
椿三十郎 (2007)

A scruffy master-less samurai decides to help a group of young warriors whose leader was taken captive by a gang of ambitious officers.

ジャンル : 履歴, アクション, ドラマ

上映時間 : 1時間 59分

演出 : Yoshimitsu Morita


"Tsubaki Sanjuro" is a remake of Sanjuro (1962) by Akira Kurosawa. Sanjuro returns with sharper, faster, subtler sword, talking and perception. He uses them to settle the trouble and uses them good!


Yuji Oda
Yuji Oda
Sanjuro Tsubaki
Tsuyoshi Hayashi
Tsuyoshi Hayashi
Bunji Terada
Kenichi Matsuyama
Kenichi Matsuyama
Iori Isaka
Makoto Fujita
Makoto Fujita
Mr. Mutsuta
Shin'yû Fujiwara
Shin'yû Fujiwara
Kunie Hogawa
Yoshihiro Kasuya
Yoshihiro Kasuya
Shin Kawahara
Morio Kazama
Morio Kazama
Nenji Kobayashi
Nenji Kobayashi
Yukichi Kobayashi
Yukichi Kobayashi
Kakuzo Hatta
Miyuki Komagata
Miyuki Komagata
Chisato Morishita
Chisato Morishita
Eri Murakawa
Eri Murakawa
Michita Nagatsuka
Michita Nagatsuka
Tamao Nakamura
Tamao Nakamura
Mrs. Mutsuta
Takuya Nakayama
Takuya Nakayama
Shunpei Hirose
Tokuma Nishioka
Tokuma Nishioka
Kuranosuke Sasaki
Kuranosuke Sasaki
Kimura / Chidori
Ryohei Suzuki
Ryohei Suzuki
Shingo Sekiguchi
Yoshiharu Takeda
Yoshiharu Takeda
Kazuhito Tomikawa
Kazuhito Tomikawa
Hayato Morishima
Etsushi Toyokawa
Etsushi Toyokawa
Hanbei Muroto
Kimito Totani
Kimito Totani
Konoshin Morishima


Kenzo Abe
Kenzo Abe
Ryuhei Chiba
Ryuhei Chiba
Co-Executive Producer
Hiroshi Hayakawa
Hiroshi Hayakawa
Co-Executive Producer
Minami Ichikawa
Minami Ichikawa
Haruki Kadokawa
Haruki Kadokawa
Executive Producer
Yoshikazu Kenmochi
Yoshikazu Kenmochi
Kazuko Misawa
Kazuko Misawa
Masayuki Motomochi
Masayuki Motomochi
Line Producer
Yoshio Nagata
Yoshio Nagata
Co-Executive Producer
Yoshinari Shimatani
Yoshinari Shimatani
Co-Executive Producer
Shogo Tomiyama
Shogo Tomiyama
Kosaku Wada
Kosaku Wada
Akihiko Ôsugi
Akihiko Ôsugi
Ryûzô Kikushima
Ryûzô Kikushima
Akira Kurosawa
Akira Kurosawa
Yoshimitsu Morita
Yoshimitsu Morita
Takeshi Hamada
Takeshi Hamada
Director of Photography
Michiru Oshima
Michiru Oshima
Original Music Composer
Shinji Tanaka
Shinji Tanaka
Fumio Ogawa
Fumio Ogawa
Art Direction
Nobuya Masuda
Nobuya Masuda
Assistant Director




The Fearless Avenger
Thirsting for revenge, Jokichi rashly attempts to assassinate the evil Chogoro but ends up being captured by Yakuza. His life is spared by Boss Juzaburo, in order that the harmony of an important commemoration not be further disturbed. Though now even more of an outcast, Jokichi is asked by another Yakuza boss, Umezo, to guard Oyuki, the wayward daughter of Juzaburo. The tragic consequences of this assignment will lead him into a deadly trap and a final confrontation with Chogoro.
緋牡丹博徒 一宿一飯
Gengobe Satsuma, an exiled samurai cast out as an Asano clan retainer is given a second chance to join his brothers in arms to become the 48th Ronin against the Shogunate. His faithful servant gathers the 100 ryo required for his acceptance. Gengobe is also in love with a greedy geisha named Koman. About to be sold to another man, Gengobe learns that for him to keep her, her debt is exactly 100 ryo.
Japan, 1860. The men of the Mito clan, victims of the Ansei purge, anxiously prowl around the Sakurada Gate of Edo Castle with the intention of assassinating Naosuke Ii of Hikone, tairō of the Tokugawa shogunate and responsible for their misfortune.
East Meets West
Bushido: The Cruel Code of the Samurai
After a salary-man's fiancée attempts suicide, he recounts his gruesome family history which saw generations of his ancestors suffer and sacrifice themselves for the sake of their cruel lords.
The Ghost of Yotsuya
The ghost of a samurai's wife takes revenge on her husband.
The House Where Evil Dwells
At the prompting of his diplomat friend, Alex, writer Ted Fletcher takes his wife, Laura, and daughter, Amy, on an extended working holiday. Alex finds a house for them in Kyoto, Japan, and the Fletchers move in, laughing off rumors that the place is haunted. But the ghost of 19th-century samurai Shigero turns out to be very real, and is intent on making the family re-enact an ancient murder-suicide.
Crimson Bat, the Blind Swordswoman
A young girl named Oichi is abandoned by her mother and blinded by a lightning strike. When her guardian is killed, she learns to wield a sword from a traveling ronin. As she develops into a master swordsman, her profession becomes that of a bounty hunter. Many test her sword and many die by her skills. She travels throughout the countryside to seek her mother and her revenge.
酒のいさかいから主人を殺された槍(やり)持ち権八のあだ討ちを、旅芸人母子、小間物屋、大金を持った男と大泥棒など、東海道を旅するさまざまな人々の人生の縮図を通して描く傑作時代劇。 仲間稼業の権八は東海道を、若様酒匂小十郎の槍持ちをつとめて、供の源太と江戸へ向った。同じ道を旅する一行は、小間物商人の伝次、身売りにゆく田舎娘おたねと老爺の与茂作、あんまの藪の市、巡礼、旅芸人のおすみ母子、挙動不審の藤三郎という男、最後に権八の槍に見とれた浮浪児の次郎等である。折柄、街道には大泥棒風の六右衛門詮議の触れ書が廻っているが、権八はそれ所ではない。朗らかで気立てが優しいが、酒乱癖のある若様を守って旅を終るのが主命である。供の源太が酒好きなので気が気ではない。一行は袋井に一宿したが、藤三郎が大金を持っているのに目をつけた伝次は、さては大泥棒とつけ廻すが、隣室で藪の市に肩を揉ませている巡礼こそ大泥棒六右衛門なのである。その夜、おすみの使を受けて権八も悪い気がせず外へ出ると、その隙に小十郎は源太を連れて酒を飲み始めたが、駈けつけた権八に制せられ事なきを得た。また旅が始まったが、大井川の近くで何処かの馬鹿殿様が始めた野立ての為通行止になり、大井川を前に長逗留となった。隙を狙って六右衛門は馬鹿殿の路銀を盗んだが、うっかりして顔を見知られた次郎に発見され、来合わせた権八の槍に怖気が出て簡単に縛についた。与茂作が女衒久兵衛におたねを渡して帰ろうとすると藤三郎に引留められた。五年前預けた娘を引取る為、稼ぎ貯めた金を持って来たのだが、娘は亡くなっていたのだ。小十郎は、素朴な人々を見て武士の世界に嫌気がさし、又源太と居酒屋に入った。権八の駈けつけた時は遅く、小十郎と源太は酔いどれ武士の手に無惨な最期を遂げていた。数日後、骨箱を抱えて国元へ出立する権八がいた。
Bohachi Bushido: The Villain
The Bohachi Clan, the most vile, corrupt organization with ties deep in the Shogunate, have controlled the flesh trade in Japan for generations. When threatened by a competitor, they employ Saburai, a nihilistic ronin on the verge of self destruction. Blood gushes and limbs fly for anyone who stands against Saburai as he instills the Way of the Bohachi.
Screen Play
A narrator relates the Japanese tale of two lovers who defy their families and society to be together. The tale ends happily, until something happens to make this tale truly Japanese in character.
Amazons Dragon Woman vs. Kunoichi
One day, Rinrei also known as the Dragon takes on a mission from three sisters who live in the old estate down the road. Their mission is to act as the bodyguard of the sisters as they take their ill father to the doctors. The reward is vast.
2 samurai per 100 geishe
Two Sicilian cousins ​​are forced to go to Japan to collect an inheritance. Once they arrive they realize they will have to adapt to the local customs. The tour will turn into a long series of troubles: the Sicilian cousins, to obtain the inheritance, will have to turn into real samurai.
A samurai Sakunosuke gets an order from clan chamberlain to kill another samurai who is married with his own younger sister. As a loyal samurai he has to accept the mission even though he has inner conflicts.