A retelling of the popular fairy tale that mixes live action and animation.
An animated segment from the film Melody Time which includes the two shorts "Bumble Boogie" and "Trees".
An owl teaches his class full of birds about melody. It's all around in nature. Only birds and man can sing; man "sings" even when he speaks. We see a quick survey of the stages of life, as captured by songs: the alphabet song for primary school, Here Comes the Bride, The Old Gray Mare, etc. Some inspirations for song are outlined in song: love, sailing, trains, the West, motherhood, etc., but "we never sing about brains." Finally, an example of how a simple melody can be expanded into a symphony: an elaborate version of the simple tune that opened the lesson
Микки и Плуто отправляются на увлекательнейшую рыбалку, где друзьям предстоит веселая возня с устрицей и нешуточное противоборство с чайками.
Веселый Плуто — именник. Он ждет гостей и очень хочет попробовать праздничный торт. Но вот беда — гостей оказалось так много, что все угощение было съдено за минуту. Но друг всегда оказывается рядом — оказывается, Микки припас для Плуто кусочек. Праздник удался на славу.
Пожилой Дональд и Спайк вспоминают старые времена.
Микки и Плуто отправились охотиться на енота. Плуто ведет себя как настоящий охотничий пес. Но енот, оказывается, очень хитер. Кто же станет победителем?
Микки и Плуто приезжают отдохнуть в чудесный лагерь «Утопия». Плуто, счастлив — ему здесь очень нравится. Но напрасно он так обрадовался…
Золушка — бедная сиротка, которую злая мачеха и ее вздорные дочки, заставляют тяжко работать с утра до ночи. Она так хочет попасть на королевский бал. На помощь бедняжке приходит Добрая фея! Силой волшебства она наделяет Золушку роскошной каретой, чудесным платьем и необыкновенными хрустальными башмачками.
Микки при помощи Плуто пытается управлять банановой плантацией в Австралии.
Микки опаздывает на свидание. Ему нужно привести себя в порядок, и Плуто ему в этом помогает.
Figaro is hungry for a small, yellow canary named Frankie but must pass a barrier; Minnie Mouse.
Pluto has just finished moving his bones into a spiffy new doghouse when a turtle comes along and starts moving them out. While Pluto is dealing with the turtle, Butch takes up residence. Butch chases Pluto back to his grungy old doghouse, and now it's his turn to deal with the tenacious little turtle. The turtle wins, and he and Pluto become friends.
Minnie gives Figaro a bath and ties a ribbon around his neck. Figaro feels like a sissy, and when he mixes it up with some alley cats, they mock him, and the leader attacks. But Figaro is so afraid that his shaking topples a series of trash cans onto the aggressor. The rest of the cats didn't see this happen, and think Figaro defeated their leader. Of course, now he's all dirty, and he needs another bath.
In Holland, Pluto acts as a milkman (dog?) leaving canisters of milk on the town's doorsteps. While going about his job, he falls head over heels in love with Dinah the dachshund. In his enthusiasm, he accidentally rings the dike bell causing the town to think the dike is leaking. When the fraud is exposed, Pluto and Dinah are kicked out of the town. Upon leaving, they both notice the dike actually has sprung a leak. While Dinah plugs the leak, Pluto must return to the town and find a way to get the residents to follow him to the dike leak.
Pluto is patrolling a beach for the Coast Guard when a baby turtle hatches. The turtle keeps trying to sneak into the restricted zone to swim, and Pluto keeps trying to stop him. But when Pluto stumbles into some quicksand, he suddenly needs help from his foe.
As a ship's crew is on shore leave, seadog Pluto is left to stand watch. He sees a threatening shape, but it turns out to be a cache of bones. He grabs one and settles in contentedly. A rat sneaks on, and Pluto springs into action. The rat toys with him, until it finds the officer's mess. He bribes Pluto, until he hears an officer approaching. The rat hides, and Pluto gets thrown in the brig, while the rat sneaks off with his sandwich. But Pluto gets even.
На этот раз утенок Дональд решил посетить Мексику. Об этом его путешествии и рассказывается в этой сказке.
Для удачной игры необходимо: стадион, забитый до отказа зрителями, большая армия продавцов сосисок и воды, легион спортивных комментаторов, судья, тренеры и две команды, одетые в яркую форму. Вас ждет увлекательная игра!
Seduced by a satyr, Pluto celebrates spring. He goes around enjoying the scents, then imitating various animals. But when he imitates the butterfly (that transformed from a caterpillar before our eyes), he gets in trouble. The butterfly had done a little dance with a water droplet; Pluto picks a beehive as his "ball". The bees, of course, attack, and Pluto escapes by diving into some bushes of poison ivy. Then the "gentle" rains of spring come, along with the hail ("hail, hail the rains"), making a mess of Pluto's house. When the rains end and the satyr returns, Pluto gives him the greeting he deserves.
Из зоопарка сбежала свирепая горилла Аякс. Непоседливые племянники Дональда переодеваются в костюм гориллы, а Дональд Дак встречает настоящего Аякса.
Как могут сыграть музыканты, оставшиеся без инструментов? Реакция публики на этот концерт оказывается полной неожиданностью и для музыкантов, и для их музыкального продюсера.
Друзья собрались у Микки дома и решили устроить ему сюрприз: подарили ему замечательный электроорган. Гости веселились, пели и танцевали — праздник удался на славу.
Микки Маус убирает сухие листья, ради вкуснейшего пирога. Но маленький, шаловливый вихрь всё время ему мешает.
Уезжая в отпуск, Микки и Плуто прибывают на вокзал, но оказывается в поезде не разрешен проезд с собакой.
Волшебная звёздная ночь... Гепетто хочет достать самую яркую волшебную звезду с неба. Его единственное желание - создать деревянного человечка Пиноккио, который бы превратился в настоящего мальчика и стал его сыном, которого у него никогда не было. Той ночью, красивая Синяя Фея коснулась Пиноккио своей волшебной палочкой, и он ожил. Сбылась самая заветная мечта Гепетто. Хотя Пиноккио и ожил, Фея сообщает ему о том, что он сможет стать настоящим, если докажет, что он храбрый, правдивый и бескорыстный. Благодаря умному сверчку Джимини Крикет, Пиноккио учится различать, что правильно, а что нет. Пиноккио отправляется в школу... Вот тут-то и начинаются невероятные приключения...
Микки и Плуто отправились на выставку собак, но, оказывается, их там никто не ждет: выставка только для породистых собак. Микки и Плуто прогоняют.
Капитан Микки с командой из Дональда и Гуфи пытаются поймать кита.
Микки, Дональд и Гуффи приняли вызов и взялись избавить усадьбу «Мрачный Жуть» от наводящих ужас призраков.
Экранизация знаменитой немецкой сказки братьев Гримм о Белоснежке, жившей в замке со злой мачехой-королевой, которая очень гордилась своей красотой. Узнав от волшебного зеркальца, что Белоснежка стала самой прекрасной девушкой на свете, завистница решила погубить прелестную падчерицу. Но бедная девушка не погибла в лесу, а наоборот, встретила там настоящих друзей — забавных семерых гномов: Профессора, Ворчуна, Весельчака, Скромника, Чихоню, Соню и Молчуна…
Микки Маус проводит любительское шоу талантов перед живой аудиторией радио.
Pluto accidentally hatches a bunch of chickens and looks after them until the hen returns.
Toby Tortoise is back, and this time he and Max Hare box instead of racing.
Микки и Дональд просрочили оплату аренды жилья, теперь друзьям надо поспешно переезжать, пока шериф не забрал всю их мебель.
A sailor doll, thrown into a toy dump, rallies the demoralized dolls that were already there.
Пока Микки хвастается перед Минни — Дональд попадает в беду, а Гуфи осваивает новый вид рыбалки.
A kitten runs off to be a robber with a dog.
В городе появился таинственный похититель собак. Расследованием занялись доблестные полицейские — Микки и Дональд.
Mickey and Pluto are reading scary stories; they go to investigate a noise and find a foundling mouse that's been left on the porch.
The people of Hamelin, overrun with rats, offer a bag of gold to anyone who can get rid of the rats. A piper offers to do the job, and successfully lures the rats into a mirage of cheese, which disappears. The citizens, disappointed that all he did was play a tune, offer only pocket change. The piper, angered, plays a new tune that has all the children of the city follow him, even the new twins the stork is preparing to deliver.
A baby is transported to Lullaby Land, where pacifiers grow on trees, diapers, bottles, and potty chairs march on parade, and the gingham dog comes to life. He wanders into the "keep out" cave, full of things like scissors, knives, and fountain pens that are not for baby and begins smashing watches with hammers and playing with giant matches. The matches chase after him; baby escapes by riding a bar of soap across a pond, but the smoke from the matches turns into boogey-men. The benevolent sandman, dressed as a wizard, spots baby hiding and works his magic, bringing us back to the real nursery.
Mickey has built a robot to compete in the boxing ring against the giant gorilla, the Kongo Killer. Whenever it hears Minnie's car horn, it goes crazy and starts punching any picture of Killer that it sees, even if it's on a brick wall, thus hurting itself. Mickey manages to barely patch his robot together to take on Killer, but after some early success, it gets pummeled by the ape. Minnie fetches the car horn, which brings it back, and it trounces Killer, then flies apart.
Noah, his family (wife, 3 sons, their wives), and various animals all help build the ark. The rains come, and the skunks barely miss the boat (not that anyone was particularly looking for them), but they manage to swim to it. After the rain and many lamentations by the humans, the sun returns, to the great joy of all. The ground appears, and the animals (and many new babies) disembark.
Mickey Mouse and his friends stage their own production of Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Two birds rejoice over the hatching of their three eggs; as they grow, the hatchlings are taught to sing and fly. One falls from the nest and has adventures with a rattlesnake and a beehive before finding his way home.
Santa's little helpers must hurry to finish the toys before Christmas Day.
Mickey plays piano in the Klondike Bar. He rescues a depressed, half-frozen Minnie. Pegleg Pierre comes storming in and steals her away, after a gun battle. A dogsled chase follows, with Pluto pulling Mickey's sled. There's a battle at Pete's cabin that features a sequence with Pete and Mickey wearing bedsprings and bouncing. Meanwhile, Pluto, chasing a rabbit, makes a giant snowball that sends the cabin downhill and eventually traps Pete.
Two bear cubs tussle harmlessly, then start to munch on a berry bush, until a bigger, meaner bear chases them off. They nibble some flowers and find a bee, which they follow to the hive, which they then proceed to raid. The big bear chases them off, but unknown to him, a bee spotted the raid and has summoned the attack squad. The bees run him off, and the cubs dig in.
Pluto's cage-mate at the dog pound breaks out and lets all the other dogs out as well. In the park, that terrier keeps following Pluto too closely for Pluto's tastes, until he digs up a huge bone and gives it to Pluto (who doesn't particularly want to share). But soon all the other escaped dogs are chasing after the bone.
A pet shop specializing in birds. The various caged birds chirp along to the score in their various styles (including a set of birds that looks like the Marx Brothers). A cat eyes the proceedings hungrily and makes his way in through an open transom, causing panic and an organized counterattack.
A fun day at the beach. While Mickey, Horace, and Clarabelle go swimming, or try to, Minnie lays out a picnic. Pluto discovers why you shouldn't chase a crab. Everyone digs in to lunch. Mickey throws Pluto a string of sausages; he dives after them, and comes up with an angry octopus instead, who crashes into the picnic. Everyone fights the octopus, and Mickey finally manages to send it out to sea by throwing an anchor like a lasso.
It's morning in the English countryside and time for the gentry to participate in their favorite sport: the fox hunt. The eccentric gentlemen come in all shapes and sizes, the fat ones putting the greatest strain on the horses. The craziest things happen to the monocled hunters. One even gets knocked off his horse when it jumps over a brick wall. He shoots straight up into the air and, thanks to a parachute hidden in his clothes, makes a gentle landing. But instead of the ground, he lands on a cow. Upset by her unwanted passenger, she takes off at top speed, finally dumping him in a mud puddle, where he lands on a pig and continues his wacky ride. Meanwhile, the poor fox finally gets trapped in a hollow log. Dogs to the left of him, dogs to the right! Luckily, the beleaguered creature gets help from a certain powerful, and pungent, friend.
A kitchen is filled with houseflies. A spider wakes up and plays his web like a harp, attracting a pair of them; the female is trapped, and the male summons the cavalry, which arrives riding horseflies, riding dragonflies to drop pepper bombs, firing champagne bottles, and ultimately setting the web on fire and catching the spider on flypaper when he falls.
A cat, being sent out for the night, begins to make trouble for some birds. He later has a nightmare that the birds grow and begin to extract their revenge.
A group of beavers cheerily build a dam.