Nobuyuki Kikuchi


After the Sunset
Little Towa lives with his parents Satsuki and Yuichi in a coastal town on Nagashima. Yuichi is a fisherman, Satsuki runs a restaurant. What Towa doesn’t know is that he is adopted. As a baby, he was abandoned in an internet café, completely emaciated. While his new parents are secretly fighting for custody of him and want to protect him from his past, the family’s happiness begins to falter. Satsuki and Yuichi aren’t the only ones who are worried about Towa’s future.
Queer Fish Lane
X years after the “Shima pshoo” incident, aging Tarugani and Papajo are best friends who live in Patai Village, where those who failed to die continue to exist. When the two find themselves framed as thieves who stole an illegal substance from the local store, they set out on the road, chased by three dripping wet mysterious women.
Those who want to die seek refuge in a mysterious café in this feverishly strange Japanese debut.
The Katsuragi Murder Case
The Katsuragi Household that runs a small store may appear serene. But as the younger son Minoru commits a murder on the street, the family is exposed to the public. Is there anybody that is behind this murder case?
Как влюбленный
Sound Mixer
Токио. Он — пожилой мужчина, она — молодая женщина. Она ничего не знает о нем, ему кажется, что он знает о ней все. Он открывает перед ней двери своего жилища, она отдает ему свое тело. Однако обстоятельства их встречи не играют никакой роли в тех отношениях, которые устанавливаются между ними всего за одни сутки…
Sound Recordist
An exploration of the act of eating, both as an interaction among people and between people and nature.
Ain't No Tomorrows
17 year-old Hiruma is desperate to get laid and takes out his sexual urges on Anpai, a fat boy who has "boobs." His classmate Tomono, a sickly loner, is in a serious relationship with their married teacher.
У 13-ти летней девочки Уты талант к игре на фортепиано. Ее мать спит и видит, что ее дочь стала великой пианисткой, поэтому Ута лишена многих радостей жизни. Ута пытается сопротивляться матери, таланту, но однажды она встречает 19-ти летнего парня, который днем и ночью мучит пианино, но его игра оставляет желать лучшего, и у них начинаются довольно странные отношения.
Sad Vacation
Kenji Shiraishi is involved in the trafficking of illegal immigrants from China to Japan. One such case leaves an immigrant child to be an orphan. Instead of selling him along with others that arrived, Kenji flees with the boy to look after him and make an attempt at everyday life. The people after the boy, unexpected encounters with long-lost family members, and his vengeful nature are standing in the way of his future.
The Cheese & The Worms
Sound Editor
A documentary that records the daily life of a mother with a limited life expectancy and a grandmother, directed by the daughter, Haruyo Kato.
Мой Бог, Мой Бог, почему ты оставил меня?
2015 год. В мире свирепствует странный вирус, который, проникая в мозг человека, заставляет его покончить с собой. В Японии уже убили себя 10 миллионов человек. Нет никакого способа бороться против этой инфекции, несущей страх и отчаянье. Средства массовой информации называют эту болезнь «синдромом лемминга»... Мизуи и его напарник – музыканты-авангардисты. Они создают музыку-шум, извлекая ее из всего, что им удается найти. Они, кажется, не замечают происходящих вокруг них событий, пока к ним не приезжает некий стареющий магнат со своим телохранителем и своей внучкой. Внучка заражена вирусом. Оказывается, на концертах Мизуи и его друга заболевшие исцеляются. Магнат просит их исцелить его внучку, но музыканты поначалу не решаются ответить ему согласием, потому что не верят в благополучный исход дела.
The Lakeside Murder Case
Three couples are staying at a lakeside cottage with their children. They want them to prepare intensely for a prestigious high school's entrance exam with the help of a private tutor. One night, one of the wives confesses to her husband that she has killed his mistress.
A Forest with No Name
Private detective Mike takes on an assignment to return a girl, who is set to marry into a prestigious family, from a mysterious commune in the forest.
Sky, Wind, Fire, Water, Earth
Kawase tries to come to terms with her late father, whom she never knew when growing up, and contemplates getting a tattoo like his.
Self and Others
In 1983, photographer Gocho Shigeo met an early death at the young age of 36. The view we see reflected in Gocho’s photographic images has become more profound over time since his death and has struck a chord in people’s hearts. While focusing on Gocho’s collection of photographs Self and Others, the film also visits places associated with him, creating a collage with the manuscripts, letters, photographs and voice recordings remaining in an attempt to capture “one more gesture”—a theme pursued by Gocho through photographic expression. This film is neither a critical biography nor a monograph on the photographer. Rather, we are offered a new perception. As if mesmerized, the photographs Gocho left behind captivate us in their gaze.
Sound Recordist
Рассказ о нескольких отверженных: шофере автобуса, подозреваемом в совершении преступления, двух детях-сиротах, их кузене - случайном студенте. Судьба, однажды случайно соединившая героев в одной точке, сводит их вновь.
Sound Recordist
Tetsuro is living with his young girlfriend Aki in a pleasant house in Tokyo. They both spend a lot of time at their jobs. However their routine is upset when Tetsuro brings his 8 year old son Shun to live with them, while his ex-wife recovers from a car accident.
Letter from a Goddess
Documentary, 16mm
Soft Skin
Sound Recordist
Minako, a Tokyo housewife, is depressed that everyone has an active life outside the home except her. Taking her inspiration from TV reports of a hitch-hiking chainsaw murderer, Minako decides to spice up her life by finding a young lover and running off with him by faking her kidnapping. While her family frets and worries, Minako has a wonderful time. Eventually, though, she decides it's time to go back to her family. Her lover, however, isn't ready for the fun to end, and Minako's fake kidnapping soon becomes all too real.
Nadya's Village
Before the Chernobyl disaster, Nadja's village was home to 300 peasant families. After evacuation, only 6 households remain and access to the village is shut off. The remaining villagers continue to raise livestock, cultivate crops, and continue with their lives regardless of contamination.
Magino Village: A Tale
The movie compiles footage taken by Ogawa Production for a period of more than ten years after the collective moved to Magino village. Unique to this film are fictional reenactments of the history of the village in the sections titled "The Tale of Horikiri Goddess" and "The Origins of Itsutsudomoe Shrine". Ogawa combines all the techniques that were developed in his previous films to simultaneously express multiple layers of time—the temporality of rice growing and of human life, personal life histories, the history of the village, the time of the Gods, and new time created through theatrical reenactment—bring them into a unified whole. The faces of the Magino villagers appear in numerous roles transcending time and space—sometimes as individuals, sometimes as people who carry the history of the village in their memories, sometimes as storytellers reciting myths, and even as members of the crowd in the fictional sequences.
Sanrizuka: The Building of Iwayama Tower
The third film in Ogawa Productions’ Narita/Sanrizuka series of documentaries about the resistance by farmers and activists to the construction of the Narita Airport.
Sanrizuka: Peasants of the Second Fortress
It's the mid 60s. Tokyo needs a new airport. There isn't anywhere in Tokyo to put it, so the government decides on displacing some adjacent villages. The peasants of these villages are not having it. What results is a remarkable act of protest and civil disobedience.