Mme Georges
1944 год. Провинциальный крестьянский юноша Люсьен Лакомб решает бросить тяжелую и неблагодарную работу уборщика в больнице и податься в партизаны — маки. Но туда его брать не хотят, мотивируя это юным возрастом. Волей судьбы Люсьен попадает в гестапо, где прием ему оказывается куда более радушный…
Fat Chambermaid
Автора бульварных детективов Микки Кинга приглашают поработать «литературным негром» — написать автобиографию за некогда известного киноактёра. Выясняется, что это — Престон Гилберт, прославившийся исполнением ролей гангстеров и общавшийся с ними не только на экране. Теперь он умирает от рака и хочет оставить потомкам свою историю жизни. Кинг с рвением приступает к делу, но во время одной из вечеринок Гилберта убивают, и теперь Кингу придется потрудиться, чтобы закончить свою работу…
Two waiters who work in a restaurant, whose owner is a big boxing fan, pretend one of them is a boxer and the other his manager. The supposed boxer wins his first matches thanks to set ups organized by the other but when he beats a champion from another part of town, he is severely beaten up by his supporters.
Annunziata Caccavallo
Пикантная тема, которую многие склонны считать исключительно перверсией, подана здесь с таким вкусом и тактом, что кульминация доверительных отношений матери и сына выглядит слиянием не тел, а именно двух родственных душ. В результате мы становимся свидетелями не патологичной, а очень лиричной сцены — одной из самых нежных в истории кино.
Signora Orragi
In 1960s Paris, an American boxer stumbles upon an international fascist conspiracy that aims to create a new world order.
An unemployed youth tries different jobs such as waiter, hairdresser, porter, salesman and when desperate, he goes to sleep in a flop-house, where he finds a job as a night watchman.
In the sequel of "In ginocchio da te", the engagement of Gianni and Carla is threatened by Giorgio.
Cuoca Cesira
During his military service, the young singer Gianni Traimonti falls in love with Carla, the marshal's daughter.
contessa Corinna Salimbeni
Adelina Borletti (episode "Un delitto quasi perfetto")
A collection of five episodes dealing with aging women.
Sister Teresa (segment "Carmelitane Sprint")
Чем более обыденными становятся автомобили, тем чаще за рулем можно увидеть женщин. Какие они водители? Разные – хорошие и вредные, осмотрительные и неосторожные, отличницы и двоечницы… Пять историй – «Спринт по-кармелитски», «Путана с прицепом», «Синьора в движении», «Неизвестный постовой» и «Наезд со страховкой» – рассказывают о женщинах, которым машины нужны для бизнеса, развлечения и для служения ближнему своему…
Doorkeeper Adelina
l'indovina Ecubona
Two boxing promoters travel via time machine back to the days of Hercules, who must save them from Genghis Khan and the Mongol Horde.
Walter Chiari as a Pugliese who lives in Milan. He has two cousins identical to him. The two arrive in the city to find work and twist their lives.
Olga Cappelli
Thirty girls arrive in a seaside town to participate in a beauty contest. Marina has no ambitions of victory: she only wants to have the sewing machine promised to each participant.
zia Gaspara
Teo, a young theatre stand in, is offered a faustian pact by the devil: if he pushes a button a Chinese mandarin will die and leave his money to him. Teo seems to be tempted by the offer...
Donna Celestina
Mattea Tornabuoni
Madame Louise
Four attractive young women who work together in an appliance store in Paris spend their free time looking for love and fulfilment with little success. High-spirited Jane is picked up by a couple of lechers who are only interested in one thing. Ginette hopes to become a great singer but is forced to perform in a seedy music hall. Rita is engaged to a man who appears more concerned with pleasing his parents than caring about her. Only the reserved Jacqueline seems to have found true romance. But is the mysterious figure on a motorcycle really the man of her dreams?
Signora Gianna
Огромный счет в банке, красивые женщины, яхта, ласковое море — это сладкая жизнь, которую Том Рипли так хочет иметь и которая у Филиппа Гринлифа уже есть. Филипп даже не подозревает, на что готов пойти Том, чтобы сделать его жизнь своей. Сначала убийство, потом подделка документов, подписи, голоса… И бедный авантюрист превращается в миллионера. Но даже самая искусная подделка всегда остается лишь копией, даже если над ней трудился талантливый мистер Рипли.
Sora Nole
An Italian drama directed by Leopoldo Savona.
Sister Bernard (uncredited)
Габриэль ван дер Маль, дочь известного бельгийского врача, мечтает уехать в Конго, чтобы лечить местных жителей. Приняв постриг в монастыре и получив новое имя — сестра Люк — она прибывает в Конго для работы в госпитале.
Clelia Pinelli
Returning from his honeymoon, Marcella finds out she is pregnant. The to-be grandparents fight on where the baby will be born and on his name. The parents of the baby, tired of those fights, run away to Milan.
There is a lot of excitement in the high society of Venice: An Arab prince, who always travels incognito, is said to be in the city. By chance, the elegant Isabella gets to know the handsome heir to the throne - and it does not take long for her to fall madly in love with him. Isabella has no idea that her dream man is really the impostor Gérard, who looks remarkably like the prince and was hounded by the sleazy crook Alfredo on Isabella to steal their precious jewelry.
Angelica Allegri
Clelia Pinelli
Cesare, from Rome, and Mimì, from Naples, don't agree with their children marriage, so the young couple runs away from their home.
Assunta Santini
A newlywed couple win the lottery and the prize is a mink fur which might change their lives forever.
Mrs. Masetti / Missis Masetti
A traveling salesman is sent to prison after being accused of bigamy, while his wife and son are forced to consider leaving him permanently.
Signorina Mattei
Приход нового молодого учителя физики Андреа Ла Ровере на работу в женскую гимназию взбудоражил юные сердца и умы практически всех старшеклассниц. Однажды, увидев в саду самую тихую и скромную ученицу Марию (Вирна Лизи), обнимающуюся с мужчиной, похожим на нового преподавателя, одна из девушек решает донести о произошедшем строгой директрисе.
Gemma Torresi
Two widowers decide to get married but their decision is continually hampered by their grandchildren, who are just interested in their inheritance.
Angela Posi
Простой рабочий парень Андрэ, мечтающий вырваться из нищеты и окружающей его серости, влюбляется в прекрасную незнакомку, случайно увиденную им на вокзале в проносящемся мимо поезде. Эта мимолетная встреча переворачивает его жизнь и он отправляется в Париж искать свое счастье. Ему повезло — он знакомится с великолепным тренером по боксу Виктором Ле Гарре, фанатиком своего дела, решившим вроде бы завязать со своей профессией и посвятить жизнь любимой жене Бланш. Увидев Андрэ, Виктор понимает, что это самородок, которого он всю жизнь надеялся найти и потому уговаривает его профессионально заняться боксом под своим началом.
Zia Bettina
Anastasia Scingalova, la madre della sposa
An Italian historical comedy film consisting of three segments, based on three stage plays by Anton Chekhov.
The adventures of Count Angelo de Marchis as he tries to reach his besieged allies in Rome with much needed funds from England. Can he evade the pursuing "Contessa Sara Mondini" and her Milanese henchmen?
Donna Filomena
A young couple, Renato and Maria, struggle to provide for their young daughter Pia.
La sorella del giudice
In the background of the football match Roma - Napoli different stories intertwine.
Donna Rosa
Giovanna Scaparro
Антонио Скапарро одержим из-за женщин. Он изобретает свой собственный способ укрыться от них, на чердаке собственного дома, где он может делать то, что жена запрещает ему: шаркать по полу, читать ночью детективы, бросать окурки и стряхивать пепел на пол. Там он рассказывает зрителю историю своих взаимоотношений с женщинами — женой, дочерью и другими.
La madre die Mario
Mario and Fabrizio are two boxer friends who fall for the same girl and become enemies because of her. As time goes by things get better between the two men but... tragedy looms behind the corner.
Signora Narducci
Achille Scorzella, a poor, unemployed and hungry devil, having been mistaken for a piano tuner, happens in the home of some new riches.
Aglae Tricoin
A singer and operetta dancer works in a small french town where the authorities want to expel her because of her scandalous conduct and performance. When a puritan judge closes the show, the woman will take revenge involving the judge in an affair before the selfsame Justice minister. From that moment on, a series of diversions and misunderstandings will play out leading the main characters to the city of Paris.
Margherita, moglie di Giuseppe
The Passaguai family is living peacefully, but then they go to see the magician Bhorman, starting a series of problem for them.
A down-and-out crook on the lam befriends a young street urchin, in an Italian port city. At first amused that the boy is a sneak thief, he tries to deflects the kid from a life of crime. Tipped off by a woman anxious to collect the reward for him (who is wanted for murder), the police pursue the two lost souls.
Margherita, moglie di Giuseppe
To get ahead after he answers a newspaper ad for a business proposition, Passaguai borrows the more impressive apartment of a retired actor and arranges an elaborate luncheon there.
Madre di Maria
Три девушки-швеи работают в центре Рима в известном доме моделей. Каждая из них мечтает выйти замуж. Мариза ссорится со своим женихом, когда тот запрещает ей работать манекенщицей. Елена, разочаровавшись в любви, стоит на грани самоубийства. К счастью, она встречает прекрасного парня, городского таксиста, который помогает ей переосмыслить жизнь. Лючия после долгих поисков жениха принимает любовь жокея, который давно её любит…
Margherita, moglie di Giuseppe
When Passaguai family patriarch Giuseppe (Fabrizi) decides to take advantage of a corporate discount to bring his wife (Ninchi) and children to spend a Sunday at the beach of Fiumicino, a series of troubles begins for everyone, in the form of a comic nightmare.
Распутная и жестокая супруга императора Клавдия Мессалина строит планы по свержению мужа и возведению на трон своего любовника Гая Силия. Но планы императрицы нарушает ее неистовая похоть. Мессалина обращает свой жадный взор на гладиатора Тавра. Однако непокорный раб отказывает всемогущей императрице ради своей возлюбленной христианки Цинции. За это Мессалина приказывает отдать Тавра на растерзание львам. Но отважная Цинция отправляется на арену вместе со своим возлюбленным и, тем самым, смягчает сердца безжалостных римлян. Мессалина вынуждена подчиниться публике и помиловать влюбленных, но она даже не подозревает, что этот жест станет первым предвестником ее падения…
Giovanna Bottoni
Жулик и воришка обманул жадного и наивного американца. Комиссар дает сержанту Боттони, отслужившему уже 30 лет, последний шанс остаться на работе, получить, наконец, повышение и не сесть в тюрьму за то, что он упустил этого самого «жулика и воришку»: сержант должен поймать вора, ему (сержанту) отводится на это три месяца.
The Nanny
Having been warned in dreams that Snow White is in danger, the Seven Dwarfs set out to rescue the princess from the evil Prince of Darkness.
Elvira de Angelis
A group of Italian soccer fans arrive in Paris for a match, but most of them go their separate ways to explore the sights, have a bit of an adventure, and maybe even find some romance.
The love story between Don Camillo's protégé and Don Violante's niece adds fuel to the rivalry between the two priests.
Sra. Russo
Герой фильма во время Второй мировой войны оказывается в Италии, где встречает молодую девушку и влюбляется. После лечения в госпитале он возвращается в деревню, женится на Терезе, затем возвращается в Штаты и ждет ее приезда. Когда она приезжает, они поселяются вместе с родителями и пробивают свой путь в послевоенной жизни.
Signora Berardi
Progressive schoolteachers Landi and Anna have a profound influence on two of their young students, Mirella and Franco. The two kids are enamored with one another and decide to experiment with some of the knowledge they've gleaned in the classroom.
An artist of variety, known in art with the name of Bebè, is a charlatan in Cannes, in a company with Zallos, a shady type.
La zia
Aunt Agatha writes to Toto, informing him that she won't send him another penny until he is married.
Fernanda Meloni
The plot weaves several episodes with several groups of people, Roman families, youth gangs and young love couples, who spend a Sunday at the beach of Ostia.
Signora Mola - Giacomo's wife
The title of this Italian melodrama translates to Pact with the Devil. However, His Satanic Majesty does not appear in the film. Rather, this expensively produced period piece is more along the lines of Romeo and Juliet, with young love threatened by warring families. In his first Italian film, Hollywood veteran Eduardo Cianelli goes through his usual villainous paces as the scheming father of the male lead (Jacques Francois). The most fascinating performance is rendered by Umberto Spadaro, as the village idiot, or is he? Patto col Diavolo makes the most of the visual dynamics of Italy's mountainous Calabrian region.
Bianca, a rich heiress, being an orphan, lives in her palace with her guardian uncle and cousin Olga.
Rudegarda, la padrona del ristorante
Carlo Rutelli falls in love with the beautiful variety singer Yvonne la Nuit, but his father opposes the wedding. World War I breaks out and Carlo is killed while Yvonne has a son, but on orders from Carlo's father, she is told he is dead. Her career descends and only Nino, an art partner, remains close to her and helps her earn her living by singing in taverns.
On his way to his own wedding, a young man saves a woman who attempted suicide by jumping into a river and falls for her.
В генуэзском порту с корабля сходит Пьер. Он — беглец, его прошлая жизнь и преступления — загадка. Окруженный мрачными решетками порта, лабиринтами трущоб Малапаги, Пьер собирается сдаться полиции, когда они встречаются с официанткой Мартой. Опаленные жизнью, они тянутся друг к другу, но есть ли у них шанс начать все сначала?…
In the village of Viggiù, the firemen organize various skits and performances in their theater, inviting all the celebrities known at that time.
Rosina Piscitello
Aldo Piscitello, a minor government clerk, is forced in 1934 to join the Fascist party. When the war comes, he finds himself able only to talk ineffectually in secret against Mussolini, even as his own son Giovanni is sent into battle. By the end of the war, Aldo has found the courage to stand up for his beliefs, but by then it is too late.
Adele Bordoni
Mrs. Serra
A young student of an upper-class background who is surrounded by classmates that are of working-class backgrounds, after a novel in diary format by Enrico Bottini.
La signora Mancini
Second World War . Field 119 in California (USA ) . War is long over , but the Italian Prisoners Still waiting to return home , preparing to celebrate , away from families , another sad Christmas. To dare a little rein to Their longing , they tell Episodes of Their Life . A Roman tells the USA difficult married life . A Neapolitan soldier tells of His lieutenant, a Neapolitan duke penniless . Meanwhile , the camp commander gave : Prisoners and a gramophone , So , Ai stories intertwine songs . Another soldier recalls the parties and the songs of the Sicilian spring , WHILE a Venetian gondolier evokes A HIS love affair . Sometimes , From Radio shabby listening news from abroad and Italy . Finally , one day , comes the ' pending release and All They return home .
A rowdy woman is so forceful that she outdoes her husband in a loud cry against speculators who refuse poor people entrance to a block of new apartments, built after WW2. Without noticing it, she starts a people's movement, and leads a march to the capital. She returns to her village a winner, an honourable MP. Yet, she is still the same simple, fiery woman, able to get in a hair-pulling brawl with the local barmaid for the affection of her man.
Mrs. Mironova
A peasant leader under the enlightened despotism of Empress Catherine the Great, and a love story.
Emilia Canale
Giovanni used to be a humble, mild-mannered government clerk whose life was turned upside down when he met Giulio, a notorious forger who at once set about manipulating the over-confident man. Giovanni did what he should never have done: he associated himself with the crook. Giulio soon laid hands on Giovanni's money, ruined his career and manhandled him into marrying his own mistress, the beautiful Ginevra. It was of course an unhappy marriage but Giovanni found a little solace when his son Ciro was born. Seven years later though, Wanzer resurfaced...
Vivere in pace is a 1947 Italian comedy-drama war film directed by Luigi Zampa.
In a post-war Rome (1946) a cat burglar inadvertently saves the life of a would-be suicide man who returns from the war to find that he has been betrayed by his fiancée while fighting in the war. From that moment the thief takes the ex-soldier under his wing. They leave house together for a night full of misadventures. In a streets of Rome they meet the struggling typist who can’t pay her rent and opts to street life; a wandering amnesiac who lost his memory and keeps asking everyone “Do you recognize me?”. Thieves, gamblers, hookers, policemen, soldiers and endless chain of cigarette-smoking and alcohol/espresso-drinking.
An opera singer hides an American soldier in his house in Nazi-occupied Rome.
Laura, la cameriera
Un'amica di Adele
A man comes home from the war and finds both his plant and his family destroyed.
Sister Celeste
Some Italian partisans want to take refuge in a convent to escape German raids. The nuns are a little perplexed at first but then agree since one of the men is seriously wounded. When the partisans eventually leave, the Germans take a terrible revenge.