
Creature Companion (2018)

ジャンル : ドラマ

上映時間 : 31分

演出 : Melika Bass


In the American suburbs, two women mysteriously and sensuously entwine in this slow-burning, saucy, abstracted fable on the longing and laboring female body.


Selma Banich
Selma Banich
Penelope Hearne
Penelope Hearne


Melika Bass
Melika Bass
Casey Puccini
Casey Puccini
David E. Tolchinsky
David E. Tolchinsky
Dan Silverstein
Dan Silverstein
Hannah Simon Ki
Hannah Simon Ki


Funeral Parade of Roses
An electrifying journey into the nether regions of the late-‘60s Tokyo underground. A loose adaptation of Oedipus Rex in which a gay son kills his mother and sleeps with his father.
Theban Plays: Oedipus the King
Plagues are ravaging Thebes, and the blind fortune-teller Tieresias tells Oedipus, the King, that the gods are unhappy. The murder of the former king has gone unavenged, and Oedipus sets out to find the killer.
Theban Plays: Oedipus at Colonus
Oedipus's wanderings come to an end when he finds his final resting place, as foretold by the gods. But his brother-in-law and his son each try to take him away.
Theban Plays: Antigone
In a final battle for the control of Thebes, Oedipus's two sons kill each other. Creon issues an order that no one is to bury Polynices upon pain of death. But Antigone is determined that her brother's body will have the proper rites of burial.
The Great American Lie
Examines how a US value system built on the extreme masculine ideals of money, power and control has glorified individualism, institutionalized inequality, and undermined the ability of most Americans to achieve the American Dream.
Arabian Nights: Volume 2, The Desolate One
In which Scheherazade tells of how desolation invaded men : “It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that a Judge will cry instead of giving out her sentence. A runaway murderer will wander through the land for over forty days and will teletransport himself to escape the Guard while dreaming of prostitutes and partridges. A wounded cow will reminisce about a thousand-year-old olive tree while saying what she must say, which will sound none less than sad ! The residents of a tower block in the suburbs will save parrots and piss inside lifts while surrounded by dead people and ghosts; including in fact a dog that…”. And seeing the morning break, Scheherazade fell silent.
The Codes of Gender
Arguing that advertising not only sells things, but also ideas about the world, media scholar Sut Jhally offers a blistering analysis of commercial culture's inability to let go of reactionary gender representations. Jhally's starting point is the breakthrough work of the late sociologist Erving Goffman, whose 1959 book The Presentation of the Self in Everyday Life prefigured the growing field of performance studies. Jhally applies Goffman's analysis of the body in print advertising to hundreds of print ads today, uncovering an astonishing pattern of regressive and destructive gender codes. By looking beyond advertising as a medium that simply sells products, and beyond analyses of gender that tend to focus on either biology or objectification, The Codes of Gender offers important insights into the social construction of masculinity and femininity, the relationship between gender and power, and the everyday performance of cultural norms.
The Perfect Host: A Southern Gothic Tale
While sorting her dead grandmother's affairs, a young woman boards in a southern mansion and soon discovers the matriarch may desire more than just her company.
22. Anna Matthews
An actress struggles to control her emotions during an audition for a TV commercial. Watch here: vimeo.com/429096682
Women Reply
What does being a woman really mean? How do women live the status society reserves for them? A group of women, beautiful or not, young or not, gifted with motherly instinct or not, answer before Agnès Varda's camera.
Secret Society
Daisy is the love of Ken's life - she is also large... and very pretty... and on the dole. But Ken is a dreamer, all his dreams to make a fast buck ending up where they started - as dreams. With the rent unpaid, the bailiffs at the door and Ken's dreams in tatters, Daisy sets out to bring home the bacon and gets a job in the local factory. There she meets Marlene and half a dozen other large women who are all united in a secret passion - Sumo wrestling! Ken doesn't know what's hit him.
Ahare Mon
A heartwarming collage of inter-connected love stories, Ahare Mon is a romantic drama that revolves around people who are otherwise forbidden to fall in love.
Oedipus Rex
The story of Oedipus' gradual discovery of his primal crime, killing his father and marrying his mother, filmed by the famed British theatrical director Sir Tyrone Guthrie. This elegant version of Sophocles' play adds a brilliant stroke: the actors wear masks just as the Greeks did in the playwright's day.
Byron: Ballad for a Daemon
Poet Lord Byron decides to fight with the Greek revolutionaries in Missolonghi against the Turks but instead the glorious battle wrestles with fever and his own demons.
Aami Ashbo Phirey
Aami Ashbo Phirey is a musical that is about four different stories that are all connected by a violent incident. A young, unknown and unheard singer and songwriter accidentally enters the stories through virtual media and changes their lives for the better. The film re-asserts that art can surpass all differences, violence, intolerance and give them a chance to redeem oneself.
水無月嘉祥(みなづき かしょう)は伝統ある老舗和菓子屋である実家を出て、パティシエとして自身のケーキ屋『ラ・ソレイユ』を一人で開店する。 しかし実家から送った引っ越し荷物の中に、実家で飼っていた人型ネコのショコラとバニラが紛れ込んでいた。 追い返そうとするも二匹の必死の嘆願に嘉祥が折れて、ついに一人と二匹でソレイユをオープンすることに。 大好きなご主人様のために、失敗しながらも一生懸命頑張るネコ二匹が織り成す、このハートフルなネココメディ、ここに開店!
Constance is a bored, movie-loving schoolteacher in post-WW2 New Zealand who begins to fantasize that she's a Hollywood star - with tragic consequences.


The Hymns of Muscovy
The film is a trip to the planet Muscovy - an upside-down twin city of Moscow in space. As the title of the work suggests, the journey also takes us back in time. Gliding over the surface of the planet, we look down and see historic architectural styles fly by - the exuberant Socialist Classicism, aka Stalinist Empire, the austere and brutish Soviet Modernism, and the hodgepodge of contemporary knock-offs and revivals of the styles of the past. An essential companion to this journey through time and space are Hymnic Variations on the Soviet anthem.