
Les îles (1983)

ジャンル : ドラマ

上映時間 : 1時間 50分

演出 : Iradj Azimi



Maximilian Schell
Maximilian Schell
Marie Trintignant
Marie Trintignant
Daniel Mesguich
Daniel Mesguich
Patrick Bauchau
Patrick Bauchau
Jean Dasté
Jean Dasté
Marcel Marceau
Marcel Marceau
Directeur de l'IGN
Jean-Pol Dubois
Jean-Pol Dubois
Nathalie Nell
Nathalie Nell
Catherine de Seynes
Catherine de Seynes
la vieille dame
Jean-Pierre Sentier
Jean-Pierre Sentier
le passeur
Raymond Jourdan
Raymond Jourdan
Serge Marquand
Serge Marquand


Iradj Azimi
Iradj Azimi
Iradj Azimi
Iradj Azimi
Willy Kurant
Willy Kurant
Director of Photography
Henri-Michel Raschle
Henri-Michel Raschle
Original Music Composer
Jean-Claude Bonfanti
Jean-Claude Bonfanti
Anita Fernández
Anita Fernández
Iradj Azimi
Iradj Azimi
Robby Müller
Robby Müller
Director of Photography


Lord of the Flies 蝿の王
未来の大戦中、疎開地へ向かう飛行機が墜落し、乗員である少年たちは南太平洋の無人島に置き去りにされる。当初はラーフとピギーの二人を中心に規則を作り、烽火をあげ続けることで救援を待とうとする。 最初こそ協力し合っていた彼らであったが、元々ラーフと仲の悪かった少年・ジャックは、ラーフが中心である事を気に入らず、また食べ物等にも不自由しない島で自由に生きる事を望んでいた為に、独自に狩猟隊を結成するのだった。ジャックは狩猟隊のメンバーと共に毎日を好き勝手に漫遊し、豚を狩る事で上等なご馳走を得ており、やがてはラーフの一派の少年達もその魅力に引かれ始める。 そんな中、せっかく船が島の沖を通りかかったにも拘らず、その日の当番が烽火を怠ったのが原因で、自分達の存在に気付かないまま船は過ぎ去ってしまい、ラーフの一派では対立が巻き起こってしまう。その隙を突く様に、ジャックはラーフの仲間達を引き込んでいくまでのカリスマ性まで発揮していくも、次第に狩猟隊の少年達は、内面の獣性が目覚めていき、泥絵の具を顔に塗りたくった蛮族の様な姿となって、ついには仲間の一人であったサイモンを集団で手にかけるまでに至ってしまう。 仲間の殆どをジャックに奪われてしまったラーフは、唯一自分の味方でいてくれたピギーも、ジャックの取り巻きであるロジャーに岩を頭上に落とされ殺されてしまい、完全に孤立。その翌日、ジャックは自らが王でいられる楽園を脅かしうる一番目障りな存在であったラーフを排除すべく、狩猟隊に木の枝を槍の様に尖らせて、ラーフの殺害を指示する。ラーフは孤立してしまった恐怖や悲しみに苦しみながらも、森に火を放ったジャック達狩猟隊から、島中を逃げ回る事になる…。
As the Earth wrestles with its agonising birth, the peoples of this barren and desolate world struggle to survive. Driven by animal instinct they compete against the harsh conditions, their giant predators, and warring tribes. When two people from opposing clans fall in love, existing conventions are shattered forever as each tribe struggles for supremacy and Man embarks on his tortuous voyage of civilisation.
サヴァイヴ 殺戮の森
Members of the Palisades Defense Corp. sales group arrive in Europe for a team-building exercise. A fallen tree blocks the route, and they must hike to their destination. However, a psychotic killer lurks in the woods, and he has a horrible fate in mind for each of the co-workers.
City of Men
Best buddies Acerola and Laranjinha, about to turn 18, discover things about their missing fathers' pasts which will shatter their solid friendship, in the middle of a war between rival drug gangs from Rio's favelas.
Mean Guns
One hundred mid- and low-level gangsters who are on their boss' bad side are locked inside a newly-built high-security prison, and given plenty of guns, ammo, and baseball bats, then told that the last survivor will get a suitcase with 10 million dollars.
The Story of the Weeping Camel
When a Mongolian nomadic family's newest camel colt is rejected by its mother, a musician is needed for a ritual to change her mind.
Sounds of Sand
On the one hand, there’s the desert eating away at the land. The endless dry season, the lack of water. On the other there’s the threat of war. The village well has run dry. The livestock is dying. Trusting their instinct, most of the villagers leave and head south. Rahne, the only literate one, decides to head east with his three children and Mouna, his wife. A few sheep, some goats, and Chamelle, a dromedary, are their only riches. A tale of exodus, quest, hope and fatality.
A Place of One's Own
Moody, atmospheric ghost story starring Mason as a retired tradesman who purchases an old mansion that has been vacant for 40 years because it is believed to be haunted by the spirit of a young woman who had died there. Unaware of the mansion's reputation, Mason and his wife Mullen move in and hire a young woman, Lockwood, to keep house. Soon after Lockwood's arrival, strange things begin to happen in the household, and it becomes apparent that she is possessed by the spirit of the dead girl, though Mason scoffs at the idea. On death's door and bedridden, Lockwood asks for the same doctor who treated the woman who died 40 years ago. He arrives and treats her. The next morning Lockwood is cured, and it is revealed by the police that the doctor's dead body was found in his carriage hours before the time Mason claims he arrived to see Lockwood. Convinced that not only the ghost of the girl but that of the doctor as well entered his home, Mason finally believes in the supernatural.
Le radeau de la Méduse
Iranian Iradj Azimi directed this French historical drama re-creating events depicted in the famous 1819 painting The Raft of the Medusa by Jean Louis Andre Theodore Gericault (1791-1824). The ill-fated voyage of the frigate Medusa begins when it departs Rochefort for Senegal in 1816. After striking a sandbar off the African coast, 150 civilians row safely to shore, but Captain Chaumareys (Jean Yanne) orders 140 soldiers and sailors onto a raft (minus supplies) and has it cut loose. Only 14 survive from the 140, creating a scandal back in France. Gericault (Laurent Terzieff) later talks to three of the survivors while researching his painting. Work on this film began in 1987, but sets destroyed by Hurricane Hugo caused delays, so the film was not completed until 1990. However, it then remained undistributed until an incident in which writer-director Azimi slashed his wrists in front of French Ministry of Culture officials.
Somewhere in Berlin
After WWII, Berlin lies in ruins. For Gustav, Willi and their friends the rubble provides an adventurous, dangerous playground. Especially for Gustav, it helps pass the time, as he longs for his father's return from a POW camp. One day a stranger arrives, looking helpless and hopeless.
Les îles
Las Lagrimas de Mis Sueños
A military dictatorship grips Argentina during the 1970's and 80's, and many people disappear and are killed. Carlos, for reasons unknown, is suddenly released from prison and attempts to navigate his way home.
バスルーム 裸の2日間
白血病で余命宣告を受けたテッサ(ダコタ・ファニング)は引きこもる日々を過ごしていたが、17歳になり死期が迫っていることを悟る。残りの人生を精いっぱい生きるべく、彼女は死ぬまでにしてみたい事柄のTO DOリストを作る。作成したリストの内容を実行していく中で、隣に引っ越してきた青年アダム(ジェレミー・アーヴァイン)に恋してしまう。
告白 ファミリーレポート
Three generations of a French family open up about their sexual experiences and desires after young Romain is caught masturbating in his biology class.
The Paperboy
As investigative reporter Ward Jansen and his partner Yardley Acheman chase a sensational, career-making story with the help of Ward's younger brother Jack and sultry death-row groupie Charlotte Bless, the pair tries to prove violent swamp-dweller Hillary Van Wetter was framed for the murder of a corrupt local sheriff.