Sandro Ghenzi


Death of a Friend
Two young people trickle, steal and exploit prostitutes.
Ромео и Джульетта
На балу во дворце Капулетти зарождается любовь двух юных существ, судьбою обреченных на ненависть. Ромео Монтекки и Джульетта Капулетти полюбили друг друга на свою беду, ведь их семьи ведут смертельную вражду уже многие, многие годы… Но их любовь сильнее родовой вражды, сильнее предрассудков и непреодолимых препятствий. Великая сила этой любви побеждает все, даже смерть…
Два гроша надежды
История вращается вокруг романа Кармелы, дочери владельца мастерской, и Антонио, бедного молодого человека, который пытается исправить свое финансовое положение…
It's Forever Springtime
The second of Castellani's trilogy dealing with the less-than-smooth course of young love in postwar Italy (it was filmed just after Sotto il sole di Roma and just before Two Cents Worth of Hope). Leading man Mario Angelotti, loving not wisely but too well, quickly discovers that the penalty for bigamy is two wives. Between his tempestuous Sicilian bride, played by Elena Varzi and his sedate Milanese missus (Irene Gemma), the poor man barely has time to take a breath.
Under the Sun of Rome
A lovely, incisive portrait of adolescents in the crowded San Giovanni quarter of Rome during the last years of WWII.
Il cappello da prete
The baron of Santafusca, descended from a noble family, leads a dissipated life. To pay debts he is forced to sell his house. He tries to steal from the house of a very rich priest and, surprised during the theft, he kills the priest, and then throws the body in an abandoned well. He continues his life of revelries and luxury, until the remorse for the crime trigger a process of self-destruction. The nightmares of the baron, tormented by the only evidence left of the murder, the hat of the priest ,drags him into a daring and hallucinated series of ups and downs to the brink of insanity and jail.