Francisco Pedemonte


A Boat Departed from Me Taking Me Away
In the ranks of the Japanese army during WWII, there existed what was known as comfort women. In the present, that term was replaced by a definition that is closer to reality—they were women who had been kidnapped and turned into sex slaves. After a long period of humiliation, the victims remained quiet, but some of them built up the courage to write about their ordeals in a series of letters. Cecilia Kang’s new documentary recovers those testimonies in order to talk about the way in which History and social mandates affect the lives of Korean women in Argentina, from the perspective of a young acting student who, after coming into contact with this correspondence, allows herself to reflect on the community she lives in and understand more about the traditions of her people as well as her own family history.
I nostri giorni: Nuestros días
Одна на миллион
Dialogue Editor
Юная Ирис любит баскетбол и своих двоюродных братьев Дарио и Але. Подростки живут в одном из рабочих кварталов Корриентеса – города, расположенного на севере Аргентины. Их район трудно назвать благополучным. Школа не играет в жизни детей особой роли, их матери вечно заняты на работе, а отцов вообще нет на горизонте. Скрывать свою сексуальность тут тоже не принято. Дарио – открытый гей, Але – скорее бисексуален. К Ирис постоянно подкатывают местные парни, но ей нравится Рената – девушка с тёмным прошлым, которая совсем недавно вернулась в город после долгого отсутствия.
Записки для моего сына
Dialogue Editor
Женщина на последней стадии рака ведёт уникальный дневник о жизни, смерти и любви, чтобы оставить своему сыну на память о себе.
Sound Designer
Ignacio embarks on a trip driven by the coincidences that bring together the news that his young girlfriend is pregnant and an invitation to a seminar in Chile almost simultaneously.
Night Shot
Dialogue Editor
Recording the everyday was always a way of relating to the world. One night the rape occurred and everything changed, although the recording continued. By revisiting these images a dialogue between light and darkness emerges, while strangeness remains before the world.
Слишком поздно умирать молодым
Dialogue Editor
Демократия возвращается в Чили летом 1990 года. В изолированной общине юные София, Лукас и Клара сталкиваются с первой любовью и страхом, готовясь к новогодней ночи. Они могут жить далеко от опасностей города, но не природы.
"CICLOS follows Ignacio Semeñuk, a 15 year old cyclist, as he faces the severeness of his training, his path to adulthood and his love life."
"CICLOS follows Ignacio Semeñuk, a 15 year old cyclist, as he faces the severeness of his training, his path to adulthood and his love life."
Blue Boy
Sound Designer
Young men from all over the world have been meeting at the Blue Boy Bar in Berlin for forty years.
I Am Here
For Ababacar and Mbaye - two Senegalese immigrants who met and established a great friendship in Buenos Aires - the challenge goes beyond adapting to the customs and living conditions in Argentina, or dealing with the indifference and racism they suffer on a daily basis: both came to an instance of their lives in which they must define a course, and in turn accept that their identities and needs have become more complex. The decision to leave their country was driven by the urgent objective of financially supporting their families, but the stay in Buenos Aires crossed them with new people, new ways of seeing things, and even an economic situation different from that which they found at home. Their different ways of seeing things allow them to see in each other a different version of themselves.
Гермия и Елена
Sound Post Production Coordinator
Фильм о новых начинаниях и переменах в жизни одной девушки и её окружения, о пересечении разных языков и людей. С развитием истории она сравнивается с пьесой Шекспира "Сон в летнюю ночь", и словно вписывает шекспировский мотив в современный, цифровой мир.
Three Sentences About Argentina
Archival footage of Argentinian skiers is transposed into prompts for language exercises.
Sound Editor
Magallanes sees his humdrum life turn upside down the day Celina, a women he met in the violent years when he was a soldier with the Peruvian Army, jumps into his taxi in a Lima street. This unexpected re-encounter after 25 years with the dark past that unites them prompts Magallanes to embark on a daring plan to help Celina get money and find his own redemption.
Diseño de Sonido para Cine en Argentina
Francisco Pedemonte
Sound Design for Cinema in Argentina, by famous Sound Designers
Rocío can’t handle the idea of separating from her best friend, who’s about to move and change schools. Her pain and frustration translate into spite until the increasing tension between them becomes irreversible when they clash in a duel at the arcade where they meet every afternoon.
Хозяин джунглей
Dialogue Editor
В далеких джунглях реки Параны творится беззаконие. Группа вооруженных наемников терроризирует население, насильно заставляя отказываться от участков земли в их пользу. Местным жителям не у кого искать помощи кроме духов реки. После проведения священного обряда из джунглей появляется таинственный молодой человек, который говорит, что он пришел помочь.
Tomorrow All The Things
Sound Editor
Julia and Diego spend a weekend taking care of Diego’s nephew, in a house far from the city. Everything goes on normally until Julia’s visit to the hospital changes completely their relation.
Several actresses get caught up in a web of romantic intrigue while performing in a production of Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night."
El sueño del perro
Sound Editor
The path of a man to restart his life after a personal tragedy that leads him to leave the city and move to an inhospitable place that allows him to be reborn.
About Buenos Aires
Eleven young film-makers got together to collaborate in this atypical project. Atypical not only because of its technical specs, but because of its narrative structure. There are several scenes with only the city in common, and more as a conceptual presence at that than as a precise geography. None of those scenes contains a single "story": Each one of them is part of a larger situation that we cannot see, as though the beginning and end of each "story" had to be filled in by the audience.
About Buenos Aires
Eleven young film-makers got together to collaborate in this atypical project. Atypical not only because of its technical specs, but because of its narrative structure. There are several scenes with only the city in common, and more as a conceptual presence at that than as a precise geography. None of those scenes contains a single "story": Each one of them is part of a larger situation that we cannot see, as though the beginning and end of each "story" had to be filled in by the audience.
Árboles y arbustos
”(…) Always green, up to 20 meters high. Right trunk, dark cut, slightly split, thin; rounded, broad, dense, dark, bright green, grayish or blackish crown. It has simple, persistent, hard leaves, with various shapes, ovate or lanceolate, 5 centimeters long ”.
Árboles y arbustos
”(…) Always green, up to 20 meters high. Right trunk, dark cut, slightly split, thin; rounded, broad, dense, dark, bright green, grayish or blackish crown. It has simple, persistent, hard leaves, with various shapes, ovate or lanceolate, 5 centimeters long ”.
El cielo de los animales