Fred Zinnemann
Nacimiento : 1907-04-29, Rzeszów, Poland
Muerte : 1997-03-14
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Alfred "Fred" Zinnemann (April 29, 1907 – March 14, 1997), born in the former Austro-Hungarian Empire, was an American film director. He won four Academy Awards for directing films in various genres, including thrillers, westerns, film noir and play adaptations. He made 25 feature films during his 50-year career.
Zinnemann was among the first directors to insist on using authentic locations and for mixing stars with civilians to give his films more realism. Within the film industry, he was considered a maverick for taking risks and thereby creating unique films, with many of his stories being dramas about lone and principled individuals tested by tragic events. According to one historian, Zinnemann's style demonstrated his sense of "psychological realism and his apparent determination to make worthwhile pictures that are nevertheless highly entertaining."
Some of his most notable films were The Men (1950), High Noon (1952), From Here to Eternity (1953), Oklahoma! (1955), The Nun's Story (1959), A Man For All Seasons (1966), The Day of the Jackal (1973), and Julia (1977). His films have received 65 Oscar nominations, winning 24.
Zinnemann directed and introduced a number of stars in their U.S. film debuts, including Marlon Brando, Rod Steiger, Pier Angeli, Julie Harris, Brandon deWilde, Montgomery Clift, Shirley Jones and Meryl Streep. He directed 19 actors to Oscar nominations, including Frank Sinatra, Montgomery Clift, Audrey Hepburn, Glynis Johns, Paul Scofield, Robert Shaw, Wendy Hiller, Jason Robards, Vanessa Redgrave, Jane Fonda, Gary Cooper and Maximilian Schell.
Fred Zinnemann died in London, England in 1997. He was 89 years old.
Self (archive footage)
Un documental que recorre la historia de los premios de la Academia.
Himself (archive footage)
Eight hundred German filmmakers (cast and crew) fled the Nazis in the 1930s. The film uses voice-overs, archival footage, and film clips to examine Berlin's vital filmmaking in the 1920s; then it follows a producer, directors, composers, editors, writers, and actors to Hollywood: some succeeded and many found no work. Among those profiled are Erich Pommer, Joseph May, Ernst Lubitsch, Fritz Lang, Billy Wilder, and Peter Lorre. Once in Hollywood, these exiles helped each other, housed new arrivals, and raised money so others could escape. Some worked on anti-Nazi films, like Casablanca. The themes and lighting of German Expressionism gave rise in Hollywood to film noir.
Himself (archive footage)
Ensayo cinematográfico en defensa de los Derechos Morales de los cineastas frente a las manipulaciones que sufren las películas desde los orígenes del cine hasta hoy. Incluye fragmentos de importantes películas, como una escena en la que Felipe II (1559-1598) recorta una pintura de Tiziano porque no cabía en el espacio que le había reservado en El Escorial. Con esta acción el Rey de España se convirtió en el inventor del panning-scanning que en nuestra época altera el formato original de las películas. Este ensayo documental tiene su continuación en "Cineastas en acción", también del año 2005. (FILMAFFINITY)
Documentary about High Noon featuring Fred Zinnemann and Stanley Kramer.
Documentary on the director Fred Zinnemann and his work, in which he talks extensively about his career and experiences in the cinema from his early days in Paris and Berlin, and his arrival in Hollywood in 1929 to the present.
Biography of the legendary filmmaker directed by his son.
Años 30. Durante unas vacaciones en Suiza, un maduro médico escocés y su joven sobrina viven un apasionado romance.
Años 30. Durante unas vacaciones en Suiza, un maduro médico escocés y su joven sobrina viven un apasionado romance.
The reunion of a group of former medical students results in a flood of bitter memories.
En los años 20, la escritora norteamericana Lillian Hellman conoce a Julia, la hija de una acaudalada familia escocesa. Entre ellas surge una profunda amistad, pero se ven obligadas a separarse en plena adolescencia. Mientras que Julia se va a estudiar a Oxford y Viena, donde es discípula de Freud, Lily se convierte en una famosa escritora, pero añora la amistad de Julia, por lo que decide ir a verla a Viena. Pero corren malos tiempos para Europa, pues el nazismo está en pleno apogeo.
La OAS, un grupo ultra francés, contrata a un asesino profesional, cuya verdadera identidad nadie sabe, conocido como Chacal para que acabe con la vida del general De Gaulle, Presidente de la República Francesa. La policía francesa descubre el plan e inicia una operación contrarreloj para localizar y detener al asesino.
Para divorciarse de su esposa Catalina de Aragón (hija de los Reyes Católicos y tía del emperador Carlos V) y contraer matrimonio con Ana Bolena, Enrique VIII (1509-1547) trata de obtener el apoyo de la aristocracia y del clero. Sir Thomas Moro, gran humanista ("Utopía", 1516), ferviente católico y hombre de confianza del monarca, se encuentra en una encrucijada: ¿debe actuar de acuerdo con su conciencia, arriesgándose a ser tachado de traidor y ejecutado, o debe ceder ante un rey que no tiene ningún reparo en adaptar la ley a sus necesidades?
Para divorciarse de su esposa Catalina de Aragón (hija de los Reyes Católicos y tía del emperador Carlos V) y contraer matrimonio con Ana Bolena, Enrique VIII (1509-1547) trata de obtener el apoyo de la aristocracia y del clero. Sir Thomas Moro, gran humanista ("Utopía", 1516), ferviente católico y hombre de confianza del monarca, se encuentra en una encrucijada: ¿debe actuar de acuerdo con su conciencia, arriesgándose a ser tachado de traidor y ejecutado, o debe ceder ante un rey que no tiene ningún reparo en adaptar la ley a sus necesidades?
Una vez terminada la guerra civil española (1936-1939), Manuel Artíguez (Gregory Peck), un popular miembro del maquis, abandona España y se refugia en Francia. Veinte años más tarde, el hijo de su mejor amigo, atraviesa la frontera para pedirle que vuelva a España y mate a Viñolas (A. Quinn), un sargento de la Guardia Civil responsable de la muerte de su padre. Pero Artíguez, hastiado de todo, no atiende la petición del chico. Sin embargo, cuando la madre del guerrillero cae gravemente enferma, Viñolas aprovecha la ocasión para tenderle una trampa. Este film estuvo prohibido en España hasta 1979.
Australia, 1920. Un matrimonio (Robert Mitchum y Deborah Kerr) y su hijo viven felices viajando por Australia y realizando diversos trabajos para sobrevivir. Llega, sin embargo, un momento en que la madre, apoyada por su hijo y movida por el instinto de conservación, plantea la necesidad de abandonar la vida errante que siempre han llevado y comprar una granja para establecerse definitivamente en algún lugar. Ahora bien, alcanzar ese sueño implicará muchos sacrificios.
Una joven belga (Audrey Hepburn), que pertenece a una familia burguesa, ingresa como novicia en un convento. Tras profesar como monja, es enviada al Congo para trabajar como enfermera en una misión, como era su deseo desde niña. Sin embargo, su sorpresa será mayúscula cuando compruebe que no será destinada a atender a los nativos, sino a los europeos que viven allí.
Una joven belga (Audrey Hepburn), que pertenece a una familia burguesa, ingresa como novicia en un convento. Tras profesar como monja, es enviada al Congo para trabajar como enfermera en una misión, como era su deseo desde niña. Sin embargo, su sorpresa será mayúscula cuando compruebe que no será destinada a atender a los nativos, sino a los europeos que viven allí.
Sombrío y duro retrato de un adicto a la heroína y de las repercusiones de su drogadicción en su ambiente familiar. Anthony Franciosa fue candidato al Óscar al mejor actor principal.
Curly, un apuesto vaquero, está enamorado de Laurey, una tímida granjera, pero ambos son demasiado orgullosos y les cuesta admitir sus sentimientos. La llegada de un forastero desencadenará entre los dos hombres una guerra sin cuartel para conquistar a la chica.
Al soldado Prewitt están a punto de concederle un traslado con el que abandonará Pearl Harbour. Pero el nuevo capitán Holmes le retiene con el pretexto de que es un gran boxeador. Los romances y los abusos están al orden del día en una base despreocupada por la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Sin embargo, el ataque japonés al enclave es inminente.
La boda del joven Jarvis hace que Frankie, su hermana pequeña, experimente una sensación de abandono casi insoportable. Afortunadamente, la niña cuenta con el cariño de Berenice, el ama de llaves negra, que hará todo lo posible por consolarla y enseñarle a afrontar la vida con madurez. (FILMAFFINITY)
Will Kane (Gary Cooper), el sheriff del pequeño pueblo de Hadleyville, acaba de contraer matrimonio con Amy (Grace Kelly). Los recién casados proyectan trasladarse a la ciudad y abrir un pequeño negocio; pero, de repente, empieza a correr por el pueblo la noticia de que Frank Miller (Ian MacDonald), un criminal que Kane había atrapado y llevado ante la justicia, ha salido de la cárcel y llegará al pueblo en el tren del mediodía para vengarse de Kane. El tiempo va pasando lentamente, pero nadie en el pueblo está dispuesto a ayudar al sheriff.
Virginia se enamora de uno de los evadidos de la cárcel con los que se debe enfrentar cuando la diligencia en la que viaja sufre un accidente.
Terminada la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), el soldado Philip (John Ericson) regresa a Nueva York acompañado de Teresa (Pier Angeli), una joven italiana a la que conoció durante la guerra. Pero, cuando se disponen a empezar una nueva vida juntos, tienen que enfrentarse a los prejuicios y recelos de la sociedad norteamericana y, entonces, Philip se verá dominado por un sentimiento de culpa.
Benjy is a 1951 American short documentary film directed by Fred Zinnemann. It won an Oscar in 1952 for Documentary Short Subject. Henry Fonda narrates this short film about a boy who was handicapped from birth. An orthopedic pediatrician wants to provide a therapeutic regimen that could cure the child, a scoliosis patient, but first he needs to convince the boy's parents, who have rejected the child because of his disabilities.
Película sobre la difícil reincorporación a la vida civil de los soldados parapléjicos a causa de las heridas recibidas en la guerra. Norm es uno de ellos y ha perdido completamente la esperanza y las ganas de vivir. Cuando se enamora de una muchacha y decide casarse con ella, recupera la ilusión y la esperanza de la recuperación
Por su participación en la construcción de viviendas para las personas de bajos recursos, Frank Enley (Van Heflin) acaba de ser homenajeado por la gente de Santa Lisa, que ve en él a un hombre bueno y comprometido. Pero, de repente, a la vida de Enley llega Joe Parkson, un hombre discapacitado que le busca con un único objetivo: matarle. Un penoso incidente ocurrido durante la II Guerra Mundial, será removido entonces y la vida para Enley y para su esposa Edith (Janet Leigh), entrará en un agudo conflicto.
Un introvertido niño checo de 9 años, superviviente del campo de concentración de Auschwitz, huye de un campo de refugiados en la Alemania de la postguerra, tratando de buscar a su madre. El chico es encontrado por un soldado americano que tratará de ayudar a un niño a encontrarla.
Film en tono semi-documental que supuso el debut del gran Montgomery Clift.
Interpreter (uncredited)
Un introvertido niño checo de 9 años, superviviente del campo de concentración de Auschwitz, huye de un campo de refugiados en la Alemania de la postguerra, tratando de buscar a su madre. El chico es encontrado por un soldado americano que tratará de ayudar a un niño a encontrarla.
Film en tono semi-documental que supuso el debut del gran Montgomery Clift.
After his mother's death, a young boy tries to help his father stop drinking.
Living with his family in Baltimore, 9-year-old Lewie Penrose claims that he can converse with horses--and also pick the winners of upcoming races. When it appears as though Lewie is telling the truth, he attracts the interest of gambler Rich Roeder who needs a "sure thing" in the upcoming Preakness. Meanwhile, Lewie's older brother John carries on a romance with the lovely Martha.
En los años previos a la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), siete prisioneros consiguen escapar de un campo de concentración nazi. El comandante del campo ordena que se claven siete cruces en siete árboles para enterrarlos cuando sean capturados.
Blind detective Duncan Maclain gets mixed up with enemy agents and murder when he tries to help an old friend with a rebellious stepdaughter.
Un químico de la policía (Van Heflin) utiliza técnicas forenses para resolver asesinatos en una ciudad plagada de corrupción política y bandas criminales.
Author Frank R. Stockton, often asked the question, finally decides to divulge the untold ending of his story, The Lady or the Tiger?
Told on the premise that the United States has always been a refuge from those seeking a reprieve from poverty and bigotry, this Miniature short from M-G-M is the story of a young Polish boy, unable to speak English, just arriving in New York City with hie parents. He leaves his lower east-side tenement to go play. Passing an open field he sees a sight unfamiliar to him; a group of boys playing baseball. When the boys drop their bats and gloves to hitch a ride on a passing ice-wagon, the Polish boy goes over to the baseball diamond and starts examining the baseball equipment. The boys come back and think he is about to steal their belongings but, when they learn he is a new immigrant and doesn't understand English, they invite him to play base ball with them..and he gets a base-hit his first time at bat.
This short looks at the odd bequests that people have made in their wills over the years. They include a woman who left her fortune to her pet cat and a murderer who ensured that his corneas would be donated to a blind girl after he was put to death in the electric chair. At the end, the will of Charles Lounsberry, who died with no earthly possessions, is read in its entirety.
This MGM Crime Does Not Pay series short looks at the U.S. Department of Immigration's efforts to halt the smuggling of illegal aliens into the country. Desperate immigrants, tired of waiting for legal entry, pay exorbitant fees and risk a grisly death to enter by illegal means.
This Passing Parade entry tells the story of Dr. Joseph Goldberger (1874-1929), a Hungarian immigrant who devoted his life to finding the cause of pellagra, a disease that killed hundreds of thousands in the southern United States. Although the medical community believed that the condition was caused by a virus, Goldberger proved that a healthy diet was the cure.
This short film chronicles the importance of cotton to the economy and culture of America's Old South.
This MGM John Nesbitt's Passing Parade series short tells the story of Mark Carleton, a worker for the USDA who travels across the world trying to find wheat that farmers can grow despite various disasters.
Story of Colonial American David Bushnell, inventor of the submarine and depth charge.
This short film presents the story of Dr. Ephraim McDowell, who came under scrutiny for his pioneering of surgical practices.
A temporary laborer who helps bring down a mob-sponsored employment racket
An episode in the "Crime Does Not Pay" series. Dave Miller, an aircraft plant worker, is actually selling secret bomber plans to foreign agents. United States Intelligence Department agents plan to trap him and the spies he works for.
Modern meteorology and a hard-working government weather team put their science and organization to work as a cold front moves from Alaska toward the citrus groves of Southern California. First, the scientists predict the storm's course, giving several days' warning to farmers and growers. The growers, typified by the Morgan family, prepare the oil-burning pots throughout their grove. Then, as the temperature dips below freezing, they light the pots. The cold snap continues as oil-supplies dwindle; the smoky air slows traffic, including trucks bringing more oil. The scientists strive to predict how long freezing temperatures will last: can the Morgans hold out?
The story of Dr. George Washington Carver (1864-1943), black educator and horticulturist. He is perhaps most well known for developing over 140 products from all parts of the peanut plant, including the shells and husks. He also developed products based on sweet potatoes and soybeans, and developed a cotton hybrid that was named after him.
That Mothers Might Live is a 1938 American short drama film directed by Fred Zinnemann. The short is a brief account of Hungarian physician Ignaz Semmelweis and his discovery of the need for cleanliness in 19th-century maternity wards, thereby significantly decreasing maternal mortality, and of his struggle to gain acceptance of his idea. Although Semmelweis ultimately failed in his lifetime, later scientific luminaries advanced his work in spirit like microbiologist Louis Pasteur, who provided a scientific theoretical explanation of Semmelweis' observations by helping develop the germ theory of disease and the British surgeon, Dr. Joseph Lister who revolutionized medicine putting Pasteur's research to practical use. In 1939, at the 11th Academy Awards, the film won an Oscar for Best Short Subject (One-Reel).
Pete Smith tells the story of 'Sparky', a German shepherd dog trained to lead his blind master, a country doctor who lost his sight in a fire, and now has to depend upon the dog to lead him in his daily rounds. 'Sparky" was the dog who was responsible for the Interstate Commerce Commission passing a special ruling allowing guide-dogs to travel first-class in Pullman cars to accompany their blind partner, and not as animals confined to the baggage car. Smith shows how 'Sparky' went to Washington D. C. with his master and helped sell the change to the legislators.
A Mexican fisherman, whose son has died because he could not afford necessary medical care out of his meagre wages, becomes aware of how badly exploited he and his many fellow fisherman are by the one greedy man for whom they work and the corrupt politician who makes the laws to benefit him.
Assistant Director
A woman whose husband never came home from World War I finds herself in love with her doctor. She travels with him to Switzerland, and as they check into the hotel there, she is astounded to see her supposedly dead husband.
Assistant Director
1931 picture starring Kay Johnson.
German Soldier / French Ambulance Driver (uncredited)
Mítica película antibélica que plasma los sentimientos, sensaciones y desilusiones de un grupo de jóvenes estudiantes que son enviados al frente en la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). Es una adaptación de la novela homónima del escritor alemán Erich María Remarque. Su estreno provocó enfrentamientos entre nazis y comunistas.
Película con espíritu documental que intenta retratar la vida cotidiana del Berlín de 1930. Para ello se utiliza una pequeña historia de ficción en la que dos hombres y dos mujeres pasan una jovial jornada de domingo en la ciudad.
Camera Intern
The engineer Karl Hartmann invents a new, gigantic brown coal excavator. He discovers that there are large deposits below his home country and decides to use the excavator there.
Assistant Camera
La marche des machines is a thundering, thumping symphony of turbines, belts, flanges, wheels and sparks.