Sofia Kokkali

Sofia Kokkali

Рождение : 1988-01-01, Athens, Greece


Sofia Kokkali
Sofia Kokkali
Sofia Kokkali


Silence 6–9
Aris and Anna meet one evening in a half-abandoned town surrounded by antennas. In this strange, dreamlike world, the two solitary souls gradually start to develop feelings for one another.
Marble is Cut With Water (or the Crying Game)
An hi8 film for The Callas by Jacqueline Lentzou.
Iota Period Omega
I.O. (voice)
I.O is a girl from a future society who works for the air force. As she waits to be teleported to a distant planet, through her visual diary she converses with our present time in an attempt to safeguard her senses.
Moon, 66 Questions
Artemis, a single 24-year-old living in Paris, France, receives a frantic phone call from her mother—her father Paris is in the hospital and she must return home to Athens to care for him. Resentful of the tasking as she grew up estranged from her father, she becomes reacquainted with him over one emotional summer, learning the secret as to why their relationship was stifled.
Никитас долгое время живет отшельником в хижине у подножия лесистого склона. После череды проливных дождей на его дом сходит оползень. Когда в лесу появляется Джонни, сын Никитаса, с которым он не общался 20 лет, земля окончательно уходит из-под ног отшельника. Джонни сообщает, что через лес, где живет Никитас, фирма-застройщик планирует проложить автодорогу. Отец и сын должны забыть обиды и объединиться, чтобы не допустить строительства.
В пятницу между вами может пролететь искра, которая приведет к потрясающим выходным, но что делать, если впереди ждёт неизбежный понедельник?
The End of Suffering (A Proposal)
Sofia is panicky, again. The Universe decides to contact her. An other-wordly dialogue. A planet symphony for Mars, where people dream awake and fight for love.
Набожные супруги-мусульмане Пари и ее муж прилетают в Афины из Ирана, чтобы навестить своего сына-студента Бабака. Но он не встречает родителей в аэропорту, и они вынуждены отправиться в город на его поиски. В центре Афин родители попадают в самую гущу уличных митингов и беспорядков. Пари, в отличие от своего мужа, знает английский язык и берет дело в свои руки. Впервые она чувствует себя главой семьи, решающей проблемы самостоятельно. Эта новая роль вдохновляет Пари: она встречается с незнакомцами, узнает новые детали и постепенно продвигается по следам своего блудного сына.
Seems like an ordinary trip to a remote beach. Four young women enjoy the warmth of the sun, the coolness of the sea and one another's company. None of them is "Winona"
A sexist violence incident fires tension in Danai's friendship with Ilona and Toufa. Torn between theory and practice, the three friends realize that patriarchy won't die with bottles (only), and they now have marks to prove it.
A man has second thoughts about a deal he has made with consequences he isn't prepared for. A cutting horror-satire from Greek director Daniel Bolda that fans of Bolda’s countryman Yorgos Lanthimos will love.
Molly 6 to 8
It's the '60s and Sporos has a date with Molly his "6 to 8 girl" from the wild teenage years. Their meeting will bring about lost dreams and unfulfilled desires. A bittersweet farewell to a relationship and an era.
Hector Malot: The Last Day of the Year
New Year’s Eve dawns in a moon-kissed car, and Sofia has a dream that she tells no-one: while walking on a desert, she gets to know that she is sick. She pretends she does not care. Has she lost heart?
Niki , Lefteris
Niki is a resistance fighter living in a nightmarish dictatorship in Athens, 1972, and Lefteris is her son, who will be forced sooner or later to cut the thread that binds them together.
Most adults dream of staying in childhood forever; go through life like a game, free of society's rules and restrictions. Five employees in a metal company put this dream into effect. What they find is: you may escape the rules but you can't escape the consequences or your personal responsibility.
В афинском театре идёт современная адаптация классической греческой трагедии Эсхила «Орестея». Зрители, как обычно, сидят на своих местах. Внезапно на сцену выходит группа молодых людей, одетых в чёрное, с оружием в руках. Они извиняются за вмешательство и приглашают людей из зала принять участие в пьесе. Спектакль возобновляется, но с одним отличием: теперь жизнь подражает искусству, а не наоборот.
The story is a contemporary version of the ancient Greek myth of Electra. Electra is a young girl foreigner in her own land, as well as in other lands. The only place she could seek her identity is her own private world that she tries to create. From Africa to Europe, the film is a puzzle composed by pieces of her broken identity. Electra's very journey is finally her own land.
7 Kinds of Wrath
Petros is a gay archaeologist who experiences the naked Greek paranoia in the center of Athens. Either by choice or coincidence, he comes into contact with people who are "different": An Arab immigrant, who comes to Greece, a land of "infidels", determined to conquer it by any means; A Greek-French cello player, who is burdened by the agony of her alcoholic mother; A young Albanian pianist, who carries the curse of his own personal genius and divinity; A Greek immigrant, who was repatriated but now has nowhere to call home; A bank director, who believes everything can be bought, even love; A patrolman, who creates his own version of socio-political reality. Petros' contact with these people is in fact a traumatic experience. For each encounter he has to pay a price. Sometimes the price is material, while other times it's emotional. At times it is both. Will the experience gained make up for the loss?
Little England
Τwo sisters from the island of Andros, dubbed Little England because of its affluence, are both in love with the same man. Set in the Greek Civil War period and ending in the 1950s, the movie is based on the homonymous novel by Ioanna Karystiani.