Lola lives in a public nursing home where everything is shared: the clothes, the showers, the only coffin and the endings. Her only personal belonging is the memory of her two great loves: her mother and husband. Thanks to them Lola has something to do every day, going to the main door’s window to check on her husband who lives across the street and to the phone, where she tries to call her mother. Both died long ago, but they are Lola’s only strength to reach her end in a world that, otherwise, is very impersonal for her.
Lola lives in a public nursing home where everything is shared: the clothes, the showers, the only coffin and the endings. Her only personal belonging is the memory of her two great loves: her mother and husband. Thanks to them Lola has something to do every day, going to the main door’s window to check on her husband who lives across the street and to the phone, where she tries to call her mother. Both died long ago, but they are Lola’s only strength to reach her end in a world that, otherwise, is very impersonal for her.
Lola lives in a public nursing home where everything is shared: the clothes, the showers, the only coffin and the endings. Her only personal belonging is the memory of her two great loves: her mother and husband. Thanks to them Lola has something to do every day, going to the main door’s window to check on her husband who lives across the street and to the phone, where she tries to call her mother. Both died long ago, but they are Lola’s only strength to reach her end in a world that, otherwise, is very impersonal for her.
Весной 1914 года Европа находится на пороге войны и никто еще не слышал о немецком физике Альберте Эйнштейне. Тем временем британский астроном Артур Эддингтон осознает, что теории Эйнштейна могут открыть новые пути к пониманию времени и пространства. Несмотря на угрозу быть объявленными изменниками, двое мужчин начинают переписку. Затмение в Африке дает шанс доказать теории Эйнштейна, и Эддингтон отправляется в путешествие, которое навсегда изменит понимание Вселенной.