Massimiliano Kuveiller


Salvatore: Shoemaker of Dreams
In the early 20th century, impoverished teenage Italian cobbler Salvatore Ferragamo sailed from Naples to America to seek a better life. He settled in Southern California, and became Hollywood's go-to shoemaker during the silent era. In 1927, he returned to Italy and founded in Florence his namesake luxury brand. This feature-length documentary recounts his adventures.
Diary of Love
Camera Operator
Based on the novel "Il quaderno nero dell'amore" of Marilù Manzini, published by Rizzoli, through a diary written in a notebook, it tells the most intimate sexual secrets of three young people in search of their identity.
Life in Technicolor
A story of intrigue, suspense and beauty, set in the streets of Milan, with a mysterious succession of encounters, déjà-vu and enigmatic glances echoing the surreal atmospheres of Alfred Hitchcock’s masterpieces. A unique sequence of places, evocations and indelible feelings bring the Maison back to its timeless bond with the world of cinema, through a subtle and impenetrable plot, in a growing tension between elegance and passion, rigor and colour.
Focus Puller
История последних дней жизни итальянского режиссера Пьера Паоло Пазолини.
Sun in Buckets
Assistant Camera
The story of a father and a son. An on the road trip from South to North.
Джузеппе Москати: Исцеляющая любовь
Assistant Camera
История святого Джузеппе Москати — неаполитанского врача и величайшего гуманиста. Москати всю свою жизнь декларировал, что главная сила — любовь. Он постоянно доказывал это, сочетая блестящие врачебные способности с любовью к ближнему. Москати утверждал, что даже простое сочувствие исцелит больного скорее, чем равнодушное исполнение врачом своих обязанностей, и убеждал в этом своих учеников.