Michel Elias

Michel Elias

Рождение : 1948-02-18, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France


Michel Elias


Le secret de Mona Lisa
Gilles / Security Agent (voice)
Two young women try to steal the Mona Lisa painting to bring it back to the children of their neighborhood.
Ulrik (voice)
Eight-year old Bibi is chosen to represent her clan in a tournament for Viking warriors. When she eats a lollipop she is able to see the world as candy and she uses her power to make it through the challenges. But will she be able to defeat the terrible Arfur, chief of the Bear clan?
La Projectionniste
Lucien (voice)
In 1930, Suzanne, a 7-year-old girl, had the gift of projecting her memories through her eyes. Helped by her grandfather Lucien, she tries to master it.
La vie secrète de l’ours à lunettes
Fantastic Mr. Murray
Self - Additional French Voice
Bill Murray is considered by many of his fans to be "the coolest man in the world". But how is it that this actor, who for a long time did little more than a few weird performances with strangers and crazy improvisations on TV shows, is now better known than many of his fellow actors with far more impressive filmographies? Although the film "Groundhog Day" was published a quarter of a century ago, the cult surrounding the American improvisational talent has never died down and is now becoming almost irrational. The documentary, peppered with interviews from companions and confidants, follows in Murray's footsteps and tries to fathom where the unique fascination for this man comes from. Starting with the theater in his hometown of Chicago, to the TV shows of the satirical magazine "National Lampoon" and the legendary comedy show "Saturday Night Live" to his checkered film career.
Like a Bear
The Boss (voice)
Christian is an average employee working in the less productive company of Canada: Imprim’ 2000. He met his new coworker, Stephen. The only problem is that Stephen is none other than a bear and that nobody except Christian seems to worry about.
The Cat: A Cuddly Killer
Self - Narrator (voice)
Cats are cuddly felines and lovely pets, but also highly evolved predators that hunt huge amounts of small mammals, birds and reptiles; perfect killing machines that threaten delicate ecosystems around the world.
Dilili in Paris
Renoir / Brancusi / Renan / Mâle-maître Opéra / Faux vieillard / Impresario (voice)
With the help of her delivery-boy friend, Dilili, a young Kanak, investigates a spate of mysterious kidnappings of young girls that is plaguing Belle Epoque Paris. In the course of her investigation she encounters a series of extraordinary characters, each of whom provides her with clues that will help her in her quest.
Ivan Tsarevitch and the Changing Princess
Cook / Matelot 1 / Ceramic Tsar (voice) (archive footage)
Four tales about princesses and adventurers around the world: The Mistress of Monsters, The Wizard Student, The Ship's Boy and His Cat, and Ivan Tsarevitch and his changeable princess.
Ivan Tsarevitch and the Changing Princess
Rat / Chef / Wizard / Acrobat (voice) (archive footage)
Four tales about princesses and adventurers around the world: The Mistress of Monsters, The Wizard Student, The Ship's Boy and His Cat, and Ivan Tsarevitch and his changeable princess.
Loopdidoo and the Treasure of Captain Nem Bones
Grabouillon (voice)
Loopdidoo, the goofy dog, has found the perfect spot to bury his bone. As he starts digging, Loopdidoo uncovers… A treasure chest! Right there! Isn’t he a lucky dog? Not quite… Not only does the treasure chest only contain incomprehensible clues, but the evil pirates, Captain Coco and his sidekicks, have just moored their ship, The Black Egg, off the island, determined to get their hands on the treasure too! Will Loopdidoo and his friends be able to outwit the pirates, rescue Loopdidoo’s cousin and find the treasure?
Yoru no tobari no monogatari: Samenai yume
Various Characters (voice) (archive footage)
Five further stories from the French designer, writer and director Michel Ocelot: La Maîtresse des monstres, Le Pont du petit cordonnier, Le Mousse et sa chatte, L'Écolier sorcier, and Ivan Tsarévitch et la Princesse Changeante. This compilation movie has only been released in Japan.
Эрнест и Селестина: Приключения мышки и медведя
Additional Voices (voice)
Большая дружба начинается с малого… Она — маленькая мышка, он — огромный медведь. Она — ребенок, он — взрослый. Она мечтает быть художницей, хотя по правилам своего мира должна стать дантистом, он — музыкант и поэт, ведущий бездумную жизнь и никогда не имеющий куска хлеба на завтра. Они живут в разных мирах: для обитателей мышиного царства нет ничего более дикого, чем подружиться с «большим плохим медведем», да и его соседи вряд ли поймут, зачем водиться с мышкой. Но дружба и родство душ сродни настоящему волшебству. И какое этой парочке дело до условностей, разницы в размере, исторических предрассудков и культурных барьеров?
Loopdidoo’s Zany Christmas
Grabouillon / Bananouille (voice)
A snowy fairy-tale setting. A full moon. The house and garden are overflowing with glowing, twinkling Christmas decorations. LOOPDIDOO is busily flattening a long stretch of snow: his landing strip is ready! Now all he has to do is wait… But for whom? Santa, of course! PETUNIA, doubled up with laughter, gently teases him: it’ll never work! But would you know it, PETUNIA’s wrong! All of a sudden, SANTA crosses the moonlit sky in a superb, art-deco-pimped chopper-sleigh. LOOPDIDOO starts dancing around like crazy, waving his fluorescent sticks in the air to grab his attention. But then, distracted by our loopy dog, SANTA loses control of his sleigh… and crashes into the moon! Explosion! In a shower of sparks, the sleigh falls earthbound… and more precisely right into PETUNIA’s garden! As for SANTA, he’s marooned on the moon, with his sack of Christmas gifts! PETUNIA can’t believe her binoculars… Nice one, LOOPDIDOO, now that is a blunder… The blunder of the century!
The Hidden Treasures of Michel Ocelot
I told a story, Kirikou and the Sorceress, that reached a large number of people. It was the first time in my life. But this film was not my first one. I had also made short films, with a very limited distribution. Nobody saw them. I am lucky enough now to introduce them to you, to make these little mechanisms run again; they are the result of perseverance and passion. Besides the almost forgotten past, I have added a dance of today, which I conceived for Björk. Also something of the future, a post-scriptum to my film "Azur & Asmar". In addition to the films, I try to explain the happy magic of these bits of nothing which became my life. Michel Ocelot
Piccolo, Saxo & Cie
Docteur Marteau (voice)
A collection of brass and string instruments band together to form a grand symphonic orchestra, then embark on a mission to find the evil doctor who stole some of their other instruments and musical notes so he could build the perfect instrument.
L'Année des Guignols : Qu'est-ce t'as, t'es pas content ?
Кирику и дикие звери
Les animaux
Фильм от лауреата премии «Сезар», создателя знаменитого мультфильма «Кирику и колдунья», удостоенного Гран-при самого престижного в мире фестиваля анимационных фильмов Анси (Франция) в 1999 году. Это антология разных подвигов маленького негритенка, о которых повествует его мудрый дедушка. Кирику разгадывает тайну разграбленного огорода, восхищается красотами родного континента, путешествуя на жирафе, и даже — спасая деревню — бросает вызов самой Смерти.
L'Année des Guignols : Un Jean-Pierre ça peut tout faire
Impersonator (voices)
The Extraordinary Adventures of Michel Strogoff
Jolivet (Voix)
In Russia, the Tartars invade Siberia, devastating villages and sowing terror among the populations. The Tsar sent Michael Strogoff 5,000 kilometers from Moscow to warn the Grand Duke of the imminent danger in Irkutsk.
Собака, генерал и птицы
Le chien (voice)
Тонино Гуэрра придумал обаятельную и сентиментальную историю о России середины XIX века, где одиноко живет старый генерал, показавший себя смелым и находчивым полководцем во время войны с Наполеоном. В 1812-м году ему пришел в голову план спалить занятую французами Москву, выпустив сотни горящих птиц. Это принудило врага отступить, но и много лет спустя птицы не могут забыть генералу, как жестоко он когда-то пожертвовал их сородичами. Птицы гадят ему на зонтик, и вообще стараются вредить старику, как только могут. Но бродячая собака, подружившись с генералом, помогает ему заставить птиц простить его и забыть о давней обиде.
L'Année des Guignols : Une ispice di counasse d'année !!
L'Année des Guignols : Je peux dire une connerie ?
Impersonator (voices)
L'Année des Guignols : Ras le bol les guignols !
- The Board of DSK - The complaints of the grandmother mustache - The Tiberi make us cry - Edward loose - Right Park - Lionel Jospin Love
Такси 2
Rally speaker
Во Францию прибывает министр обороны Японии. Цель его визита — ознакомиться с французским опытом борьбы с терроризмом и подписать «контракт века» о взаимном сотрудничестве.Неожиданно во время показательных выступлений французской полиции министра обороны похищает гангстерская группировка «Якудза», желающая сорвать заключение наиважнейшего контракта. Даниэль и Эмильен отправляются на поиски высокого гостя. В дело вступает уже хорошо знакомое нам такси…
Rayman: The Animated Series
Cookie/Rigatoni/Inspector Grub
Fleeing the terrible Rigatoni, Rayman and his friends find refuge in the mysterious metropolis of Aéropolis. The charming Betina, Cookie the rascal, the strange LacMac and the little Flips accompany Rayman in this crazy adventure: will they escape the clutches of Inspector Grub that Rigatoni has launched at their heels?
Mookie (voice)
A talking chimp, a jolly monk and a boxer on the run make an unlikely team in this French comedy for children. Brother Benoit, a French monk working with underprivileged youth in Mexico, one day finds a sick chimpanzee in need of water and medical attention. He brings the chimp back to his mission and nurses her back to health, naming her Mookie. A year later, Brother Benoit discovers Mookie can not only play basketball, but she can talk, the result of an exposure to radiation from a meteor crash. Primate experts from America are eager to get their hands on the little ape, but the Brother will allow no experiments to be performed on her. The Brother recruits Antoine, a boxer down on his luck, to help Mookie and the Brother flee to Mexico City, but when it turns out Antoine is wanted by the Mexican Mafia for not throwing a fight, all three must make tracks to insure their safety.
Кирику и Колдунья
Voix, sons et bruitages des animaux
В маленькой деревне, где-то в Африке, родился мальчик по имени Кирику. Это был необычный мальчик: едва родившись, он уже умел говорить и ходить и очень хорошо знал, чего хочет. Мама рассказала ему про злую колдунью, которая высушила их родник и уничтожила всех мужчин в деревне, кроме ее младшего брата. Храбрый малыш решает сопровождать последнего воина по дороге огненных деревьев на решающее сражение с колдуньей…
L'Année des Guignols : J'y arrive pas
Lucky Luke: Daltons on the Loose
Plume de serpent (voice)
The cowboy Lucky Luke tracks the Dalton brothers who escaped from prison and are seeking refuge in Canada.
Властелины времени
Silbad (voice)
73-й сектор галактики. На планете Пердида 7-летний Пьель из семьи колонизаторов выживает после атаки гигантских шершней. Перед своей гибелью отец мальчика успевает отправить просьбу о помощи своему другу Джафару. Сможет ли ребенок выжить один на враждебной планете в ожидании Джафара, который спешит к планете на космическом корабле, держа контакт с Пьелем через гиперпередатчик?
Voice-over of filmed news (voice)
Фильм, посвященный жизни героини парижских хроник 20-х годов, хищной и властной банкирше Эмме Эггерт. Ее сексуальные аппетиты, мания величия, манера носить мужское платье и курить сигары, эфебофилия и опьянение роскошью…
The Three Inventors
In a white lace universe, three inventors create machine which are both pretty and useful. Unfortunately people do not understand them...
The Fabulous Adventures of the Legendary Baron Munchausen
Le pacha (voice)
The Fabulous Adventures of the legendary Baron Munchausen is a French animated feature from Jean Image of 1978, inspired by the adventures of Baron Munchausen. Baron Munchausen is wont to bring his friends to tell them about his imaginary exploits.
Давай, мама
Анни Ларше — домохозяйка, воспитывающая двоих детей вместе с мужем, владельцем фабрики по производству очков. Устав заниматься домашними делами при всеобщем равнодушии домочадцев, она решает дать новый поворот своей жизни. Сначала она устраивается работать регистратором в родильном отделении, а затем приступает к написанию эротического романа...
Cмурфы и волшебная флейта
Papa Smurf (voice)
The evil knight Torchesac, who is at the service of the sinister lord of La Mortaille, gets a very powerful magic flute and uses it for evil purposes. Johan and Pirlouit, assisted by the magician Homnibus, travel to the land of the Smurfs, the only manufacturers of this sort of instrument, to get a new one and battle the usurpers.
The Three Musketeers
Athos / la Chouette
D'Artagnan and his musketeer comrades must thwart the plans of Cardinal Richelieu to usurp King Louis XIII's power. Animated film directed by John Halas.
The Three Musketeers
Athos et la Chouette
D'Artagnan and his musketeer comrades must thwart the plans of Cardinal Richelieu to usurp King Louis XIII's power. Animated film directed by John Halas.