Jiří Polák


Zázračné meče
Camera Operator
Jaké vlasy má Zlatovláska?
Camera Operator
Camera Operator
Víla z jeskyně zla
Camera Operator
Camera Operator
Camera Operator
Orfeus v podsvětí
Camera Operator
Perly panny Serafinky
Camera Operator
Polská krev
Camera Operator
Ostrov plný písniček
Camera Operator
Rose Mary
Camera Operator
Mam'zelle Nitouche
Camera Operator
Fantom biografu
Camera Operator
Na rohu kousek od metra
Camera Operator
Pan Selichar se osvobodil
Camera Operator
Svůdnice na šest
Camera Operator
Značka „Svobodný otec“
Camera Operator
Bratránek z Batávie
Camera Operator
Mlynářka z Granady
Camera Operator
Když hvězdy vyplovou...
Camera Operator
Slečna ze spořitelny
Camera Operator
Dobrodruh a kavalír
Camera Operator
Vídeňská krev
Camera Operator
Eva a její klan
Camera Operator
Zázrak v Oužlebičkách
Camera Operator
Noc labutí
Assistant Camera
Camera Operator
Camera Operator
Camera Operator
Даже спустя пятнадцать лет героя преследует студенческая шутка, за которую он в 50-х гг. был исключен из института и как враг народа отправлен на службу в штрафном батальоне. Он намеревается отомстить доценту-карьеристу, одному из тех, кто был причиной его несчастий. Но у его мести горький привкус.
Malé letní blues
Assistant Camera
Five Girls Around the Neck
Assistant Camera
Five Girls Around the Neck, in 1967, set out to explore that critical age of adolescence when a person's character is formed for good or evil. Schorm examined a girl's problems of being giving too much. She tries to buy the goodwill of her less fortunate friends; her intentions are pure, but in the difficulty of communicating she learns envy and deceit, and must decide if she will submit to double dealing or steel her life against self-deception and mediocrity. In addition to the relationship between the girl and her friends, Schorm introduces a teenage romance and the broader relationship between the girl's parents - neatly tied together with segments of Weber's opera "Der Freischütz". He reveals himself as a skilled psychological director with a wide range of knowledge about people.
Dva tygři
Assistant Camera
Assistant Camera
Michal's father and his friends are stigmatized by their war experience and the post-war social deformations in which they took part either directly, or watched them cowardly and in silence. They are trying to repress their feelings of guilt and justify their behavior to the young generation with memories of their heroic war feats. Michal, however, does not want to have anything to do with their problems. He subconsciously perceives the unpleasant atmosphere in the family as well as his father's hypocrisy. After one of many quarrels with his father, he runs away from home, determined to go his own way.
The Borrowed Face
Assistant Camera
It is the 1930s. Physician Bartos devotedly attends poor patients in the city suburbs, at the same time researching the possibilities of regeneration of human tissues after transplantation. His former colleague Rosen, now working as an assistant at the private clinic of surgeon Kirchenbruch, considers the research a mere utopia. The disappointed Bartos, trying to verify his theories, therefore accepts the outrageous proposal of Marion, owner of a brothel - to surgically replace the face of her lover, the wanted thief Cutter, with the face of murdered Father Hopsasa. Bartos is well paid but his successful operation remains a secret.
Den končí ráno
Za pět minut sedm
Special Effects
A modern fairy tale that takes place in the present.
Za pět minut sedm
Assistant Camera
A modern fairy tale that takes place in the present.
Einstein kontra Babinský
Assistant Camera
Mykoin PH 510
Assistant Camera
Horoucí srdce
Objev na Střapaté hůrce