Giuseppe Tripodi


A Chiara
Sound Designer
The Guerrasio family and friends gather to celebrate Claudio and Carmela’s oldest daughter’s 18th birthday. There is a healthy rivalry between the birthday girl and her 15-year-old sister Chiara as they compete on the dancefloor. It is a happy occasion, and the close-knit family are on top form. However, everything changes the next day when the father disappears. Chiara, unconvinced by the cover story, starts to investigate. As she gets closer to the truth, she is forced to decide what kind of future she wants for herself.
Boom Operator
Tommaso is an American expat film director living in Rome with his young wife and their daughter. Disoriented by his past misgivings and subsequent unexpected blows to his self-esteem, Tommaso wades through this late chapter of his life with an increasingly impaired grasp on reality as he prepares for his next film.
Magic show
Sound Editor
Sound Editor
Off Season
Sound Recordist
Describes the state of a couple in the off season, shortly before the birth of their child. Gregor surprises his girlfriend Judith with a wellness holiday in Sicily, but Judith would rather go to work than lie on the beach. Her boyfriend’s expectations with regard to the baby and his eagerness for family life create an ever-greater distance between the two.
Boom Operator
Действие фильма начинается в Алжире, куда прибыл Аива, молодой мужчина из Буркина-Фасо. Вместе с Аивой приехал и его ближайший друг Абас. Оба мужчины отправляются в путь в надежде обрести лучшую жизнь в Европе. Дальнейший путь друзей будет лежать через пустыню Сахара, они испытают нападение грабителей, попадут в Ливию, оттуда на небезопасном судне отправятся в страшное путешествие по Средиземному морю и наконец прибудут в Италию. Однако это поездка будет лишь первым актом в драме жизни иммигрантов. Попав в Европу, они прочувствуют на себе отчуждение общества региона Калабрия. Они становятся нелегальной рабочей силой на цитрусовых плантациях, живут в трущобах и каждый день чувствуют недоверие и враждебное отношение окружающих.
Italian Miracle
Sound Recordist
In a rural Italian village, Antonio is asked to translate an English-speaking woman's confession, but when he starts disagreeing with the priest, he has to make a decision that might change the course of her life and maybe his too.
Italian Miracle
Sound Mixer
In a rural Italian village, Antonio is asked to translate an English-speaking woman's confession, but when he starts disagreeing with the priest, he has to make a decision that might change the course of her life and maybe his too.
Italian Miracle
Boom Operator
In a rural Italian village, Antonio is asked to translate an English-speaking woman's confession, but when he starts disagreeing with the priest, he has to make a decision that might change the course of her life and maybe his too.