Yoichi Nukumizu

Yoichi Nukumizu

出生 : 1964-06-19, Miyakonojo, Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan


温水 洋一(ぬくみず よういち)は、日本の俳優、タレント。本名同じ。通称、ぬっくん。


Yoichi Nukumizu
Yoichi Nukumizu


ケラリーノ・サンドロヴィッチが描く昭和の喜劇人たちの人間ドラマ。瀬戸康史、松雪泰子ら総勢17人の豪華キャストが織り成す全員主役の群像劇! 戦後の色を残しながらも活気づいていた昭和32年の東京・新宿。その一角に常打小屋を持つ軽演劇の一座「三角座」があった。彦造(瀬戸康史)は、三角座の若手俳優である弟の是也(千葉雄大)を訪ね上京する。劇団では、若手俳優・大和(勝地涼)や、踊り子・撫子(伊藤沙莉)、古株俳優のトーキー(ラサール石井)、興行主の蛇之目(銀粉蝶)、貸本屋で働きながら劇団を手伝う初子(松雪泰子)らさまざまな人々が交差しており、高度経済成長期前夜の新宿という街で、悲しくもおかしい日々が繰り広げられていく。
快盗戦隊ルパンレンジャーVS警察戦隊パトレンジャー en film
イギリスから名探偵エルロック・ショルメが来日した。彼の目的は全てのギャングラー犯罪の解明と、ルパンレンジャーの正体を暴くこと。そのエルロックの命を狙ってギャングラー怪人・ウィルソンが襲来、そこにルパンレンジャーまで現れ、エルロックを護衛するパトレンジャーも交えた三つ巴の乱戦に発展するが、その最中、夜野魁利 / ルパンレッドと朝加圭一郎 / パトレン1号がウィルソンによってギャングラーの世界である異世界へとさらわれてしまう。レッドと1号が消えてしまい、両戦隊は最大のピンチを迎えた。 デストラやゴーシュの猛攻から辛うじて逃げ延びた魁利と圭一郎は、異世界から脱出するため、一時休戦して手を組むことに。そして異世界の扉を開くことのできるウィルソンを捕らえるべく、ギャングラーの本拠地のドグラニオ邸に忍び込むが、そこで2人はこの事件の裏で暗躍するなぞのギャングラー怪人の存在と、その目的がレッドと1号がいなくなった残りの戦隊メンバーの殲滅であることを知るのだった。
After decades of single-minded dedication to his work, a worker with an elite career course at a major bank is transferred or rather relegated to a subsidiary company, where he finds himself at a loos as he reaches retirement age.
リトル・フォレスト 四季
Crepe Vendor
"Northern Wind and the Sun "as a set of divorce trials of a lawyer of exactly opposite style.
Gold Medal Man
渡辺小五郎(東山紀之)ら、仕事人たちの裏家業は休みを知らない。今宵の「的」は、若い娘を毒牙にかける悪人たち。最近の江戸では、きれいな着物で絵師のモデルになれると少女たちをだまし、食い物にするあくどい商売が横行しているのだ。ところが、翌日、小五郎が相棒の同心・結城新之助(田口浩正)と現場に戻ると、昨夜の「仕事」では覚えのない死体が発見される。なんと南町奉行所の同心だという。お菊(和久井映見)やリュウ(知念侑季)は、前回から仲間に加わった仕事人・瓦屋の陣八郎(遠藤憲一)の仕業ではないかと疑うのだが?そんななか、本町奉行所に幕府から大目付 預かりの役人・朝比奈藤十郎(安田顕)が派遣されてくる。奉行所内のムダを省くためリストラをおこなうと宣言した朝比奈は、結城の真面目な性格を見込んでリストラ候補を選べと命じる。最近、年頃の長女・お絹(浜辺美波)との仲がギクシャクして悩んでいた結城は、公私で難題を抱えるはめに。ひょんなことから再会した幼なじみの絵師・鬼頭進之助(寺島進)にグチをこぼすものの、冷たく突き放される。一方、お絹は油問屋の初音屋にいた。ここもまた、若い娘を食い物にするあくどい商売人の巣であった。誘われるまま絵師たちの前に連れて来られるお絹。そこには、あの鬼頭進之助の姿もあったが、絵師として日銭を稼ぎにやってきていた経師屋の涼次(松岡昌宏)が、ヤクザ者の弥助(温水洋一)から大金を渡され、お絹の春画を描けと言われてしまうのだった。そのころ、奉行所では、結城の先輩の同心・河原崎長七(尾美としのり)が、奉行所にムダな人員などいないことを示すために、一致団結して大きな成果を上げようと提案する。リストラ要員の選定に頭を抱えていた結城も大賛成し、初音屋に大々的な手入れをすることが決まった。しかし、この手入れをきっかけに、結城は思わぬ陰謀の餌食となり、窮地に追い込まれ……。表の相棒のピンチに、どうする、小五郎!?
Photo Studio Owner
Taizo Nakamura
切り裂きジャックの告白 ~刑事 犬養隼人~
『切り裂きジャックの告白』(きりさきジャックのこくはく)は、中山七里の推理小説。『切り裂きジャックの告白 〜刑事 犬養隼人〜』(きりさきジャックのこくはく けいじ いぬかいはやと)のタイトルで2015年4月18日にテレビ朝日系で「土曜ワイド劇場特別企画」としてテレビドラマ化された。主演は沢村一樹。テレビ局名がオリジナルでは「帝都テレビ」だが、ドラマでは「関東中央テレビ」となっている。
Omnibus film that tells five stories from a radio station and its listeners.
リトル・フォレスト 冬・春
MIRACLE デビクロくんの恋と魔法
リトル・フォレスト 夏・秋
A collection of five short stories by Hoshi Shinichi
Manabu Inomoto
Kano Hogai
Tenshin Okakura left the great achievement to the Japanese modern art. This is a story of Tenshin's life and conflict and teacher-student love between Tenshin, who rediscovered art of Japan and tried to produce new beauty in Meiji period, and his young pupils, Taikan Yokoyama, Shunsou Hishida, Kanzan Shimomura, Buzan Kimura.
Kotaro Wakatsuki
As an orphan, Naoto Date was scouted by mysterious organization Tiger's Cave. The group trains young men to become villainous wrestlers and collects half of their earnings. Naoto Date goes through a harsh training regime and eventually graduates from Tiger's Cave. He hopes other orphans will not have to go through the difficult life he has. Naoto Date then makes his debut as the villain Tiger Mask. With his earnings, he also begins to donate his earnings to an orphanage where he grew up. When Naoto Date hears of the orphanage's desperate financial situation, he donates all of his earnings, including the portion that is supposed to go to Tiger Cave. Tiger Cave now considers Naoto Date a traitor and they send assassins to get ride of Tiger Mask.
Mister Chiba awakens in a container, tied up with a plastic bag over his head. When he manages to free himself, he finds a mobile phone, a light stick and a strange black stone. A number is tattooed on the inside of his wrist. From the way the container shakes can be deduced that Chiba is transported first in a truck and then on a ship. And he’s not the only one. People are trapped in the containers next to him as well, about a hundred in total. What is the purpose of this forced journey?
ALWAYS 三丁目の夕日 '64
Bicycle shop
前作から5年経った1964年(昭和39年)、日本は東京オリンピックの開催を前に国全体が活気付き、東京においても近代的なビルや首都高速道路などの建設ラッシュで土地開発が進んでいた。そんな急激な時代の流れの中でも、夕日町三丁目とその住民たちはいつも変わらない雰囲気を残していた。 今作で晴れて夫婦となった茶川とヒロミ。そして今作で高校一年生になった淳之介は仲良く三人で暮らしていた。茶川は『冒険少年ブック』で連載を続けるも新人作家に人気を奪われ大ピンチ。そんな茶川を陰で支えるヒロミは身重だが生活のため居酒屋を切り盛りする。淳之介は東京大学を目指して猛勉強するも、内心は夢である小説家になることを忘れられない。 一方で、向かいの「鈴木オート」では将来は海外へ展開したいと野望を持っている則文と内助の功で夫を支える妻・トモエ。そんな両親を持つ一人息子・一平は思春期に入り、鈴木オートを継ぐことを嫌がり、リードギターに明け暮れる毎日。住み込みで働く六子にはあるふとしたきっかけで出会った医師・菊池との出会いでいよいよ春がやって来る。 そんなある日、茶川のもとに20年前に勘当された父・林太郎の危篤を知らせる電報が届く。
Sugiyama Saburo
"Sada Masashi Drama Special Furusato ~Musume no Tabidachi~ " is a human drama about "family" based on the theme of singer songwriter Sada Masashi's song "Kakashi" (Scarecrow), a song about a family's love towards a daughter who lives alone in the city far away from home. The drama, in which Horikita Maki plays the role of Saeki Chizuru, the second daughter, who goes to Tokyo despite her father's objection, to pursue her dream of becoming a photographer, and through Tora-san and his family, depicts the importance of family. Sada Masashi makes a cameo appearance as an employee of a bookstore.
遺恨あり 明治十三年 最後の仇討
This is the true story of the last officially recorded case of adauchi, when a young man avenged the death of his father by brutally killing the murderers in broad daylight. Samurai revenge killings, or adauchi, was considered a rightful and noble act of honor and virtue.But all that changed abruptly on February 7, 1873, when adauchi became prohibited as part of the Meiji Restoration’s goal to Westernize Japan.
サザエさん 3
A TV special movie aired in Japan.
NECK ネック
Tomokazu Shudo has his first ever crush on Sugina Mayama, a senior student. Tomokazu has troubles confessing his feelings to the popular student, but one day, he is invited to the research lab where Sugina Mayama works. Tomokazu hopes to use this meeting to express his true feelings for her. To Tomokazu's surprise, when he arrives he first sees a big wooden box in the middle of the dark lab. Sugina tells Tomokazu that he looks scared and then proceeds to push Tomokazu into the box!
TBS系列の「TBSスペシャルドラマ 夏樹静子・作家40周年記念サスペンス特別企画」(月曜日21:00 - 23:24)で2010年1月11日に放送された。岡田惠和脚本により現代風のアレンジがされたオリジナル展開となる。主演の菅野美穂はTBSドラマとしては初主演。
Youichi Nukumizu
High school seniors Mikayo, Chuko and Kei are forced to join a historical research club to fulfill a graduation requirement. Their teacher, Mr. Kachi, plans a mandatory club trip to a small village called Oshakabe in Yamagata prefecture to study remnants of an ancient clan of warriors called the ochimusha who displayed legendary cowardice in battle. When they arrive, the local villagers hold a special ceremony and construct a "super shrine". As a result, an 800-year seal is broken, unleashing a curse that causes the ochimusha to rise from the grave.
After World War II, a small aristocratic family in Japan has lost all of their money.
The second Anmitsu Hime TV-movie.
Muneo Ohkouchi
"GS Wonderland" is about the 1960's Group Sounds bands - A Japanese pop movement inspired by the Beatles and other mid-1960's Brit Pop. Three young men set out to start their own band "The Diamonds" when they are signed to a recording contract during their very first rehearsal. Things turn for the unexpected when their agent brings Mick (Chiaki Kuriyama) into the group as their keyboardist.
Ishimatsu Mori
『次郎長三国志』(じろちょうさんごくし)は、清水次郎長を主人公とする村上元三の長編歴史小説。「海道一の侠客」と謳われた清水次郎長(1820年 - 1893年)については、当人の活躍している当時から、巷間様々な伝承をもって語られていた。2008年の作品である。
Teru (Yuya Endo) has been brought up in a hill town and spent his childhood conquering the slopes on his bicycle. Being a cycling fanatic, who resents defeat, he joins Kamegaoka High School, which used to boast a powerful cycling club. There he meets Hatomura (Yuichi Nakamura), an ace of the club who wants to turn around the club which has deteriorated to the point of dissolution, and Yuta (Hiroki Suzuki), an aloof cycling genius with unshaken confidence in his speed who does not allow others to follow him. Meeting a rival that is faster than him for the first time, Teru joins the club in order to challenge them. His only interest, however, is his own cycling speed. Joining the club teaches Teru the importance of teamwork to support the lead cyclist and to place priority on the victory of the team. --AsianWiki
古畑中学生 ~古畑任三郎生涯最初の事件~
Young Furuhata, a 3rd-year junior high student from Tokyo, transferred to a school in the countryside due to family circumstances. He doesn't fit in at first, but he eventually gains a reputation as a detective and opens his own detective agency. One day, he hears about the town's legend of buried treasure, and he immediately begins unraveling the mystery.
Hiroto Wakui
Kotaro Aso
Shizuka Kamei is a young high school student whose family is in deep debt since the disappearance of her father. After being expelled from her high school because of her money problems, she finds a part-time job: here she is an assistant to a lawyer, Nonaka Hiromu, who fantasizes about the uniforms of high school girls.
Ice-cream man
The film begins in the present, with its heroine, Kaoru, a grown-up woman working as a real-estate agent, while helping out the folksy proprietor of a neighborhood fishing pond. There she meets a shy girl who needs her help baiting a hook and reminds her of herself in the fourth grade.
This seishun eiga (youth film) follows three teens as they face and share problems in their lives: Natsu (Megumi Seki) breaks up with her boyfriend and later finds out that she is pregnant; Koko (Shihori Kanjiya) has trouble accepting her mother’s romance; Marine (Eri Tokunaga) has a crush on a boy she saw on a train, but can not bring herself to speak to him.
世にも奇妙な物語 ~2007春の特別編~
***Sainou-dama A talentless young musician receives a spam email advertising "Talent Balls"--three lollipops which when eaten will awaken your hidden talents and turn you into a savant. However, what awakens within him turns out to be far from what he expects. ***Virtual Memory A women is understress at her job and goes to a store that offers her a machine that allows her to live other peoples memories. What happens when she starts selling hers? ***Funsadan Kyouiku A new teacher finds that her pay is based off her popularity with the students, so she starts to create problems for herself to solve. ***Gozen 2-ji no Chime A writer gets a call at his front gate every day at 2 am, but no one believes him. And then a murder happens and none of the cameras pick the criminal up. ***Kaisou Densha An old man revisiting memories on the subway.
世にも奇妙な物語 ~2007春の特別編~
ソースの小壜 〜重松清「愛妻日記」より〜
Junko and Kohei were each other's first relationship, and got married. A white apartment, a white blouse, and white underwear; their relationship was pure. But then Junko put on conspicuous lingerie and a black dress, and went to attend a class reunion. Suspicious, Kohei followed behind her until she disappeared into a hotel with Okada, a former junior high school classmate. Kohei had learned from his mother to obsessively despise `filth,' and vowed to make Junko utterly filthy. So, he presented his own wife to a gang rape club...
An omnibus-style youth drama consisting of 4 episodes. Five girls who go to high school near Tokyo. Mio who meets the homeless in Shibuya at night, Akira who had hidden her best friend's happiness, Kaori who loved her teacher...
ALWAYS 三丁目の夕日
Bicycle shopkeeper
昭和33年春、東京の下町、夕日町三丁目にある鈴木オート。そこに集団就職列車に乗って青森から集団就職で六子(むつこ)がやってくる。六(ろく)ちゃんと親しまれるが、実は大企業に就職できるかと期待していた六子は、小さくて古臭い下町工場の鈴木オートに内心がっかりしていた。 その向かいにある駄菓子屋「茶川商店」の主人・茶川竜之介は小説家。茶川は居酒屋「やまふじ」の美人店主・石崎ヒロミから見ず知らずの子供・古行淳之介を酔った勢いで預かってしまう。帰すに帰せず、二人の共同生活が始まる。
Haruki Yokoyama, father of Kazuki
Seven families are aboard a bus towards a field camp for their vacation. At this camp, it becomes clear that this is not a common trip. The parents are of the kind that abused their children or were visited by children´s services, and at the camp they are offered to sell their children for a large sum of money, because there were customers that needed healthy internal organs.
片倉スズメ(上野樹里)は平凡な主婦である。夫は海外赴任中で、定期的に電話はくれるが、話すのはペットの亀の心配ばかりである。毎日は恐ろしく単調に過ぎていき、トイレに行けば自分の存在を無視するかのようにおばさんがオナラをし、夫さえ時々自分のことを忘れているようだ。久しぶりに待ち合わせをした幼なじみのクジャク(蒼井優)には、2時間も待たされてしまう始末(クジャクとスズメは同じ日に同じ場所で生まれたのだが、クジャクはスズメとは正反対にスケールの大きな女である)。…このまま年をとり、死んでいくのか? そう思うと恐ろしい。そんな平凡を嘆くスズメは、ふとしたことから駅の階段に貼られた広告を目にする。「スパイ募集!」。思わずその番号に電話をかけてしまうスズメだった。三日後、彼女は指定された安アパートに向かう。スズメを迎え入れたのは、クギタニシズオ(岩松了)とエツコ(ふせえり)夫妻。普段は商店街のアナウンス嬢と、無職の男である。彼らは自分たちがある国のスパイだと言い、そしてスズメのような典型的な平凡人こそが、スパイ向き。ぜひスパイになってほしいと説得する。スズメは半ば強引に活動資金として、500万円を渡されてしまった。こうしてスズメのスパイ生活は始まるが、いつもの平凡な生活も、いざ平凡を意識し始めると恐ろしく難しい。だが、クギタニ夫妻の一風変わったスパイ特訓は、スズメにはすべて新鮮に映る。一日はあっという間に過ぎていき、日常の裏側には意外な事実がいっぱい隠されていた。そんなスズメの活動に関係あるのかないのか、彼女の周りは急にザワザワしはじめる。初恋の加東先輩(要潤)に出会ったり、普通に生きている人々が実はスパイ仲間だったことを知ったり、さらにはクジャクと引いた商店街のくじ引きで、地引網漁体験が当たり、いそいそと出かけたり。しかし、なんとそこで死体がひっかかってしまう。次第に周りに人が集まってきて、クジャクも何者かに追われ、行方をくらました。目立ってはいけないはずのスズメは徐々に注目される存在となり、公安当局もスズメをマークし始める。
Look of Love
A young man is unable to have relations with the girls he likes. A pimp meets him after having a strange experience and they are althogether on a bizarre ride through a gloomy and disconnected Tokyo.
TOKYO NOIR トウキョーノワール
In this excursion into Tokyo's dark side, a sexually repressed woman finds liberation by turning tricks at night a sex worker is taken by surprise when her ex drops by and a sex blogger finds strange kinship with a loner.
漫☆画太郎SHOW ババアゾーン
Based on the manga by Man Gataro.
Fans of Kamaitachi no Yoru gather to shoot a film based on the game until one of the cast members is killed.
Detective Tsukimoto kills his partner following a botched robbery and falls deep into debt and despair. After losing everything at the horse races, he is kidnapped by yakuza and offered a chance to clear his debts by putting his life on the line in a game called Cambodia Roulette.
尻を撫でまわしつづけた男 痴漢日記6
An unstoppable "ass stroke" experience once you remember it. The crowded train is a fingertip paradise as usual ... However, this time, the the detectives were not the only enemies...
踊る大捜査線 THE MOVIE
Wangan Police Station Accounting Manager
1998年11月4日 、湾岸署と勝どき署の中間の河川で水死体が発見される。司法解剖の結果水死体の胃の中から熊のぬいぐるみが発見され、事件は思わぬ方向に……。一方、警視庁副総監が自宅前で拉致される事件が起こり、湾岸署に捜査本部が置かれるが、所轄の刑事は一切捜査をさせないという方針に、激怒する青島。だが同時に、なんと湾岸署内で窃盗事件が起こる。
Yasuko's father
During a quest to find a Taiwanese father's grave, disturbing memories of child abuse are aroused.
A young girl named Mitsuki receives a ticket for a bus tour from her uncle. The tour appears to be normal (expect that everyone appears to be quite sombre), but Mitsuki learns its true purpose: the other passengers and the tour manager have a suicide pact to send the bus over a cliff so their families can collect the insurance money.
尻を撫でまわしつづけた男 痴漢日記6
This is a criminal act. But I can't stop crying !! Chapter 6 Don't stop ...! Director: Tadafumi Tomioka / Cast: Hanako Kikuchi, Mao Misaki, Hitoe Ohtake Once you remember it, you can't stop it! The 6th younger brother of the series' best ass (Ketsu) is 18 years old !! The crowded train as usual is the same as usual, fingertip heaven ... However, the natural enemy was not only the detective. What a molester-only badger game (Tsukutase) has appeared. Now, such stupid friends declare that they have stopped molesting all at once ?! Kawasaki will be commuting by car, but there is a prosperous story with the local branch manager. A gum man who wants to live with his beloved daughter must stop molesting from his wife. And Sakurada Gate, who got rid of the police, struggles for his beloved woman and his daughter. Which is the "Molester Road" tomorrow for most of Byoki?
A fifteen year old boy travels through the Amagi Pass, he encounters some strange people, one of them is the geisha Ozuka Hana. After a murder takes place, the police searchs for the culprit.
Molester Diary 5 - A man who keeps stroking asses
Forbidden! Hentai! Historical! Sensual erotic V-cinema work that you can't miss! Once you taste it, you can't stop it! A lewd, abnormal, sinful act "molest". A veteran of 30 years on the road reveals the secret technique! A super popular series that caused a big sensation.
After seeing her husband off to work, the young author identified only as Yoshiko sets off to read the large collection of letters she received from other young authors. These are often letters containing samples of their work for critique. One large envelope contains a letter. The letter-writer does not provide his name. The letter is a confession of crimes. The letter-writer has no family or friends, and claims to be "ugly beyond description". He is a chair maker and loves his work and all the chairs he creates, even going so far as to claim some sort of intangible connection to his work.
尻を撫でまわしつづけた男 痴漢日記5
This is a criminal act. But I can't stop crying !! Chapter 5 I feel the joy today too ...! Director: Toshiyuki Mizutani / Starring: Tomoko Mayumi Women who aching in loneliness. Kind heart ?! Molesters. Chapter 5 of the excitement that smells in the fascinating lewdness of the commuter train !! The 5th installment of the "Ass Stroke" series !! Tomoko Mayumi, who was the heroine, and Hitomi Shiraishi, who was Miki Ito, became the prey of the molesters one after another. Kawasaki, Gum Otoko, Sakuradamon, and other familiar members perform a series of divine fingering techniques, and the swaying interior of the car still smells today. And I joined a new group, commonly known as: camera-induced, laughing and crying of "Junjou / Metamorphosis Paper Single" and applauding involuntarily to the erotic love romance. A sensual work that emotionally depicts a sad and strange touch between lonely women and kind-hearted molesters in a corner of a big city.
Sequel to the Pinku TV Movie 'Love Hotel Night'
尻を撫でまわしつづけた男 痴漢日記4
This is a criminal act. But somehow tears don't stop !! Chapter 4 Ah! A man and a woman ── rubbing encounter ──. Chikan [Molester]? A man who plays pranks on a woman. ?? Stupid (Kojien) Crowded trains are paradise with ass strokes! Even today, the fingers of the "stupid" crawl around the crotch of the beautiful woman. Fascinated by the leader Kawasaki and the chewing gum man, Chicago, an American, volunteered to become a disciple. Furthermore, even the detective Sakurada Gate joined the group, and the Japan-US exchange of unrelenting acts began. The fourth in the series, which welcomed a unique actress Hitomi Shimizu as a heroine, jumps up the index at once by stroking her ass. Molester friends gathered because of the love of a chewing gum man. While tears and laughter are mixed, Ah! A man and a woman ── rubbing encounter ──.
尻を撫でまわしつづけた男 痴漢日記
A manga artist stumbles into the sleazy world of perverts who stalk trains looking for women to molest. He discovers quickly that he is very much one of them and even finds love along the way. The first in the alarmingly long-running Molester Diary series.
尻を撫でまわしつづけた男 痴漢日記2
The familiar Chikan group members who bite into the buttocks of women in the crowd of crowded trains and are absorbed in lewd acts without discipline today. Leader Kawasaki and Gum man, and a manga artist I. For some reason, I took on the role of a bodyguard to protect Kawasaki's daughter from molesting, but what was the father of the molesting young man who was also a molester !? The ties between the parents of the molester are intertwined, and the two are exactly Romeo and Juliet. From an idol to an actress ── Misa Aika fascinates her with her body-hugging performance against Kazuya Takahashi and Yoshiyuki Ohmori. The director is Tadafumi Tomioka, who received high praise for his sensual visual beauty and detailed production in his younger brother's work. A masterpiece that goes beyond the common sense of molester movies! The second installment of the popular metamorphosis pure love movie "Ass Stroke" series, which was praised by the media and film critics!
Yuichi Nakae
In Harari-cho, a small and quiet bayside town by the sea, the firemen have not seen a fire for nearly twenty years. Each day passes eventlessly... until one day. The monotony of their daily lives is interrupted by the appearance of a beautiful female college student, Momoko, who comes to visit her aunt. After catching a glimpse of Momoko, both Tatsuya and Nobuyuki can't stop thinking about her. Since then, the small town is not so quiet anymore…