Natja Brunckhorst

Natja Brunckhorst

Рождение : 1966-09-26, Berlin, Germany


Natja Brunckhorst
Natja Brunckhorst


Mostly Minimalistic
The contrasts between Marlen (Corinna Harfouch) and Fynn (newcomer Daniel Sträßer) couldn't be any more extreme if they tried: Marlen's apartment is packed to the rafters with objects too valuable or important to throw away, while Fynn plans to go through life with only 100 things in his possession. The fact that they can't keep their hands off each other and end up falling in love holds true to the old adage that opposites really do attract...
Mostly Minimalistic
The contrasts between Marlen (Corinna Harfouch) and Fynn (newcomer Daniel Sträßer) couldn't be any more extreme if they tried: Marlen's apartment is packed to the rafters with objects too valuable or important to throw away, while Fynn plans to go through life with only 100 things in his possession. The fact that they can't keep their hands off each other and end up falling in love holds true to the old adage that opposites really do attract...
Kino im Rausch - Die Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo
Амели бежит
Юную Амели, которая страдает астмой, отправляют в клинику в Южном Тироле на лечение. Через какое-то время она планирует побег из этого «ада» — и вскоре находит нового друга. Вместе они пытаются добраться до вершины горы, у которой, согласно старому поверью, Амели сможет исцелиться.
Streetscapes [Dialogue]
A film director confides in his interlocutor. He talks about the working process, about creative blocks, about artistic crises and expressive forces. At some point, the idea takes hold that this conversation could be turned into a film. And this is the very film we’re watching the two of them in.
2+2=22 [The Alphabet]
Worn-down pavements, broken paving stones. Trees that jut out of the concrete, casting shadows on to crumbling façades. The centre of Tbilisi in the summer of 2013. Glimpses of side and main streets, over railings and under balconies, of an architectural cacophony. The voiceover spoken by Natja Brunckhorst reflects on the nature of streets and public spaces.
The Airstrip - Decampment of Modernism, Part III
In the 21st part of his Photography and beyond series, Heinz Emigholz projects as usual a series of structures into our brains and from there on to the screen: Airports, motorways and bus stops; department stores, market halls and warehouses.
Claudia Bauer
A young woman called Fiona shows up in a city in the Ruhr area to work for the Bauer family as a housekeeper. Father, mother, daughter and son all live their own lives, co-existing without communicating. Nobody realizes that Fiona has made a decision.
Wie ein Stern am Himmel
Mutter von Klaus
Maggie (21) and Klaus (45) are touring in Germany in a camper and they seem to be lovers despite their age difference. However, at a camping site Maggie shows some affection for another man. The unavoidable conflict escalates fatally.
La mer
A man is swimming in the ocean. Suddenly he is hit by something. Unconsciously he drops to the bottom. When he wakes up on the beach again everything looks the same. But something is not entirely right.
La mer
A man is swimming in the ocean. Suddenly he is hit by something. Unconsciously he drops to the bottom. When he wakes up on the beach again everything looks the same. But something is not entirely right.
Never Mind the Wall
Germany 1982: The country is divided into two parts. Nele, coming from West-Germany, travels to East-Germany where she meets Captain, singer of a band. They fall in love with each other, but the regime "takes care" of their relationship, meaning: They can not see each other again. Germany 1990: The country is reunited. Nele starts searching their lost love...
Принцесса и воин
Сисси — принцесса — работает медсестрой в психиатрической лечебнице. Бодо — воин — бывший военный, подрабатывающий где придется. Их свел случай, он украл что-то из супермаркета и, убегая от охранников, уцепился за проезжающий грузовик. Водитель отвлекся и сбил Сисси. Она лежала под грузовиком и задыхалась не в силах пошевелиться. Он появился из толпы зевак, чтобы снова вдохнуть ей жизнь и исчез так же внезапно. Сисси поняла, их встреча не случайна, и теперь она ищет своего спасителя, чтобы разобраться, какова же его роль в ее судьбе.
Dumm gelaufen
Kalte Küsse
Eva 'Lamia' Wessel
After the corpse of the programmer Klaus Pape was found neatly dismantled in a freezer, Commissioner Beate Stein starts the research that will lead her to both the red-light district and the better society of Hamburg.
Virus X - Der Atem des Todes
Wittmann, Labor
Eine fast perfekte Liebe
Die Skrupellosen - Hörigkeit des Herzens
Maria embarks on a one-night stand with Lothar. Lothar proves to be a ruthless seducer and when Maria becomes pregnant, she sinks into a nightmare from which there seems to be no escape.
Society's Finest
When Fritz returns from his studies in the United States he wants to walk on pink clouds with Maxie, a TV journalist, but they come upon a gun-running operation in which Fritz's father is involved. Fritz is caught between his loyalty to his family and his love for Maxie, who also can't decide what's more important, a career as a journalist or Fritz. They both are caught unaware by the enormous amount of individuals involved in the scandal and their unscrupulous reactions. Finally they both attempt to gather proof of the activities of this Hydra-headed organization in spite of the risks involved and independently of each other. A pandemonium of fragments of the Noricum, Bundeswuerde and Lucona scandals. The evil spirit of the late eighties in Austria.
Tiger, Löwe, Panther
Pat / Tiger
Kinder aus Stein
Paulette (as Nadja Brunkhorst)
Корабль, на котором служит матрос Керель, останавливается во французском Бресте. На берегу — знаменитый бордель «Праздник», вокруг которого сконцентрирована жизнь преступников и полицейских, работяг и моряков. Главная достопримечательность заведения — его хозяйка Лизианна. Каждый, кто желает переспать с ней, должен сыграть в кости с ее мужем. Победил — получил, проиграл — хозяин получает тебя. Туда-то и отправляется Керель, рассчитывая продать крупную партию наркотиков. Сам того не желая, он становится объектом страсти и похоти. А вместе с похотью приходит и жажда убийства…
Я Кристина
Я Кристина. Мне 14 лет. Большинство моих друзей наркоманы. Первый раз я попробовала наркотики, чтобы понять, зачем их принимает мой парень... С тех пор прошло несколько месяцев. Я устала каждый день искать дозу. Я и мой парень пробовали завязать... Трое моих знакомых уже умерли. Неужели я следующая?
After witnessing a catastrophe, a man named Hiob is lost in space.
After witnessing a catastrophe, a man named Hiob is lost in space.