Eric Sykes

Eric Sykes

Nacimiento : 1923-05-04, Oldham, Lancashire, England, UK

Muerte : 2012-07-04


'Eric Sykes' started as a radio scriptwriter but he soon found he could perform as well as write. The slight handicap of being very hard of hearing doesn't interfere with his wonderful comic timing. The spectacles he wears have no lenses but contain a bone conducting hearing aid.


Eric Sykes
Eric Sykes


The Unforgettable Spike Milligan
A documentary about Spike Milligan
Harry Potter y el cáliz de fuego
Frank Bryce
En el cuarto año en Hogwarts, Harry se enfrenta al mayor de los desafíos y peligros de la saga. Cuando es elegido bajo misteriosas circunstancias como el competidor que representará a Hogwarts en el Torneo Triwizard, Harry deberá competir contra los mejores jóvenes magos de toda Europa. Pero mientras se prepara, aparecen pruebas que manifiestan que Lord Voldemort ha regresado. Antes de darse cuenta, Harry no solo estará luchando por el campeonato sino también por su vida
Los otros
Mr. Edmund Tuttle
Grace educa sola a sus hijos en un aislado caserón victoriano bajo estrictas normas religiosas. Los tres nuevos sirvientes deben aprender una regla vital, la casa estará siempre en penumbra y nunca se abrirá una puerta si no se ha cerrado la anterior porque los niños sufren una extraña alergia a la luz del día.
Mavis and the Mermaid
A small girl, who doesn't believe in fairytales, meets an old woman who claims she is a mermaid.
The Big Freeze
A silent comedy. Two accident-prone plumbers go to fix the plumbing at a home for retired gentle-folk on the coldest day of the year in Finland. Everything that can go wrong for these plumbers goes wrong.
The Big Freeze
A silent comedy. Two accident-prone plumbers go to fix the plumbing at a home for retired gentle-folk on the coldest day of the year in Finland. Everything that can go wrong for these plumbers goes wrong.
The Big Freeze
Mr Blick, the plumber
A silent comedy. Two accident-prone plumbers go to fix the plumbing at a home for retired gentle-folk on the coldest day of the year in Finland. Everything that can go wrong for these plumbers goes wrong.
Recién nacido y ya coronado
Jobson the Doorman
El futuro XV Duque de Bournemouth ha llegado al mundo, asegurando así la continuidad de la familia. Lo malo es que sus padres son bastante despistados y, durante una fiesta, se dejan olvidado al pequeño. Los Duques encuentran otro niño que se perdió el mismo día, así que Tommy es adoptado como hijo propio por una pobre familia hindú. Ya de mayor, descubre con horror que no solo es el auténtico Duque de Bournemouth, sino que además su primo americano Henry ha heredado todo, incluyendo la enorme fortuna que debería ser suya. Y para que las cosas se pongan todavía peor, la verdadera madre de Tommy trata de seducirle, mientras que la chica de sus sueños, Kitty, sólo desea casarse con Henry. Así que el único modo de recuperar lo que le pertenece es librarse de Henry.
Mr. H Is Late
A team of inept undertakers attempt to get a coffin to a funeral on time. An undertaker is in charge of moving a coffin from a home to the church. The home is on the 26th floor of a skyscraper; the stairs are narrow; the lift is small and prone to stop working. Chaos ensues.
Mr. H Is Late
A team of inept undertakers attempt to get a coffin to a funeral on time. An undertaker is in charge of moving a coffin from a home to the church. The home is on the 26th floor of a skyscraper; the stairs are narrow; the lift is small and prone to stop working. Chaos ensues.
Mr. H Is Late
A team of inept undertakers attempt to get a coffin to a funeral on time. An undertaker is in charge of moving a coffin from a home to the church. The home is on the 26th floor of a skyscraper; the stairs are narrow; the lift is small and prone to stop working. Chaos ensues.
Arcade Attendant (uncredited)
Basado en la novela de MacInnes, que retrató la crónica social y musical del Londres de finales de 1958.
Gabrielle and the Doodleman
A wheelchair bound little girl gets involved with characters from her computer game that help her though a difficult time.
It's Your Move
Head Removal Man
A silent slapstick comedy depicting the travails of young couple moving into a new home, who hire an accident-prone firm of house removers, headed by Sykes. It features an all-star cast including Tommy Cooper, Bernard Cribbins, Jimmy Edwards, Irene Handl, Bob Todd and Andrew Sachs.
It's Your Move
A silent slapstick comedy depicting the travails of young couple moving into a new home, who hire an accident-prone firm of house removers, headed by Sykes. It features an all-star cast including Tommy Cooper, Bernard Cribbins, Jimmy Edwards, Irene Handl, Bob Todd and Andrew Sachs.
It's Your Move
A silent slapstick comedy depicting the travails of young couple moving into a new home, who hire an accident-prone firm of house removers, headed by Sykes. It features an all-star cast including Tommy Cooper, Bernard Cribbins, Jimmy Edwards, Irene Handl, Bob Todd and Andrew Sachs.
The Boys in Blue
Chief Constable
Sgt. Cannon (Tommy Cannon) and PC Ball (Bobby Ball) run the police station in the quiet town of Little Botham. When the station is threatened with closure due to a lack of crime, they decide to invent some crimes to justify their existence. When they try to steal a painting from a local rich businessman (Roy Kinnear), they accidently stumble across a gang of real art thieves who have just stolen £1 million worth of paintings. It is up to the two bungling cops to stop them escaping with their haul.
If You Go Down in the Woods Today
Mr. Pangbourne
A Boy Scout troupe led by their scoutmaster (Sykes) is on a field trip to a seemingly-peaceful English woodland. However, the woods are actually teeming with strange characters, some of whom turn out to be disguised police officers and others criminals. The police are searching for £2,000,000 in stolen banknotes and hope that the criminals will lead them to them. The criminals, on the other hand, are aware that the police are looking for them and doing their best to avoid betraying the location of their stash.
If You Go Down in the Woods Today
A Boy Scout troupe led by their scoutmaster (Sykes) is on a field trip to a seemingly-peaceful English woodland. However, the woods are actually teeming with strange characters, some of whom turn out to be disguised police officers and others criminals. The police are searching for £2,000,000 in stolen banknotes and hope that the criminals will lead them to them. The criminals, on the other hand, are aware that the police are looking for them and doing their best to avoid betraying the location of their stash.
If You Go Down in the Woods Today
A Boy Scout troupe led by their scoutmaster (Sykes) is on a field trip to a seemingly-peaceful English woodland. However, the woods are actually teeming with strange characters, some of whom turn out to be disguised police officers and others criminals. The police are searching for £2,000,000 in stolen banknotes and hope that the criminals will lead them to them. The criminals, on the other hand, are aware that the police are looking for them and doing their best to avoid betraying the location of their stash.
Rhubarb Rhubarb
During a game of golf between a police inspector and a vicar the inspector cheats by having a constable move his ball into favourable positions and the vicar's into hazardous ones. when the vicar discovers this he prays for divine intervention which turns the tables.
Rhubarb Rhubarb
During a game of golf between a police inspector and a vicar the inspector cheats by having a constable move his ball into favourable positions and the vicar's into hazardous ones. when the vicar discovers this he prays for divine intervention which turns the tables.
Rhubarb Rhubarb
During a game of golf between a police inspector and a vicar the inspector cheats by having a constable move his ball into favourable positions and the vicar's into hazardous ones. when the vicar discovers this he prays for divine intervention which turns the tables.
The Plank
Taller Workman
Classic short British comedy, full of stars, about two workmen delivering planks to a building site. This is done with music and a sort of "wordless dialogue" which consists of a few mumbled sounds to convey the appropriate emotion. TV remake of the 1967 short.
The Plank
Classic short British comedy, full of stars, about two workmen delivering planks to a building site. This is done with music and a sort of "wordless dialogue" which consists of a few mumbled sounds to convey the appropriate emotion. TV remake of the 1967 short.
The Plank
Classic short British comedy, full of stars, about two workmen delivering planks to a building site. This is done with music and a sort of "wordless dialogue" which consists of a few mumbled sounds to convey the appropriate emotion. TV remake of the 1967 short.
A Police Inspector and a vicar play a round of golf. The Inspector has a Constable help him to cheat, while the vicar has other ideas...
A Police Inspector and a vicar play a round of golf. The Inspector has a Constable help him to cheat, while the vicar has other ideas...
Insp. Rhubarb
A Police Inspector and a vicar play a round of golf. The Inspector has a Constable help him to cheat, while the vicar has other ideas...
El rally de Montecarlo y toda su zarabanda de antaño
En la famosa carrera de Montecarlo participan los personajes más excéntricos que quepa imaginar, pero cada uno de ellos está dispuesto a llegar a la meta como sea. (FILMAFFINITY)
En Nuevo Méjico, en 1880, un cowboy llamado Shalako trabaja como guía para un grupo de aristócratas europeos a los que conduce a través de zonas desérticas habitadas por los indios. Su rutinario trabajo se ve, en esta ocasión, alterado porque las expediciones de caza y ciertos juegos que organizan los viajeros producen un gran malestar entre los indígenas.
The Plank
A slapstick comedy about two workmen delivering planks to a building site. This is done with music and a sort of "wordless dialogue" which consists of a few mumbled sounds to convey the appropriate emotion.
The Plank
A slapstick comedy about two workmen delivering planks to a building site. This is done with music and a sort of "wordless dialogue" which consists of a few mumbled sounds to convey the appropriate emotion.
The Plank
Smaller Workman
A slapstick comedy about two workmen delivering planks to a building site. This is done with music and a sort of "wordless dialogue" which consists of a few mumbled sounds to convey the appropriate emotion.
The Plank
A slapstick comedy about two workmen delivering planks to a building site. This is done with music and a sort of "wordless dialogue" which consists of a few mumbled sounds to convey the appropriate emotion.
The Spy with a Cold Nose
A dog with a spying device under its skin is sent to the Russian government as a present. When the Russians send the dog to a veterinary, British intelligence must get to the dog first and retrieve the spying device.
El Liquidador
Al concluir la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), la Inteligencia Británica recluta al sargento Oakes, especialista en misiones difíciles, para eliminar a individuos peligrosos.
Rotten to the Core
William Hunt
Rogues Jelly Knight, Scapa Flood, and Lennie the Dip leave prison expecting boss The Duke to have their stash ready to share out. Instead, Duke's girl Sara gives them the news Duke is dead and the money gone on nursing care. They soon discover that Duke is actually running Hope Springs Nature Clinic with the help of most of the local villains. Very strange - and the nearby army camp and Sara's encouragement of Lieutenant Vine would seem to be no coincidence either. Written by Jeremy Perkins
Aquellos chalados en sus locos cacharros
En 1910 tiene lugar una gran carrera entre Londres y París que es patrocinada por el rico editor de un periódico británico. Los participantes proceden de todas partes y protagonizan toda clase de peripecias, rivalidades y aventuras amorosas.
One Way Pendulum
Mr. Groomkirby
A study of absurdity in a suburban family: father recreates the Old Bailey in the living room while the son teaches speak-your-weight machines to sing in the attic.
The Bargee
The Mariner
After a lock-keeper entrusts his daughter to a canal Casanova, he is shocked to learn that she is pregnant. He then refuses to open his locks - causing barges to pile up in every direction until the guilty party confesses.
Cielos arriba
Harry Smith
Un error clerical conduce a que un sacedorte de izquierdas de un pequeño pueblo se encuentre en un pueblo de ricos, donde inmediatamente horroriza a sus snobs feligreses por designar a un basurero y a un hombre negro como guardianes de la vicaría y dejarla abierta a la familia Smith, quienes acaban de ser deshauciados de su caravana. Él convierte a la viuda aristócrata en trabajadora de la absurda caridad, pero pronto revolucionará al pueblo y muchos de sus habitantes... (FILMAFFINITY)
Kill or Cure
A private eye is hired to go undercover at a health farm, but before he can find out why his client is murdered.
Village of Daughters
Herbert Harris
A salesman from England is picked to select one girl in an Italian town who will become a bride for a native son.
Hoy es día de fuga
Willoughby, Sports Officer
A finales de 1942, sir Ernest Pease, un investigador científico tan eminente como carente de sentido del humor, es embarcado en un bombardero para que pueda comprobar en directo el funcionamiento del radar que ha diseñado. Para no despertar alarmas ni sospechas se le inventa la personalidad de teniente Farrow. Pero el bombardero es atacado y el falso teniente, que cae en terreno enemigo, es apresado por la Luftwaffe y llevado a un campo de prisioneros. Para Sir Pease lo peor de la situación es tener que compartir cabaña y actividades diarias con un grupo de compatriotas que tratan de llevar su encierro de la mejor manera posible y que para él no son más que ‘idiotas irresponsables’. El Primer Ministro británico logra enviar un mensaje a los prisioneros: han de hacer lo imposible para que importante personaje escape del campo.
Watch Your Stern
Civilian electrician #2
When the details of a secret torpedo are destroyed by an incompetent seaman, the crew of the ship rally round, when the Admiral needs the plans to show to a visiting scientist.
Charley Moon
A new career opens for Charley Moon when, during his army service, he is detailed to appear in a unit concert. In doing so, he becomes friendly with Harold Armytage, a peacetime actor of the old school. Hearing that Charley has no job to go to when demobilized, Armytage suggests they team up as stage comics. Things are not easy; jobs are few and far between, and when they can be found they are in the tattiest of theatres, but Charley gains the experience he needs. They then decide to try their luck in London.
Orders Are Orders
Pvt. Waterhouse
An American movie company wants to shoot a science-fiction film using a British army barracks as a location, and its soldiers as actors.
Orders Are Orders
Additional Dialogue
An American movie company wants to shoot a science-fiction film using a British army barracks as a location, and its soldiers as actors.