Rose Mary (1977)
Жанр : музыка, комедия, вестерн
Время выполнения : 0М
Директор : Václav Hudeček
Писатель : Václav Hudeček
Краткое содержание
A British musical film directed by Victor Hanbury and Ladislao Vajda
A film about Johnny Bode. Schlager diva, Operetta hero, filth musical innovator, enfant terrible, compulsive liar and amoral rogue. Johnny Bode (1912-1983) was very successful in Sweden and Europe. Yet he is today almost completely forgotten. Why? His life was so overwhelming, glamorous, fast and bizarre. So un-Swedish. He became fascinated by the nazism. Was arrested by the Gestapo and detained at Grini concentration camp in Norway. For five weeks. After the war he moved to East Berlin and proclaimed himself a dear friend of the GDR. Later he was deported and returned to Sweden. A time of fencing and small crimes followed. Escaped to Brussels at first and later Vienna. He was, as Juan Delgada, hired by the Vienna Opera to create new operettas. And was very successful. Johnny Bode died exhausted alone and abandoned in Malmö during the summer of 1983.
Портовый городок одной из маленьких южных стран. После ухода фашистских оккупантов безлюдны причалы порта, не дымят пароходы, стоят грузовые краны. Боясь возмездия за сотрудничество с врагами, хозяин порта Георг Стан бежал из города. Переждав некоторое время и заручившись поддержкой местных властей, Стан тем не менее возвращается — и в порту начинаются погрузочные работы. Пока идет погрузка апельсинов, моряк Янго и красавица Стелла готовятся к свадьбе. Неожиданно Стан делает девушке предложение и обманным путем вынуждает ее дать согласие. Узнав об обмане, девушка убегает к Янго. Обнаружив в ящиках трюма оружие, предназначенное для поддержания фашизма, герои делают все возможное, чтобы ящики легли на дно моря.
Celestin is the singing teacher in a monastery and Denis is one of her students. They both dream about the life outside. (It's a Swedish version of the famous vaudeville-opérette "Mam'zelle Nitouche").
1838: Fritz Jüterbog and Ottilie von Henkeshofen love each other, but the difference in status is too great for Ottilie's parents to give their consent to a marriage. And so Fritz sets off for America and returns from there 20 years later as a made man to ask for Ottilie's hand in marriage again. In the meantime, however, Ottilie - believing that Fritz had long since forgotten her - is married in a manner befitting her status, but very unhappily. Fritz, who is highly successful as an entrepreneur, is elevated to hereditary nobility because of his great services to the fatherland. It is too late for a union with Ottilie, but despite the years that pass, the two cannot forget their love. 75 years later, Fritz and Ottilie have died in the meantime, their grandchildren Fred and Tilla meet and fall in love.
Maud Goodin is the daughter of a millionaire, content with her present life, but she is an interesting conquest for those wants to get on the social ladder.
Based on the classic Broadway operetta by Victor Herbert and Glen MacDonough, this live television special became an annual Christmas tradition with rotating cast members.
A young girl becomes lost in a department store during the Christmas shopping rush. The frightened child is comforted by a department store Santa Claus who tells her a tale of storybook characters brought to life - of Tommy Tucker's love for the lovely Jane Piper and the cold-hearted villainy of evil Silas Barnaby. Through the girl's dreams, the viewer is transported to Toyland. Based on the classic Broadway operetta by Victor Herbert and Glen MacDonough, this was its second live television special production, with some new cast members and some returning.
Austrian composer Franz Léhar's opera Giuditta receives a unique interpretation by the Seefestspiele Mörbisch in this stage production, which stars Natalia Ushakova and Mehrzad Montazeri as the principal leads. The Morbisch Festival Orchestra accompanies the production, while the Chorus and Ballet of the Seefestpiele Mörbisch lend added support.
This musical comedy based on an opera by Jacques Offenbach incorporates a twist on the classic Greek myth: Orpheus, a music teacher at a girls’ school in the ancient Greek city of Thebes, actually does not miss his wife Eurydice that much – until the gods and Offenbach himself pressure him to retrieve her from Hades.
Главная героиня дважды вышла замуж — в США и во Франции, оба ее мужа об этом, само собой, не знают, но однажды встречаются и становятся друзьями.
Жена узнает о том, что муж постоянно ей изменяет. Их общий друг и знакомый Фальк решает подшутить над бедной семейной парой. Своей служанке, мечтающей стать актрисой, он дает пригласительный билет на бал-маскарад и костюм «летучей мыши», чтобы та «охмурила» незадачливого ловеласа. Этот разговор слышит жена и принимает решение тоже отправиться на бал, чтобы снова влюбить в себя собственного мужа, но только под маской.
Performances from Pamela Coburn, Brigitte Fassbaender, Janet Perry, Eberhard Wachter, the Choir und Ballet der Bayerischen Staatsoper, and the Bayerisches Staatsorchester. Rosalinde, wife of Eisenstein, is having an affair with Alfred. Eisenstein is due to begin a prison sentence the next morning, and the prison governor, Frank, is expected to collect him at any moment. However, Eisenstein allows himself to be talked into attending a fancy dress ball by Dr Falke, and when Frank arrives to find Alfred with Rosalinde, he assumes him to be Eisenstein and carts him off to prison.
In 1890, Gus Sascher joins the Austrian Army and romances the impoverished girl Elsa Hofner. Elsa instead marries the wealthier officer Franz von Renner, in an attempt at social climbing.
Zurich Opera House production of Franz Léhar's operetta, with Dagmar Schellenberger, Rodney Gilfry, and Ute Gfrerer in lead roles. Baron Zeta is desperate that the fabulously wealthy widow Hanna Glavari marry a Pontevedrian man so that her fortune remains in the country. He attempts to match her and his handsome attaché, Danilo. It turns out that Danilo and Hanna had had a love affair in years past. Nevertheless, Danilo now refuses to love her because he doesn't want to appear like he is only interested in her money...
French General Birabeau has been sent to Morocco to root out and destroy the Riffs, a band of Arab rebels, who threaten the safety of the French outpost in the Moroccan desert. Their dashing, daredevil leader is the mysterious "Red Shadow". Margot Bonvalet, a lovely, sassy French girl, is soon to be married at the fort to Birabeau's right-hand man, Captain Fontaine. Birabeau's son Pierre, in reality the Red Shadow, loves Margot, but pretends to be a milksop to preserve his secret identity. Margot tells Pierre that she secretly yearns to be swept into the arms of some bold, dashing sheik, perhaps even the Red Shadow himself. Pierre, as the Red Shadow, kidnaps Margot and declares his love for her.
The story: While her husband is becoming famous in the war, the marshal of Werdenberg's wife consoles herself in the arms of the youngster Octavian and tries to arrange the love affairs of her cousin, the baron Ochs, by presenting him to young Sophie. This baron is taken with her and the Marschallin proposes Octavian to be his "Rosenkavalier" in order to present the traditional silver rose to his fiancée. But youngsters are youngsters and sex hormones hold sway over the whole world so for that reason immediately Octavian and Sophie fall in love with each other…
In the Temesvar Province, a landowner returned from exile marries a gypsy girl who is revealed to be the daughter of a Turkish Pasha and the rightful owner of a hidden treasure. Next to "Die Fledermaus", DER ZIGEUNERBARON is Johann Strauss’s most popular operetta. The libretto gave Strauss the chance to revel in such contrasting musical forms as the Csárdás and the Viennese waltz. The style of the lied forms and ensembles is so original and finely balanced that the "Gypsy Baron" can truly be called a comic opera. Among the leading names of the stellar cast in this exuberant 1975 film of the operetta are Wolfgang Brendel, Ivan Rebroff, Janet Perry, Ellen Shade, Martha Mödl and, in the role that launched his career, Siegfried Jerusalem as Sándor Barinkay.