
La magia del sonido en el cine (2019)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 40M

Director : Midge Costin


Directores como George Lucas o Steven Spielberg coinciden en que el sonido es el cincuenta por ciento de una película: son los oídos los que guían a los ojos para entrar de lleno en la historia. 'La magia del sonido en el cine' es un homenaje a los ingenieros de sonido, a los editores y a los magos del cine, a esos creadores del secreto mejor guardado para el espectador.


Walter Murch
Walter Murch
Ben Burtt
Ben Burtt
Sofia Coppola
Sofia Coppola
Ryan Coogler
Ryan Coogler
Christopher Nolan
Christopher Nolan
Robert Redford
Robert Redford
Barbra Streisand
Barbra Streisand
Gary Rydstrom
Gary Rydstrom
Pat Jackson
Pat Jackson
Ang Lee
Ang Lee
David Lynch
David Lynch
George Lucas
George Lucas
Steven Spielberg
Steven Spielberg
Teresa Eckton
Teresa Eckton
Greg Hedgepath
Greg Hedgepath
Bobbi Banks
Bobbi Banks
Richard Hymns
Richard Hymns
Murray Spivack
Murray Spivack
Self (archive footage)
Peter Weir
Peter Weir
Elisabeth Weis
Elisabeth Weis
Karen Baker Landers
Karen Baker Landers
William Whittington
William Whittington
Mark A. Mangini
Mark A. Mangini
Ioan Allen
Ioan Allen
Lora Hirschberg
Lora Hirschberg
Peter J. Devlin
Peter J. Devlin
David MacMillan
David MacMillan
Victoria Rose Sampson
Victoria Rose Sampson
Richard L. Anderson
Richard L. Anderson
Tomlinson Holman
Tomlinson Holman
Randy Thom
Randy Thom
Mark Berger
Mark Berger
Richard Beggs
Richard Beggs
John Lasseter
John Lasseter
Andrew Stanton
Andrew Stanton
Dane A. Davis
Dane A. Davis
Lee Orloff
Lee Orloff
Gwendolyn Yates Whittle
Gwendolyn Yates Whittle
Jessica Gallavan
Jessica Gallavan
Erik Aadahl
Erik Aadahl
Anna Behlmer
Anna Behlmer
Ai-Ling Lee
Ai-Ling Lee
John Roesch
John Roesch
Alyson Dee Moore
Alyson Dee Moore
Christopher Boyes
Christopher Boyes
Eugene Gearty
Eugene Gearty
Hans Zimmer
Hans Zimmer
Richard King
Richard King
Ludwig Göransson
Ludwig Göransson
Teri E. Dorman
Teri E. Dorman
Skip Lievsay
Skip Lievsay
Alfonso Cuarón
Alfonso Cuarón
Douglas Vaughan
Douglas Vaughan
Cecelia Hall
Cecelia Hall


Midge Costin
Midge Costin
Bobette Buster
Bobette Buster
Sandra Chandler
Sandra Chandler
Director of Photography
Midge Costin
Midge Costin
Bobette Buster
Bobette Buster
Carla Brewington
Carla Brewington
Executive Producer
RoAnn Costin
RoAnn Costin
Executive Producer
Dan Gabriel
Dan Gabriel
Associate Producer
Karen Johnson
Karen Johnson
Alex Rahim
Alex Rahim
Amy Reynolds Reed
Amy Reynolds Reed
Associate Producer
C. Patrick Reynolds
C. Patrick Reynolds
Associate Producer
Matthew A. Stewart
Matthew A. Stewart
Associate Producer
Jot Turner
Jot Turner
Executive Producer
Marietta Turner
Marietta Turner
Executive Producer
Peter Williams
Peter Williams
Associate Producer
Allyson Newman
Allyson Newman
Original Music Composer
David J. Turner
David J. Turner
Philippa Shenendoah
Philippa Shenendoah
Makeup Artist
Tom Myers
Tom Myers
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Kimberly Patrick
Kimberly Patrick
Supervising Sound Editor
David J. Turner
David J. Turner
Sound Mixer
Qianbaihui Yang
Qianbaihui Yang
Supervising Sound Editor

Carteles y fondos


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