宮崎駿とジブリ美術館 (2005)
ジャンル : ドキュメンタリー
上映時間 : 1時間 7分
演出 : Junichi Sato
脚本 : Toshikazu Satou
A documentary about the Ghibli Museum. It features Goro Miyazaki speaking with Isao Takahata about the "charm" of the museum and its various influences. Goro tours the viewer around the museum, explaining the intricate details that his father, Hayao Miyazaki made during its construction. The documentary highlights the strong European influences in the museum's architecture, featuring footage of the medieval mountainous city of Calcata in Italy and the historic port city of Genoa, which Miyazaki had visited in the past. These trips would go on to influencing the imagery seen in Castle in the Sky, Kiki's Delivery Service, Porco Rosso, and Spirited Away.
Film geek Josh is looking for the subject of his new documentary when a chance meeting puts the perfect star in his sights—Dylan, his school's most popular junior. But Dylan's hopes of using the film to become Blossom Queen don't quite match with Josh's goal to make a hard-hitting exposé about popularity. Will Josh shoot the film as planned, or show Dylan as the truly interesting person she is?
As a director and his crew shoot a controversial film about Christopher Columbus in Cochabamba, Bolivia, local people rise up against plans to privatize the water supply.
Mei has an adventure with a Kittenbus and her relatives. Totoro appears.
2013年、東京・小金井。碧々とした緑に身を隠すようにして、国民的アニメーションスタジオの“スタジオジブリ”は存在している。 宮崎駿、彼の先輩であり師匠である高畑勲、そしてふたりの間を猛獣使いのごとく奔走するプロデューサー、鈴木敏夫。観客のみならず、世界の映画関係者やアニメーションの担い手たちにも多大な影響を与え続けてきたジブリの功績は、この天才たちによって紡がれ続けている。彼らの平均年齢は71歳。「風の谷のナウシカ」制作よりはるか以前、今から50年前に高畑と宮崎は出会い、鈴木が合流したのが30数年前。かくも長期に亘り苦楽を共にしてきた彼らの愛憎、そして創作の現場として日本に残された最後の桃源郷“スタジオジブリ”の 夢と狂気に満ちた姿とは…。 最新作の「風立ちぬ」(宮崎駿監督)と「かぐや姫の物語」(高畑勲監督)を制作中のジブリに広がる光と影に満ちた日常を通じて、繊細な表情までを捉え、スタジオの“今”を映し出した、砂田麻美監督。前作で数々の新人監督賞を受賞した彼女が伸びやかに描く、唯一無二のスタジオジブリの新たな物語。
A cynical anti-American Hollywood filmmaker sets out on a crusade to abolish the 4th of July holiday. He is visited by three spirits who take him on a hilarious journey in an attempt to show him the true meaning of America.
A journalist and his girlfriend get pulled in while they investigate a cult whose leader claims to be from the future.
The film takes a look at the daily lives of people in more than two dozen countries around the world during the course of a week. In the film, celebrity friends of Jolie visit orphanages, refugee camps and other areas of concern in an effort to raise awareness and encourage cultural understanding. It is an experimental documentary that seeks to capture both the diversity of life around the globe and the similarities of the human spirit by filming in many places in the world at precisely the same moment.
Janet Sharrock has two children and Brent “Buddha” Barnes has three; the pair has a meet-cute at the local RSL, marry and unite their families, Brady Bunch style. Now grown up, Becky (famous for being one of only 80 people in the world with Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory), Jessica (a comedian living with depression), Brendan (who aspires to take over Buddha’s repair shop), and young Kylie and Dylan laugh, cry, contemplate existence and dream big with their parents, finding joy and stability in one another as they face immense change.
いばらの森のその奥の水車小屋に暮らす、バーバヤーガに召し使いにされた「タマゴ姫」は水車小屋に閉じ込められ、重労働に追われるつらい毎日でした。 ある夜、バーバヤーガの言いつけでこねていたパン種が、突然生命を持ち、動き出します。 その「パン種」とともに、恐ろしいバーバヤーガから逃げ出すタマゴ姫。二人のこの先はどうなるのでしょう。
This feature-length documentary takes a look at one of the most successful film franchises of all time as it goes behind the scenes of John Carpenter’s Halloween, the frightfest that redefined the horror genre in the late 1970s.
BBC Arena's documentary on the Dames of British Theatre and film featuring Maggie Smith, Elieen Atkins, Judi Dench and Joan Plowright on screen together for the first time as they reminisce over a long summer weekend in a house Joan once shared with Sir Laurence Olivier.