
Hedi Schneider Is Stuck (2015)

Género : Comedia, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 30M

Director : Sonja Heiss


A model family's happy life unexpectedly goes off the rails when the carefree Hedi, played by Laura Tonke, suddenly starts having panic attacks. First mental illness and then drug dependency – the happiness that these happy-go-lucky thirty-somethings once took for granted suddenly seems unattainable, and their world fragile and uncertain.


Laura Tonke
Laura Tonke
Hedi Schneider
Hans Löw
Hans Löw
Leander Nitsche
Leander Nitsche
Margarita Broich
Margarita Broich
Hedis Mutter
Matthias Bundschuh
Matthias Bundschuh
Herr Schild
Melanie Straub
Melanie Straub
Simon Schwarz
Simon Schwarz
Arne Lange
Rosa Enskat
Rosa Enskat
Urs Jucker
Urs Jucker
Jakob Bieber
Jakob Bieber
Verkäufer in der Zoohandlung
Àlex Brendemühl
Àlex Brendemühl
Thomas Zander
Thomas Zander
Bernd/gehörloser Arbeitssuchender
Kathleen Morgeneyer
Kathleen Morgeneyer
Kollegin Lindström
Robert Hofmann
Robert Hofmann
Christine Rollar
Christine Rollar
Oliver Nitsche
Oliver Nitsche
Mario Mentrup
Mario Mentrup
Fritz Roth
Fritz Roth
Kevin Bachmann
Kevin Bachmann
Julia Herzog
Julia Herzog
Johannes Karlsen
Johannes Karlsen
junger Norwege
Felix Schmidt-Kopp
Felix Schmidt-Kopp
Stimme im Fahrstuhl
Antje Widdra
Antje Widdra
Stimme des Selbsthilfehörbuches
Iris Czak
Iris Czak
Stimme einer Kollegin
Cornelius Schwalm
Cornelius Schwalm
Stimme eines Kollegen
Amrit Dhingra
Amrit Dhingra
Stimme eines Kollegen
Miguel Toro
Miguel Toro
Stimme eines Kollegen


Sonja Heiss
Sonja Heiss
Sonja Heiss
Sonja Heiss
Maren Ade
Maren Ade
Jonas Dornbach
Jonas Dornbach
Janine Jackowski
Janine Jackowski
Nikolai von Graevenitz
Nikolai von Graevenitz
Director of Photography
Tim Pannen
Tim Pannen
Production Design
Nicole von Graevenitz
Nicole von Graevenitz
Costume Design
Ulrike Müller
Ulrike Müller

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Elise, or Real Life
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Der Etappenhase