Finis Terrae (1929)
Género : Drama
Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 20M
Director : Jean Epstein
On the islet Bannec, off the coast of Brittany, four fishermen have set up camp for three months to harvest seaweed. If processed correctly, the ash of the seaweed can be sold for high prices. It is therefore burnt in several large piles on the island.
Sentado en un banco de un parque, Francis anima a su compañero Alan para que vayan a Holstenwall, una ciudad del norte de Alemania, a ver el espectáculo ambulante del doctor Caligari. Un empleado municipal que le niega al doctor el permiso para actuar, aparece asesinado al día siguiente. Francis y Alan acuden a ver al doctor Caligari y a Cesare, su ayudante sonámbulo, que le anuncia a Alan su porvenir: vivirá hasta el amanecer.
Inspirado en el documental soviético "Kino-Nedelia" (1918) de Dziga Vertov, Ruttmann realizó en 1927, contando con los mejores fotógrafos alemanes de la época, un documental basado en la vida, durante un día, de la ciudad de Berlín.
Homenaje satírico al cine mudo norteamericano, en el que grandes estrellas como Paul Newman o Burt Reynolds se autoparodian. Mel Brooks interpreta a un director que propone lo que él considera una idea fantástica: hacer una película muda. Está convencido de que su original idea evitará la desaparición de los estudios de cine para los que trabaja.
Champion, que ha sido adoptado por su abuela Madame Souza, es un niño solitario. Cuando ella se da cuenta de que el niño sólo es feliz sobre una bicicleta, lo somete a un riguroso entrenamiento. Años después, Champion ya está preparado para participar en la carrera ciclista más famosa del mundo: el Tour de Francia. Sin embargo, durante la competición dos misteriosos hombres vestidos de negro lo secuestran. Madame Souza y su fiel perro Bruno emprenden su búsqueda, que los lleva al otro lado del océano, a la enorme ciudad de Belleville, donde conocen a las famosas “Trillizas de Belleville”, tres estrellas del music–hall de los años 30, que deciden acogerlos bajo su protección. El gran sentido del olfato de Bruno, los pone sobre la pista de Champion. Pero, ¿podrán combatir los diabólicos planes de la mafia francesa?
La película se basa en las 52 estrofas del poema épico del mismo nombre (1882), que narra la dramática historia del marinero Terje Vigen, que durante las guerras Napoleónicas (1807-1814), iba en barca desde Mandal a Dinamarca para llevarle cebada a su hambrienta familia.
Francia, siglo XVIII. Un noble que estudia para ser sacerdote abandona su vocación cuando se enamora de una hermosa, pero reticente, cortesana.
Charley invents a machine that turns ordinary, breakable eggs into rubbery, unbreakable ones for transport. He builds a Rube Goldberg contraption of parts stolen from his neighbors. Rival egg companies want his invention, one of them stooping to sabotage to get it.
When Charley asks a young woman whom he is in love with to marry him, she tells him that he needs to get her father's consent. But when Charley then goes to see her father, who owns a restaurant, he ends up getting hired as a dishwasher instead. The rest of the kitchen staff soon find out that Charley is not a member of their union, and they go on strike. Charley is left by himself, leading to a series of upheavals in the restaurant, and a great invention.
The scene opens in an artist's studio, the artist asleep in his chair. A large old fashioned clock opens and a young lady comes out and awaking the artist, requests him to paint her picture. While the artist is executing the work a clown comes from the clock, takes in the situation and begins to make love to the lady. The artist detects him and compels him to desist his love making. He continues to paint. The clown becomes interested and asks the artist to allow him to paint the picture, and begins smearing a whitewash brush over the canvas, when lo, a most perfect image of the young lady appears. The image then steps down from the frame, joins the young lady in the studio, and the figures, each a perfect counterpart of the other begin to dance to the great astonishment of the artist. The clown the by waving his hand causes the figures of the two girls to merge into one. The artist then assumes his seat and awakens from his dream with a great shock.
A blowhard who poses as a railroad executive (but is really just a $30-a-week clerk) catches a young bride and then drives her family's finances to the brink of ruin.
A box of valued jewels is placed inside the tomb of Delphi. A thief breaks into the tomb and steals it, but soon the ghost of Delphi appears and puts a curse on him.
Young vivacious Billie uses her charms on influential businessman Glenn Abbott in hopes of getting her secret fiancée Gil a diplomatic appointment. Meanwhile Gil's affections meander to beautiful ingenue Kentucky, Billie's best friend.
Un respetable hombre de negocios y padre de familia, pierde la cabeza por una rubia callejera.
Johnny tries hard to impress his girl, but she seems to be much more interested in movie stars.
Early Edison short showing two men fencing.
William K.L. Dickson and William Heise shake hands in this early experimental film.
Annabelle (Whitford) Moore performs one of her popular dances. For this performance, her costume has a pair of wings attached to her back, to suggest a butterfly. As she dances, she uses her long, flowing skirts to create visual patterns.
“Shows how a full carload of coal is loaded onto a vessel every thirty seconds at the great Erie Railroad Docks, Cleveland, Ohio. Great clouds of coal dust rise as each car is unloaded.”
A romantic couple are transformed into skeletons via X-Rays. The film combines two very recent innovations: Wilhelm Roentgen's discovery of X-rays in 1895, and Georges Méliès' accidental realisation of the special-effects potential of the jump-cut in 1896.
Santa arrives at a house on Christmas Eve to deliver his presents for the children.