Yoji Tanaka

Yoji Tanaka

出生 : 1963-08-08, Nagano Prefecture, Japan


Yoji Tanaka (田中 要次, Tanaka Yoji, August 8, 1963) is a Japanese actor and talent. Also known as BoBA.


Yoji Tanaka
Yoji Tanaka
Yoji Tanaka


ゴンママこと権田鉄雄は昼はジムで体を鍛え、夜はジム仲間が通う「スナックひばり」を営むでっかくマッチョなオカマ。皆の良き相談相手でいつも陽気なゴンママだか、人知れず不安を抱え眠れない日々を送っていた。 ある夜、ジム仲間の歯科医・四海良一が一人でスナックにやってくる。普段はマシンガントークでうるさいぐらいの良一だったが、数年前のある出来事の悲しみを乗り越えられず、妻の由佳との関係も冷え切っていた。話を始めた良一にゴンママとバーテンダーのカオリちゃんはそっとカクテルを出す。ソルティドッグ。カクテル言葉は「寡黙」。戸惑う良一にゴンママは語りかける。
At the strong insistence of his father, Ushimatsu Segawa conceals his origins from a “buraku” area of low-class “untouchables,” leaving his hometown to serve as an elementary school teacher where he excels and is loved by his students. But he constantly struggles with the secret of his low-birth status and is disturbed by all of the discrimination levelled upon his class. It prevents him from pursuing a romance with Shiho, whom he meets at the temple where he resides, but who descends from a samurai family.
Starring Rei Dan, this is the third film directed by Yutaka Mizutani. Riko Hanamura (Rei Dan) is the leader of a local amateur symphony orchestra, which has been active with members who love music very much. However, Riko is not doing well, and she finally decides to disband the orchestra after 18 years of operation. She plans to hold the last farewell concert...
Hayato Nakajima
ドラマ「時効警察」シリーズの三木聡監督が「Hey! Say! JUMP」の山田涼介を主演に迎え、巨大怪獣の死体処理を題材に描いた空想特撮エンタテインメント。人類を恐怖に陥れた巨大怪獣が、ある日突然死んだ。国民が歓喜に沸く一方で、残された死体は徐々に腐敗・膨張が進んでいく。このままでは爆発し、一大事を招いてしまう。そんな状況下で死体処理を任されたのは、軍でも警察でもなく、3年前に姿を消した特務隊員・帯刀アラタだった。アラタとはかつて特務隊で同僚だった環境大臣秘書・雨音ユキノを土屋太鳳、ユキノの夫で総理秘書官の正彦を濱田岳、爆破処理のプロ・ブルースをオダギリジョー、未曾有の事態に翻弄される総理大臣・西大立目完を西田敏行が演じる。「平成ゴジラ」シリーズや「ウルトラマン」シリーズの若狭新一が怪獣造形を担当。
あなたの番です 劇場版
Keisuke Ukita
ねばぎば 新世界
A former boxing gym owner and his younger brother rise up to help a boy and his teacher's daughter from a vicious religious group that preys on good people.
青山のアパレルショップで店長を務める伊藤真知子は、どこか満たされない毎日を送っていた。自分の意見は採用されず、年下のカリスマ店員・新堂さやかに仕事を取られ、ストレスが溜まる日々。そんなある日、さやかの何気ない一言がきっかけで真知子はSNSの裏アカウントを作り、胸元の際どい写真を投稿する。表の世界では決して得られない反応に快感を覚えた真知子の投稿はどんどん過激になっていき、それに呼応するようにフォロワー数も増えていった。「リアルで会いたい」「もっと自分を解放して」 そんな言葉に誘われ、フォロワーの1人と会うことになった真知子。その相手は、”ゆーと”という年下の男だった。 真知子は自分と同じ心の乾きを持つ彼に惹かれていく。しかし、その関係は1度きり。それがゆーととの約束だった。ゆーとと会えないことから、真知子は他の男と関係を持つようになるが、その心は満たされない。裏の世界でフラストレーションがたまっていくのとは裏腹に、表の世界は、店の売り上げ不振回復への施策に自身のアイデアが採用され、大手百貨店とのコラボレーション企画が決まるなど充実していく真知子。やりがいのあるプロジェクトに意気込む真知子だったが、その百貨店担当者の原島努こそが、あのゆーとだった。表の世界で再会を果たした2人。平静を装う原島に対し、心乱れ動揺を隠せない真知子。原島ではなく、ゆーとに会いたいという思いが日増しに募っていく。表と裏、愛情と憎悪、真実と嘘、理性と欲望・・・相反する2つが激しく交錯する中、真知子に突然訪れる結末とは…。
バイプレイヤーズ もしも100人の名脇役が映画を作ったら
いけいけ!バカオンナ 我が道を行け
Student Yuko is a vain person who appears to be carefree and aggressive on the outside, but her personal life is reserved and simple. One day she meets Setsuko, who wears the same clothes as her. At first, Yuko and Setsuko treat each other as rivals, but after finding out that they are similar, a friendship develops.
燕 Yan
A young man is sent from Japan to Taiwan in order to get his disenfranchised brother to sign away his inheritance rights.
Hohoemu Hito
Koichi Takizawa
Based on a novel of by Nukui Tokuro, Hohoemu Hito tells the story of Nito Toshimi who, after graduating from Japan’s most difficult university and founding a job at a major city bank, marries Shoko and have a daughter, Amina. Nito, while leading a life that looks like the picture of happiness and being the envy of everyone, is charged with the murder of his wife and young child. At his trial, he reveals a shocking motive for the crime: “I wanted space for books.”
The editor-in-chief of a literary magazine who is popular with women sets up a fake wife and bids farewell to his mistresses.
Ten: Akagi Shigeru Funeral Arc
Asai Ginji
Three years after Tozai Ikusa (mahjong tournament), Hiroyuki Igawa receives a letter that Shigeru Akagi’s funeral ceremony will be held. Hiroyuki Igawa attends the funeral, but he is surprised when Shigeru Akagi appears at his own funeral ceremony. Shigeru Akagi states that he is ready to die in a few hours. He then faces the people, including Takashi Ten, whom he played at Tozai Ikusa.
Bus Driver
Junichiro Kishida
An assassin for a secret organization keeping Japan safe from underworld threats finds himself targeted by evil forces aiming to unleash an unstoppable criminal syndicate upon Japan.
Genjiro Tada
After losing his son, Tatsuya is anguished by the danger of his ancient family line coming to an end. His mother Haru urges him to embark on a loveless second marriage, and meanwhile he secretly hopes that his daughter Yoshiko will marry a husband willing to adopt the Nikaido name and follow in his footsteps.
Blood-Club Dolls 1
Following the news of a heinous tragedy, a young woman searches the streets for her missing brother, the person accused of committing the incident. Unaware of his true status or location, he finds himself in the employ of an underground fighting ring using inmates like him to entertain wealthy clients, eventually moving up the ranks of the fighters quite quickly. Eventually frustrated at the lack of information from the investigation, she turns to a detective to help him, but with a dangerous socialite also looking into the club they try to push their rescue efforts into high gear into order to save her brother.
岩男(安田顕)がアイリーン(ナッツ・シトイ)を連れて久しぶりに故郷の村に帰省すると、死んだことを知らずにいた父親の葬儀が執り行われていた。42歳になるまで恋愛とは無縁だった彼がフィリピンから連れてきた妻は、参列者の動揺をよそに夫について回る。すると彼らの前に、喪服姿でライフルを抱えた岩男の母親(木野花)が現れる。 漫画家・新井英樹の原作を、この作品に大きな影響を受けたという『ヒメアノ~ル』などの吉田恵輔が映画化。『俳優 亀岡拓次』などの安田顕が、フィリピンの女性と結婚する主人公を演じる。すご味のある母親を『ハローグッバイ』などの木野花、謎のヤクザを『あしたのジョー』などの伊勢谷友介が好演。
Haibara Genjiro
Riko is 27, working as a love simulation game designer, and she no longer has big expectations for a man in her life. One day app company TIMEIS, lead by Soichiro, hires her to work on their latest game.
The urban legend that "Scissors-san", who cuts elementary school students with scissors, appears in Toride, Ibaraki Prefecture, has become a hot topic. Around the same time, fellow junior high school students, Chiba Akira and Minamiki Shuhei of the good friend group "Lemmings", have a plan to regain the days lost by the events that occurred in the summer of the second grade of elementary school six years ago.
LOCO DD 日本全国どこでもアイドル
An anthology movie containing both documentaries and dramas, all staring members of local idol units.
阿修羅少女~BLOOD-C 異聞~
蠱毒 ミートボールマシン
Yuji Noda
Nobody knows where they came from. They parasitize in human beings, take control of them and change their bodies into hideous monsters (Necro-borg). The Necro-borg fight each other until the other dies. Where did they come from? To what end? Yuji and Kaoru, whom both have dark secrets within themselves, get caught up in the horrific battles of Necro-borg. What will their fate be?
Mr. Morisaka
My Cactus is a film from writer/director Koto Nagata that tells the story of unrequited love between its two main characters.
極秘裏に作られた危険な生物兵器“K−55”が医科学研究所から盗まれた。紛失に気付いた主任研究員の栗林は、 所長の東郷のもとに脅迫メールとK−55が埋められた場所を示すテディベアの写真が届いたと知らされる。だが犯人らしき差出人の元研究員・葛原は、メールを出したすぐ後、事故で死亡していた。栗林は東郷の依頼で写真の場所が野沢温泉スキー場だと突き止め、息子の秀人を連れてK−55捜索に向かう。
L ―エル―
三崎透(加藤雅也)は、かつて人気を博したグループのボーカリストだが、今では人気低迷し、妻にも見放されて酒まみれの日々を送っている。透がパーソナリティーを務めるラジオ番組のディレクター、由衣(芳賀優里亜)だけは、そんな彼を見放さずにいた。番組ではリスナーから片想いのエピソードを募集し、7週連続で紹介する企画がスタートする。「MY NICKNAME is BUTATCHI」「僕のサボテン」「サムシング ブルー」「片想いスパイラル」「嘘つきの恋」「あさはんのゆげ」「イブの贈り物」の7つのエピソードの紹介を終え、迎えた由衣の誕生日。三崎はある決意をする。
Enzo Zeniya
京都市内で起きた爆弾騒ぎを見事に収束させた様子がネットで拡散された上、新聞に京都府警本部長・高倉紀一郎(大杉漣)のインタビューが掲載され、宅間善人(草彅剛)の能力が話題に。京都府内の各所轄署から未解決事件捜査の依頼が殺到する。一方で高倉は、宅間を復職させるために急造した『特別捜査係』を解体することを示唆。姉小路千波(南果歩)に警察学校教官のポストを打診するなど、謎めいた行動に出ていた。そんな中、嵐山市の非公認キャラ・ニシンバァ~が誘拐され、特別捜査係に捜査の依頼が入る。はじめは「着ぐるみが盗まれただけの盗難事件」と高を括る姉小路たちだったが、宅間が語った話から誘拐の可能性を視野に入れ、捜査を開始する。その矢先、姉小路の自宅にニシンバァ~の着ぐるみの指が送られてくる! 送り主は『ハウプトマン』というクラウドファンディングのサイト。クラウドファンディングとは、群衆と資金調達を組み合わせた言葉で、インターネット上で資金提供を呼びかけ、賛同した人に財源の提供や協力を募るというもので、今回の場合、賛同者には“フラッシュモブ”が行なわれる時間と場所が通知される、という趣旨のものだったが、そこに姉小路の義母・小枝(江波杏子)が誤って12万円もの大金を出資してしまっていたのだ! 『ハウプトマン』のサイトを見た宅間は、それがイベント出資募集ではなく犯罪への出資の募集だと指摘。ほかにも“Dillinger(デリンジャー)”“Ponzi(ポンジ)”“Young(ヤング)”といった実在する海外の凶悪犯罪者の名を冠した同様のサイトが存在することから、資金が目標額に達した際は、その犯罪者に倣った犯罪が起こるのではないかと推測する。そしてこれは『クラウドファンディング』ではなく、『クライム(犯罪)ファンディング』であると、宅間は命名するのだった。アメリカには、ブルーノ・リチャード・ハウプトマンという誘拐犯が実在し、今回のニシンバァ~誘拐事件とファンディングサイトの出資募集が関連していたことを知った姉小路たちは、誘拐事件の再捜査を開始。・・・宅間善人がシリーズ史上最悪の殺人計画に挑む!
22-year-old Kanami is constantly conscious of people's gaze due to the birthmark on her face. Upon coming in to contact with the eccentric people at the beauty salon where she has begun working, Kanami gradually let's go of her past anguish.
Lingering Memories
One summer day, Tokiko (Kinoshita Misaki), whose life in Tokyo is going nowhere fast, gets on an overnight bus to the countryside. When she arrives, she meets Yohei (Izumisawa Yuki), a high school student struggling to deal with the sudden death of a young man who was like a big brother to him.
A failed director is trying to get his next movie off the ground, while dealing with his cranky brother and his estranged wife.
Enzo Zeniya
人材派遣会社経営の久保田周がバットで撲殺される。現場には凶器と思われる金属バットと古いオモチャのようなものが落ちていた。京都府警本部長の高倉(大杉漣)から現場に出るよう命じられた宅間善人(草彅剛)ら特別捜査係の面々は捜査を開始。すると遺留品の古いオモチャが、10数年前に宅間が京都府警広報課に在籍していたときに作った『京都を守る正義のキョートマン7』というフィギュアだったこと、そして『キョートマン7』はそれぞれ違った職業のキャラクター7人で構成されており、今回の現場に置かれていたものは“検事”を表わすものだったことがわかる。奇しくも久保田は元京都地検の部長検事だった…!宅間は「これは俺が解くべき事件」と言い、これまでコンビを組んできた姉小路千波(南果歩)にコンビ解消を告げる。独自に捜査を始めた宅間は、警察官だった千波の夫・竹彦が殺された事件の現場に、警察官の制服を着た『キョートマン7』が遺されていたことを発見! 以前に“脚本家”と呼ばれる服役囚・佐神稚洋(上川隆也)が「12年前の姉小路さんのご主人の事件と、あなたが冤罪になった事件は繋がっています」と語っていたことが真実味を帯びてくるのだった…。宅間の行動を不審に思った千波は彼を問い詰め、その事実を聞き出す。「これからどんな危険なことがあるかわからないから姉小路さんを巻き込むわけにはいかなかった」という宅間を制し、松原唯子(芦名星)、堀川耕平(平岡祐太)ら特別捜査係のメンバーとともに12年前の事件についての捜査を開始。すると、現場に『キョートマン7』が遺された同様の事件が数件存在していたことが判明する!宅間が作ったフィギュアが関わる数々の事件に関連性はあるのか?あるならば、その犯人とは?わずかな手がかりから宅間たちは事件の真相に切迫。そして思いがけない人物にたどり着く…。さらに宅間の冤罪事件に関する衝撃事実も明らかに…。
Minami's father
映画 謎解きはディナーのあとで
Enzo Zeniya
琵琶湖の畔にある『滋賀中央刑務所』からひとりの男が出所した。男の名前は宅間善人(草彅剛)。10年前に殺人未遂罪で逮捕・起訴され懲役15年の判決を受けて刑務所に服役していたが、事件から10年たった今、意識不明だった被害者が突如目を覚まし、自分に暴行を加えたのは宅間ではないと証言。10年前の事件の冤罪が証明され、晴れて出所することとなったのだ。刑務所を出た宅間の前に、京都府警副本部長の高倉紀一郎(大杉漣)が現れる。事件当時、京都府警広報課に在籍していた宅間を再び京都府警に復職させ、『特別捜査係』という、仰々しい名前は形だけの閑職を作ったのだった。実は宅間は『犯罪者の心理を知る』スペシャリスト。服役中に犯罪者の「犯行の手口」「犯罪に使う技能」「犯罪に走った背景や心理的傾向」…すべてをデータとして記憶に焼き付けた、という特異な能力を持つ、いわば犯罪に精通した人物なのだ。『特別捜査係』には元捜査一課のおばさん刑事・姉小路千波(南果歩)をはじめとした個性的なメンバーが集められていた。千波は宅間とは真逆で、被害者に寄り添い、犯罪者を憎むタイプの熱血刑事。捜査一課よりも自由に犯罪捜査ができるようになる、と意気込んで『特別捜査係』にやってきた千波は、閑職という現実にがく然とする。さらに、宅間とタッグを組むことになってしまい、ひと癖もふた癖もある宅間という男の存在に、千波らは終始イライラ…。元捜査二課の松原唯子(芦名星)、元警備部の堀川耕平(平岡祐太)、そして元鑑識課の猪熊佐千夫(佐戸井けん太)といった同僚、上司たちもひと筋縄ではいかないスタッフが集まっていた。 そんな折、事件捜査への意欲に溢れる千波が、捜査一課で未解決の4つの殺人事件を『特別捜査係』に持ち込んでくる。一見、まったく無関係に見えたこれらの殺人事件だったが、宅間はある法則を発見。宅間と千波はその推論をもとに、反発し合いながらも事件解決へと突き進んでいく!
A mysterious city woman named Kiyomi is cared for by an old village woman. The male villagers are intrigued by Kiyomi, especially Masaru, a young man who the surrogate grandson to the old woman, eats dinner with her every night. Despite constant questioning, Kiyomi refuses to talk about her past. The enigma of her presence only bewitches the men further. Shinji, a writer, gives her the only copy of his book. Tatsuya, a farmer, offers her his ripest tomatoes. Kiyomi acts timid, but she secretly likes the attention. But when the old woman collapses, there is no one to protect the frail city woman. Later, a sinister man from the city arrives looking for Kiyomi. A disturbing truth will be revealed about her while a strange and outrageous battle of love will ensue.
The movie is based on the true story of Takumi Asakawa - a Japanese man who entered Korea during the country's occupation by Japan. Takumi Asakawa became captivated by Korean culture and championed the value of such items as the traditional white Korean porcelain.
Police Officer
会社の宣伝のため、わずか3ヶ月の開発期間で二足歩行型ロボット「ニュー潮風」を作るよう社長から命じられた、木村電器社員の小林、太田、長井の3人。 発表の場であるロボット博覧会開催の1週間前、落下事故によりロボット本体が破損し、ソフトを全て失ってしまう。 解雇を恐れた3人は、ニュー潮風の外装に人がはいり、ロボット博を乗り切ることを計画する。 3人は、ロボットの着ぐるみショーの俳優を公募し、選ばれたのが、隠居生活を送る鈴木重光。鈴木は着ぐるみショーであると信じてロボットの中にはいり、ロボット博に参加する。 その会場で、倒れてきた柱の下敷きになりかけたロボットオタクの女子大生、佐々木葉子をニュー潮風鈴木がとっさに助けたため、ニュー潮風は、一夜にして日本中のヒーローとなった。 日本各地から出演依頼が殺到し、引っ込みがつかなくなった3人は、鈴木に真相を打ち明けて、ニュー潮風役の継続を依頼する。
サラリーマンNEO 劇場版(笑
Settle into your chair and be transported to a place both familiar and alien; where a giant shop-girl can barely fit in her store, there's a weird green pod in every bedroom, and terrifying wood nymphs provide a heartbroken woman with the anatomically correct fruit everyone seems to covet. In the end we are left, like Alice, with the Red King's conundrum: are we dreaming them or are they dreaming us?
Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair
Crazy 88 #3
An assassin is shot and almost killed by her ruthless employer, Bill, and other members of their assassination circle – but she lives to plot her vengeance. Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair is a complete edit of the two-part martial arts action films Kill Bill: Vol. 1 and Kill Bill: Vol. 2. The film was originally scheduled to be released as one part. However, due to the film's over 4 hour running time, it was split into two parts.
Juzo Inada
Shuichi Furukawa receives a phone call from his mother. She reminds him that they are moving the next day. The following day, Shuichi takes a train ride back to his hometown. He arrives at his parents home, but nobody is home. He looks for the house key under a potted plant but can't find the key. He starts to thinks back to his childhood days in his parents home. Shuichi grew up with his younger brother, older sister, father who ran a shoe making business out of their garage and mother. Shuichi grew up with a crush on an older woman who lived next door and he loved to make piggy banks out of empty whiskey bottles. One day on a school picnic, Shuichi's classmates grabbed a lunchbox from a fellow student and eventually gave the lunch box to Shuichi. All the other students chanted "throw it away," while Shuichi's former friend looked on in despair.
Bald Moriyama wants a new image and buys a wig. It works: suddenly he has a career and a girlfriend. But life is hard when you have to keep a secret. Perfect timing and handling of real-life anxieties plus brilliant comedians MIMURA and OOTAKE make WIG an exceptionally funny comedy.
In Ikebukuro, unbeaten street fighter Ran Sakurai (Yosuke Kawamura) and his friend Kenji (Yosuke Asari) run a benriya operation called "Randys" to earn enough money to buy a haka for their dead friend Shinichi Hoshi (Tsutomu Takahashi). Randys is named after their hero, Randy Bass: the American baseball player who helped lead the "hard luck" Hanshin Tigers to a Japan series title in 1985. A benriya is basically a problem-solver that accepts payment to do anything you need done, and Randys specializes in helping the weak triumph over the strong, much like Randy Bass did with Hanshin. One day, they find out the feared leader of a team of badasses called (appropriately enough) the Giants, Takeshi (Hisato Izaki), has returned to Ikebukuro to stir up trouble. He has only one goal: to beat the crap out of Sakurai. A dispute that began 4 years ago is about to be settled, but not before the streets of Ikebukuro are covered in blood...
のんちゃん のり弁
「モーニング」誌上で連載された入江喜和の同作漫画を基に、『独立少年合唱団』『いつか読書する日』の緒方明が監督を務めるハートウォーミングな親子ドラマ。だらしない夫を捨てた子持ちの主婦が、弁当店オープンに向けて奮闘する姿を描く。 下町の実家に出戻った永井小巻(小西真奈美)と娘のんちゃん(佐々木りお)。小巻の就職活動はうまくいかず、生活も困窮してきた。得意の弁当作りで新境地を開こうと決意した小巻は、店を持つことを目標に掲げ、小料理屋に修行に行くことに。そんなとき、小巻は好きだった同級生と再会し……。
Repair man
Yorihiko Jinnouchi (voice)
2010年夏。健二(神木隆之介)は高校2年生の草食系男子。数学オリンピックへの出場を逃し、夏休みの予定は世界中の金融やインフラを担うシステム“OZ”の保守点検をするバイトだけ。ある日、健二は先輩の夏希(桜庭ななみ)に頼まれ、長野県上田市にある彼女の実家に行くことに。憧れの先輩との旅に胸を躍らせる健二。しかし夏希は曾祖母・栄(富司純子)の誕生祝いのために親戚一同が集合した場で、突然、健二が自分のフィアンセだと紹介!実は、夏希が健二を連れてきたのは、病気がちな栄を安心させるための苦肉の策。うろたえながらも、健二はフィアンセのふりをすることになってしまう。 個性豊かな面々が集まり賑やかな宴会がスタートするが、そこに曾祖父の隠し子・侘助(斎藤歩)が現れた。一族の異端児である侘助の登場で、楽しかった宴会の雰囲気は一変。さらに翌朝。仮想世界のOZが何者かによって荒らされ、現実社会でも各所で大混乱が勃発。しかも何故か、健二がその混乱を巻き起こした張本人だと報道されてしまい…!?
High school seniors Mikayo, Chuko and Kei are forced to join a historical research club to fulfill a graduation requirement. Their teacher, Mr. Kachi, plans a mandatory club trip to a small village called Oshakabe in Yamagata prefecture to study remnants of an ancient clan of warriors called the ochimusha who displayed legendary cowardice in battle. When they arrive, the local villagers hold a special ceremony and construct a "super shrine". As a result, an 800-year seal is broken, unleashing a curse that causes the ochimusha to rise from the grave.
劔岳 点の記
ベイビィ ベイビィ ベイビィ!
30 year old Yoko Sasaki (Arisa Mizuki) works diligently at a publishing company. She then receives the unexpected news that she is pregnant. Having now to chose between having a baby and or her career.
Boss of agency
Riko Narumi plays an unpopular idol who in an attempt to boost her faltering career becomes police chief for a day. During the day a robbery occurs at a convenience store and instead of letting a real police chief deal with the robbery she decides to take the matter into her own hands.
20世紀少年 第2章 最後の希望
Detective Higashino
Eisuke Mita
Follows the life of an Office Lady who gets through her tedious work days by dreaming of a legendary soup and soup chef she's heard of. She decides to go in search of it.
Set in World War II, the film depicts the story of the real-life Japanese battleship, the Yamato, which is confronted in the Pacific Ocean by giant monsters, including the most fearsome of them all, Reigo.
Security guard
山のあなた 徳市の恋
High school student Kasumi Ogino is a member of the school choir and after years of praise for her singing voice thinks she is the absolute bee’s knees. When the object of her desires, classmate and photographer Junichi Makimura, asks Kasumi is he can photograph her singing she accepts, thinking this means she is beautiful as well. However the end result is a comical shot of Kasumi with her mouth wide open, which Makimura likes to a hungry salmon! Distraught by the ensuing humiliation, Kasumi quits the choir, until she is encouraged to return by an unlikely counsel - the brutish leader of thuggish rival all male choir, Hiroshi Gondo.
L: Change the WorLd
世界を震撼させたキラ事件が佳境を迎えていた頃、タイのとある村で新種のウイルスによるバイオテロが発生し、某国は事件の証拠隠滅のため爆撃によって村を焼き払った。そのウイルスはインフルエンザ並の流行性とエボラウイルス並の致死率を掛け合わせた恐るべきものだった。 自分の命とワタリの死という代償を負ってキラ事件に終止符を打ったLは残りの時間をかけて世界中の難事件をたった一人で解決していた。だがタイの事件の生き残った少年「BOY」と、ワタリに託されるはずだったウイルスを携えた少女・真希の来訪に端を発し、Lは「人類削減計画」を掲げる環境保護団体『ブルーシップ』が関わる事件の解決に動き出す。
Kazuhiko Igawa
The arrival of a bride-to-be shakes a hapless ski resort and proves to the three young down-and-out local skiers that there is much more to life than they think.
In 1974, during the height of the recession, a Japanese Korean family relocates to Tokyo to raise money and seek better treatment for their ill son.
Sukiyaki Western Django
A nameless gunfighter arrives in a town ripped apart by rival gangs and, though courted by both to join, chooses his own path.
A cadre of backup dancers is left astray when their star singer moves on with her life and marriage. They each had their own ambition and hope, which subconsciously rested on the star power of the singer. When plan A does not work, they cling to plan B. When that does not work, in an act of desperation, they are assigned to plan C by their agency. A fight and unprofessionalism seems to put the Backdancers on permanent ice.
Biker police
「踊る大捜査線」シリーズの亀山千広プロデューサーと本広克行監督が、“讃岐うどん”をめぐって繰り広げられる様々な人生模様を描いたハートフル・ムービー。主演は「交渉人 真下正義」のユースケ・サンタマリア。  讃岐うどんの本場、香川県でうどん職人の息子として生まれた松井香助は、ビッグになると言って家を飛び出しニューヨークへと渡った。しかし、夢半ばで挫折し、借金を背負って帰郷することに。そして、親友の紹介で地元のタウン誌で働き始めた香助。そこで彼は、編集部員の宮川恭子と2人でうどんをテーマにしたコラムを開始する。すると、これが大反響を呼び、ついには日本中を巻き込む一大うどんブームへと発展していくのだが…。
夜神 月(やがみ ライト)はある日、奇妙な黒いノートを拾う。それは死神・リュークが落とした、ノートに名前を書かれた人間が死ぬ「デスノート」だった。犯罪者を裁く法律に限界を感じていた月は、世の中を変えるため、ノートの力で犯罪者を次々と葬り始める。やがて犯罪者を葬る者の存在に気付いた人々は殺し屋(=Killer)の意味から「キラ」と呼び始め、キラを神と崇め崇拝する者まで現れた。 一方、警察組織はキラの行為はあくまでも連続殺人であるとし、その調査・解決のためにある人物を送り込んだ。警察を裏から指揮し、数々の難事件を解決してきた世界的名探偵L(エル)である。 天才同士の戦い、求める世界の違いから起こったこの闘いに勝つのは死神の力を持つキラか、それとも警察を動かすLか。
TV Actor
ケータイ刑事(デカ) THE MOVIE バベルの塔の秘密~銭形姉妹への挑戦状
Two kids, fourteen-year-old Eriko and her thirteen-year-old brother Daigo, suddenly find themselves trapped in a parallel universe. Most things are the same as in their own world, but their parents are missing from home and are only contactable when using one particular phonecard.
A foppish English businessman (Christian Storms) stages a martial-arts contest between champions of two rival yakuza gangs to resolve a dispute over a wonder drug he is dealing and that both sides want.
Yoichi's father
現在、都市生活を営む人々の多くは、心に何らかの闇を持っている。そして、そこから来る症状とは? 伊良部総合病院の地下にある神経科に勤務する精神科医・伊良部一郎(松尾スズキ)は、病院の跡取り息子。ヒョウ柄のシャツとブーツに白衣という出で立ちも怪しいが、性格はいい加減、お気楽、マザコン、無茶、凶暴、患者への対応はテキトーで話を聞いてないし、ともかくメチャクチャである。いつも一緒にいるお色気ナースのマユミちゃん(MAIKO)は、ほとんど伊良部をシカトしているが、趣味が注射という所だけは共通。そんな伊良部が最近ハマっているのが、近所のプールで泳ぐこと。プールで泳ぐことに夢中になっている男がここにもひとり。大型アウトレットモールの開発担当・大森和雄(田辺誠一)。妻一人、愛人一人、そして仕事もできる男だ。現在抱えているプロジェクトはそれなりに忙しく、気も遣う。ストレスを感じる日々が続くようになり、偶然見た雑誌の特集記事の影響で、何となく水泳を始める。そのお陰で体調は少しずつ落ち着く。しかし、そのうちにまた忙しくなり水泳ができなくなると、てきめんに体調が悪くなる。自分ではストレスを解消するためにプールに通っているはずが、徐々に「プール依存症」に。だんだんとその症状はエスカレートし、徹夜仕事のちょっとした合間にも、プールに向かってしまう有様。一方、中堅メーカーに勤務する営業マン・田口哲也(オダギリジョー)は、ある日突然、24時間勃ちっ放しという「継続性勃起症」に悩まされるように。泌尿器科に駆け込み、たらい回された末に、伊良部の元にたどりつく。女性に対してはっきりモノがいえない、自己を発散する事ができない性格。そんな田口に対して伊良部はあっさり言う。「何か心に引っかかることがあるんじゃないですか?」。妻・佐代子は同僚と浮気をし、自分の元を去った。しかし、いまだ妻への想いは捨てがたいのか、夢を見たりしてしまう。そんな自分が情けない。しかしどうすることもできない。何をやっても治らない勃起。彼は心に引っかかりを持ったまま会社へ行き、さらには接待旅行で温泉まで行く羽目に…。取り巻く状況は悪化する一方で、病気が治る気配がない。そんな田口に対してまたしても伊良部は言う。「その別れた女の所へ行って、おもいっきり文句を言ってやろう」と…。
Kentaro Maruyama
A series of short stories all about dogs.
Animusu Anima
Tokio (Shugo Oshinari) and his sister Sui (Shiina Eihi) fall in love.
ゴジラ ファイナルウォーズ
(segment "Yuki ni saku hana")
17歳の風景 少年は何を見たのか
A Japanese teenager bicycles aimlessly through the countryside after killing his mother.
Pinball Parlour Manager
東北地方の山河高校の、落ちこぼれ学生だった友子ら13人の女子生徒は、夏休みの補習授業をサボるために、食中毒で入院した吹奏楽部のピンチヒッターに応募する。 唯一、食中毒を免れた気の弱い吹奏楽部員・拓雄の指導で、ビッグバンドジャズをはじめた友子らは、次第に演奏の楽しさに目覚め、ジャズにのめりこんでいく。しかし、吹奏楽部員が退院して復帰したため、あえなくお払い箱になってしまう。 2学期になった友子らは、演奏の楽しさが忘れられず、バンドを結成し、楽器を買うためにアルバイトに精を出して、失敗したり四苦八苦しながら、ビッグバンドジャズにのめりこんでいく。
ホテル ビーナス
心に傷を負った人々が集うホテル ビーナスでチョナン(草なぎ剛)は住み込みで働いている。ある日、全く口をきかない女の子サイ(コ ドヒ)とガイ(パク ジュンウ)父娘がやって来た。その日から住人の心に変化が訪れる。
Man of Prosecution Section
「鮫肌男と桃尻女」の石井克人監督が、一見普通に見える一家のちょっとおかしな日常をユーモラスに描いた異色ホームドラマ。それぞれ心にモヤモヤを抱えた家族が繰り広げるユニークなエピソードの数々を、アニメやCG映像を織り交ぜつつ、美しい田園風景をバックにゆったりとした時間の流れの中で優しく綴ってゆく。2004年カンヌ国際映画祭の監督週間オープニング作品。  山間の小さな町に暮らす春野家の人々。彼らはそれぞれ悩みを抱え悶々としていた。内気な高校生の長男・一は恋に悩み、小学校に入学したての妹・幸子は時折ふと現われる巨大な自分の分身に困惑している。母・美子は子育てが一段落したことでアニメーターに復帰しようと奮闘中。催眠治療士の父・ノブオは、そんな美子に不満な様子。東京で音楽ミキサーをやっている叔父のアヤノは元恋人に未練タラタラ、ノブオの弟で漫画家の轟木一騎は仕事に行き詰まっていた。それでも春野家の祖父・アキラはそんな家族をいつも温かく見守っていた…。
Jennifer is a European girl who speaks Japanese a little. She arrives to the funeral in temple in Japanese countryside and meets a boy there. The boy is a juvenile delinquent and works his punishment in temple. Jennifer likes this silent boy and she wants to help him overcome estrangement from the people. Also she helps daughter of the temple's father superior reconcile her parents.
キル・ビル Vol.2
Crazy 88
Dead End Run
Three short films with the theme of death and dead ends in common.
Funahachi Family Henchmen
Police struggle to uncover Klein, a powerful criminal organization. Asuka, a young detective, is assigned to contact and escort Hatsumi, a mistress of the drug lord Kimikuni, but they are ambushed, leaving Hatsumi brain-dead and Asuka near to death. However, the police concoct a top-secret plan to infiltrate Klein by transplanting Asuka's brain into Hatsumi's body.
After a convenience store robbery, three unidentified men hold a group of people hostage in a hospital. Inspector Ishida and Captain Tohno handle the negotiations while one of their colleagues, Lt. Ando, tries to find out why the men decided to take the hospital hostage. Through flashbacks, relevant information is revealed to the audience. When the negotiations are finished, most things seem to be fine until they lose track of the criminals. Then, the story unveils from a different perspective, its roots in feelings of love and vengeance.
Last Life in the Universe
An obsessive-compulsive Japanese librarian living in Bangkok spends most of his days contemplating suicide in his apartment. His life changes when he witnesses the death of a young girl and becomes acquainted with her elder sister.
Life Is Journey
LIFE IS JOURNEY is an anthology of four stories about people who live in solitude, but who yearn for togetherness. Each day brings chance meetings and reluctant partings, joy and pain. The first vignette, "Life", portrays half of a woman's life in one-scene, one-cut, nine-minute sequence. "N" is a comical take on a man abandoned by his lover. "Ya" explores the bond of female friendship as one woman consoles a brokenhearted girlfriend. In "Nowhere", a man and a woman roam the streets of a foreign land in search of lost time.
Hair Cut Guard
Tenshu is imprisoned and sentenced to death for murdering the men who raped his girlfriend. However, he manages to survive his execution and is presented with an option: face another execution attempt or subject himself to their bizarre and dangerous experiments.
Man 2
Seventeen-year-old Ako works part-time in a cabaret club late at night. Because of this, she falls asleep in school every day. In the new semester, she becomes enamored with her classmate Ryou, who is repeating a year despite her good grades.
Omnibus of six short films: Return; Ken-do star; Hana to oji-san; Adagietto Sehr, langsam; Nakayoki koto wa yoki koto ka na; Slow is Beautiful. Third installment of "SF" series produced by Hiroyuki Nakano.
A short film starring Miku Ishida, who is the most popular U-15 idol. Set in the ancient city of Ueda, Shinshu, it depicts a girl who grows up through the bond between parents and children.
When a promising young boxer is crippled in a car accident, he falls into a life of dissipation and depression. No boxing ring or martial arts club will take him on -- that is, until an aiki jujitsu master helps the young man develop techniques uniquely tailored to a wheelchair. What starts off as a sad film revs up into an exciting and fun series of epiphanies in which the young man realizes his situation isn't as hopeless as it seems.
Detective Yamashita
Mina and Mizuki sisters attended a ballet class in Tokyo. One day, the sisters return home separately, but younger sister, Mizuki, is kidnapped on the way home and discovered as a corpse. On that day, Mina blames herself for returning home, leaving her sister to practice ballet staying. Her mother, Teruko, is also very upset by the news of the discovery of her body, causing deep emotional wounds. The incident was featured on a variety show, and the mother and daughter, who couldn't stand the curiosity of the world, moved to a quiet country town far from the city. Although they started a new life, Teruko is bullied by a mysterious mad woman and Mina is bullied at school. And a mysterious murder case occurs again around them.
 ごく普通の主婦たちが閉塞状況から逃れるために起こした行動を衝撃的に描いた桐野夏生原作の傑作ミステリーを映画化。監督は「愛を乞うひと」の平山秀幸。4人のパート主婦たちを原田美枝子、倍賞美津子、室井滋、西田尚美という新旧の実力派女優が演じて、ハードな中にもユーモアを感じさせ、爽快な活劇に仕上げている。  東京郊外の弁当工場。深夜パートの主婦たち、香取雅子42歳、吾妻ヨシエ51歳、城之内邦子40歳、山本弥生30歳の4人はそれぞれに悩みや問題を抱えていた。ある日、雅子のもとに弥生から電話が入る。弥生はギャンブル狂の夫・健司の度重なる暴力に耐えかね、ついに寝込みのスキを突いて殺してしまったと言う。妊娠8ヶ月の弥生は泣いてすがり、雅子はやむなく死体を自分の車のトランクに一時的に隠すことに。しかし、弥生はそれから工場に姿を見せなくなってしまった。死体の処理に困った雅子は仕方なく“師匠”と慕うヨシエに協力を持ちかけるのだった…。
Yuji Toyama (uncredited)
A sensual coming-of-age drama direct — It depicts a precarious relationship between a homosexual woman and a man who was picked up by her and ends up living with her
Parco Ten-in
Witness a bizarre job interview and a dotty grandma in these five short surreal stories revolving around legendary Japanese department store Parco.
Fans of Kamaitachi no Yoru gather to shoot a film based on the game until one of the cast members is killed.
When a young man is sent to a prison workhouse for a crime he did not commit his friend on the outside must find evidence to clear his name.
突入せよ! あさま山荘事件
This movie is a political/espionage thriller, based on a real kidnapping incident of Korean politician, Kim Dae-Jun.
棒 Bastoni
Kazuhiko Nakamura directs this sexually charged wacky comedy set in the world of the Japanese adult video industry. The story follows a young woman's (Amiko Kanetani) foolish attempts to win back a lost love (Shunsuke Matsuoka) by taking the one recourse she believes might actually do the trick: becoming a porn star.
One morning Hikaru Hino, a high school student living in Hakodate, wakes up to find she has grown a tail. She quickly cancels her first date with classmate Hayato, complicating their relationship. Hikaru's sister makes a fake tail to cheer her up and takes her out around town together, but a reporter captures their photo which leads to a huge commotion in Hakodate. As the tale commotion reaches a fever pitch, another person with a tail, Mr. Yoshida, shows up. As a result, the commotion grows into a full-blown incident that involves the whole of Hakodate.
Tamaki Sensei
Remake of the Korean film Ditto about a college student in the past who falls in love with a boy from the future.
Koroshi-ya No. 7
An assassin fends off numerous attacks from her comrades, who are trying to move up in rank by killing off the competition.
When Aoi is gang-raped by her classmates and kicked out of her home by her own parents she sees no reason to continue living. Before she commits suicide, however, she receives an email on her cellphone from a man named Toshi addressed to a girl named Ai. The message simply thanks the girl for being alive, but this specific message has an effect on Aoi and she decides to keep on living. Without many options, Aoi resorts to everything from paid dating to porn to earn money and meets a lot of less than reputable characters. Throughout it all though she looks toward Toshi as her hope for happiness and the two form a relationship.
Henchman of Kato's Father
17 year old Tokyo pizza delivery boy Kosuke crashes his bike into photographer Reiko and breaks her expensive camera. He promises to deliver homemade pizza to make up for her broken camera. After discovering that Reiko has moved 1,200 km away to her hometown of Nagasaki things become trickier, but Kosuke decides to fulfill his promise anyways by borrowing a moped from his workplace.
Teru Onda
Quartet カルテット
"Quartet" tells the story of four young musicians as they form a string quartet and pursue fame.
Security Guard
Junsa (uncredited)
The search for her vanished brother Tsuyoshi leads Kaoru to the lonesome village Kozukata in the Japanese back-land. The locals react repelling to her, which the exception of the Chinese girl Sally. As her car breaks down Kaoru is trapped in the village; will she have to repay for something she has done in the past?
Rai pedals his bike and trailer about town, collecting old iron and sowing flower seeds. Because his face never seems to show emotion, everybody calls him Hotoke - meaning Buddha. His elder brother Shiba, however, is tough as nails and works the black market. Rai is building a gigantic statue of Buddha from the scrap metal he has gathered over the years. He prays the Buddha he is creating will come to life and rid the world of its cruelty.
Set in a future dystopia where teenaged girls begin dying for no apparent reason -- and often in an elated, chronically happy state of mind. One of these girls, Stacy, is back from the dead, however, and she's ready to gorge herself on human flesh. As more and more teenage-girl zombies begin to feast on the living, the people of Japan brace themselves and try to find a way to end the madness.
The secret warriors of feudal Japan were the ninja. Sent on impossible missions, the ninja were trained to work in shadows, gather information and defeat the enemy to build a world of peace. Akakage, Aokage, and Asuka are rookie ninjas under the tutelage of Shirokage. Their life is a series of perilous missions that entail intrigue, deception and intimidation.
ステレオ フューチャー
Keisuke, an aspiring samurai-movie actor lands a major role in a new film, but must contend with a director who has nothing but scorn for him, but who continually fawns over the film’s obnoxious ham of a star.
Junya Aoki
A young, good-hearted doctor Kenichi suffers from a rare syndrome whereby his feelings cannot be hidden. Such people are known as "satorare" and their well-being come under special government protection.
The fourth chapter in the Love Cinema series, is a story of a cloistered and obsessive character who is confining and closed. When many suicides occur in an apartment building the police are by to question a female resident.
Yuri and Takumi are brother and sister who faced unusually harsh treatment by their father. An act of brutality keeps them extremely close together until an older couple occupy the house where their secret was buried.
Party 7
Seven characters, introduced at the start of the film, get thrown together into the same hotel room: a thief who's stolen a suitcase of money from the mob, his ex-girlfriend, her obsessive boyfriend, the mob soldier sent to retrieve the briefcase, another mobster sent to kill them, master voyeur Captain Banana and his new apprentice, The Mister Yellow. Who will end up with the money?
Cab driver
The head of a psychological research institute and a lieutenant in the Japanese Air Force are both investigating a mysterious cult known only as ‘Midori no Saru’ (The Green Monkey). Members of this group have committed a string of violent suicide-attacks on military bases and public areas. Part of the mystery seems to involve a young child and an enormous Buddha statue outside Tokyo, but how could all these pieces possibly fit together?
リング0 バースデイ
Dansei Kyôyu (uncredited)
Fuyuki Tohjoh
A young Japanese woman named Eri is intelligent and promising, but remains mired in depression and alienation. She wanders life like a ghost, articulating her suffering perspectives in repetitive thoughts and journals. Everything changes when she decides to write a romance fantasy for the way she wished things would go, including an alter ego named Rie meeting a man named Fuyuki in love at first sight. Her debut novel "Soft Cream Love" is a huge hit, and Eri is catapulted to wealth and circles of admirers. Shy, she blows her chance to meet a cute guy and instead makes a pass at her clumsy unattractive agent named Hoshino, who walks away with his cynical attitudes born of romantic disappointment. When she pursues him into the street, she by chance meets a nice guy just as she hoped, but he never shows up at their first date because, unknown to her, he's hit by a car.
Samurai executed by Kanô
A seasoned detective is called in to rescue a politician held hostage by a lunatic. In a brief moment of uncertainty, he misses the chance for action. Leaving his job and family without explanation, he makes his way to a mountain forest, encountering a peculiar tree called Charisma.
Police Officer
Koji, a jazz musician, takes a cigarette break in between sets at a Tokyo nightclub. He witnesses a murder and runs into a girl, Linda, who is being pursued by the killers. For the next two hours, Koji and Linda are running from both the hitmen and the police. Mistakenly identified as prime suspects, they have to solve the crime but time is running out: Koji has to be back to perform in his club by midnight, as a very special guest will be attending.
One Piece!
Made under the restrictions of "no zoom, pan, editing or post-sound", directors Shinobu Yaguchi and Takuji Suzuki skewer Japanese social conventions in 14 short episodes. In one segment a woman misreads an advertisement and arrives at a job interview dressed in a bunny suit. Another concerns a woman who hides to surprise her friends only to overhear their unkind appraisal of her hygiene. And another entitled "Grandpa from Hell" is a surreal yarn about a cult leader. Ranging from the humorous to the deeply bizarre, the film's static, minimalistic style makes such "Dogme 95" films as The Celebration (1998) look extravagant.
Yakuza boss
This transnational production featuring a South African- born director, a Dutch leading man, and a Japanese cast and crew tells the story of a passionate love affair between a convict and a porn star, which is undone by greed and private ghosts. Escaping from the Japanese police, Jack meets Keiko, a money-hungry adult film actress and the younger sister of his ex-wife. He takes refuge in her flat and soon they fall in love. Jack is unable to leave her apartment because he quickly learns that both the police and the dreaded yakuza are after the criminal. He grows distraught and despondent, spending hour upon hour alone as Keiko works long hours on the set. At one point, Keiko visits the yakuza don who placed the hit on Jack and agrees to hand him over in exchange for a pile of cash. But she has one stipulation: that she get to spend three days with her soon-to-be deceased lover. The boss agrees only if she engages in kinky sex with him. The deal seems set until unforeseen events occur.
A disappointed married woman who was told by a doctor that she could not have children. Her husband drowned in affair with a young woman while treating her gently. She felt uneasy about unfortunate circumstances and aging, but she was confused about her husband's affair.
Yakuza Henchman
A middle-aged man walks up to young man who is sitting under a tree and shoots him. The film then flashes back to 1981, where a young woman steals a car with a baby strapped inside. She decides to raise the child as her own, and teaches him to shoplift from stores while she works as a prostitute. She strikes up a relationship with a convenience-store clerk, and the two eventually settle down together.
Bus Driver
Gay makeup artist
Based on the comic by Hiroyuki Yasuda
In dreamlike mountain scenery, Toshiko makes a daring escape from her sexually warped Uncle Sonezaki. Fortunately, she met Samehada as she runs for her life, which is also escaping from some slayers. What follows is a wild chase that leads the audience into a comically violent world.
サンデイ ドライブ
Police Officer
A pair of friendly coworkers at a rental video store accidentally become murderers. Borrowing a station wagon, they flee with no particular destination in mind.
Asako and Yamada, after getting drunk for the first time and going straight to the hotel, spend a hot night, but they are separated by a fire that has started. The fireman Sudo saved Asako and fell in love with her at first sight. A sensual drama depicting a strange love triangle between a female beautician and two men, which began with a fire in the hotel of love.
Member of citizen convention
A dark and strange comedy about a bank robber with bad luck. Bungling a bank robbery turns out to be a profitable mistake for Yamazaki, an amateur crook who ends up with 80 million yen after a string of improbable accidents. But having so much cash doesn't make his life is any easier. In fact, it gets much more complicated when Yamazaki stabs a hairdresser by mistake and instantly becomes a hunted fugitive. He's just one unlucky monkey but can he turn his luck around?
Psycho-mystery in which two men confront each other over the murder of a woman in Shibuya.
愚か者 傷だらけの天使
Hisashi gets fired from his temp job due to his impulsiveness. One day he meets Chikako, a housewife who constantly shoplifts at the supermarket he regularly goes. He somehow agrees to help her to look for her run-away son, Masaru. Unfortunate to Hisashi, Masaru starts following his around instead of returning home, after he was found by Hisashi. Then they end up stealing a gun from a police officer! In their course of running away, the similar two who cannot adapt to society very well start to develop a mutual friendship…
The cop Himuro is picked as scapegoat by his superiors because of their own involvement in sokaiya gangster practices.
An artist in an abusive relationship becomes infatuated with a young serial killer.
赤い欲情 はめ上手
Home Delivery Worker
"Atlanta Boogie" centers around a mock track meet between the "normal" and "good" citizens of Yokohama and those they want to expel from the neighborhood: the illegal foreign workers, the deadbeats, the juvenile delinquents, and elderly.
The tale follows the intentional non-adventures of quiet Tachibana (Takeshi Ito), a Tokyo drifter who has worked in a suburban sausage shop for several years without forging any real friendships.
新宿黒社会 チャイナマフィア戦争
Tatsuhito, a cop, pursues Chinese warlord Wang through the underworld of Shinjuku and over to Taiwan.
A police detective investigating a vicious string of homosexual murders discovers that the latest victim appears to be the married executive who was his college lover ten years before.
悶絶本番 ぶちこむ!!
Shuji, an unemployed young man, has been living a haphazard and lethargic life, cheating on his wife with his girlfriends and constantly asking his best friend for loans. Then one day, Shuji takes a train and arrives at a country town. There, he meets Sachiko, a woman who never smiles, and starts working as a live-in employee at the printing house where she works. Shuji has a lot of emotionless sex with Sachiko.
In Harari-cho, a small and quiet bayside town by the sea, the firemen have not seen a fire for nearly twenty years. Each day passes eventlessly... until one day. The monotony of their daily lives is interrupted by the appearance of a beautiful female college student, Momoko, who comes to visit her aunt. After catching a glimpse of Momoko, both Tatsuya and Nobuyuki can't stop thinking about her. Since then, the small town is not so quiet anymore…
800 Two Lap Runners
Japanese student You throws his relationship with boyfriend Shin into jeopardy when he begins an affair with an attractive man he meets at a train station. You attempts to come clean with his secret, but ending the affair proves too difficult. As a complicated and dangerous love triangle develops between these three men, each one begins to closely examine his identity, sexuality and intentions.
A school bus driver's life is irrevocably altered when his young son is kidnapped and murdered.
Bar patron
Sukezo, a farmer manga comic artist, takes up the art rock business by setting up a shop in a shed by the river. He tries hard to be successful, but business does not go well and the family becomes progressively poorer.
バカヤロー!3 へんな奴ら
第1話「こんな混んでどうするの」家族と車で帰省中の秀樹は、渋滞の中でトイレに行きたくなる。第2話「過ぎた甘えは許さない」離婚して実家に戻った姉が好き放題にふるまい、しわよせはすべて妹のもとに。第3話「会社をナメるな」相次ぐ部下の退職に悩む課長が部下に気に入られようと温泉旅行を企画するが? 第4話「クリスマスなんか大嫌い」さびれた商店街を盛り上げようとする薬店の息子だが、仲間たちに相手にされない。
17才・ メイキング
Behind-the-scenes footage of Houka Kinoshita's film 17才 (Age 17).