Yuri Nakamura
出生 : 1982-03-15, Neyagawa, Osaka Prefecture, Japan
Born in Osaka, Japan as Sung Yu-Ri to a South Korean mother and a Japanese father of Korean descent in 1982. Yuri became active in the entertainment industry in 1998. She was accepted at TV Tokyo's Asayan audition in 1996 and formed the musical duo YuriMari with Izawa Mari, which made its debut in 1998. They broke up a year later. With the help of Avex Management she began acting in 2003 first on the small screen and subsequently on the silver one. She won the Rookie Award at the third Osaka Cinema Festival in 2008 for her role in Pacchigi! Love & Peace of 2007. She transferred to Alpha Agency from Avex Management in early 2013. Yuri also hosted a NHK documentary, called The World On A Bicycle: Uzbekistan, which was released in 2014. She has been pushing corporate products and services since the beginning of the century as well. She likes to travel.
39-year-old Yuko is a high-achieving and proud woman whose career ambitions took her from a sleepy part of Amagasaki City, to Tokyo. When she loses her job due to her “high standards” attitude, she loses her drive to do anything and ends up retreating to her family home where she lives as a NEET with her laidback joker of a father, Ryutaro. For years, the two get along until her 70-something old man brings home Saki, his 20-year-old bride-to-be. When the younger woman shacks up with the two, a comedy of manners based, quite understandably, on a scandalised Yuko’s “you’re not my mom!” attitude ensues as the younger woman takes to mothering her but when crises occur, Yuko truly begins to evaluate just what a family can be.
On August 12, 2015, Hasegawa proposed to Ichiko. Ichiko is moved by Hasegawa's proposal and sheds tears, but the next day, she suddenly leaves home, seemingly shocked after seeing the TV news. Where did Ichiko go? Hasegawa reports the disappearance to the police, and the detective in charge of the investigation tells an unexpected story.
Nene Yamane
Sayaka, a high school student, kills herself but the reason behind her suicide is unknown. She appeared to have led a normal life with her family. Her mother Rumiko seemed to have raised Sayaka with love and care. In reality, that does not seem to be the case. When the mother and daughter recall the same incidents that took place in the past, they tell very different stories.
「愛がなんだ」の今泉力哉監督が稲垣吾郎を主演に迎え、オリジナル脚本で撮りあげたラブストーリー。 フリーライターの市川茂巳は、編集者である妻・紗衣が担当している人気若手作家と浮気していることに気づいていたが、それを妻に言い出すことができずにいた。その一方で、茂巳は浮気を知った時に自身の中に芽生えたある感情についても悩んでいた。そんなある日、文学賞の授賞式で高校生作家・久保留亜に出会った市川は、彼女の受賞作「ラ・フランス」の内容に惹かれ、その小説にモデルがいるのなら会わせてほしいと話す。 市川の妻・紗衣を中村ゆり、高校生作家・久保を玉城ティナ、市川の友人・有坂正嗣を若葉竜也、有坂の妻・ゆきのを志田未来、紗衣の浮気相手・荒川円を佐々木詩音が演じる。
Kaoru Takizawa
Hiroshi, who runs a mental clinic, has never recovered from the shock of his wife’s suicide. One day, Ayako, a mysterious patient comes to his clinic….
"DIVOC-12" is a project by Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. to produce an omnibus consisting of 12 short films, aiming to enable creators, production staff, and actors affected by the coronavirus infection to continue to engage in creative activities.
(segment "Muse")
山戸結希監督が企画・プロデュースを務め、自身を含め80 年代後半〜90 年代生まれの新進映画監督、総勢15 名が集結。“自分自身のセクシャリティあるいはジェンダーがゆらいだ瞬間が映っていること”を共通のテーマとして、各監督が8 分以内の短編で表現するオムニバス作品。
Kana Maeda
China is tumultuous in 1921 when the famed Japanese author of "Rashōmon", Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, visits Shanghai as a correspondent. Here he encounters revolutionaries, courtesans and much more…
Yoko Inamura
「ノビ師」と呼ばれる忍び込み窃盗のプロ 修一はある夜、忍び込んだ家で夫を殺して火をつけようとしていた女に出くわし、止めようとしたところを刑事に発見され捕まってしまう。その後2年の刑期を終え、あの夜の真実を探ろうと動き始めた矢先、再び彼の周りで不穏な事件が起き始める・・・。
Fuyuki is an established artist who runs several bars in Yokohama. One day, injured Shinji runs into his bar. He always idolizes Fuyuki as his elder brother. Shinji is a member of the charity group which looks after troubled young girls in Yokohama. Fuyuki decides to help Shinji who is in a trouble with Yakuza for helping an underage girl out of their prostitution business. In the midst of getting involved in this conflict, Fuyuki learns that his dearest love, Kyoko has a very short time to live, and he feels a strong desire to express his love for Kyoko in a painting...
Taeko Koike
Etsuko Sumiyoshi
Mamiko Shimao
The urban legend that "Scissors-san", who cuts elementary school students with scissors, appears in Toride, Ibaraki Prefecture, has become a hot topic. Around the same time, fellow junior high school students, Chiba Akira and Minamiki Shuhei of the good friend group "Lemmings", have a plan to regain the days lost by the events that occurred in the summer of the second grade of elementary school six years ago.
Takashi runs a barbershop in a country town. Tomoe was Takashi's girlfriend back in his high school days. She visits him and they meet for the first time in 14 years. Tomoe is going to marry soon. She asks him to shave the back of her neck.
Mayumi Tada
「海街diary」「そして父になる」の是枝裕和監督が、「歩いても 歩いても」「奇跡」に続いて阿部寛と3度目のタッグを組み、大人になりきれない男と年老いた母を中心に、夢見ていた未来とは違う現在を生きる家族の姿をつづった人間ドラマ。15年前に文学賞を一度受賞したものの、その後は売れず、作家として成功する夢を追い続けている中年男性・良多。現在は生活費のため探偵事務所で働いているが、周囲にも自分にも「小説のための取材」だと言い訳していた。別れた妻・響子への未練を引きずっている良多は、彼女を「張り込み」して新しい恋人がいることを知りショックを受ける。ある日、団地で一人暮らしをしている母・淑子の家に集まった良多と響子と11歳の息子・真悟は、台風で帰れなくなり、ひと晩を共に過ごすことになる。主人公の母親役を樹木希林が好演し、共演にも真木よう子、小林聡美、リリー・フランキーら豪華な顔ぶれがそろう。
(segment "Winter Has Come")
When Fujio, Yoshio and Akiko were children, they saw a fantastic "Ryoumou Deer," but nobody believed them. The three siblings lived in a mountain village.
Kaoruko Nishizawa
Seven stories centered around marriage.
Ayako Takasu
A lighthearted romantic comedy about different cultures.
Aiko Hayakawa
Sachiko is an university student. Her nickname is Buko, because she has been negative about everything since she was young. Sachiko believes someday she will meet a man like in a romance manga. Her university life is boring and she spends her time reading romance manga in her room. One day, on Twitter, she meets a man who uses the user ID of Sparrow. He likes reading manga and looks like Johnny Depp. Sachiko makes a date to meet the man. She tries to change herself, but it's not so easy due to various unexpected incidents.
Han Yoo-ri
Ishigami comes home from work and discovers his wife dead. Just then, he receives a phone call from his wife and falls in utter confusion. Unexplainable things keep happening as Ishigami struggles to find his wife. Gradually, Ishigami realizes all his memories are gone and finds himself acting like someone else. What is his true identity?
Shoko Miyazaki
Yuko Adachi
After Kensuke graduated from college, he began to work at a company. He didn't get along with his co-workers and six months later quit his job. Since that time he has stayed in his home for 5 years. One day, Kensuke learns about men who enjoy dressing up as women through the internet. At first he feels uncomfortable about them, but he becomes interested in those men. He begins to exchange emails with cross-dresser Karen who has a charismatic personality.
Akane Nakazato
When Miro's transsexual friend Noripee dies, Miro and his friends from the gay bar 'Eden' are once again reminded of the discrimination they are constantly facing from society. They decide to convince Noripee's parents, who disowned her, to bury Noripee's body.
Kota (Satoshi Tsumabuki) hears about an impending 1.5 billion yen gold bar heist from his friend Kitagawa (Tadanobu Asano), a former college classmate, and decides to take part. The gold bar sits in the basement of the HQ of Sumita Bank. Helping Kota and Kitagawa are bank security employee Noda (Kenta Kiritani), a North Korean spy pretending to be a college student (Shim Chang-Min), Kitagawa's younger brother Haruki (Junpei Mizobata) and a former elevator engineer (Toshiyuki Nishida). These 6 men are about to carry the boldest of schemes to bypass the bank's high-tech defense system.
Kanae Kurihara
Kinjiro, an official with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, is a good-natured fellow who goes around the country helping farm families. At his new appointment in Usuki City, Oita Prefecture, he visits a tea-growing family he has known for a long time. There, he finds the family head's granddaughter Minori, who lost her job in Tokyo and has just returned home.
Natsuko Matsumoto
Sae Ishihara
Yuki Yamane
10 years ago Hide, a college student, meets Yuki Gakuko, an older woman, through work. They become lovers with Hide falling hard for Yuki Gakuko. The following year, Yuki abruptly announces one day that she is going to marry another man. This devastates Hide. Hide eventually finishes college and finds a job, but his yearning for Yuki leads him into depression and alcoholism. Meanwhile, Yuki is involved in a car accident and suffers a life altering injury. Now, 10 years later the two former lovers come across each other once again. They are both shells of their former selves ...
Tomiko Muro
Four short films based on ghost stories written by award winning modern Japanese writers.
Miyuki Ota
Kiwako Matsuzono
4人の男女がルームシェア生活を送る都内の2LDKマンション。ある昼下がり、近所で起きた連続暴行事件のニュースを見ているのは、大学3年生の良介(小出恵介)と、人気俳優と恋愛中のフリーター琴美(貫地谷しほり)。夜になると映画会社勤務の直輝(藤原竜也)と雑貨店で働く傍らイラストレーターとしても活動する未来(香里奈)が帰宅する。そしてリビングに集まった4人が繰り広げるのは良介の恋愛相談。やがて、会話が一段落すると一同は思い思いの行動へ。健康第一の直輝はジョギングへ、未来は寝室、琴美は恋人の俳優が主演するドラマの鑑賞、良介は片想いの相手へ告白しようと意気込むのだった。数日後、琴美は居間に佇む金髪の美少年サトル(林遣都)と出会う。2LDKに4人が暮らすことへの疑問を口にするサトルに琴美は答える。“ここはインターネットの掲示板のようなもの。イヤなら出て行けばいい“ 。酔っ払った未来が連れ込んだサトルは、こうして部屋に住み着く。だが、サトルが連続暴行事件の犯人ではないかと疑う未来。直輝はそれを一笑に付す。一方、隣が買春宿ではないかと疑った良介は、潜入操作を実行するが、占い師だったことが判明。直輝の名で占いをしてきたという。その結果は、”あなたは変化を求めて世界と戦っているが、その戦いは世界が完全に有利“というものだった。ある日、遅めの出勤途中にサトルを見かけた直輝は彼を尾行。だが、行動に疑問は持つものの、結局はサトルに何も言えずに終わる。翌日、直輝が目覚めると、大切にしていたビデオを消去されたことから、サトルを部屋から追い出せと、未来が怒鳴り込んでくる。リビングに出て行くと、琴美から妊娠を告白され、それを恋人の丸山に伝えて欲しいと頼まれる。良介からは、片想いの女性と付き合うことになったので、田舎に戻って働きたいと相談を受ける。そして直輝は、誰もが自分を頼ってくることをグチるのだった……。
Adapted from a sex-stuffed cult novel, LALAPIPO (a play on the phrase “A Lot of People”) follows divergent seedy strands of sexual and narrative spaghetti through the sticky Tokyo night. There’s a chubby freelance writer who’s so obsessed with masturbating to the sound of his upstairs neighbors going at it that he forgets to deal with his own love life and when he finally does have sex he is immediately filled with self-loathing. The upstairs neighbor’s story then splits off like an amoeba: she’s an office lady seduced by a “talent scout” who is falling down the sex industry ladder, moving from hostess, to massage girl, to private karaoke attendant. The talent scout’s story then splits off and runs in its own direction, revealing the sorry state of this young pimp’s soul. From there, the movie takes more and more time to consider the lives of more and more characters until the entire Japanese sex industry is filled with the wailing of lost souls.
Hanako is a mother, who was not enthusiastic when her husband took in two foster children some years ago. He died not long afterward, leaving her alone to care for the youngsters, Koya and Torataro, a task that she rose to with a passion. As the two boys graduate from high school, Hanako has become not only a devoted parent but the neighborhood's most reliable mother in the Osaka style: strong, responsible, irreverent. After the two boys leave school they also leave home, though Torataro continues to work in the family factory. Koya secures employment at a restaurant, where he is forced to put up with the bullying of an older colleague. Unable to take it any more, he runs away, and Hanako and Torataro look for him. They eventually find him pursuing his dream of becoming a professional musician.
The anthology film R246 Story centers around the major Japanese highway Route 246. Originating in Chiyoda Ward's Miyakezaka district, the 122.7 kilometers long Route 246 passes through Japanese trendsetting areas such as Aoyama, Omotesando, Harajuku, and Shibuya, on its way to Numazu City in Shizuoka Prefecture.
Gyeong Ja
In 1974, during the height of the recession, a Japanese Korean family relocates to Tokyo to raise money and seek better treatment for their ill son.
I (Ken MItsuishi), documentary video maker, saw a guy named YUDA (Kazuma Honda) in middle of Tokyo. I was curious about Yuda and begun following him around, but one day he disappeared with my video camera. A couple months later, a lady name Michi Nakamura (Yukiko Okamoto) came to my office. She had the strap of my video camera that Yuda stole from me, and said she saw the address that was on the strap, so she came here. I asked her about Yuda, and she told me that he was dead. Right after she left my office, she was hit by a car, I visited her in hospital and she begins to tell me about the mysterious story of her and Yuda.