Hidefumi Hanatani

Hidefumi Hanatani

Рождение : 1967-07-18,


Born 1967, Hidefumi Hanatani (花谷秀文) is a Japanese art director. He has received numerous awards, including the 39th Japan Academy Film Prize for Best Art Direction for 125 Years Memory.


Hidefumi Hanatani


Fortuna's Eye
Production Design
Shinichiro Kiyama is completely alone in the world. One day, he realizes he possesses "Fortuna's Eye", an ability through which people whose death is drawing near appear transparent to him. It is a gift that torments him. Then he meets a cheerful, optimistic girl Aoi Kiryu who makes him feel at ease. Shinichiro develops feelings for her, but after a brief period of happiness, Aoi's body suddenly starts turning transparent.
Kids on the Slope
Production Design
Two different students—a successful but aloof academic and a rebellious but kindhearted delinquent—form a friendship through their love of jazz music.
Magic Kimono
Art Direction
“Magic Kimono” tells the story of middle-aged Japanese woman Keiko, who has been living in a shell for decades due to a family tragedy in Kobe. The modest act of eating and the sensations it gives us provided Keiko a lifeline to survive. Unwillingly, she joins a group of Japanese women traveling to Northern Europe to participate in a kimono show in the fairytale-like art nouveau world of Riga. During her performance, Keiko suddenly comes face to face with her husband, who disappeared twenty years ago and now wants to read-dress their relationship and who Keiko has become.
Production Design
Косаку Ито преподаёт всемирную историю в старшей школе. Он создаёт впечатление достаточно холодного человека, хотя на самом деле у него доброе сердце. Одна из учениц, юная и наивная Хибики Симада, влюблена в него и однажды находит в себе смелость признаться в этом. Косаку озадачен, он не может говорить о чувствах столь же открыто - ведь он учитель.
Maniac Hero
Production Design
Nakatsu was laid off at his company and now works part-time at a convenience store. One day, Nakatsu forms a vigilante group to protect his town with Toshida, who has a mysterious physical ability, Kanari, who is a female high school student with excellent information gathering abilities, and Kusaki, who wields hammers under his sleeves. As they punish evil doers, the group gains popular support and flourish.
Кораблекрушение 1890
Production Design
Двух ключевых событиях в турецко-японских отношениях, которые углубили дружбу между двумя народами.
Неудержимая юность
Production Design
Обычная школьница Ёсиока Футаба не переносит парней. Однако, среди них всех есть один, к кому она относится по-другому - Танака. В какой-то момент их отношения начинают развиваться, но Футабу шокирует новость о том, что Танака поменял школу за время летних каникул, не сказав ни слова. Ребята теряют контакт, а в старшей школе снова встречаются - но Танаку теперь зовут Мабути, и он кажется совсем другим человеком.
Убить Билла: Кровавое дело целиком
Art Direction
Режиссёрская версия культового фильма "Убить Билла". Квентин Тарантино был вынужден разделить фильм на две части, чтобы они попали в прокат, ведь продолжительность полной версии картины более четырех часов
Сегун леди и ее мужчины
Art Direction
Япония 18 века. Страшная болезнь начала поражать мужчин, выживал лишь один из пяти. В результате мужчин стало в четыре раза меньше, чем женщин. Уклад общества изменился, воцарился матриархат. Сёгунами тоже становились женщины. Самые красивые и талантливые мужчины могли поступить в сёгунский гарем. Ооку — закрытая часть дворца, отведённая для гарема и его обслуги. Красивая оболочка с довольно неприглядным содержимым.
Gravity's Clowns
Production Design
On the outset, the Okunos seem like a normal happy family with father Tadashi and his two bright sons, genetics researcher Izumi and artsy Haru. When a series of arson attacks strike the neighborhood, clues left at the crime scenes seem to be somehow related to the Okunos. Izumi and Haru try to get to the bottom of mystery, slowly unveiling a tragic family secret that has come back to haunt them.
Cheer Cheer Cheer!
Production Design
Momoko (Yui Aragaki) is a quiet and lonely high school girl who's only passion is to cheer traditional cheer squad, but all she could gather were good for nothing guys, who could not find places in school. They start the cheer squad with a disaster, but when they finally find the true meaning of "cheering" someone, their passion becomes power and gives strength to those that are cheered.
Тройной форсаж: Токийский Дрифт
Art Direction
Шон Босуэлл — одинокий парень, который хочет казаться профи уличных гонок. Он бесшабашно гоняется по улицам города, пытаясь убежать от жизненных невзгод и наживая себе врагов среди местных властей. Когда Шону грозит тюрьма, его от греха подальше отсылают к отцу — профессиональному военному, который служит на военной базе в Японии.В незнакомой стране, живущей по своим законам, Шон чувствует себя еще большим изгоем. Однако вскоре его американский приятель Твинки знакомит его с миром подпольного дрифт-рейсинга. Раньше Шон просто тупо гонялся по улицам, а здесь перед ним открылся целый мир своеобразного искусства из металла и резины, дороги которого оказались невообразимо круты на поворотах…
The Milkwoman
Art Direction
Minako (TANAKA Yuko), begins her day running up and down the hills of her hometown delivering milk door to door. When that's done, she heads to her day job as a supermarket cashier. Minako is 50 and single. In one of the houses to which she delivers milk is a man with whom she has secretly been in love since high school. The man, Keita (KISHIBE Ittoku), lives with his wife Yoko, who is terminally ill. Caring for her at home, he works in the children's affairs section of the local municipal office. Though he insists that he wants nothing more than an "ordinary" existence, his life is in turmoil below the surface. The director uses a variety of narrative devises to portray the loneliness, isolation, and hope of these people who have seemingly allowed their goals and dreams to slip away, whilst keeping them agonizingly close to hand.
Letters from Kanai Nirai
Production Design
Fuki who lives with her grandfather Shoei in Taketomi Island, Okinawa, dreams of becoming a photographer. In her childhood, her mother Masami left Fuki to live in Tokyo. Although Masami has not come back, Fuki receives birthday cards from Masami every year on her birthday. On Fuki's fourteenth birthday, Masami promises to confess everything when Fuki becomes 20 years old. After her graduation from high school, Fuki moves to Tokyo to work as a camera assistant. Fuki starts off her hectic life in Tokyo, and soon, her nineteenth birthday comes. As usual, she receives a birthday card from Masami. A year later...
Boy's Choir
Art Direction
A young teen's father dies, and he is sent to an orphanage. He's teased because he stutters almost runs away, until a beautiful, androgynous boy, Yasuo (Sora Toma), convinces him to join the choir.
Set Designer
Альтернативная история. В Японии идет долгая и кровопролитная война. Никто не помнит, кто ее начал, и никому не известно, когда она кончится. Страна в руинах. Молодой помощник режиссера работает на телестудии посреди разбомбленного города. И мечтает снять фильм о правде жизни, и людях, как они есть.
Paradise Sea
Production Design
Japanese drama set in a southern Kyushu island where dance-troupe leader Shinji (Shinji Arano) stays on as his touring troupe departs. After Shinji moves in with an old man (Nobuyoshi Tanigawa) cared for by his granddaughter (Reiko Matsuo), he becomes an apprentice to the old man's construction of a wooden boat
Yoi ko to asobou
Production Design
Five junior high school students in the city enjoy stealing as a game to pass the time. One day, a mysterious masked man suddenly appears in front of them and attacks them.
Talking Head
Production Design
It's nearly time for the debut of the most anticipated anime movie of the year, Talking Head. There's just a few minor problems: the director has disappeared and the movie isn't even started! Desperate to meet their deadline, the studio hires a "migrant technical director" to fill in for the missing director. But there's more going on here than just slipping deadlines. One by one, the staff is being murdered and it's only a matter of time before the new director's next on the list!