Dean Lent


Энергичная толстушка-дизайнер Жазмин Байлтмор устала постоянно слышать в ответ «нет». Она создала соблазнительную коллекцию одежды для таких же аппетитных дамочек, как сама, но спонсора всё нет. И личная жизнь не клеится… пока она не выигрывает поездку на курорт в Палм-Спрингс, где её уже ждет мужчина мечты!
Uh-Oh! is the story of Jonny, a silly, good-hearted, bumbling man with an uncommon streak of bad luck, until he meets a sea captain. He goes through several jobs and sets of circumstances where he inevitably messes up, thus revealing the meaning of the film title - he spends most of his time saying "uh oh!" as he watches fiasco after fiasco unfurl, with him as the catalyst.
The Making of Border Radio
Short documentary about the making of the 1987 film.
Fast Sofa
Director of Photography
Rick, a dope fiend, believes his goal in life is to track down Ginger, a famous porn star who is currently staying in her Beverly Hills hideaway. Rick is obsessed with Ginger, watches her movies obsessively, and deals drugs on the side, all to the chagrin of his lover Tamara. He decides to seek out Ginger while on the road, and along the way picks up Jules, a neurotic virgin.
G-Men from Hell
Two G-Men, returning from hell, must perform good deeds to save themselves from a doomed fate.
Drowning on Dry Land
Director of Photography
A taxi driver (Naveen Andrews) picks up a fare (Barbara Hershey) in Manhattan. She offers the driver a large sum to drive her to the desert. While the pair drive across the country, the woman tries various strategies to lure the driver into conversation. Despite his reticence, the pair begins a tumultuous and steamy relationship.
My American Vacation
Grandma Lee tours the California wilderness in a motor home with her Americanized family, teaching them Tai Chi and the ancient Chinese way to deal with modern American life.
As a notorious serial killer is being driven to his execution, the truck carrying him encounters a bizarre accident that transforms him into a mutant snowman. The sheriff who originally caught the psychopath has remained concerned about his return, and it seems that his fears were well-founded. Before long, bodies pile up, all killed in gruesome wintry ways. Can the sheriff stop the murderer's icy reign of terror?
Hard Time
Director of Photography
A revenge movie about a thief, Michael (John Bradley) who escapes from prison to take a vengeance on the partner, Kelly (Christopher Mayer) who double-crossed and sent him to prison.
Cannes Man
Director of Photography
Film producer Sy Lerner makes a bet with a fellow film executive that he can turn any nobody into a star at the Cannes Film Festival. A New York cab driver who is visiting the festival is chosen as the test subject to settle the bet and Sy uses his skills of hype and manipulation to try and turn the cab driver named Frank into the talk of the town. Many celebrities make cameos throughout the film.
Класс 1999: Новый учитель
Director of Photography
Безумный ученый переделал боевых киборгов, и они, перестав быть воинами-убийцами, начали бороться за дисциплину в тех школах, которые были рассадником хулиганства и бандитизма. Но во встроенной программе киборгов пункт, связанный с необходимостью убивать, сохранился, и по этой причине пришлось человекоподобных роботов уничтожить. Однако один из них по недосмотру остался. Звали его Джон Болен. Однажды он появился в какой-то провинциальной школе в штате Орегон в качестве нового учителя… Который считал своим священным долгом ликвидировать всякую подростковую шпану еще в зародыше, то есть убивать школьников, скажем, за непослушание…
Розы мертвы
Director of Photography
Кинозвезда, находящаяся в зените славы, неожиданно попадает под подозрение в убийстве своего продюсера...
Бензин, еда, жилье
Director of Photography
Маленький городок в штате Нью-Мексико. Нора работает официанткой и одна воспитывает двух дочерей. Младшая Шейд — милая, скромная девочка, все свободное время проводит в кинотеатре, стараясь перенять манеры голливудских звезд. Старшая Труди — полная противоположность сестры: грубая и резкая, она мечтает вырваться из того места, в котором живет. Однажды Труди знакомится с приезжим парнем по имени Дэнк, и с этого момента жизнь девушки и ее родных резко меняется…
Border Radio
Before carving out a niche as one of the most distinct voices in nineties American cinema, Allison Anders made her debut, alongside codirectors and fellow UCLA film school students Kurt Voss and Dean Lent, with 1987’s Border Radio. A low-key, semi-improvised postpunk diary that took four years to complete, Border Radio features legendary rocker Chris D., of the Flesh Eaters, as a singer/songwriter who has stolen loot from a club and gone missing, leaving his wife (Luanna Anders), a no-nonsense rock journalist, to track him down with the help of his friends (John Doe of the band X; Chris Shearer). With its sprawling Southern Californian and Mexican landscapes, captured in evocative 16mm black and white, Border Radio is a singular, DIY memento of the indie film explosion in America.
Border Radio
Before carving out a niche as one of the most distinct voices in nineties American cinema, Allison Anders made her debut, alongside codirectors and fellow UCLA film school students Kurt Voss and Dean Lent, with 1987’s Border Radio. A low-key, semi-improvised postpunk diary that took four years to complete, Border Radio features legendary rocker Chris D., of the Flesh Eaters, as a singer/songwriter who has stolen loot from a club and gone missing, leaving his wife (Luanna Anders), a no-nonsense rock journalist, to track him down with the help of his friends (John Doe of the band X; Chris Shearer). With its sprawling Southern Californian and Mexican landscapes, captured in evocative 16mm black and white, Border Radio is a singular, DIY memento of the indie film explosion in America.
Border Radio
Before carving out a niche as one of the most distinct voices in nineties American cinema, Allison Anders made her debut, alongside codirectors and fellow UCLA film school students Kurt Voss and Dean Lent, with 1987’s Border Radio. A low-key, semi-improvised postpunk diary that took four years to complete, Border Radio features legendary rocker Chris D., of the Flesh Eaters, as a singer/songwriter who has stolen loot from a club and gone missing, leaving his wife (Luanna Anders), a no-nonsense rock journalist, to track him down with the help of his friends (John Doe of the band X; Chris Shearer). With its sprawling Southern Californian and Mexican landscapes, captured in evocative 16mm black and white, Border Radio is a singular, DIY memento of the indie film explosion in America.
Париж, Техас
Production Assistant
Идущий ниоткуда Трэвис знает, что у него есть семья, но не знает, что с момента его исчезновения прошло четыре года. Неистовые поиски себя в глухой американской глубинке сопровождается гипнотической музыкой Рая Кудера. Его звезда по-настоящему взошла именно над городком Парижем в штате Техас.
Feeling Randy
In the midst of family confusion, Randy goes on a road trip with his school friends to discover his sexuality in the 1970s.
Feeling Randy
In the midst of family confusion, Randy goes on a road trip with his school friends to discover his sexuality in the 1970s.