Драма, действие которой происходит в канун Нового 1999 года в роскошном швейцарском отеле, где переплетаются жизни работников отеля и различных гостей.
Драма, действие которой происходит в канун Нового 1999 года в роскошном швейцарском отеле, где переплетаются жизни работников отеля и различных гостей.
A pensioner with many phobias realises one day that four million francs have been mistakenly deposited into his account. Instead of notifying the bank, he makes an unexpected decision: he withdraws the money and flees on his moped.
Biasutti and Perbellini have the same name, Fausto, and they both hate life in the big city. They meet by chance during a trip for amateur photographers, become friends and begin to cultivate together the dream of going to live in the countryside, keeping with the fruit of their efforts. When Biasutti inherits his grandmother’s old house in Valvana, in the hills of the north east, the dream can finally become reality: the welcome in the village, however, proves less warm than expected.
The uneventful encounter between Eva and Rainbow will give each of them a chance to reconcile with themselves and take revenge.
An international incident threatens to break out a war between major European powers that only an unlikely couple of bickering lovers seems able to stop.
История трех семей, живущих в одном буржуазном кондоминиуме.
Concierge Excelsior/Piano Bar
История пятидесятилетнего английского пьяницы Бенно и трэвел-блогера Аллегры из Италии. Оба они, никак не связанные друг с другом, живут в собственной лжи. В один момент они встречаются в самолете и начинают огромное приключение по разным местам, которое впоследствии станет для них трамплином к познанию себя.
Дарио — одинокий чудак, который мечтает отправиться на Луну. Однажды, пытаясь запустить самодельную ракету, он устраивает пожар и попадает в тюрьму. Единственный человек, который может ему помочь, — брат по отцу, Марио, с которым тот виделся один раз в жизни. Спустя долгие годы они воссоединяются — и понимают, что у них одна цель.
Gorilla (giudice)
Легендарная история оживает на больших экранах, как никогда прежде. Невероятное путешествие в мир удивительных созданий и волшебства, где даже деревянная кукла может стать настоящим человеком, если пожелает этого чистым сердцем.
Gerard Colasante
Женщина по имени Джованна всегда довольно скромно одета, да и в принципе она достаточно скучновата, а также она делит свою жизнь между работой в министерстве и школьными заботами ее дочери Мартины. Но в действительности это всё ширма, за которой скрывается секретный агент национальной безопасности, который принимает участие в самых опасных секретных операциях.
Giulio Ravi
During the evaluation of a plot of land, surveyor and distressed single mother Lucia meets a woman who claims to be Mary, the Mother of God.
Sig. Panatta
A 27-year-old guy from a peripheral Roman suburb leads a normal but repetitive life: his conscience manifests in the form of an armadillo with whom he has conversations bordering on paradoxical during which he updates him on what's happening in the world. Based on the best-selling graphic novel.
Isacco Pitusso
Детектив Стукки расследует серию убийств, произошедших в небольшом городке на севере Италии, недалеко от Венеции. Чем дальше он продвигается в расследовании, тем больше начинает понимать, что за тайну скрывают жители города.
Her Muller
Bernini Sr.
Enrico Giusti works for a big corporation: his job is to save dying companies by persuading young scions to sell. However, his latest assignment is proving more difficult than anticipated, since it concerns two teens whose parents just died in a car accident.
Roberto le photographe
60-something Henri meets 50-something Lila, and sparks fly - until they both must reconcile their very different lives and backgrounds.
Ambulance-chasing lawyers takes on the case of a convicted murderer who, just being released after doing 27 years in jail, claims he was innocent.
After twenty years, five high school classmates meet again at Daniele's wedding, the only one who has built a career for himself. During a long weekend in Switzerland, the five friends rediscover the affection and complicity of the past, and they get a chance to straighten out their destinies. A whirlwind of misunderstandings will bring down their shaky balances, and they'll all find the courage to put themselves on the line and start their lives afresh
Paolo, 40 years old, lives in a small Friulian town close to the north-eastern border. Unreliable and with a passion for good wine, he spends his days at the local tavern and stubbornly stalks his ex-wife.
Cetto and its city council were arrested, but in prison the conspiratorial former mayor makes no earning name as the gratitude of the powerful secretary. These decide to replace some MPs mysteriously killed precisely with Cetto and two other characters: Rodolfo Favaretto and Frengo Stop
Семьи Альберто и Маттия находятся в состоянии кризиса. Силья обожает Милан за его грязный воздух и обвиняет мужа Альберто в том, что он думает только о работе. А Маттия живет в провинциальном местечке Костельаббате с женой Марией, безалаберничает и даже не может произнести слово «кредит». Друзья Маттии придумали полусумасшедший план — Маттия едет в Милан к Альберто, где они попытаются сработаться в одной организации — местном почтовом отделении во главе с придурковатым директором и такими же работниками.
Giuseppe Geri
История о внеземном контакте, глазами человека, который ни во что не верит и жаждет только одного, чтоб все от него отвязались… и соседи, и бабы, и даже инопланетяне в том числе.
После смерти Папы конклав выбирает нового Понтифика. Жребий падает на кардинала Мельвиля. Но что делать, если новонареченный глава Римской-католической церкви отказывается выйти на балкон Св. Петра, бьется в истерике и кричит, что не может выдержать непосильной ноши? Отправить на сеанс к лучшему психотерапевту Рима? Устроить волейбольный турнир среди кардиналов, чтобы подбодрить его Cвятейшество? В Ватикане царит строжайшая конспирация: католический мир не должен узнать, что у Богом избранного Папы не хватило духу принять этот высочайший пост. Миллионы паломников на площади ожидают явления нового избранника…. который в это время умудряется сбежать из Дворца.
Herr Volker
Марко Ферретти молодой менеджер, который работал в течение многих лет в Лондоне в области маркетинга в дочерней компании крупного итальянского производителя косметики, и живет в столице вместе со своей подругой итальянкой. После экономического кризиса девушка теряет работу и решает оставить Марка и вернуться в Италию к своему бывшему другу, который дает ей больше уверенности в будущем. Марк раздавлен, плюс ко всему его вызывают в головной офис в Милане и он ожидает, что его уволят. Вместо этого, на удивление, его повышают до начальника отдела маркетинга...
Five ordinary people disaffected with traditional politics -- a perennial temp, a docker, a university professor, a TV reporter, and a convict -- kidnap an elected politician and plan to donate the ransom money to the family of a blue-collar worker who died on the job.
Gran Maestro
Альберто, начальник почтового отделения в городе Брианца, под давлением жены Сильвии, готов сделать все, чтобы получить перевод в Милан. Ради этого он идет на подлог документов. Но трюк не сработал и в качестве наказания он был переведен в небольшой городок в Кампании, который для жителя Северной Италии эквивалентен настоящему кошмару. Однако, пожив в «кошмаре» некоторое время, Альберт открывает для себя неожиданные прелести жизни: любовь коллег, гостеприимство жителей и приобретает нового большого друга, почтальона Маттиа…
Pietro Carli
Don Guido
Matteo, a boy from the city, goes to visit his grandfather in a secluded mountain village, where preparations for a local ancient festival are under way. Matteo spends the eve of the festival with Lidia and three other boys from the village. The group of kids begins a dangerous game, bringing up obscure mysteries that are rooted in the past of that mountain valley. Matteo thus goes through a sort of initiation, at the end of which he is able to exorcise his fears, but only after becoming uncomfortably conscious of the existence of evil.
Acct. Terzetti
Set in Genoa, the film concerns the financial struggles and emotional strain that occur after Michele loses his job. He and his wife Elsa are forced to give up their affluent lifestyle and cope with the tensions of moving into a smaller home, finding new work, and making sacrifices.
Walter Nardini
Having faced the reality of his failed career as a punk rock musician, 36-year-old Stefano Nardini returns home to his family in the small-town North.
London-based Italian Antonio bets on everything, from the lottery to horses and soccer matches without ever winning or losing the hope of winning; so convinced that his luck is going to turn that his betting companions have started to call him "Win tomorrow". One day Antonio notices that he's being followed by a suspicious looking stranger, well - dressed and obviously rich. This happens frequently, causing Antonio to become very concerned. Alarmed, he tells wife and gambling companions about the situation, but they all just make fun of him, convincing him he's the victim of his imagination.
Le maire
Padre di Matteo
Set in Milan, where people's lives are invisibly lead by money in its different shapes: too much, too little, stolen, earned, visible and even impalpable. The money flows from one story to the next, from one person to the other, becoming the engine of the film.Everything moves around two antagonist characters: Ugo and Rita. Ugo is a banker involved in a not really clean business. Rita, the Finance Police officer, is a strong and obstinate woman in charge of capturing Ugo. Other characters wander around them, with their weaknesses and fragility, their goodness, their evil and their contradictions. Characters meet, clash, love and hate each other, their lust for money becomes intense feelings.
Aldo Baretti
Enrico, Carlo, Davide, Cinzia, Elisa. Three Saturdays in the life of a group of friends in a quiet town in Piedmont. One night in November, one in December close to Christmas, the third in February. A look at their lives and their daily problems, more or less important, which will lead someone to make even an extreme gesture.
Padre di Claudio
Le patron du café
This is an important day for Marc Chanois, an insurance advisor heading toward middle age: it's his fiancée Sabine's birthday, her parents arrive in Paris and Marc will meet them for dinner to announce the engagement (her father can't stand him), he's bought Sabine a Spitfire, and his most important client is to sign a policy. But, as the day wears on, he's vexed by an incompetent secretary, the unexpected return of a girlfriend he hasn't seen in five years, squatters who use his office at night, the jealous former lover of a flight attendant who lives in the building, and his boss's unexpected return from a Swiss clinic. Will he reach Sabine in one piece?
Othilie spends her vacations with her uncle Antoine, an old lonesome bear. In charge of a regional park, Antoine lives a long way from Paris, in company of the shepherd Tambourin, whose frightening face hides the innocence of a new-born child. Since the arrival of Othilie, odd things happen. A slaughtered sheep is found and weird howls are sounding through the night. The wolves are not far away.
Colonnello Rovi
Освобожденный русскими из концлагеря «Аушвиц» в Польше, Примо отправляется в родную Италию. Война закончилась, но это еще не был мир. Еще предстояла долгая дорога и возрождение забытых чувств: благодарности, и любви.
One of puppet-maker Geppetto's creations comes magically to life. This puppet, Pinocchio, has one major desire and that is to become a real boy someday. In order to accomplish this goal he has to learn to act responsibly. This film shows you the adventures on which he learns valuable lessons.
Samuel's Lover
Мне было три года, когда нас бросил отец. Нам не на что было жить и мать покончила с собой. Я не смогла жить с дедом и бабкой и попала в приют. Здесь я нашла настоящих друзей Соланж и Ахмеда. И вот теперь, когда я стала взрослой, я расстаюсь с друзьями и отправляюсь на поиски папаши, будь он проклят. Я клянусь тебе, мама, что найду этого сукина сына и буду убивать его медленно и верно…
Заключительная часть знаменитой трилогии. Рассказ о любви, о порой мучительной власти чувств, которые вершат судьбами людей. Авторы размышляют над темой человеческого одиночества, над тем, как любовь, добро и всепрощение помогают пролагать тропки доверия между людьми в холодном и враждебном мире…
Sentenced to ten years in prison for a murder he did not commit, Gaëtan Lantier has just been cleared thanks to the confession the real criminal made before he died. Back in Bellefontaine, his village, the good man is the host of a party organized in his honor. As a gift, the mayor and the inhabitants give him a magnificent hunting rifle. At first disconcerted, Gaëtan pulls himself together and tells the audience that his years of imprisonment give him the right to kill the biggest bastard in the village. Most of the inhabitants have something to reproach themselves with and fear being taken for the silhouette, the one who witnessed the murder but never made himself known, even though his testimony would have cleared Gaëtan. Fear invades Bellefontaine and everyone tries to coax Gaëtan with attentions and gifts.
L'historien Cavelti
A journalist is assigned to interview an eccentric anthropologist who has exhumed the skeleton of Jörg Jenatsch, a revered freedom fighter who was mysteriously murdered in 1639. Initially disinterested, the journalist begins to uncover unflattering truths about the national hero and experiences visions in which he seems to be witnessing events that transpired over 300 years ago. As he obsessively pursues the investigation, his personal life and his grip on reality disintegrate, drawing him relentlessly toward the fatal carnival at which Jenatsch was killed.
Madeleine, who runs a disco on the French-Swiss border, dreams of going to Paris to pursue a singing career. Her lover, Paul, who makes his living smuggling money, gold and goods across the border, plans to emigrate to Canada. Mali, a pretty young Algerian woman who lives in France and works in Switzerland, would like to be anywhere except where she is. Louis, born on a Swiss farm and trained as a clockmaker, would give anything to leave his mistress, Lucie, and move in with Mali.
Le capitaine Berta
Set amid the European community in an unspecified North African country, a colony on the verge of nationalism just before the war. And colonized is what happens to a French diplomat, Julien Rochelle, when he meets the mysterious beauty Clothilde de Watteville. Schmid 's favorite axiom, that love is projection, never had such a thorough airing. Is Clothilde really the wife of a French official now holed up in Siberia? Or is she Hecate, goddess of black magic and devourer of the Arab boys she meets far from the European quarter? Only our projections know for sure; for the rest, she is a "woman looking out into the night." Drawn from a novel by Paul Morand, who based the main character on his wife Helene, Schmid's film achieves an atmosphere of magic in which psychological credibility is not so much absent as irrelevant-a film that distances itself from the drama it invokes, perhaps as the elusive Clothilde turns her back on the madness she provokes.