Eric Sykes

Eric Sykes

Рождение : 1923-05-04, Oldham, Lancashire, England, UK

Смерть : 2012-07-04


'Eric Sykes' started as a radio scriptwriter but he soon found he could perform as well as write. The slight handicap of being very hard of hearing doesn't interfere with his wonderful comic timing. The spectacles he wears have no lenses but contain a bone conducting hearing aid.


Eric Sykes
Eric Sykes


The Unforgettable Spike Milligan
A documentary about Spike Milligan
Гарри Поттер и кубок огня
Frank Bryce
Гарри Поттер, Рон и Гермиона возвращаются на четвёртый курс школы чародейства и волшебства «Хогвартс». При таинственных обстоятельствах Гарри отобран в число участников опасного соревнования — Турнира Трёх Волшебников, однако проблема в том, что все его соперники — намного старше и сильнее. К тому же, знаки указывают на возвращение Лорда Волдеморта. Вскоре Гарри предстоит побороться не только за победу в соревновании, но и, прежде всего, за свою жизнь...
Mr. Edmund Tuttle
Красавица Грейс увозит своих больных детей в особняк на одном из островов у побережья Англии, чтобы дождаться окончания Второй мировой войны. Войны, с которой вернется ее муж. Ее дочь и сын страдают странным заболеванием: они не выносят прямого дневного света. Когда в доме появляются трое новых слуг, они должны выучить жизненно важное правило: все комнаты всегда должны быть в полумраке, нельзя открывать дверь, пока не заперта предыдущая. Строгому порядку, установленному Грейс, будет брошен вызов. Грейс, дети и те, кто их окружает, сделают решающий, роковой шаг.
Mavis and the Mermaid
A small girl, who doesn't believe in fairytales, meets an old woman who claims she is a mermaid.
The Big Freeze
A silent comedy. Two accident-prone plumbers go to fix the plumbing at a home for retired gentle-folk on the coldest day of the year in Finland. Everything that can go wrong for these plumbers goes wrong.
The Big Freeze
A silent comedy. Two accident-prone plumbers go to fix the plumbing at a home for retired gentle-folk on the coldest day of the year in Finland. Everything that can go wrong for these plumbers goes wrong.
The Big Freeze
Mr Blick, the plumber
A silent comedy. Two accident-prone plumbers go to fix the plumbing at a home for retired gentle-folk on the coldest day of the year in Finland. Everything that can go wrong for these plumbers goes wrong.
Перепутанные наследники
Jobson the Doorman
Сын хипующего британского лорда и сексапильной американки был по рассеянности перепутан с младенцем честолюбивого повара-индуса. В результате этого досадного недоразумения истинный наследник Томми вырос в лондонских трущобах, а Генри стал отпрыском благородных кровей. Проходят годы, и наступает время выяснить, кто по-настоящему достоин наследства и титула.
Mr. H Is Late
A team of inept undertakers attempt to get a coffin to a funeral on time. An undertaker is in charge of moving a coffin from a home to the church. The home is on the 26th floor of a skyscraper; the stairs are narrow; the lift is small and prone to stop working. Chaos ensues.
Mr. H Is Late
A team of inept undertakers attempt to get a coffin to a funeral on time. An undertaker is in charge of moving a coffin from a home to the church. The home is on the 26th floor of a skyscraper; the stairs are narrow; the lift is small and prone to stop working. Chaos ensues.
Mr. H Is Late
A team of inept undertakers attempt to get a coffin to a funeral on time. An undertaker is in charge of moving a coffin from a home to the church. The home is on the 26th floor of a skyscraper; the stairs are narrow; the lift is small and prone to stop working. Chaos ensues.
Абсолютные новички
Arcade Attendant (uncredited)
Лондон, 1958 год. Стоит чудесное жаркое лето. Для подростков, наконец, наступили «классные» деньки. Вся Англия с изумлением наблюдала за их выходными. После мрачных лет войны в первый раз дети ощутили себя подростками. Им казалось, что они хозяева жизни и что весь город принадлежит им. Сохо ночью наполнен светом и музыкой. Этот фильм — история любви Колина и Сюзетт, история их друзей на фоне нарождающейся молодежной культуры и межрасовой напряженности в Лондоне конца 50-х. Колин увлекается фотографией и мечтает о своей выставке, а Сюзетт работает в костюмерной дизайнера одежды. Ей повезло: ее идеи были оценены по заслугам — у нее впереди блестящее будущее. Сам модельер предлагает ей руку и сердце. Сюзетт молода, ей хочется взять от жизни все, а Колин — всего лишь мечтатель без гроша в кармане, раздираемый противоречиями. Что необходимо сделать, чтобы удержать Сюзетт? Что выбрать — любовь или богатство и славу?
Gabrielle and the Doodleman
A wheelchair bound little girl gets involved with characters from her computer game that help her though a difficult time.
It's Your Move
Head Removal Man
A silent slapstick comedy depicting the travails of young couple moving into a new home, who hire an accident-prone firm of house removers, headed by Sykes. It features an all-star cast including Tommy Cooper, Bernard Cribbins, Jimmy Edwards, Irene Handl, Bob Todd and Andrew Sachs.
It's Your Move
A silent slapstick comedy depicting the travails of young couple moving into a new home, who hire an accident-prone firm of house removers, headed by Sykes. It features an all-star cast including Tommy Cooper, Bernard Cribbins, Jimmy Edwards, Irene Handl, Bob Todd and Andrew Sachs.
It's Your Move
A silent slapstick comedy depicting the travails of young couple moving into a new home, who hire an accident-prone firm of house removers, headed by Sykes. It features an all-star cast including Tommy Cooper, Bernard Cribbins, Jimmy Edwards, Irene Handl, Bob Todd and Andrew Sachs.
The Boys in Blue
Chief Constable
Sgt. Cannon (Tommy Cannon) and PC Ball (Bobby Ball) run the police station in the quiet town of Little Botham. When the station is threatened with closure due to a lack of crime, they decide to invent some crimes to justify their existence. When they try to steal a painting from a local rich businessman (Roy Kinnear), they accidently stumble across a gang of real art thieves who have just stolen £1 million worth of paintings. It is up to the two bungling cops to stop them escaping with their haul.
If You Go Down in the Woods Today
Mr. Pangbourne
A Boy Scout troupe led by their scoutmaster (Sykes) is on a field trip to a seemingly-peaceful English woodland. However, the woods are actually teeming with strange characters, some of whom turn out to be disguised police officers and others criminals. The police are searching for £2,000,000 in stolen banknotes and hope that the criminals will lead them to them. The criminals, on the other hand, are aware that the police are looking for them and doing their best to avoid betraying the location of their stash.
If You Go Down in the Woods Today
A Boy Scout troupe led by their scoutmaster (Sykes) is on a field trip to a seemingly-peaceful English woodland. However, the woods are actually teeming with strange characters, some of whom turn out to be disguised police officers and others criminals. The police are searching for £2,000,000 in stolen banknotes and hope that the criminals will lead them to them. The criminals, on the other hand, are aware that the police are looking for them and doing their best to avoid betraying the location of their stash.
If You Go Down in the Woods Today
A Boy Scout troupe led by their scoutmaster (Sykes) is on a field trip to a seemingly-peaceful English woodland. However, the woods are actually teeming with strange characters, some of whom turn out to be disguised police officers and others criminals. The police are searching for £2,000,000 in stolen banknotes and hope that the criminals will lead them to them. The criminals, on the other hand, are aware that the police are looking for them and doing their best to avoid betraying the location of their stash.
Rhubarb Rhubarb
During a game of golf between a police inspector and a vicar the inspector cheats by having a constable move his ball into favourable positions and the vicar's into hazardous ones. when the vicar discovers this he prays for divine intervention which turns the tables.
Rhubarb Rhubarb
During a game of golf between a police inspector and a vicar the inspector cheats by having a constable move his ball into favourable positions and the vicar's into hazardous ones. when the vicar discovers this he prays for divine intervention which turns the tables.
Rhubarb Rhubarb
During a game of golf between a police inspector and a vicar the inspector cheats by having a constable move his ball into favourable positions and the vicar's into hazardous ones. when the vicar discovers this he prays for divine intervention which turns the tables.
The Plank
Taller Workman
Classic short British comedy, full of stars, about two workmen delivering planks to a building site. This is done with music and a sort of "wordless dialogue" which consists of a few mumbled sounds to convey the appropriate emotion. TV remake of the 1967 short.
The Plank
Classic short British comedy, full of stars, about two workmen delivering planks to a building site. This is done with music and a sort of "wordless dialogue" which consists of a few mumbled sounds to convey the appropriate emotion. TV remake of the 1967 short.
The Plank
Classic short British comedy, full of stars, about two workmen delivering planks to a building site. This is done with music and a sort of "wordless dialogue" which consists of a few mumbled sounds to convey the appropriate emotion. TV remake of the 1967 short.
A Police Inspector and a vicar play a round of golf. The Inspector has a Constable help him to cheat, while the vicar has other ideas...
A Police Inspector and a vicar play a round of golf. The Inspector has a Constable help him to cheat, while the vicar has other ideas...
Insp. Rhubarb
A Police Inspector and a vicar play a round of golf. The Inspector has a Constable help him to cheat, while the vicar has other ideas...
Бросок в Монте-Карло
Для участия в международном автопробеге гонщики съезжаются на север Шотландии, в Стокгольм, Афины, Рагузу и Лиссабон. Их задача — добраться до города Шамбери, а оттуда проделать путь до Монте-Карло и закончить автопробег гонкой по его улицам. Среди участников — Катберт Уэйр-Армитедж, узнавший после гибели своего отца, что ему досталась только половина акций унаследованного автомобильного завода. Вторую же половину отец проиграл в карты американцу Честеру Скофилду. Чтобы вернуть акции, Уэйр-Армитедж предлагает Скофилду участвовать в автопробеге до Монте-Карло на разрабатываемых каждым автомобилях. Победитель получит все. В то же время из тюрьмы бежит Вилли Шикель — самый быстрый шофер преступного мира. Ему устраивают побег, чтобы он доставил в Монте-Карло драгоценности, спрятанные в одной из автопокрышек…
Действие фильма происходит в XIX в. В Нью-Мехико. Некие аристократы из Европы, решили поохотиться на территории дикого и воинственного племени апачей. Шалако наталкивается на лагерь охотников, когда спасает прекрасную женщину, находящуюся на грани гибели... Краснокожие устремляются на бледнолицых, расположившихся в полуразрушенной крепости. Шалако имеет богатейший опыт выживания и ведения войны в этих краях. Он прилагает массу усилий, чтобы спасти горе-охотников, но всех спасти не удается...
The Plank
A slapstick comedy about two workmen delivering planks to a building site. This is done with music and a sort of "wordless dialogue" which consists of a few mumbled sounds to convey the appropriate emotion.
The Plank
A slapstick comedy about two workmen delivering planks to a building site. This is done with music and a sort of "wordless dialogue" which consists of a few mumbled sounds to convey the appropriate emotion.
The Plank
Smaller Workman
A slapstick comedy about two workmen delivering planks to a building site. This is done with music and a sort of "wordless dialogue" which consists of a few mumbled sounds to convey the appropriate emotion.
The Plank
A slapstick comedy about two workmen delivering planks to a building site. This is done with music and a sort of "wordless dialogue" which consists of a few mumbled sounds to convey the appropriate emotion.
The Spy with a Cold Nose
A dog with a spying device under its skin is sent to the Russian government as a present. When the Russians send the dog to a veterinary, British intelligence must get to the dog first and retrieve the spying device.
Британская разведка нанимает Бойза Оукса — агента Л, что означает «Ликвидатор», — чтобы убрать шпионов. И хотя Бойз жить не может без девочек и вечеринок, теперь ему придётся отказаться от них и взяться за работу.
Сгнивший насквозь
William Hunt
Джелли, Скапа и Ленни с нетерпением ждут освобождения из тюрьмы, что бы поделить наследство своего босса, Дюка. Но Дюк оказывается жив и задумывает новое грандиозное ограбление.
Воздушные приключения
1910. Газетный магнат лорд Ронслей, желая доказать, что Великобритания N 1 не только на море, но и в воздухе, назначает приз в 10 тысяч фунтов тому, кто выиграет авиагонку через Ла-Манш, организованную газетой «Daily Post». В борьбу за приз вступают американский ковбой Орвил Ньютон вместе с дочерью лорда Патрисией, бравый лейтенант британских военно-воздушных сил и жених Патрисии Ричард Мейс, злодей-англичанин сэр Персивал Уэр-Эрмитаж, вечно влюбленный француз Пьер Дюбуа, фанатичный немецкий полковник фон Гольштейн, итальянский граф Эмилио Понтичелли и японский военный пилот Ямамото.
One Way Pendulum
Mr. Groomkirby
A study of absurdity in a suburban family: father recreates the Old Bailey in the living room while the son teaches speak-your-weight machines to sing in the attic.
The Bargee
The Mariner
After a lock-keeper entrusts his daughter to a canal Casanova, he is shocked to learn that she is pregnant. He then refuses to open his locks - causing barges to pile up in every direction until the guilty party confesses.
Heavens Above!
Harry Smith
A naive but caring prison chaplain, who happens to have the same last name as an upper class cleric, is by mistake appointed as vicar to a small and prosperous country town. His belief in charity and forgiveness sets him at odds with the conservative and narrow-minded locals, and he soon creates social ructions by appointing a black dustman as his churchwarden, taking in a gypsy family, and persuading the local landowner to provide free food for the church to distribute free to the people of the town. When the congregation leaders realise the mistake and call for the Church of England to remove him, this turns out to be a very, very difficult issue - until one clergyman realises that a British project to send a man into space is in need of an astronaut...
Kill or Cure
A private eye is hired to go undercover at a health farm, but before he can find out why his client is murdered.
Village of Daughters
Herbert Harris
A salesman from England is picked to select one girl in an Italian town who will become a bride for a native son.
Very Important Person
Willoughby, Sports Officer
Comedy set in World War Two, starring James Robertson-Justice and Leslie Phillips. Sir Ernest Pease (Robertson-Justice) is a self-important scientist who is sent undercover on a bombing mission to monitor the effectiveness of his latest invention, a new-fangled radar. When the plane is attacked, he parachutes to safety - only to be sent to a POW camp, where he takes on the alias of Lieutenant Farrow. There, the somewhat happy-go-lucky bunch of Brits suspect their acerbic new fellow prisoner of being a spy, and all sorts of culture clashes and misunderstandings ensue.
Watch Your Stern
Civilian electrician #2
When the details of a secret torpedo are destroyed by an incompetent seaman, the crew of the ship rally round, when the Admiral needs the plans to show to a visiting scientist.
Charley Moon
A new career opens for Charley Moon when, during his army service, he is detailed to appear in a unit concert. In doing so, he becomes friendly with Harold Armytage, a peacetime actor of the old school. Hearing that Charley has no job to go to when demobilized, Armytage suggests they team up as stage comics. Things are not easy; jobs are few and far between, and when they can be found they are in the tattiest of theatres, but Charley gains the experience he needs. They then decide to try their luck in London.
Orders Are Orders
Pvt. Waterhouse
An American movie company wants to shoot a science-fiction film using a British army barracks as a location, and its soldiers as actors.
Orders Are Orders
Additional Dialogue
An American movie company wants to shoot a science-fiction film using a British army barracks as a location, and its soldiers as actors.