Charles de Meaux


Джессика, специалист по выращиванию орхидей, приезжает в Колумбию, чтобы ухаживать за сестрой, находящейся в состоянии сна. Но и сама Джессика практически теряет покой — ее преследует странный звук, похожий то ли на взрыв, то ли на мощный удар, который тревожит и лишает сна. Пытаясь понять его происхождение, героиня все больше теряет связь с тем, что принято считать реальностью.
First Kingdom
Aznavour by Charles
In 1948, French singer Charles Aznavour (1924-2018) receives a Paillard Bolex, his first camera. Until 1982, he will shoot hours of footage, his filmed diary. Wherever he goes, he carries his camera with him. He films his life and lives as he films: places, moments, friends, loves, misfortunes.
The Lady in the Portrait
An empress commissions a painting of herself from a French outsider in hopes of stirring her husband's interest in this lavish period piece. The Lady in the Portrait is a period yarn evoking the unique rapport between a French missionary and the Manchurian Empress whose portrait he's ordered to paint.
The Lady in the Portrait
An empress commissions a painting of herself from a French outsider in hopes of stirring her husband's interest in this lavish period piece. The Lady in the Portrait is a period yarn evoking the unique rapport between a French missionary and the Manchurian Empress whose portrait he's ordered to paint.
Кладбище блеска
Когда солдат внезапно поражает неизвестная сонная болезнь, и их переводят во временный госпиталь, расположенной в заброшенной школе. Дженира вызывается ухаживать за Иттом, привлекательным солдатом, к которому никогда никто не приходит. Она заводит дружбу с Кенг, молодой ясновидящей, которая помогает близким общаться со спящими солдатами. Однажды Дженира обнаруживает личный дневник Итта с загадочными письменами и рисунками. Существует ли связь между таинственным синдромом и полным легенд и сказаний местом, расположенном под заброшенной школой? Любовь, магия и мечта об исцелении сплетутся воедино на пути Джениры к пониманию собственной сущности и мира, который ее окружает.
Christophe, a young horse racing jockey from Paris, is filled with hope and ambition. Yet after a race, he tests positive for illegal substances and is subsequently suspended from racing. He decides to move to Macau, in Asia. There his circumstances change very quickly: he wins one race after another, earning himself large amounts of money and success with women. But, his new life also brings him an ever-increasing sense of solitude. Macau has its own unspoken rules that Christophe thinks he can ignore. But events start to gain momentum as the net tightens around him. Motivated by love for an intriguing young Chinese woman, Christophe ends up gambling with his own destiny, but this time on the card tables.
Christophe, a young horse racing jockey from Paris, is filled with hope and ambition. Yet after a race, he tests positive for illegal substances and is subsequently suspended from racing. He decides to move to Macau, in Asia. There his circumstances change very quickly: he wins one race after another, earning himself large amounts of money and success with women. But, his new life also brings him an ever-increasing sense of solitude. Macau has its own unspoken rules that Christophe thinks he can ignore. But events start to gain momentum as the net tightens around him. Motivated by love for an intriguing young Chinese woman, Christophe ends up gambling with his own destiny, but this time on the card tables.
Дядюшка Бунми, который помнит свои прошлые жизни
Дядюшка Боонмее страдает острой почечной недостаточностью и решает провести остаток дней у родственников в деревне. Здесь ему являются призраки умершей жены и пропавшего сына и принимают его в свои крылатые объятья. Раздумывая над причинами своей болезни, дядюшка Боонмее вместе со своей семьей пересекает джунгли и достигает пещеры на вершине горы, где родилась его первая жизнь…
Stories on Human Rights
20 short films about human rights.
My Mother’s Garden
Glistening objects from a jewelry collection inspired by carnivorous plants are transformed into a colourful sea of garden creatures through hand-drawn animations of roots, insects and various other organisms. A loving tribute to Weerasethakul's mother's garden. Commissioned by Dior; first presented at Musée de l’Orangerie, Jardin des Tuileries, Paris, to mark the opening of a new set of jewellery designed by Victoire de Castellane, 27 February 2007.
Синдромы и столетие
Фильм составлен из отрывков памяти, которые начинаются внезапно и заканчиваются без логического конца. Дантист хочет стать певцом и интересуется одним из своих пациентов, Буддистским монахом, который мечтает стать диск-жокеем. Один из докторов неловко объявляет свою отчаянную любовь к доктору Тоею (главной героине), которая ассоциирует его с бывшей влюбленностью, которую она испытывала к эксперту по орхидеям…
Тропическая болезнь
The passionate relationship between two men with unusual consequences. The film is divided in two parts. The first half charts the modest attraction between two men in the sunny, relaxing countryside and the second half charts the confusion and terror of an unknown menace lurking deep within the jungle shadows.
Shimkent hôtel
Shimkent hôtel tells the story of a young man who's experienced the failure of a business venture in the Afghan mountains, and who suffers from shock in Kazakhstan.
Shimkent hôtel
Shimkent hôtel tells the story of a young man who's experienced the failure of a business venture in the Afghan mountains, and who suffers from shock in Kazakhstan.
Blissfully Yours
Min is an illegal Burmese immigrant living in Thailand who has contracted a mysterious painful rash covering his upper body. His girlfriend, Roong, and a middle-aged woman, Orn, take him to see a doctor. Min pretends that he cannot speak because he is not fluent in Thai and speaking would reveal him to be an illegal immigrant.
Le pont du trieur
“Le Pont du Trieur”, co-written by de Meaux and Philippe Parreno, with an original score by Dave Stewart, is set in Pamir, a region situated in the highest part of Tajikistan, at the border between Afghanistan and China. This is a strategic zone controlled by various armies in the midst of a region that awaits reconstruction. The film stems from the simple question of how to tell the story of a country of which the West is deprived of images. Both fiction and documentary, it is about reality and the means of telling it.
Le pont du trieur
“Le Pont du Trieur”, co-written by de Meaux and Philippe Parreno, with an original score by Dave Stewart, is set in Pamir, a region situated in the highest part of Tajikistan, at the border between Afghanistan and China. This is a strategic zone controlled by various armies in the midst of a region that awaits reconstruction. The film stems from the simple question of how to tell the story of a country of which the West is deprived of images. Both fiction and documentary, it is about reality and the means of telling it.
Snow White Lucie
Pierre Huyghe's work questions how diverse languages can apply to the same reality. In his short film Blanche-Neige Lucie (Snow White Lucie), Huyghe tells the story of Lucie Dolene who sang in the French version of Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The film shows an aged Lucie humming the famous song while an interview with her runs as subtitles to the images. This mirroring of dubbing and translation serves as the vehicle for Huyghe's questioning of multiple identities and the ideal of translating a meaning to create a universal image.