Peter Rogers

Peter Rogers

Рождение : 1914-02-20, Rochester, Kent, England, UK

Смерть : 2009-04-14


Peter Rogers


Joan Crawford: The Ultimate Movie Star
In this documentary on the life of Joan Crawford, we learn why she should be remembered as the great actress she was, and not only as "mommie dearest." caricature she has become. Friends, fellow actors, directors, and others reminisce about their association with her, and numerous film clips show off her talent from her start in silents to bad science fiction/horror movies at the end of her career.
On Location: The Carry Ons
June Whitfield takes a look at some of the locations used during the making of the legendary 'Carry On' films.
Так держать, Колумб!
Executive Producer
Намереваясь отыскать альтернативный путь в Индию, Христофор Колумб убеждает королевскую чету Испании проспонсировать его морскую экспедицию. Но ему решает помешать турецкий султан, чья казна не в последнюю очередь формируется за счёт налогов с караванов, идущих по старому маршруту.
The Golden Gong: The Story of Rank Films - British Cinema's Legendary Studio
Documentary - After starting his career producing religious film shorts, J. Arthur Rank went on to become Britain's first and only movie mogul with his establishment of the legendary Pinewood Studios. Narrated by Michael Caine, THE GOLDEN GONG chronicles Pinewood's rise to success. - Richard Attenborough, Dirk Bogarde, Betty E. Box
Так держать, Эмманюэль!
Красивая и сексуальная супруга французского посла в Лондоне Эммануэль Превер совершенно не привлекает собственного мужа. В «расстройстве чувств» она соблазняет целую череду мужчин — от шофёра до премьер-министра. Один из любовников предоставляет прессе подробный отчёт обо всех её похождениях.
Так держать, и это всё!
Celebrating twenty years of classic Carry On films, two of the films’ best-loved stars, Kenneth Williams and Barbara Windsor return to Pinewood film studios to unwrap some rib-tickling moments from the series. From the original, military mayhem of Carry On Sergeant, through to the really ancient archaeological gags of Carry On Behind, our saucy hosts get their titters out for this laugh-a-second gallop through the most successful series of British comedy films ever made.
Так держать, Англия!
Captain S. Melly takes over as the new Commanding Officer at an experimental mixed sex air defence base. It's 1940 and England is under heavy bombardment, but the crew seem more interested in each other than the enemy planes above. Captain Melly plans to put a stop to all this, and becomes the target of a campaign to abandon his separatist ideals...
Так держать, не обгонять!
Professors Vrooshka and Crump decide to visit an archaeological site to study the artifacts there. Lo and behold, it's right next to a caravan site where all manner of people are staying. With a randy Major owning the site, a snobbish mother, and the two professors' constant innuendos, the film ends with a sinking caravan site and a striptease performance as a replacement for the cabaret night.
Так держать, Дик!
Dick Turpin is terrorising the countryside around Upper Dencher. Captain Fancey and Sergeant Jock Strapp plan to put an end to his escapades, and enlist the help of the Reverend Flasher. Little do they know that the priest leads a double life. Then Madame Desiree and her "Birds of Paradise" arrive in the village...
Carry on Christmas
Executive Producer
Sid James as Father Christmas recounts times of the festive season through the ages, from life in stone age times. A country house party in the 18th Century. Christmas in the trenches during world war one. Next up is a Robin Hood send up with Sid as Robin.
Так держать, девочки!
Local councillor Sidney Fiddler persuades the Mayor to help improve the image of their rundown seaside town by holding a beauty contest. But formidable Councillor Prodworthy, head of the local women's liberation movement, has other ideas. It's open warfare as the women's lib attempt to sabotage the contest.
Так держать, за рубеж!
A group of holidaymakers head for the Spanish resort of Elsbels for a 4-day visit. When they get there, they find the Hotel still hasn't been finished being built, and the weather is awful. And there is something strange about the staff—they all look very similar. To top it all off, the weather seems to be having an adverse affect on the Hotel's foundations.
Так держать, кастелянша!
A gang of thieves plan to make their fortune by stealing a shipment of contraceptive pills from Finisham maternity hospital. They assume disguises and infiltrate the hospital, but everything doesn't go according to plan. The hypochondriac consultant Sir Bernard Cutting, Matron and the doctors and nurses at Finisham have a habit of getting in the way.
All Coppers Are...
Executive Producer
A young policeman and a small-time crook are both involved with the same girl.
Bless This House
The legendary Sid James stars as the head of a chaotic household in this movie spin-off from the hit ITV sitcom. Sid Abbott and his best mate Trevor (Peter Butterworth) enjoy home-brewing. Plans to turn their hobby into a profitable, if illicit, sideline come unstuck when a Customs and Excise officer (Terry Scott) moves in next door! What’s more, Sid’s outspoken and madcap family hinder neighbourly relations even further.
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This is the tale of industrial strife at WC Boggs' Lavatory factory. Vic Spanner is the union representative who calls a strike at the drop of a hat; eventually everyone has to get fed up with him. This is also the ideal opportunity for lots of lavatorial jokes...
Ради любви
После неудачного научного эксперимента учёный-физик Колин Трэффорд обнаруживает себя в параллельном мире. В мире, где не было Второй Мировой войны, где человек не летал в Космос, где Эверест был ещё не покорён... В этой альтернативной реальности Колин больше не учёный. Окружающие принимают его за известного писателя, автора многочисленных романов и пьес. Но это не единственное изменение... Колин с удивлением обнаруживает, что женат. Его жену зовут Оттили. Вскоре становится ясно, что "предыдущий" Колин не любил свою жену и их брак был на грани распада. Колину-физику стоит не малых усилий убедить Оттили, что он другой человек из другого мира... Но судьба распорядилась так, что Оттили тяжело больна и умирает, а Колин просыпается в "своём мире". Он знает, что в его мире она тоже есть и у неё может быть точно такое же заболевание... В надежде, что её можно спасти, Колин отправляется на поиски.
Так держать, Генрих VIII!
Henry VIII has just married Marie of Normandy, and is eager to consummate their marriage. Unfortunately for Henry, she is always eating garlic, and refuses to stop. Deciding to get rid of her in his usual manner, Henry has to find some way of doing it without provoking war with Marie's cousin, the King of France. Perhaps if she had an affair...
After one schoolgirl is raped while taking a short cut through the local woods, and another is murdered in the same woods a few days later, the local police are baffled. With the help of a reporter from one of the local papers, and against the wishes of a psychologist at the local hospital, a young teacher at the school the girls attended uses herself as bait to lure the perpetrator out. Could it be the creepy husband of the head mistress at the school, the psychologist who seems to be taking an unusual interest in the case, or something altogether more sinister?
A British family takes revenge into its own hands in avenging their recently slain daughter.
Carry on Again Christmas
The second of the four Carry On Christmas specials, this one loosely recounts the story of Treasure Island with Sid James as Long John Silver and Barbara Windsor, strangely, as Jim Hawkins. The writing never quite builds up any steam, and many of the jokes were recycled from previous films anyhow. This special was filmed in black and white -- strangely, since the previous one was in color. I generally love the look of black and white, and the earliest films in the Carry On series do fine with it. But here it is used ineffectively and feels like a budgetary concession, which I'm sure it was.
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The Wedded Bliss computer dating agency aims to bring together the lonely hearts of Much-Snoggin-in-the-Green. Its owner, Sidney Bliss, has enough complications in his own love life, but still produces a pamphlet called "The Wit to Woo". The strange collection of hopefuls lead to some outlandish matches, and jealousies are bound to lead to trouble
Carry on Christmas
Ebenezer Scrooge is a misery on Christmas, not allowing people money or doing anything to share Christmas cheer around his employees or acquaintances. While Scrooge is visited by three ghosts we see how his penny pinching has affected those around him.
Carry on Christmas
Ebenezer Scrooge is a misery on Christmas, not allowing people money or doing anything to share Christmas cheer around his employees or acquaintances. While Scrooge is visited by three ghosts we see how his penny pinching has affected those around him.
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Dr. Nookey is disgraced and sent to a remote island hospital. He is given a secret slimming potion by a member of staff, Gladstone Screwer, and he flies back to England to fame and fortune. But others want to cash in on his good fortunes, and some just want him brought down a peg or two.
Так держать, на природу, отдыхать!
Sid and Bernie keep having their amorous intentions snubbed by their girlfriends Joan and Anthea, so when they decide to take them on a holiday to Paradise Camp, they think they're off to a nudist colony—but they couldn't be more wrong, and meet up with the weirdest bunch of campers you can imagine.
Так держать, на Хайберский переход!
Сэр Сидни Рафф-Даймонд охраняет британский форпост недалеко от Хайберского перехода. Находящийся под охраной шотландского полка, форпост кажется надёжно защищённым. Но Хази из Калабара так не думает. Он жаждет убить всех британцев! Но его войска теряют голову от страха перед «Дьяволами в юбках», ведь ходят слухи, что под ними ничего не надето. Однажды индийцам удалось поймать шотландского солдата, который оказался в трусах…
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Популярный Доктор Килмор уволен, после того как был обнаружен в компрометирующем положении на крыше дома медсестёр. Пациенты не хотят потерять его, но доктор Тинкл и главная медсестра непреклонны.
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Bertram Oliphant West (also known as Bo West) wants to clear his unjustly smeared reputation. He joins the Foreign Legion, with Simpson his manservant in tow. But the fort they get posted to is full of eccentric legionnaires, and there is trouble brewing with the locals too. Unbeknown to Bo, his lady love has followed him in disguise...
Так держать, головы не терять!
Действие фильма происходит в период Французской революции 1789-1794 годов. Погрязшие в скуке английские аристократы сэр Родни Эффинг и лорд Дарси Пью находят себе достойное занятие - спасение французской знати из цепких лап гильотины. Храбрецам противостоят Камамбер, шеф тайной полиции Робеспьера, и его туповатый подручный Биде.
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Эта пародия, на жанр ужасов вообще и фильмы студии Хаммер в частности, считается одним из самых удачных фильмов серии.
Так держать, ковбой!
Стодж-сити находится во власти Рампо Кида и его банды. В это время происходит ужасная путаница: санитарного инженера Шерифа Нотта принимают за шерифа закона! Будучи добросовестным человеком, Шериф пытается помочь городу избавиться от Рампо Кида. Шерифу помогают два обстоятельства - жаждущая мести Энни Оукли и его диплом санитарного инженера...
Большое Ограбление
Банда грабителей была поймана на очередном ограблении банка и приговорена к 15 годам лишения свободы. Благо награбленное они успели спрятать в дупло дерева за небольшим холмом в поле. И вот, выйдя на свободу они ринулись за награбленным. Дерево, в котором были спрятаны деньги, осталось целым, но вот незадача, местность застроили и теперь оно стоит во дворе полицейского участка…
Так держать, Клёпа!
Два бритта попадают в рабство к римлянам. При попытке покушения на Цезаря один из бриттов «случайно» убивает врагов Цезаря, и становится его личным телохранителем. Тем временем, Марк Антоний, лучший друг Цезаря, тайно влюбляется в Клеопатру, но единственный способ завоевать её сердце — это расправится с Цезарем и его верным телохранителем.
Так держать, шпионы!
Группа некомпетентных секретных агентов послана вернуть секретный химический препарат похищенный организацией STENCH…
This Is My Street
Executive Producer
A bored housewife has an affair with her mother's lodger.
Так держать, Джек!
Фильм посвящен морским приключениям во времена наполеоновских войн.
The Iron Maiden
The film follows Jack Hopkins (played by Michael Craig), an aircraft designer with a passion for traction engines. His boss (played by Cecil Parker) is eager to sell a new supersonic jet plane that Jack has designed to American millionaire Paul Fisher (Alan Hale, Jr.). The first encounter between Fisher and Jack goes badly, and tensions only heighten after Fisher's daughter Kathy (Anne Helm) damages Jack's prize traction engine "The Iron Maiden", rendering it impossible to drive solo. Jack is desperate to enter the annual Woburn Abbey steam rally with the machine, but his fireman is injured and unable to participate. When all seems lost the millionaire himself is won over by Jack's plight and joins him in driving the engine; the two soon become firm friends.
Так держать, таксист!
Speedee Taxis is a great success, which means its workaholic owner Charlie starts neglecting Peggy, his wife. Suddenly a fleet of rival taxis appears from nowhere and start pinching all the fares. The rivals are Glamcabs, and they have a secret weapon. All their drivers are very attractive women! Who's behind Glamcabs? It's open warfare and only one fleet can survive!
Nurse on Wheels
Quietly competent young Joanna moves with her scatterbrain mother to a country village to take up her first job as District Nurse. She soon overcomes the suspicion of her patients used to someone rather older, while becoming romantically involved with a local farmer - at least until he tries to evict a newly-arrived expectant couple who park their caravan on his land.
Twice Round the Daffodils
Twice Round the Daffodils is a 1962 British comedy drama film directed by Gerald Thomas and starring Juliet Mills, Donald Sinden, Donald Houston, Kenneth Williams, Ronald Lewis, Andrew Ray, Joan Sims and Jill Ireland. A new group of patients arrive at a hospital to be treated for tuberculosis where they all take a fancy to one of the nurses. The film was adapted from the play Ring for Catty by Patrick Cargill and Jack Beale. Carry on Nurse from 1959 was based on the same play. The cast and production team of Twice Round the Daffodils create a noticeable similarity with the Carry On films, but the film is not an official member of the Carry On series.
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Captain Crowther's lot is not a happy one! Five of his crew have to be replaced and at such short notice before the voyage begins there isn't much to choose from. Not only does he get the five most incompetent shipmates ever to sail the seven seas, but the passengers turn out to be a rather strange bunch too. The SS Happy Wanderer will never be the same.
Raising the Wind
'Carry On' director Gerald Thomas helms this comedy caper featuring early appearances by James Robertson Justice, Sid James, Leslie Phillips, Kenneth Williams, Liz Fraser and Eric Barker. The film follows the hi-jinks of a group of music students who move into a shared flat in order to cut costs and have somewhere to practice their instruments. Things get tricky when Mervyn Hughes (Phillips) accidentally sells one of his compositions to an advertising agency and risks losing his scholarship. Can he and his friends find a way to raise the money to buy back the song rights?
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It's non stop romps as the Carry On team deliver the goods in one of the rudest and funniest of the Carry On films. The cast are all on top form as a bunch of no-hopers who join an agency in the search for a job. The anarchy mounts as they do a series of odd jobs, including a chimps tea party, trying to stay sober at a wine tasting and demolishing a house.
No Kidding
A young couple, David and Catherine Robinson, has to turn their large country house into a money-making proposition. Their solution is to invite the kids of the rich and famous to spend a summer enjoying all the loving care and attention they miss at home. After the youngsters arrive, David quickly realizes what the offensive little punks need is some real discipline, and so the summer begins.
Watch Your Stern
When the details of a secret torpedo are destroyed by an incompetent seaman, the crew of the ship rally round, when the Admiral needs the plans to show to a visiting scientist.
Так держать, констебль!
With a flu epidemic running rife, three new bumbling recruits are assigned to Inspector Mills police station. With help from Special Constable Gorse, they manage to totally wreck the operations of the police force and let plenty of criminals get away, even before they arrive at the station. They all have to prove themselves or else they'll be out of a job and Sergeant Wilkins will be transferred. Sub-plots include romances between Wilkins and Moon, Constable and Passworthy.
Please Turn Over
The orderly suburban life of a 1950's English town is turned on its head when the teenaged daughter of one of the residents writes a steamy bestseller featuring characters obviously based on the local population.
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Prepare for Six of the Best as the Carry On team cause chaos in the school yard. When a well-loved headmaster decides to retire, his scheming pupils have other ideas. The cunning boys unleash a campaign of practical jokes, armed with gin, itching power and bombs!
Так держать, медсестра!
В госпитале «Приют» одна из мужских палат причиняет больше проблем, чем весь остальной госпиталь. Огромная главная медсестра наводит ужас на всех пациентов, и только Рекитт противостоит ей. Среди прочих персонажей: майор, который является для всех постоянной неприятностью, неуклюжая медсестра, влюбленные Тед Йорк и медсестра Дентон, и Белл, который требует срочно сделать ему операцию. Однажды, после пьянки, мужчины из этой палаты решают помочь Беллу…
The Solitary Child
A young woman marries a gentleman farmer who may have murdered his first wife.
Chain of Events
When a clerk tries to dodge paying a bus fare, it sparks a series of unforseen consequences
Так держать, сержант!
Фильм об армейской жизни, в которой очень полно раскрыта тема доброго обращения с солдатами.
The Duke Wore Jeans
A cockney lad pretends to be a Lord in order to woo a South American princess
The Flying Scot
Executive Producer
A gang of four would-be robbers plans to steal a fortune in currency hidden aboard the "Flying Scotsman" in a railroad stateroom by cutting through the wall of the adjacent stateroom, but find themselves up against numerous unexpected drawbacks, including interference by their fellow passengers.
Cat Girl
Executive Producer
A psychiatrist treats a woman who is convinced that she turns into a killer leopard because of a family curse.
The Vicious Circle
When Dr Howard Latimer finds the German Actress that he has just met at London Airport murdered in his flat, it leads him into the world of murder, blackmail and a fake passport scam.
Замок с часовым механизмом
В фильме рассказывается о шестилетнем мальчике, случайно запертом в сейфе в подвале банка. Замок с часовым механизмом установлен так, что сейф можно открыть только через 63 часа, после уик-энда в утро следующего понедельника. За это время ребенок, сын одного из служащих банка, может погибнуть от удушья, кислорода в закрытом наглухо хранилище хватит только на десять часов. Один из специалистов пытается открыть злополучный сейф, но терпит фиаско. Местное радио обращается ко всем, кто в состоянии помочь…
Замок с часовым механизмом
В фильме рассказывается о шестилетнем мальчике, случайно запертом в сейфе в подвале банка. Замок с часовым механизмом установлен так, что сейф можно открыть только через 63 часа, после уик-энда в утро следующего понедельника. За это время ребенок, сын одного из служащих банка, может погибнуть от удушья, кислорода в закрытом наглухо хранилище хватит только на десять часов. Один из специалистов пытается открыть злополучный сейф, но терпит фиаско. Местное радио обращается ко всем, кто в состоянии помочь…
After the Ball
The life and loves of Music hall singer Vesta Tilley, who married into the nobility
The Tommy Steele Story
Executive Producer
This is the story of the early life and rise to fame of Tommy Steele. His manager wanted him to be a tough rock'n'roller and so challenge Elvis Presley but Tommy is too nice.
The Passionate Stranger
Judith Wynter is a happily married novelist whose romantic works are eagerly devoured by scores of female readers. When Carlo, a handsome young Italian chauffeur, arrives to work for Judith and her husband, a professor currently recovering from an attack of paralysis, he causes quite a flutter; when he then reads the manuscript of Judith's latest novel, he jumps to a rather unfortunate conclusion... and life in the Wynter household becomes very complicated indeed!
Друзья цирка
Группа цирковых детей и их друзей объединяются, чтобы спасти шоу от финансовой катастрофы.
Друзья цирка
Группа цирковых детей и их друзей объединяются, чтобы спасти шоу от финансовой катастрофы.
To Dorothy, a Son
Under a complicated bequest from her uncle, Myrtle stands to inherit $2,000,000 if her ex-husband doesn't have any male heirs on the way, else he gets the cash. She journies from New York to England, and finally tracks him down with his heavily pregnant new wife. Should she try and woo him back or challenge the legality of the new marriage?
To Dorothy, a Son
Under a complicated bequest from her uncle, Myrtle stands to inherit $2,000,000 if her ex-husband doesn't have any male heirs on the way, else he gets the cash. She journies from New York to England, and finally tracks him down with his heavily pregnant new wife. Should she try and woo him back or challenge the legality of the new marriage?
The Gay Dog
Jim Gay loves his racing greyhound but, out of town, he finds a dog with a better chance to win. His friends bet on his dog while he bets against.
You Know What Sailors Are
The best of British humor is on display in this satirical cold war romp! Donald Sinden plays Lieutenant Green, a radar expert in the Royal Navy. One night, whilst under the influence of alcohol, he welds an old pram to the deck of a foreign destroyer for a joke. The next morning, British Intelligence is desperate to know what the enemy’s new weapon is. To cover his tracks, Green calls it the ‘998’. When he is posted to the destroyer to explain about radar techniques, Green soon realizes that his prank has gone too far.
You Know What Sailors Are
The best of British humor is on display in this satirical cold war romp! Donald Sinden plays Lieutenant Green, a radar expert in the Royal Navy. One night, whilst under the influence of alcohol, he welds an old pram to the deck of a foreign destroyer for a joke. The next morning, British Intelligence is desperate to know what the enemy’s new weapon is. To cover his tracks, Green calls it the ‘998’. When he is posted to the destroyer to explain about radar techniques, Green soon realizes that his prank has gone too far.
Up to His Neck
A maritime farce set in the South Seas. A strong supporting cast includes Brian Rix, Anthony Newley & Harry Fowler.
The Dog and the Diamonds
A group of children establish their own zoo in the garden of a disused house, which proves to be the headquarters of a gang of crooks.
Appointment with Venus
Associate Producer
At the outbreak of WWII the British realise they can't prevent the invasion of the Channel Islands. However, someone realises that a prize cow is on the islands and the Nazis mustn't get hold of her. This is the intrepid story of the cow-napping from under the noses of the Nazis.
Don't Ever Leave Me
Associate Producer
Elderly crook Harry Denton, when challenged to prove he is "not past it," decides to kidnap Sheila Farlane, the 16 year old daughter of a famous actor. When Harry loses his nerve, Sheila won't let him give up.
Marry Me
Associate Producer
The stories of several individuals who consult a marriage bureau, including a peer of the realm, his butler, a lonely school teacher, a French girl on the run from a violent boyfriend, a country vicar, and a newspaper reporter, sent by his editor, to do an undercover story.
It's Not Cricket
Associate Producer
Kicked out of Army Intelligence, a pair of upper class twits set up as private detectives. The result is refined English chaos. " This is the regettable story of two Drones who didn't even know their own Zones. It starts in Germany, gets nowhere and stops at nothing." Radford and Wayne, cashiered from the army when they let a captured Nazi escape, become private detectives who later get involved with the same German and a missing diamond ...
Here Come the Huggetts
The Huggetts have their first telephone installed, sleep rough on The Mall whilst waiting for the Royal Wedding and deal with a fire at the 'Oatibix' factory.
When The Bough Breaks
The bewildered wife of a bigamist allows her child to be adopted and then regrets it.
Holiday Camp
The Huggett family go to a holiday camp, and get involved in crooked card players, a murderer on the run, and a pregnant young girl and her boyfriend missing from home.
Dear Murderer
When a man discovers his wife is having an affair, he commits the perfect crime.