Emanuele Scaringi

Emanuele Scaringi


Emanuele Scaringi


The Armadillo's Prophecy
A 27-year-old guy from a peripheral Roman suburb leads a normal but repetitive life: his conscience manifests in the form of an armadillo with whom he has conversations bordering on paradoxical during which he updates him on what's happening in the world. Based on the best-selling graphic novel.
Where the Shadows Fall
Delegated Producer
Nurse Anna and her assistant Hans work in an old folks’ home that was once the orphanage where they were imprisoned as children, and they still seem trapped in time and space.
Без всякой жалости
Рим. Сорокалетний Миммо, строитель и одновременно помощник мафии, вместе с Рошо занимается выбиванием долгов по поручению своего шефа Сантини. Когда он, защищая девушку по вызову, сталкивается с сыном босса Мануэлем, понимает, что его жизнь никогда не будет прежней. Миммо вынужден бежать от мафии и одновременно защищать Таню...
Захочу и соскочу
Delegated Producer
В университете начинаются сокращения, в числе уволенных оказывается талантливый научный работник. Чем может зарабатывать человек, который всю жизнь учился? Идея поразительно проста: нужно создать преступную группировку, подобной которой мир ещё не видывал. Он решает производить психотропные таблетки, для чего собирает вместе своих бывших коллег, которые, несмотря на свои знания, оказались на обочине общества. Успех приходит незамедлительно: наконец-то у них есть деньги, власть, женщины. Единственная проблема состоит в том, как управлять таким коллективом…
Школа «Диаз»
Ретроспектива событий 21 июля 2001 года на саммите большой восьмёрки в Генуе, когда группа мирно протестующих активистов была жестоко избита и арестована полицией с применением самых жутких издевательств и пыток. Правозащитная организация Международная Амнистия позднее назовёт эти события самым грубым нарушением прав человека в Западной Европе со времен Второй мировой войны.
All Human Rights for All
Collective film for the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, with 30 directors each helming a segment about one of the 30 articles of the Declaration.
All Human Rights for All
Collective film for the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, with 30 directors each helming a segment about one of the 30 articles of the Declaration.
Velocità massima
Second Assistant Director
In search of purpose, 17-year-old Claudio helps easygoing mechanic Stefano build a car capable of winning a street race that could solve his financial problems, all while going out with the latter's former girlfriend.
Marta and her daughter Nina move to Malanotte, a small mountain village. The little girl has been suffering from hypnagogic paralysis for some time, a sleep disorder which can lead to hallucinatory states, and Marta thought that a bit of mountain air and distance from the frenetic rhythm of city life might benefit the little girl. However, the house they move into is anything but welcoming, and children are never seen playing in the streets of Malanotte. Nina’s symptoms begin to worsen from the very first night in the new house, and the little girl has more and more vivid nightmares in which a ghostly figure sits on her chest, immobilises her and steals her breath. For Marta, a single mother in a place she finds increasingly sinister, it will become harder every day to know what is best for her child.
Marta and her daughter Nina move to Malanotte, a small mountain village. The little girl has been suffering from hypnagogic paralysis for some time, a sleep disorder which can lead to hallucinatory states, and Marta thought that a bit of mountain air and distance from the frenetic rhythm of city life might benefit the little girl. However, the house they move into is anything but welcoming, and children are never seen playing in the streets of Malanotte. Nina’s symptoms begin to worsen from the very first night in the new house, and the little girl has more and more vivid nightmares in which a ghostly figure sits on her chest, immobilises her and steals her breath. For Marta, a single mother in a place she finds increasingly sinister, it will become harder every day to know what is best for her child.
Marta and her daughter Nina move to Malanotte, a small mountain village. The little girl has been suffering from hypnagogic paralysis for some time, a sleep disorder which can lead to hallucinatory states, and Marta thought that a bit of mountain air and distance from the frenetic rhythm of city life might benefit the little girl. However, the house they move into is anything but welcoming, and children are never seen playing in the streets of Malanotte. Nina’s symptoms begin to worsen from the very first night in the new house, and the little girl has more and more vivid nightmares in which a ghostly figure sits on her chest, immobilises her and steals her breath. For Marta, a single mother in a place she finds increasingly sinister, it will become harder every day to know what is best for her child.