
What Happened on Twenty-Third Street, New York City (1901)

Género : Documental, Comedia

Tiempo de ejecución : 1M

Director : Edwin S. Porter, George S. Fleming


A street level view from the sidewalk, looking along the length of 23rd Street. Following actuality footage of pedestrians and street traffic, the actors, a man in summer attire and a woman in an ankle-length dress, walk toward the camera.


A.C. Abadie
A.C. Abadie
Florence Georgie
Florence Georgie


Edwin S. Porter
Edwin S. Porter
George S. Fleming
George S. Fleming

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78 Tours
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Short of the Tuileries.
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The Sick Kitten
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The Joy of Life
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The Kiss in the Tunnel
A humorous subject intended to be run as a part of a railroad scene during the period in which the train is passing through a tunnel.
Adebar is the first of Peter Kubelka's 'metric films', in which every element of the composition is precisely ordered and in relation to the gestalt. The film is made up of single units---13, 26 and 52 frames long---which are subjected to a complex rule-system, including a strict use of positive and negative space, that determines their structure within the film.
An experimental film in which both sound and visuals were created entirely by McLaren drawing directly upon the film with ordinary pen and ink. The titles are in eight languages. Rereleased with multilingual titles in 1949.
Persian #2
Multiple thrusts and then retractions of oranges, reds, blues, and the flickering, almost black, textural dissolves suggesting an amalgam approaching script.