milorad Krstić, who’s accused of committing war crimes as a commander in the Bosnian war. The defender, Mikhail Finn, has managed to refute all the accusations against his client. Convinced of Krstic´s guilt, Catherine Lagrange, the prosecutor, summons a young man with incriminating evidence against Krstić. He claims to have been abandoned by his parents as a child and to have been one of Krstić’s soldiers. Defender Finn starts to investigate in order to verify the witness’ testimony – and soon encounters the young man’s family. Inspired by a true story.
Чистые руки
Сильвия и Эдди живут мирной жизнью в Амстердаме. Имеют двух детей. Доход же получают с торговли накротиками, которой занимается Эдди. Но все летит к чертям, когда ему на хвост садится полиция, а Сильвия решает покинуть дом. Эдди не может позволить этому случиться, ведь она слишком много знает.
Between 10 and 12
A piece of news, delivered by two officers in a police car, changes the lives of a family forever. As the journey to track down the next of kin progresses, the vehicle becomes more and more crowded with family members, picked up from home, work, the hairdressers. As they sit in the backseat, alone with their thoughts, what they thought they knew about life, about relationships, has been violently altered.
Show Me Love
Alize ran away from home after a fight with her parents. She's answering her phone, and now the evening is slowly turning into night, her parents are increasingly worried. What they don't know is that Alize isn't far away: she has hidden herself across from the house and is observing her worried parents from a distance.
A maverick military diver gets demoted to a dangerous search-and-rescue squadron and must gain the trust of his new team.
Still Life
Short film based on the personal experiences of the director, who used to be an asylum seeker himself. A young man seeks asylum in the Netherlands. He is received, gets a toilet roll, a plate of Brussels sprouts and a sleeping place in a caravan. Tired, but with a smile on his face, he falls asleep. Nine years later, he sings a Dutch song in the early morning, when he is deported from the country in a police van.
Inspired by true events, a chilling psychological drama. A couple's secret pact takes an unexpected, sinister turn.
Forgive Me
(Vergeef me) - Forgive me is the film adaptation of Cyrus Frisch his controversional play "Jesus/Lover", which was performed by hard-drug addicts and alcoholics. This film with Frisch as Jesus disguised as Jerry Springer is not light on the stomach. But those who can take it will get to know some extraordinary people... Frisch first plays with the actors by openly exceeding the borders of the acceptable the idealistic filmmaker hopes the stream of violence and misery on television will finally come to an end. The praise he gained after the first screening of these brutal scenes with the social outcasts he filmed made him outrageous. The director sells himself to the devil and goes even further in the abuse of his protagonists. How long can the viewer stay a passive accomplice?