A hand-drawn animated short centered on Grogu by Studio Ghibli.
Eito Bando
アニメ界の巨匠・宮崎駿をして「庵野は血を流しながら映画を作る」と言わしめる「エヴァンゲリオン」シリーズ総監督・庵野秀明。その庵野監督の制作現場に4年にわたって独占密着した「プロフェッショナル仕事の流儀」に、新たな映像やインタビューを加え再編集した100分の拡大版。最新作『シン・エヴァンゲリオン劇場版』はいかにして作られたのか? 希代のクリエーターの実像に迫るスペシャル。
舞台は、1990年代のイギリス。 主人公は10歳の少女、アーヤ。赤ん坊の頃から孤児として育ったアーヤは、誰もが自分の思いどおりにしてくれる孤児院での生活がとても快適だった。 だから、誰かに貰われたいなんて、一度だって思ったことが無かった。 ところがある日、突然やってきた変てこな二人組、派手な女と長身の男に引き取られることになってしまう。
Just before dawn, Boro the Caterpillar hatched from an egg among patches of scrub grass. Looking around for the first time, he noticed the brilliance of the morning sun and a deliciousness in the air. Boro lowered himself down to the ground from the groundsel, and stepped out into the world of caterpillars and caterpillars' enemies.
Studio Ghibli animated the famous Chōjū-Jinbutsu-Giga Emaki ("Scrolls of Cartoons of Birds, Animals, and People" or "Chōjū Giga" for short) for a third and final Marubeni Power commercial. In the third installment, titled "The Journey Continues," the rabbit runs away from the frog in tears as it begins to rain, only for the frog to return to the rabbit, with a lily pad umbrella in tow.
Studio Ghibli animated the famous Chōjū-Jinbutsu-Giga Emaki ("Scrolls of Cartoons of Birds, Animals, and People" or "Chōjū Giga" for short) for a third and final Marubeni Power commercial. In the third installment, titled "The Journey Continues," the rabbit runs away from the frog in tears as it begins to rain, only for the frog to return to the rabbit, with a lily pad umbrella in tow.
A look at legendary Japanese animator Hayao Miyazaki following his retirement in 2013.
Studio Ghibli animated the famous Chōjū-Jinbutsu-Giga Emaki ("Scrolls of Cartoons of Birds, Animals, and People" or "Chōjū Giga" for short) for a second Marubeni Power commercial.
Studio Ghibli animated the famous Chōjū-Jinbutsu-Giga Emaki ("Scrolls of Cartoons of Birds, Animals, and People" or "Chōjū Giga" for short) for a second Marubeni Power commercial.
Studio Ghibli animated Chōjū-Jinbutsu-Giga Emaki, the famous Japanese "Scrolls of Cartoons of Birds, Animals, and People" or "Chōjū Giga" for short, for a Marubeni Power commercial.
Studio Ghibli animated Chōjū-Jinbutsu-Giga Emaki, the famous Japanese "Scrolls of Cartoons of Birds, Animals, and People" or "Chōjū Giga" for short, for a Marubeni Power commercial.
For his first film in fourteen years animation director Isao Takahata embarked on a visually sumptuous adaptation of "The Tale of the Princess Kaguya". A dream project for the director that would hopefully establish the recently formed Ghibli Studio 7, created to meet the demands of a new type of modern animation process. But almost immediately the epic production is faced with difficulties and falls dramatically behind schedule. In this compelling and insightful documentary we follow Isao Takahata and his dedicated team of artists as they frantically strive against adversity to make their vision a reality and bring Studio Ghibli into a new Era.
Executive Producer
2013年、東京・小金井。碧々とした緑に身を隠すようにして、国民的アニメーションスタジオの“スタジオジブリ”は存在している。 宮崎駿、彼の先輩であり師匠である高畑勲、そしてふたりの間を猛獣使いのごとく奔走するプロデューサー、鈴木敏夫。観客のみならず、世界の映画関係者やアニメーションの担い手たちにも多大な影響を与え続けてきたジブリの功績は、この天才たちによって紡がれ続けている。彼らの平均年齢は71歳。「風の谷のナウシカ」制作よりはるか以前、今から50年前に高畑と宮崎は出会い、鈴木が合流したのが30数年前。かくも長期に亘り苦楽を共にしてきた彼らの愛憎、そして創作の現場として日本に残された最後の桃源郷“スタジオジブリ”の 夢と狂気に満ちた姿とは…。 最新作の「風立ちぬ」(宮崎駿監督)と「かぐや姫の物語」(高畑勲監督)を制作中のジブリに広がる光と影に満ちた日常を通じて、繊細な表情までを捉え、スタジオの“今”を映し出した、砂田麻美監督。前作で数々の新人監督賞を受賞した彼女が伸びやかに描く、唯一無二のスタジオジブリの新たな物語。
「ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版:Q」と同時上映の特撮短編。宮崎駿監督の「風の谷のナウシカ」に登場した巨神兵を主役に、ミニチュア特撮技術の粋を集め、巨神兵が東京の街を燃やし尽くすスペクタクルを展開する。2012年7月10日~10月8日に東京都現代美術館で開催された「館長 庵野秀明 特撮博物館 ミニチュアで見る昭和平成の技」の展示映像として制作された短編に、映像・音声の調整を加えた「劇場版」として上映。
明治に建てられた高校の部室別館「カルチェラタン」。伝統ある館は老朽化から取り壊しが決まってしまう。愛着を持ち取り壊し撤回を目論む学生たちのリーダー的存在である新聞部 風間 俊と小松崎 海は出会い想いを寄せていくが、ひょんなことから二人は兄妹であることがわかってしまう。揺れ動く二人の成長と共に取り壊し騒動が進んでゆく中で、俊の意外な生い立ちが明らかになっていく。
The film is an adaptation of a picture book by Rieko Nakagawa and Yuriko Yamawaki, with illustrations by Yuriko Omura. In the story, a boy named Yuuji and a rabbit named Gikku find a stick at the same time, and decide to compete in games to decide who can keep the stick. However, whether it is a foot race, long jump, or sumo wrestling, they always end up in a tie.
いばらの森のその奥の水車小屋に暮らす、バーバヤーガに召し使いにされた「タマゴ姫」は水車小屋に閉じ込められ、重労働に追われるつらい毎日でした。 ある夜、バーバヤーガの言いつけでこねていたパン種が、突然生命を持ち、動き出します。 その「パン種」とともに、恐ろしいバーバヤーガから逃げ出すタマゴ姫。二人のこの先はどうなるのでしょう。
Chu Zumo is the story of an old farmer who discovers a group of rats heading to a sumo wrestling bout. After they lose miserably he decides to feed the rats to boost their chances of winning.
Tsuruta Mayu visits the places of “good old Japan” and discovers profound attractions like Totoro and Spirited Away and also shows the charm of Ponyo.
From July 21 through September 10th, 2007, the Museum for Contemporary Art Tokyo held an exhibition honouring Kazuo Oga, the art director and background artist for many famed works from Japan's Studio Ghibli. Over 600 works from the artist were on display, and numerous fans flocked to the one-of-a-kind exhibition celebrating the lush, gorgeous background artwork typifying many a work from Hayao Miyazaki and other Ghibli filmmakers. International fans of Oga and Studio Ghibli have not been left out, however. A Ghibli Artisan - Kazuo Oga Exhibition - The One Who Drew Totoro's Forest allows fans the opportunity to attend the exhibition, as well as watch interviews and testimonials with Oga's contemporaries and collaborators, all subtitled in English.
Cold Badger Masa (voice)
The short film is about a boy who lives and works on a farm. One day when going to sell vegetables at a market, his cart breaks down. Two strangers, a frog and a mole, offer him a strange seed in exchange for the vegetables. The boy accepts and finds that the seed grows into a miniature planet. It continues growing as he tends to it, forming an atmosphere, weather systems and life. After being taken back to the city, he meets the stranger who sold the seed to him, and they release the planet into a galaxy of similar planets, where it will grow for years until becoming a real planet.
A girl goes exploring to find a new house. Along the way, she encounters many of Japan's guardian spirits.
The short film's main character is a diving bell spider who seems to have fallen in love with a water strider. Although she is scared of him at first, the water strider soon gets used to the presence of the spider.
An animated music video made for Meiko Haigou by Studio Ghibli.
A documentary about the Ghibli Museum. It features Goro Miyazaki speaking with Isao Takahata about the "charm" of the museum and its various influences. Goro tours the viewer around the museum, explaining the intricate details that his father, Hayao Miyazaki made during its construction. The documentary highlights the strong European influences in the museum's architecture, featuring footage of the medieval mountainous city of Calcata in Italy and the historic port city of Genoa, which Miyazaki had visited in the past. These trips would go on to influencing the imagery seen in Castle in the Sky, Kiki's Delivery Service, Porco Rosso, and Spirited Away.
Self - Interviewee
Studio Ghibli is Japan's most successful animation studio, with helmers Hayao Miyazaki ("Spirited Away," "My Neighbor Totoro") and Isao Takahata ("Grave of The Fireflies," "The Tale of Princess Kaguya") creating a bonanza for producer/prexy Toshio Suzuki. Generously adorned with clips from their films and their influences, the docu follows Ghibli's arc from a mid-'60s rebellion against working conditions at Toei Co. to its present powerhouse position, complete with public fun park. All interviews are illuminating, but Miyazaki is teasingly confined to pic's tete-a-tete finale with esteemed French comic artist Jean "Moebius" Giraud. Meeting of the wizened European, whose imprint is on films from "Blade Runner" to "The Fifth Element," and the apparently relaxed Nipponese helmer makes an interesting contrast, and will be of special interest to Francophiles. All credits are impeccable
This making of segment offers a lot of interview comments with the crew behind it, although does so in a rather rapid fashion. The most interesting element of this is probably learning a bit more behind how the movie was created from an animation standpoint, in particular the insight around animating the robots.
Depicts the 2002 trip by several employees of Studio Ghibli to promote the movie Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi (Spirited Away) in North America. It was originally made as a private thank-you gift from Ghibli to John Lasseter, the Lasseter-San of the title. The show appears similar to a home movie, or private documentary. This footage includes snippets from some of Miyazaki's films, as well as some Pixar shorts. The most striking part were clips from Porco Rosso, interchanging with images of Miyazaki flying a red double-decker.
Depicts the 2002 trip by several employees of Studio Ghibli to promote the movie Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi (Spirited Away) in North America. It was originally made as a private thank-you gift from Ghibli to John Lasseter, the Lasseter-San of the title. The show appears similar to a home movie, or private documentary. This footage includes snippets from some of Miyazaki's films, as well as some Pixar shorts. The most striking part were clips from Porco Rosso, interchanging with images of Miyazaki flying a red double-decker.
Himself / Narrator
Depicts the 2002 trip by several employees of Studio Ghibli to promote the movie Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi (Spirited Away) in North America. It was originally made as a private thank-you gift from Ghibli to John Lasseter, the Lasseter-San of the title. The show appears similar to a home movie, or private documentary. This footage includes snippets from some of Miyazaki's films, as well as some Pixar shorts. The most striking part were clips from Porco Rosso, interchanging with images of Miyazaki flying a red double-decker.
The people that brought the film Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi (2001) (a.k.a. "Spirited Away") to the US explain how it was converted into English, with some minor confusion between languages, and how well it did in both Japan and America.
Kusoh no kikai-tachi no naka no hakai no hatsumei is an animated short wirtten and directed by Hideaki Anno and produced by Studio Ghibli. It's a Ghibli Museum exclusive.
Kuso no Sora Tobu Kikaitachi (Imaginary Flying Machines) is a 2002 Japanese animated short film produced by Studio Ghibli for their near exclusive use in the Ghibli Museum. It features director Hayao Miyazaki as the narrator, in the form of a humanoid pig, reminiscent of Porco from Porco Rosso, telling the story of flight and the many machines imagined to achieve it.
Mei has an adventure with a Kittenbus and her relatives. Totoro appears.
Character Designer
The film is about Koro the puppy, who runs away from his mistress, experiences some adventures around town and who is finally happily returned home.
A promotional film by Studio Ghibli about the work on the film "The Cat Returns" (directed by Hiroyuki Morita)
A promotional film by Studio Ghibli about the work on the film "The Cat Returns" (directed by Hiroyuki Morita)
The school year is finally ending, and T.J. Detweiler is looking forward to summer. But boredom quickly sets in when his friends leave for camp — until T.J. uncovers an evil plot to do away with summer vacation! A crazy former principal, Dr. Benedict, is planning to use a laser beam to alter the weather and create permanent winter. Faced with the dire threat of year-round school, T.J. rounds up the RECESS gang and bands together with some unexpected allies — Miss Finster and Principal Prickly — in a nonstop adventure to save everyone's summer break. As the kids discover the heroes inside themselves, a platoon of wacky characters, far-out music, and sci-fi surprises turn this madcap mission into a major victory for fun!
Co-Executive Producer
Character Designer
Ghiblies, a totally different look on the staff of Studio Ghibli as they go through life, work on new animation projects, office jokes, off the wall events, and deciding what to have for lunch.
Mononoke Hime wa koushite umareta, also known as The Making of "Princess Mononoke", is a three-tape VHS video boxed set (total length 6 hours 40 minutes) released in Japan at the end of 1997. Re-released on DVD
Mononoke Hime wa koushite umareta, also known as The Making of "Princess Mononoke", is a three-tape VHS video boxed set (total length 6 hours 40 minutes) released in Japan at the end of 1997. Re-released on DVD
A contemporary look at the creation and evolution of Studio Ghibli, from ‘The Great Adventure of Horus, Prince of the Sun’ (1968) to ‘Princess Mononoke’ (1997).
This short documentary follows director Hayao Miyazaki and producer Toshio Suzuki as they attend two film festivals showing the film Princess Mononoke and answer questions. Miyazaki discusses his experience in LA before founding Studio Ghibli.
1977年から1980年に放送された『ルパン三世 (TV第2シリーズ)』(以下、『TV第2シリーズ』)第155話(最終話)のサブタイトル。
Handsome high school student Akemi is a computer genius. One day a new girl, Yumiko, transfers to his class from another school. She quickly falls in love with Akemi but, absorbed in his computer, he pays her no attention at all. Akemi accidentally summons demons who wreak chaos on his enemies and friends.
ノアの方舟が陸地を見つけられなかったもう1つの世界。巨大な眼球を模し、中に複数の人型の彫像が鎮座する宗教の象徴のような機械仕掛けの太陽が海に沈み、世界は夜を迎える。 方舟の中の動物がすべて化石になった頃、忘れ去られた街で一人の少年と一人の少女が出会う。
Forty years after the events of the TV series, Remy Shimada, ex-pilot of the GoShogun, suffers a terrible accident while on her way to a meeting with her former robot-piloting comrades. While they rush to the hospital, Remy floats between life and death. She sees visions of her life when she was young, and stranger still, experiences a hallucination of being with her friends, all of them young again, in a mysterious city filled with hostile fanatics. Far from being the reunion Remy hoped for, a ghastly letter arrives for each member of the team that predicts their gruesome deaths. Slated to die in two days, both in reality and in her dream, Remy struggles to find a way out of the City of Fate, relying on the memories of her friends to see her through, even as they surround her death bed in the waking world.
Five young superhero ninja employed by the International Science Organization oppose an international terrorist organization of technologically advanced villains who are trying to control Earth's natural resources.