Joan Manuel Serrat fled to Mexico when Franco ordered his persecution. In Argentina and Chile, his commitment against military regimes is still remembered. Joaquín Sabina arrived later. His poetry bewitched the audience. In Argentina, he is a tango singer as much as a rocker; in Mexico, the mariachis sing their songs. The former is a symbol, a venerated figure; the latter is a “cuate,” as they say in Mexico, a buddy with whom you can always count.
Through important testimonies, the director Miguel Rodríguez Arias intends to reveal facts that intertwine the life of the singer with that of his people. His desires, his virtues, his defects and his defeats. It is the story of a captivating voice, the reflection of a soul that transcends borders and languages with its art.
События фильма разворачиваются в 1965 году, это реальная история, когда три главных героя, Куэрво, Анхель и Нене, устраивают ограбление в Буэнос-Айресе. Теперь их разыскивает полиция, и они вынуждены скрываться на явочной квартире, в мире дешевого секса, наркотиков и насилия. Их отношения неизбежно движутся к трагической развязке…
Художественно-публицистический музыкальный фильм для детей. О том, что детей из разных стран, говорящих на разных языках, может объединять язык музыки, понятный всем людям на Земле без перевода.